Plenty of swears ahoy.

"So are we doing this or what?" Blake asked impatiently, as he begin to motion his hand as if to say hurry up. "Ok, but we're not even sure if 'this' is a thing we can actually do yet. I mean the idea of time-travel is just that 'an idea'. No one has actually proven it to exist or that it is possible." I replied, while still in disbelief. "Look Lucas, did the founding fathers want to be proven that writing the constitution would be a good idea when they separated from Great Britain? No, they bucked up and sucked it up for the greater good. Now that's exactly what you should be doing now, so hurry up and do it." Blake exclaimed in a state of disarray. "I can give you five reasons why that analogy is s**t, but to save time I'll do it in two. First off your knowledge of history is pretty flawed judging by your rendition just now and how accurate that actually is, and second comparing an event where hundreds of men made several well thought out decisions which they thoroughly discussed and agreed on isn't exactly the best idea considering the fact that we haven't even discussed what exactly we would be doing anyway." I exclaimed annoyed. "******** it man who cares, let's go." he replied as he hurriedly pulled me into a dark room and flipped a ton of switches. Suddenly, I started hearing several humming noises and felt the ground shake, "What's going on?" I asked. "The future is" he replied. The noises began to calm down, as he opened the door and said "Welcome to the future." Awestruck and a little confused as to what had just happened I ran outside. The place we were in was now- wait what the ********. This was the exact same place we were just at "Wait what I thought you said we time-traveled you a*****e." I remarked feeling betrayed. "Dude calm down it was just a joke. Obviously the rocking and humming are cliche, no one really needs that for a time machine. That should have been your first clue, god you're so guillable." Blake retorted defending himself. "******** you, why am I even your friend. God damn you are such an a*****e" I replied. "I mean if I really had built a time machine I would have done it in style, maybe even- wait where the ******** are we" he said suddenly. "What do you mean, we're in the dormitory that you dragged me to" I responded confused. "No I know that, but since when is the dormitory blue?" Blake exclaimed in a state of confusion. "Oh ha ha, I get it. You're trying to trick me again. Nice one a*****e." I remarked honestly sick of his s**t. "Lucas, I swear to God this isn't a joke. I don't even believe in a God and right now I would bow down on my knees and beg for his forgiveness if that's it would take for you believe me. I'm telling you this is not where we were before, I have no idea where we are now." Blake stammered as he paced the floor with his hands on head. "Ugh fine, I believe you. There I said it, now you can laugh at me or do whatever shitty thing you had in store to humiliate me after I fell for your over the top stunt again." I bellowed. "Dude seriously this isn't a joke. Let's find out where the hell we are, come on follow me." Blake finished as he fled the room beckoning me to follow him. "Ok, fine Blake if this isn't a joke what do you think happened that brought us to this 'mystery land'" I uttered in disbelief. "I have no idea man, that thing we were standing in wasn't a machine it was just a dark room with some switches I installed that were attached to a couple of motors. It wasn't anything that actually would have done anything, it was just a shitty joke that I admit was childish, but hey man you had it coming." Blaked explained as he shot me a sly look. Just then we arrived outside of the building in the city where everything looked fairly normal. "So if this isn't the same world, or time we were in then why does it look so identical." I asked. "How the hell am I supposed to know man. I don't even know how we got here. All I know is that something is definitely off and this is not the same place." Lucas responded. We walked around for a little more until we stopped in front of a bridge where Lucas was checking out one of the newspapers. "So what does it say a different date or something?" I asked. "No, nothing like that. It all seems to be pretty much the same as before," Lucas started, "it's just little things that are different. Like for instance that bridge was never there, that used to be a natural path way across the river, not a bridge." he finished looking a bit bewildered. "So what? Now we got a bridge whoop dee doo. What's next, people don't use touch screen phones anymore? Do they still largely produce flip phones?" I scoffed. "Look, I don't claim to know what any of the differences are I just know that they are there ok. I do however think it would be rad if people still used flip phones. Those were the best." Lucas said as matter of factly. "Man, flip phones sucked and you know it." I replied. -The End?