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Basic Information

        Full Name: Myra Fantaba
        Played By: A Vibrant Existence
        Age: 20
        Birthplace: Unkown
        Height: 5'5"
        Weight: 112lbs
        Gender: Female


Tactical Information

      Strengths: High Intelligence, Quick Thinker, Mechanical knowledge/skill
      Weakness: Not a good at long ranges, situational awareness,
      Equipment: Tool Kit, Multifunction Wrench, Hightech Goggles, Plasma torch hidden inside robotic arm (Undetectable)
      Weapons: Robotic Arm, Forge Hammer
      Armor: Bodysuit lined with kinetic and heat dissipating materials, heat dissipating and highly durable plating on robotic arm ( Strong enough to deflect a few shots from energy weapons without damage or heat change )


Race Info

      Species Name: Vulpine (Sub species Unkown)
      Intelligence: High
      Origin Planet: Unknown
      Planet and Species Info: Unknown


Personal Information

      Personality: Mrya is a very carefree individual who is always trying to keep her smile. She can be easily flustered in situations but still can manage to keep her eyes on the price, but it takes her much longer to notice the bigger pictures around her. At times she can also be a bit forgetful which tends to work in her favor as she is a notoriously bad liar which sometimes leads to her getting herself into a bit more trouble than usual.
      Occupation: Mechanic
      Alignment: Neutral Good
      Theme Song: Distance
