Teacher ID:
Celestynka Konstanczia
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Name: Celestynka Konstanczia
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 100 lbs
Species: Dhampir
• Art
• Creativity
• Helping her students succeed
• People who refuse to think outside the 'box'
• Bullies (everyone is a special little star in her mind, some are just brighter than others sometimes)
• Students saying "I can't"
Class I Teach: Art
Personality: Soft spoken, but encouraging in just about every way. Despite this, however, she seems more than just a little cold, like she holds herself back from those around her, but she always seems to want to be with other people. she is soft spoken, but everything she says is meaningful and kind.
Biography: The daughter of a vampire of Noble rank, and a peasant human woman, Celestynka has never really fit in either of her parent's worlds. For years she was passed from her mother to her father, until the day her mother died of old age, and she was made to stay with her father full time. There she was miserable, he had taken a consort, a full vampire Lady, and she had made no qualms about letting Celestynka know she was unwanted and unnatural. It was shortly after this that she found the school, and enrolled, knowing she would find a place to belong, a home, here. After she graduated she came back and applied to be a teacher, refusing to lose the only home that had ever welcomed her.

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