Hello! I am Eyes. I have come from another world to observe Gaia. I was recently living in a secret base. It closed and I returned home. My superior felt we needed some more information and sent me with the Nexus to land and observe.

Currently the city is in dire need of repairs. The more you donate and the more you get people to join the more I can repair sections of the city faster and open them to you.

I am looking for friendly, easy-going, people to help me run this large city.

Here there are different standings.

-Civilian Standings-
- Aristocrat -
- Upper Class -
- Middle Class -
- Lower Class-
- Worker -

-Military Standings-
(to be added)

Here the Standard Gaian Rules *ToS* Apply.

-Old Guldies Welcome!-

All I ask is that you stay active. If you like to lurk, thats fine just post once in a while. Anyone who has not posted a month since their last one will be removed from the guild.

Thanks! Hope you enjoy your stay here!