Okay, so here's the deal. I TOTALLY want to revamp Sailor Pegasus with a whole new look, whole new outfit, whole new everything!! I'm giving you creative reign to design something that you see as a Sailor Pegasus woman!

A little info to help you shape this girl in your head
--> She is daughter to Queen Serenity and sister to Usagi
--> She is the older of the two daughters
--> She took to being the senshi of elysion instead of sailor moon. She protects Pegasus and dreams

Things I'm looking for
--> Sailor Pegasus
--> Princess Form
--> Queen Form
--> Anything else you want to have fun with ^_^

If you have any other questions, please do PM or post them here, I'll be glad to answer them. I can't wait to see what you guys figure out.