
Running, running harder and harder never looking back.

Through the forests of pine trees.

The Predator’s breath, hot against my back.

Fear keeps me going, hoping that the Predator won’t attack.

All I see are shades of green.

Running, running harder and harder never looking back.

My mind is going to crack.

Everything use to be so serene.

The Predator’s breath, hot against my back.

I’m not large enough to be a meal, barely enough for a snack.

Why did it have to be me?

Running, running harder and harder never looking back.

My vision is darkening, almost black.

My legs are hurting, like the sting of a million bees.

The Predator’s breath, not against my back.

But I still keep running, preparing for the attack.

Why did the Predator choose me?

Forever running, running harder and harder, never looking back.

The Predator’s breath hot, forever against my back.