What do you like to be called: Ayame, or Wolfie

Interests: Reading, writing, meditation, music, and dancing.

Religion: Eclectic Wicca.

How long have you been a (religion): Born and raised Catholic, and always felt that something was wrong. None of the other kids in Sunday school had visions. Then 10 years ago, When I was 12, the priest and other kids started calling me "Spawn of Satan." After a month I decided that I was no longer going to put up with it, and told them that I was a witch and would lay a curse if they didn't stop. I dabbled in witchcraft for a a year and a half. Then during my freshman year of high school, in 2008, I was introduced to Wicca. I've been an Eclectic Wiccan for since January 1st of 2009. Basically, just over 6 years.

Random fact about yourself: When I was in the 7th grade I cast a Chinese invisibility spell on myself. Now I randomly turn invisible, usually at horrible times to do so. I'm not sure if I actually turn invisible, or if there is just an aura or something that makes people not notice me for short periods of time.