Character Creation Rules

Getting Started
_______Once you have created a Character Profile, you can begin role-play in this guild. You may role play and fight using the abilities you choose for your character as soon as they are set. However, your profile must be approved in order to use releases above sealed.

Canon to Role-Playing
_______Members are to keep in mind that this is a role play. Just because a power or ability is canon to Bleach does not mean that the guild will allow it to be used here. It is the job of our judges to ensure that all the role-play character profiles and the abilities of those characters within this guild are fair and balanced.
_______Although the Bleach universe is full of what we might consider to be magic, please remember there is no absolute means to measure magical abilities. The judges who review your profile will try to use logic and physics as we know them in reality to help gauge someone's or something's power. Be mindful of the rank and abilities of your character. Do not argue with the judges excessively as they make their reviews. Their job is to help you, and keep everything fair and clear. Judges are always open to discussions about your abilities, and how to best communicate them into your profile.

Legacy Characters
_______ It is possible to bring over your old rpc from the old Gotei Elite, but they are aged 100 years and tired. They have been drained of their energy and ability, having either been hiding or trying to fight in the struggling war but unable to get far. If you make a returning character,
you finally feel your ability coming back, but that's only a sign of dark things to come. Please remember this when making old characters as there are no starting captains or anyone above starting rank.

Profile Layout
_______While filling out your profile, we ask that members please refrain from making unnecessary edits to the layout. This makes it easier for the judges during review and keeps everything relatively uniform.
Hiding any information with white text or otherwise is forbidden on profiles. That goes doubly for disguising or misleading text granting untold powers.
If your character does not have access to an ability currently but it is within the profile, strike it out. For instance, if you wish to write out an early idea for Bankai before you achieve the release, you may so long as it's stricken out to reflect it's not yet been achieved.
Please refrain from changing the post style in your profile. The guild's profile layouts use indents which look best on a white background.

Character Stats
_______In the profile there is a section on stats. As of now, the stat limit is simply 500. You can distribute your stats in anyway you want, but you cannot go past 500 naturally. As the guild progresses this might change.
Incorrectly filling these out can cause major issues in combat, so try your best to keep them accurate and work with judges to ensure they are as such..

Unique Traits
_______All characters are able to have two traits that make them unique. These can vary base on your imagination or preferences. The important thing to remember is anything that you put for a unique trait should be reasonable and minor. We can flexible on what you place there but try to be creative about it and think of it as a utility, not the core component of a character. When it comes to increasing any stats or decreasing training reduction there are limits to what we allow. For stat increases the most we allow are 3 points to any given stat, an extra 100 points to reiastu OR stamina, and at most a 2 post reduction on one kind of training (spell, agility, hand to hand, etc)
_______The same rules of absurdity can be applied to other facets of special qualities. You may choose for your character to have special anatomical or anthropomorphic qualities about them, physical traits that are outside the norm for human beings. Neko (or cat-like) characters are a prime example. Traits such as cat-like ears, a tail, and in some cases sharp claws instead of fingernails may be taken from their feline side. It's logical to presume that cat ears may potentially give sharper hearing to a character, as well as they also give them extra sensitivity to louder sounds. Likewise for a tail to allow for better balance, even if the appendage may be more sensitive. However, your character may not stray too far from being a human. Traits such as rapid-eye twitches, venomous strikes, and other features which push further away from humanoid will be typically viewed by the judges as absurd.

Sealed Form
_______As everyone carries a sword in order to defend themselves, it is not a problem to see someone else walking around with a blade. Everyone is fighting to survive and thus has a sword on them. With this being the case, I will leave sealed forms as blades. The only one whom doesn't have to deal with this problem are Fullbringers and Hollows. Fullbringers don't have to use swords and might not ever come into contact with one in their lifetime as their ability doesn't demand it, while Hollows have a pre-release, an ability that comes from their body in which they augment themselves. With this being the case, swords are the norms for combat and the such.

Restricted Powers
_______The powers in this guild fall under three base guideline, ranging in likeliness of being accepted based on fair play. Note that although we have these as a guideline, each review is done on a case-by-case basis.
____Class A - Presently Banned
_______Class A powers are strongly discouraged as they generally break rules of fairness in the guild. Due to this, the power types listed in this section are Presently Banned. Often, only plot-specific characters used by Crew members will be allowed such powers. These plot characters with such banned powers are not meant to be constant or permanent, and are typically destroyed during the course of the plot line.
Absolution - Anything which grants your character complete, perfect, inalienable, or otherwise incomparable control over an entity.
Time - Anything which can drastically alter your character's perception of time in comparison to their surroundings.
Mind-Altering - Anything which forces someone else's character to feel, think, behave, fear, or otherwise gain unfair control.
Alchemy - Anything which can create on a whim any object imaginable or vast amounts of resources.
Perfect Counters - Anything which allows the character to never be in a position of disadvantage.
Magic Outside The Bleach Universe - Anything which could grant access to another canon's classification of abilities.

____Class B - Regulated
_______Class B powers are powers that are highly regulated and restricted due to their potential to be used unfairly or overwhelmingly. They often require strict and well-defined limits.
Quantum - Anything which allows the character to affect things on an indefensibly large or small scale,
Chemical - Anything in which the character can create uncommon or otherwise dangerous substances.
Nuclear - Anything in which the character can utilize otherwise unsafe or devastating forms of matter.
Illusory - Anything which allows the character create illusions.
Dimensional - Anything which grants a character access to another dimension or otherwise alters the present dimension.
Transportation - Anything which allows instantaneous movement of a character or object without allowing counter-play.
Laws of Nature - Anything which alters the natural phenomena which occur in nature, such as gravity, friction, magnetism, etc.
Abstract - Anything which is based on abstract or potentially immeasurable concepts.

____Class C - Monitored
_______Class C powers are powers that are commonplace in practice, however must be watched over so to make sure they are used fairly.
Multiple Elements - Anything which allows a character the use of two or more elemental concepts at the same time.
Body Enhancement - Anything which allows a character to gain an excessive boost in physical abilities.
Shape-Shifting - Anything which allows a character the potential to morph their body or other objects into different shapes or otherwise unnatural materials.
Waves - Anything which a character utilizes any form of the wave spectrum, including light, sound, and other forms.
Restoration - Anything which involves a character restoring the condition of characters or objects.
Armor - Anything which involves a character's ability to withstand direct damage.
Homing - Anything which involves tracking an object or being's path or location.
Excessive Amounts - Anything which involves absurdly large or ranged numerical amounts. This includes progressive into excessive amounts, such as exponential, variants, etc.

_______All extra equipment on your character's profile is held to the standard of their real-world equivalent. Anything you list in your character’s profile to be used in combat must be on your character’s person at all times. Please note that realism is a must when in regards to equipment. If you carry a lot of metal or loose items, they may potentially create a sound. If your equipment is of a heavier nature, your character will be naturally slower than without it. Equipment carried can include armor, secondary or auxiliary weapons, and non-combat items. First we will go into the the rulings on combat items and then non-combat items.

If a combat item is not listed in your profile, you do not have it!
Combat Items - Any item carried on your character’s person whose main purpose is for combat situations. As always, there will be some items which push the boundary between combat-focused and non-combat-focused. These will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Any item that may be used in battle should be described in not only what they do but also their general measurements. (size, weight, length, etc.) what they are made of, how and where the character carries them, and lastly how many of the item that character holds.
Non-Combat Items - Everyday, mundane items, miscellaneous tools, and generally unremarkable items are considered non-combat items. These fall under the same rules of description, as they will be items carried on your character’s person.
Role-Play Accessed Items - Exceptionally mundane and otherwise unremarkable items which are picked up by your character can be carried on throughout threads and scenes during continuation story lines. However, you must list the items carried from another area in each post you have them.
Magical Items - These types of items can be acquired through purchase at shops. Make sure to save up those coins!

For background we again ask for a bit of realism. Not everyone can be the secret son of a king or some other excessive fairy tale but in general we are reasonable with what we allow. Just avoid anything that would majorly effect the world setting, unless you get permission from a crew member to do so. If your biography is a bit to out of line then you may be asked to make changes so as to fit the world better.

_______Minor Nobility; For flavors sake if you wish to put that your character is of minor nobility this is allowable. Due note however that even though you can say this in character it has no real effects beyond the title of noble and being slightly well off in character. You are not exempt from any of the laws nor will you receive any special treatment. If you are found not acting as such you will be warned and if further issues continue to pop up the title will be stripped in addition to possible punishment.

_______Major Nobility; Unlike Minor Nobility this MUST be approved by crew as Major Nobility should only be handled by those that can properly use the title. You are not exempt from any of the laws nor will you receive any special treatment beyond possibly being recognized as one of the few Major Nobles. It is highly recommended as well that if you are wanting to be a Major Noble to have at least a few others within the family controlled by other members of the guild.