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[Q] + Lir The Yellow Jasmine Chital Stag [Open for Crits! ]

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Timid Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:42 pm
- -- + Lir the Yellow Jasmine Chital Stag + -- -

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// FUNDS //

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:47 am
-- + The User + --
User Image

Name: Selem Tiveil
Age: 25
Magic Affinity:
Water -->

Transfer & Restoration -->
Selem's power centers around his ability to draw and channel life energy from fluids in Plants and from the earth, and restore it into another living being. He's essentially just a walking, talking catalyst. He keeps a greenhouse stocked full of plants he's grown himself specifically for the process, but he can use any plant available. The process can only be done between two living beings that he must be able to touch simultaneously in order to perform the transfer. His most frequent visitors are usually expecting mothers, as his magic seems to be at its best when infants or children are involved. In adults, he can only fix common ailments like pulled muscles or headaches. In children, however, he can cure diseases and even help heal an injured infant in the womb, though it may take a few sessions. The special stone on his forehead is something of his own creation that he uses to better attune his magic and better channel the flow of energies.

He's even begun experimenting with the transferring of information and even colors and dyes from plants. It's still very much a work in progress, as his hair can verify, and it takes much more energy from him. Sleep is the best way for him to regain his strength. Depending on the state of his person, he may perform accidental transfers, and with no where for the energy to go, he'll be quite hyper and induced with a momentary bout of insomnia later that same evening. It usually only lasts for about half an hour, depending on how much fluid energy he absorbs.

Appearance: His appearance greatly resembles the example given above, right down to the blue in his hair. An accidental dye transfer gone terribly wrong that he simply can't find a way to fix. It's sort of grown on him over time, so it doesn't bother him too much. His hair is short in the back with only the two very long pieces that frame his face in the front. It's silky and tangles easily, but is healthy overall. He has a soft but handsomely angled face, with expressive ice gray almond shaped eyes lined heavily with thick blonde lashes and bow-shaped lips, the lower lip a bit fuller than the top. He has fine blonde brows and a small angular nose.

Selem stands at about 6''0 at full height, and weighs about 145 lbs. His build, although lean and toned, is very willowy and slender-looking in appearance. He has long, thin pianist fingers, small wrists and swan-like neck. His legs seem endlessly long, though strong and like that of a swimmers. He has a dusting of light freckles on his shoulders and knees, a bit darker than his usual pale but slightly sun-kissed skin tone. He loves to wear breathable fabrics, things that are light and sometimes flowing usually in whites, blues or creams. He keeps his hands gloved most of the time when he's not at home to prevent accidental transfers.

Personality: Selem is painfully shy. If confronted with a group, he'll most likely wander off to the wayside and enjoy listening, but never really have any input. He's very much a wallflower, and though it gives him a very lonely feeling he prefers it to any possible emotional damage he may suffer from becoming too close. Even so, this will not stop him if someone is in distress or hurt. He's there with a kind word and a shoulder to cry on if needed.

"To understand Healers, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in." -- Kiersy

Selem has always been a quiet, genuine individual. He's highly creative, spiritual and artistic. He never loses his sense of wonder, and some might say he lives his life through rose-colored glasses. He's passionate about what he does, often going above and beyond to help his patients. He cares for their comfort, their happiness and their wellbeing even if he may not know them all that well. He's often the kind of person who you can easily tell what he's thinking just by looking at his face. He gives endlessly, and always puts the needs of others before his own. He has very strong morals, and as long as they're not violated he won't have a reason to be wary of you.

"Their job must be fun, although not racous, and it must be meaningful to them. They need a strong purpose in their work. They want to be recognized and valued, without undue attention given to them. They may become embarrassed when made the center of attention. As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous. They would rather have their worth be noticed gradually over time." -- The Dreamer

Selem relies heavily on his intuition to guide him, and he uses his discoveries to constantly search for value in life. Every piece of knowledge and every encounter gained gets sifted through to help him on his path. He's disorganized, but particular about certain items and their place. He holds great value in knowledge, but even more so in his instincts. He's easy to please, and enjoys the simple things in life such as an old book or a cup of tea. He's very open-minded and nonjudgemental.

"Feelings form the foundations of the individual. They are sacred and binding, in the sense that their emergence requires no further justification. Their feelings are often guarded, kept safe from attack and ridicule. Only a few, close confidants are permitted entrance into this domain." -- Kiersy

Although overall soft-spoken and kind, there are few that he can truly confide in, because he's afraid of what others may think of him. He has trouble making friends, and it is not something he does half-heartedly. He's loyal and completely devoted to those he cares about, even more than himself. His biggest worry stems from being any sort of burden or liability to another person, and because he has terrible self-confidence he feels others may not want someone with such complicated baggage. Selem can have surprisingly dark thoughts sometimes, and may even be easily consumed by feelings of sadness and depression that are hard to shake.


Selem was born into a strict home in a family primarily filled with warrior classes. He had two older brothers [Luke & Erandur] and one younger twin sister [Camilla]. His father [Halvor] was a very respected warrior, known for his mastery of using dual axes. His mother [Revina] was a brilliant strategist. It was clear from birth that Selem would be...different. Coming from a line of black haired, green-eyed warriors, his father was beyond furious when little Selem was born with his twin sister. Where his sister had the trademark black hair and green eyes, Selem was born with blonde hair and gray eyes. He accused his wife of adultery and left her, taking the other three children with him.

Cast out and with nothing but a title to her name, Revina used her remaining connections to somewhat stabilize her situation, but her simmering anger for Selem never faded. As he grew up, he was aware of his mothers dislike for him, as she often pushed him onto the maids or left him alone as she busied herself with regaining her social status. He didn't mind so much, as he found plenty of things to make himself happy. Books were his greatest escape. His first taste of his magic ability happened when he was helping water the plants. His mother saw the exchange happen right before her eyes, and claimed that he might have some use after all.

He was immediately shipped off to the Citadel to hone his skills, and Selem stuck to his studies rather than making friends, and he quickly blossomed into a skilled user but a very lonely soul. Try as he might, however, his fear of being hurt prevented him from ever really opening up to anyone. After all, his own mother didn't like him, how would anyone else would? Despite his insecurities, Selem was surprised and thrilled when he was the first of his year chosen to receive a guardian. As he stood at the tree, he tried to keep himself calm, bringing peace to himself with thoughts of books and the ocean. He watched in awe as a bright bloom of yellow jasmine appeared and gave forth the beautiful Chital stag dubbed Lir.

There was something different about his Guardian he noticed, and as he watched it he realized the poor creature was blind! Regardless, Selem loved him unconditionally and vowed to help Lir and always be there to watch over him. Moved by the humans acceptance, Lir in return silently promised to do everything he could to make Selem happy and to never let the other feel lonely again. They are each others yin and yang, complimenting each other perfectly and are each others endless source of support.

Currently, Selem runs a small clinic and shop out of his home, catering primarily to children and pregnant mothers and selling various Alchemy supplies that he grows. After graduating from the Citadel, he no longer spoke with his mother, who had disappeared while he was away. He has never spoken to his other family members, or heard from them either.


Timid Prophet


Timid Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:25 pm
- -- + Where The Heart Is + -- -

User Image

+ Selem's Home +

[ Inspired by the homes of The Shire in Lord Of The Rings, and by Howl's Moving Castle. Pixels provided by Yureko > u< ]

Location: Glistening Pools

Materials: Wood mostly. Clay, glass and such for other things.

Environment: Grass all around, lots of trees, flowers and stones.

Inside: Selem's home is a very humble, and small, even if it is three stories. He has simple wood spiral staircases leading to each floor, the walls are half sage green and half wood panelling. The ceilings are wood as well, with many strange knick-knacks and baubles hanging from the rafters, and tons of shelving holding all sorts of things. The first floor is the small kitchen to the left and the living area, where he takes most of his patients. He has a set up of mismatched couches and chairs, all very comfortable with cushions, throws and an array of rugs on the floor. He has a china cabinet, various potted plants, a fireplace, and a small dining table for two. There is also a simple washroom for clothes. This floor is kept as clean as he can, since it's where his patients undergo their sessions.

The second floor is his little library a general storage floor. He has lots of bookcases here, piled and packed with books of every nature. He has a window seat, a writing desk, storage cabinets and the storage closet where he keeps extra blankets and such.

The third floor is the bedroom and his own bathroom. He has a wooden four-poster double bed piled high with mismatched pillows and blankets. He has a dresser, a night table and another window seat, and his own small bathroom with a tub and such.

Outside, he has his greenhouse, Lir's thicket, his clothesline, and a small shed where he keeps his gardening tools.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:08 pm
- --- ---- + The Guardian + ---- --- -

User ImageBasics } +

Name: Lir [ Pronounced 'Leer' ]
Name Origin: From 'Lir', a sea god in irish mythology.
Gender: Male-identifying genderless
Essence: Yellow Jasmine
Animal: Chital Stag

Magic Affinity } +

Lir's affinity is Earth -->

Growth & Fertility -->
Lir has the special ability to help flowers and plants bloom to their fullest strengths and potential, as well as providing even more seeds for harvest and pollination than usual. When he focuses his energy into the soil, he'll glow and let off a faint warm light. He does not have to be physically touching the plant for his power to affect it, but it does have to be within at least ten feet or so. Growth of the plants will be accelerated, and they will all be extremely fertile! However, his power is not just limited to plants and flowers. Recently, Selem discovered that any willing small animal within the radius of Lir's power will also become fertile, and bear more young. He's very good at distributing his magic over long periods of time, but sleep and a healthy dose of grazing are required to get him back to full strength.

Appearance } +

[ x ] He's mostly inspired by Liir, a delta hart that I have at Hart and Hind. Some things will be similar, but I will make the necessary changes so that he'll fit into this shop.

Lir's coat will be a light cream color matching the example given above, marked with spots that with start with white and then halfway down his body they will fade into sage green. His underparts will be white, and his hooves will be the same sage green color. He has a sweeping of sage green coloring over his eyes. His blind eyes are a very pale cream color with no pupils with lighter brown 'eye liner' around them. He has some feathers hanging from his antlers with leather cording. His ears have sage green tips. He will be a Homunculi, but other than that the artist has free range with the rest.

If applicable, he has a second set of ram-like horns growing from the same base as his antlers. These are a lighter brown in color and curl just below his ears.

Personality } +

Lir is a very nurturing, warm, and gentle soul. Like his User, he is quiet, and often times can be a little skittish around those he does not know. He has very strong maternal instincts, and can become quite protective. He is calm, his movements always careful and elegant, carrying an effortless grace. Although born blind, it has hardly hindered him. Slowly and steadily he has built up the ability to 'see' without really seeing by feeling the tremors of the activity around him through his hooves. It only works if he is moving, however, and if he's standing still he cannot see anything. His senses of smell and hearing have been sharpened due to his lack of eyesight.

Though cautious and careful, Lir also possesses a curious streak. He often goes exploring into the woods surrounding his home, or will tentatively sniff at a patients hand as they're coming into Selem's cottage. Sometimes he'll even wander into the house, sniffing and even nibbling at some of his User's possessions to see what they are. He spends most of his time outside, however, helping Selem tend to his plants. He is very fond of his User, and sees him more like family than anything else.


Timid Prophet


Timid Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:54 pm
- -- + Essence and Animal + -- -

Yellow Jasmine } +

User Image Yellow Jasmine is a twining vine that can grow to 3–6 m high when given suitable climbing support. It has thin stems, the leaves are evergreen, lanceolate, broad, and a lustrous, dark green. The flowers are borne in clusters, the individual flowers yellow, sometimes with an orange center, trumpet-shaped, 3 cm long and 2.5–3 cm broad. Its flowers are strongly scented and produce nectar that attracts a range of pollinators.

The delicate jasmine flower opens only at night and may be plucked in the morning when the tiny petals are tightly closed, then stored in a cool place until night. The petals begin to open between six and eight in the evening, as the temperature lowers.

The Yellow Jasmine represents grace and elegance. In other areas of the world, it may also represent motherhood.

+ { Chital Stag

User Image

Chital deer prefer heavy forest cover for shade and are intolerant of intense heat. Chital are primarily grazers and feed on short, sprouting grasses.

However they will also browse as well as eat forbs, fruit and branches of trees. Stags, more than hinds, will stand on their hind legs on feed on tree foliage. Chital also eat their shed antlers as a source of nutrients and will use mineral licks. Chital prefer to be near water and will drink mornings and evenings in hot weather.

Chital are generally silent when grazing together. They do however make high-pitched chuckles when walking. When grazing chital do a "courtesy posture" when they pass each other. When alarmed, chital will bark. These barks are usually repeated back and forth.

When in danger, they run in groups. They will make bursts of high-speed running and then soon tire and dive into heavy cover to hide.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:29 am


Timid Prophet

knife effect

Sparkly Vampire

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:30 pm
User Image

Hi Menma, Pisto here to give a friendly staff crit! While I'm trying my best to be moderate,
I would encourage you to take my critique entirely to heart. It's important to me as a staff
member that your quest can be at the apex of its potential, especially since you've worked
so hard on it! Okay! Without further ado--

✥ ✥ ✥ ✥

              MAGICAL AFFINITY
              I loooove Selem's aesthetics and how well it aligns with his magical affinity, but that's exactly where problems start to rise. It's critical that you remodel his magical affinity (and I can totally help you with that) because it's going to cause conflicts with the Signo Amisso universe were you to keep it this way. I would strongly recommend you to read up on this post about water-affiliated magics to give yourself a better understanding and inspiration on how to handle this problem! Water, in the SA universe, is used in an extremely literal sense and doesn't have any healing attributes. If you kept Selem's abilities to moving it from one living object to another not as a life force but as a vapor/liquid, the concept would be much more aligned with this universe.

              The only problem about his appearance roots from his magic affinity. Your concept about the special stone on his forehead and him dying his hair would therefore not work since water isn't really treated as a life source in this universe, but other than that, it's a-ok!

              Selem's personality traits flow into each other smoothly with an organized synthesis. I don't see any glaring issues here, but there's definitely things that I'd like to learn about more! At one point, Selem's going to need to select his class, and when that happens, his personality is going to be severely tested depending on the situations that he's in. While he seems to be a genuine, soft-spoken individual, there must be moments where he breaks from that and reasons behind such actions. The more you can make his character feel not only unique to himself but closer to the universe's expectations, the stronger he'll be able to be.

              Generally speaking, Selem's history section is much too brief. I don't have a solid understanding on his upbringing, environment, nor development, and those are key factors to a characterized history. This feels more like a skeleton than a fleshed-out history. What's good is that many of the key points in his life are already highlighted, but again, the lack of flesh reduces the breadth of Selem's backstory in addition to several points that don't make much sense.

              ✥ In what ways did his mother see his affinity with magic as an opportunity?

              ✥ You mentioned in his personality section that he's afraid of being hurt. I don't see any evidence of this in his history so it's hard for me to believe that that's how he feels.

              ✥ What was Selem's home life like? I'm not sure that I have a strong grasp of his environment which worries me that you might not either. I know that reading up on information can be confusing an extensive, but don't worry too much about it, the staff's always there to help you answer questions about the universe if you have any!

              Always keep in mind that the history section is an opportunity to shed light on evidence of the character's personality. If you can make your character's personality and history section resonate, then your entry is a strong one.

✥ ✥ ✥ ✥

              MAGICAL AFFINITY
              Lir's magical affinity's description is fine, but it's actually a mixture between Earth and Life magic! There's a post here that explains more about how the physics of that works, but if you just change his affinity from "Earth" to "Earth-Life", you'll be just fine!

              Yellow jasmine as an essence should be fine.

              While Lir's characteristics are definitely of the deer-ish sort, it feels brief and stereotyped. Deers are nurturing, warm, and gentle creatures on the surface, but there's much more to them than that, and I'm sure there's much more to Lir as well. I would encourage you to think outside of what a "deer" would be like and instead think about what "Lir" as a character is like. A good way to go about doing this is to think how he would react were he placed in situations he's not comfortable in, or in situations that he feels very much at home. The reason why I'd encourage you to flesh him out more is because you're going against other questers who are writing about Guardian animals as well. It's easier to sweep off the competition were your Guardian unique in some way outside of his furry exterior.

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