
Shops are run and maintained in a similar fashion to those run in the gaia forums so abide by their rules on top of these.

All shops hosted here focus on the Nalizaro theme. If you're making art, it should be of Nalizaro OC's, music could be bard lyrics, etc. Just keep to the theme.

Scams, third time in post, just don't do it. I frown more upon it here than in other topics, and that says a lot because if you haven't noticed I was already super frowning on it. If an artist takes the time and effort to make you something, don't steal it! Give them what they requested for it. As far as I see it, some artists spend hours or days working on a project for practically nothing (I mean gold/items yeah, but they're just online stuff, not real) so respect that and don't take it. No real money trades, take it off site if you're going to do it. We're not responsible for non-gaia transactions.