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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:52 am
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Could be heard ringing through the quiet, deserted entrance of the castle. The female kept right on screaming at the men that were corraling her like an animal. Some kind of mere cattle! She snarled viciously, and fought at her shackles, kicking and yelling and growling up quite the storm. How DARE they do this to her! Purchasing her from a slave shop like she was an object. They thought they could contain her here... Make her obey them?! YEAH RIGHT! As soon as she got out of these damn shackles, they were DONE FOR.

The girl was deathly thin, but was quite tall and matured for her age, which was only sixteen years old. And she was... rather energetic. And appeared to be quite the degenerate. The back of her hair was chopped pretty short, with medium length bangs in the front, that flopped in front of her deep violet eyes. She had dyed it a bright, florescent shade of green, with a black stripe down the left side. Her side bangs also had black stripes, but horizontal, rather than vertical, and resembled the pattern of raccoon's tails.

Her skin was medium tan, and on her lips was a very, very deep scowl. Her eyes shown a violent shade of purple. She looked throughly PISSED OFF. She never stopped making racket, until finally, one of the guards decided to end her noise, as to not disturb the royal party living in this building, by whacking her harshly over the back of her skull, sending the female un-conscious. She was out like a busted light bulb.


She was PISSED. Those BASTARDS!! What the ******** had they DONE to her-!?

They had bathed her, clearly. Her tanned skin had been bruised with dirt last time she was conscious. Now it was freshly cleaned... Scars from the slave shop still kissed her flesh, but other than that, she was in pretty good shape...

It made her FURIOUS that someone had un-dressed her, and seen her naked. And not to mention, what the F*** was she wearing!? Her torn up dish rags for clothes from the slave market were gone, thank goodness... but what replaced them was just down-right de-grading. It was cross between a yukata and a maid's outfit. It was black with a white apron, white lace, a marking on her apron, which she didn't know what it meant... Stockings to match, and thin slippers. A collar on her neck. She could feel it. This one didn't appear to have a shock box on it, at least.. But WHAT THE F***. She was NOT about to be someone's f***ing MAID. They were KIDDING themselves if they thought she was going to cooperate with this s***.

She snarled angrily, snapping up into a sitting position, but finding that her collar was chained up to a wall in an empty room. Zuni began to yank at it wildly, thrashing about, and attempting to get free, but failed. "YOU MOTHER F***ING BASTARDS. LEMME GO, OR I'LL KICK ALL YU'R FAT A***S!!" She screamed, her tail fluffing up with fury, prickling fur all over the place. But no one was listening to her.

Then she'd just have to scream LOUDER, wouldn't she?

She GLADLY did so.


Zuni caught her breath from the scream that had admitted from her throat at the harsh whip that had lashed across her skin. She was FURIOUS. She would NEVER give in. Not EVER! He could NEVER make her. She would fight back. And never stop. He was in for it...

The demon grinned haphazardly down at his prey, having fun with this. He raised his arm again, further back, and shot it forward with more force than the first time.

The kitny growled, shooting her arm in the way of the whip, and causing it to wrap around her arm like that of a snake, coiling up and causing blackish red, thick, oozing, abnormal blood to seep through the path of the whip had around her flesh. She let out a small cry, but that was all he was getting from her.

At first he was angered by the defiance, but then let out a snarky laugh at seeing that she had actually caused herself pain. He ripped the whip back to him, causing another squeal from the green-haired female. "Had enough, t**** girl?"

Did he called her what she THINK he just called her. OOOH, NO. He did NOT just call her THAT. Zuni snarled loudly, ignoring the pain of her bleeding arm as crimson rubies spat all over the stone floor, leaping up from the ground and trying to get at him, the chain holding her back. She managed to get a scratch across his face, but other than that, it was too easy for him to stay out of arm's reach. Her eyes had gone a violent, nasty black color, and she continued to let out animal like growls and snarls, attempting to strike him, but falling too short from the distance that seperated him.

"B***H!" He yelled, taking the whip and smacking her with it several more times. She had struck him. Scratched him across his cheek. That would NOT pass by him lightly. "How dare you! We are your masters! We own your a**!" He kept striking her repeatedly, aiming for her breasts and other sensitive areas he could think of, her clothes becoming torn and seeping up plenty of blood from repeated abuse to her skin.

She didn't stop there. She kept growling. Kept yelling. Kept trying to get at him. She was in so much pain... But nothing could compare to the pain of someone thinking they could own her. Never. She would never let them. She would rather die than ever be considered anyone's slave. If only she could die....


“Green Finch and Linnet Bird… How is it you sing?~
How do you juvenate sitting in cages, never taking wing?~
My cage has many rooms, dimmest and dark
Nothing there sings, not even my Lark…”

A young girl that looked around the age of twelve sat at a windowsill in an old rustic house out in the middle of nowhere, looking outside longingly. Nothing but trees and wildlife was outside for miles, but even just touching the grass would have been like touching the grace of heaven. The fresh, crisp air of the forest teased her, as if it was toying with her. She had not been allowed outside for many moons now… The girl had completely lost track. Six months? Nine months? How long had it been since she got to step even a foot outside the door? She had been such an outdoor lover before being caged up in this house like a bird. Only being able to look at the trees and the sky was killing her. And she had only one person to thank for that.
The child heard the door open and close from the living room, jolting with panic as she shut the window. Instantly, she skittered back to sitting on the floor, pretending she had been reading the entire time. Her whitish, long hair flowed down her shoulders, all the way down to her snowy furred kitsune-like tail that curled around into her lap. Her two long ears, that resembled fennec ears, slid backward the moment the man walked through the door.

“Zuni… I’m home~” The middle-aged blonde male said in a sweet tone as he walked into the room, a very fresh looking basket of fruit in his hand. Her eyes seemed to glow a little upon seeing it, even if she hated the individual that was holding it. Her eyes finally flicked up from the fruit and to his face.
His name was Jale. He was about thirty years old, give or take a few years. He was at least double her age, as she wasn’t even a teenager yet. She had been his prisoner for a year now, or at least somewhere around that time frame. All four seasons had passed and it appeared to be spring time again… or was it summer already? She had no sense of time anymore. Jale had made everything his schedule, and the only knowledge of anything to do with civilization only came through him. But Zuni didn’t care if she couldn’t tell how long it had been. Counting every minute she was captive here with him would only drive her to pure insanity.

“W-Welcome h-home.” The young girl stuttered out nervously, looking back down to her book and trying to avoid what she knew was coming. Maybe he didn’t notice? Yeah, right.

Her fur prickled as he walked over to her after setting the fruit down on the table in the room.

“Here I was, at the farmer’s market, thinking of my adorable little rabbit, buying her all her favorite treats…” Jale said calmly, at first, accosting her. “...only to come home to catch her breaking the rules.”

Zuni squeaked in fear as he roughly grabbed onto her tender ears, yanking hard to pull her up to her feet in front of him.

“Looks like I have to punish her instead.” The blonde said coldly, scowling down at her.

“P-Plea-ase, n-no-o…! I.. I’m sorry-y… I.. I just…” The little half-furry’s eyes filled with tears, her heart racing as she started to internally panic. “I-It’s been so long… since I went outside.. I just wanted fresh air! I-I didn’t go out, I promise, I promise!” She squealed loudly as he pulled her by a single ear now, dragging her towards the basement door. “Pl-Pleas-se-se…!”

Zuni was in hysterics now, knowing what kind of monstrosities await her down there. There were only unspeakable horrors. Girls had been murdered down there. Many times. She was the only survivor, simply because Jale treasured her the most. She was the one victim he would never let go. Going down there made her wish he really would just kill her--living was far more painful than even an hour down there in that pit. He would torture her, rape her, bring her to an inch of her life to the point where she would gladly welcome death… Only to pull her back and nurse her back to health just to start all over from scratch. It was a sick game. One that she would never escape. There would always be something that would spark his violent streak, no matter how good she was. Playing by the rules was impossible when they were being made up by this guy.

“Oh no. It’s been quite a while since I put you in your place. I’ve been being too easy on you lately. A night down here will remind you what you are… MINE.”

Jale smirked a sickening grin down at the little girl, dragging her downstairs and locking the door behind them to block out the sound of her screaming.


That had been many years ago. Years Zuni would have liked to forget. But she was now forever stuck in an endless torrent of misery. She knew that for a fact as she sat in the pitch black cellar, with a collar around her neck and chained to the brick wall. She was so hungry… All she could think about for days was eating… It was what felt like an unquenchable thirst. Zuni had been starved for days many times before, but this was a whole new level of starving.

She knew what she was craving. And she wasn’t going to give in. She was borderline driving herself mad from the thirst. However, she knew giving in meant being like the one person she hated more than life itself. Jale.

He had been a notorious serial killer, and gotten away with it for a very long time. He looked like his early thirties, but he had been generations older than that. His kind was preserved in their age forever… which could only mean Demon. And the race fit him perfectly, because being his prisoner was the absolute definition of Hell.

And now here she was… just like him… Crazy and out for blood. She could feel her sanity draining away, slowly ticking off like a time-bomb about to go off. She had stopped thinking about anything else other than wanting to give in, but her determination outweighed any amount of thirst that could be bestowed upon her. It was a sickening fate--being turned into exactly what her tormentor was. And she would rather go completely bat-s**t insane than give in to that.

So the other demons had locked her up here in the dark, so she wouldn’t cause them problems. They knew demons that starved would cause a lot of chaos, the uncontrollable kind. Only Zuni was a new breed of crazy--she was starving herself purely by choice.

She sat in her cell screaming for days of how much she hated them all; every last demon was now on her s**t list. It was all their fault. Someone had turned or created Jale, and now Jale had turned her… She was so happy to finally die and accept death… But one final and last time, he brought her back to life. Only this time it was permanently.

Jale had ******** up, and actually broken his little doll to the point of no return. There was no repairing her. He had snuffed out her life. And so there had been no other way to keep his precious little girl… He had to change her into a demon like himself. And so in his desperation, he defiled his pure pet into a murderous leech just like he was. To his credit, it was nothing short of a miracle he managed to keep Zuni alive for so many years… She actually managed to barely survive over and over again until she was seventeen years old. She had been brainwashed from so many years. All she had known was him, all she could do was believe whatever he said, because he made it the truth whether she liked it or not. And she had accepted her fate that whole time, because she finally learned that as long as she was around… he would stop killing other girls.

And so she sacrificed herself, to save all the future girls from being raped, tortured, and killed. Instead she lived it over and over again for almost six years. Her soul had been barely there… until the night he had turned her. Now she was a soulless monster too…

And she hated it. She hated everyone. She hated demons. She hated Jale. She hated literally anything now. Her entire existence had been to spare others, but no one had spared her. And now she was more ******** than EVER. Now she COULDN’T die. She spent YEARS begging for death. Zuni was the last person on Earth to want immortality. The irony was too much to bear. She would never have the one thing she wanted most: Death.

So she would just starve herself, and turn into a zombie instead. She wouldn’t accept drinking blood and killing like Jale. Never. She had screamed at the top of her lungs at how much she hated him, the demons above the cellar, and how she would never drink blood. Now matter how many times they tried to convince her to consume what they provided. She planned to just sink into insanity and forget her sad existence.

She even endured being tortured by the scent of a sweet, crying virgin across the room. Zuni had been starving for days, only to have one of the most demonly delicious things sitting right across the room. It was absolute torment for any hungry demon. Especially a newborn like her.

But Zuni was used to torture, and managed not to lose her s**t. Instead she just stared at her, her demon eyes glowly faintly reddish in the pitch black, listening to the girl cry and beg to be set free. That neko smelt so amazing… Like the world’s most scrumptious bacon searing on frying pan, teasing everyone around it with its smell until being consumed. Or the most deadliest and delicious pheromone--a smell so potent it was impossible to ignore or resist. This girl could have bottled her blood and sold it to demons for a fortune. But instead she was locked in here, torturing the both of them.
After a while, the silver haired girl that had tried to make Zuni drink blood several times, came back down and took the neko upstairs. Finally, that girl was gone… But so was half of Zuni’s mind. She was fading in and out of consciousness, unable to control herself. When she woke up at one point, feeling very clear and unclouded, she realized that something was very wrong…

She wasn’t thirsting anymore. She felt purified, like she had drank all the fresh water humanly possible until she was hydrated enough to fill dozens of people in third world countries. Why? Why was she lucid again?

When she opened her eyes and looked around, she quickly figured out why. She was strapped into a chair using metal chains wrapped several times to restrain her, and she had an IV pumping fresh human blood directly into her.
No… NO! What the F***?! She had spent FOREVER locked up in that cell, resisting the urge to rip people to shreds for even a drop of blood… only for them to FORCE it into her?! Zuni screamed with rage, jerking against the steel chains as hard as she could, but even with her new demonic strength the unbreakable metal kept her bound.

Zuni screamed at the silver haired girl as she came into the room. She didn’t care if this petite girl looked like a kid, she was LIVID.

Sorrow blinked at her, coming closer and tilting her head slightly.

“But if you don’t drink, you’ll cause us a loooot of problems in the long run. Revenge has lost his patience…” She spoke, her usual semi-monotone self, until she tried to be a little bit more positive sounding, “Don’t you feel better now? I gave you some of the best blood we have in stock. You should be happy!”

“F*** YOU. I could NEVER be happy being this THING.”

Sorrow blinked. “You hate that man so much, that you’d hate yourself, too, just for being a demon?” Her face looked a little concerned, which looked a little outplace since she typically looked flat. “It’s not your fault he turned you. But you can do anything you want now, he’s gone now.”

Zuni’s kitny ear twitched a little, recalling that Jale’s demonic ‘soul’ had been sealed away. He was as good as dead. It was the only way to truly imprison and ‘kill’ a demon… She didn’t wonder how Sorrow knew this, because clearly this place was the living quarters for some high-up demons. Any high class demon would know about one of their kind becoming enough of a problem to resort to sealing them away.

“I can’t do… anything I want… Or you would just seal me away, too…” Zu breathed out in a growl of sorts. “Otherwise… you wouldn’t be force feeding me blood…”

Sorrow looked at her, the concern fading away some. “Well you already know what happens to demons when they don’t get enough blood, or souls… Didn’t you live with that man for years? Surely you saw how demons get when starving…”

The older girl grimaced in response. She hated Sorrow’s guts for being a demon like Jale, but she did pose a point. Zuni wasn’t completely illogical or unreasonable.

“Yeah… So what?!”

“You want to be just like him? You’ll go crazy too. I mean, that man was unstable to begin with, but if you don’t drink you’ll be like him, or even worse.”


Zuni growled, angry for the fact that Sorrow was right. Jale had gone without blood or souls for a while a few times during the years she was forced to live with him. And the longer he went, the worse it got… The demon went more and more insane by the moment, which made his normal self seem completely sane in comparison. He never went without enough very often, or for very long, so she had never seen him even close to zombie status. It was more like starving a wolf for a few days and then sticking him in a pit with some juicy looking lambs. The violence escalated, and he lost the very few marbles he had until his hunger was sated. The corpses would pile up and smell really awful. It wasn’t pretty.

“Anyway,” Sorrow said, knowing she had struck a cord given the silent reaction, and looking at Zuni still, “Our King isn’t interested in yet another maniac on the loose. Sealing demons is a last resort. That demon that held you prisoner had been on the run from the council for a really long time. That’s why he lived in the middle of nowhere and traveled far to get his blood. We can’t afford to have demons running around r*ping and pillaging mass amounts of people. There is an art, a set of rules, to hunting. Otherwise, we would all be found out. Even if we’re stronger than humans, we still need them to stay in the dark. So as long as you play by the small amount of rules, you really are free to do what you want. New demons are assigned to noble demons that have been around a long time, once you pass the trial period to make sure you’re fitting in, you’re home free and can do as you please as long as you don’t piss off nobles or the council. The council already dislikes the leader of our coven, so we’d all appreciate it if you cooperate.”

Sorrow waved her hand a little, before walking away. “I’ll be back to change your IV soon, if you stop screaming and yelling, and take the blood like you’re supposed to, I have permission to let you out of the chains. So just try to behave.” She closed the door behind her, locking it.

Zuni growled lowly to herself, still feeling bitter but unable to do anything about it. She was infuriated for being forced to doing anything anymore, including from demons that weren’t Jale. But there was nothing she could do at this point. All she could do was fume with rage and hatred in the dark, waiting for this to all be over. Then she could do something she had never done since her childhood: whatever the f*** she wanted.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:15 am
The Pure-Hearted
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“H-Hello~! May I take your order?” The waitress asked in her soft, shy voice as she came up to the table. She was a cute looking girl, but rather on the tall side considering that most of the other waitresses in the saloon were petite and kawaii-eqse. This girl instead looked like she should be a super model. Her long brunette hair was silky and smooth, and tied up into two long twin-tails on either side of her head. Her eyes were big and bright blue, which really stood out against her dark hair and her semi-tanned skin.

But that wasn’t really what made her stand out against the other girls working. What the real attention catcher was down lower: her massive sized chest, and her slender waist with wide curvy hips and a full perky behind. The poor thing barely even fit into her uniform, as could plainly be seen from the fabric around her chest hanging on for dear life, and looking as though it was about ready to give way and break at the seams. By some miracle it didn’t explode, however, and she ran around the small hovel in her bar-maid’s uniform like a champ. As if she didn’t look cute enough in her clothes and her innocent looking face, she even had white neko ears and tail. The tail kept wiggling around behind her cheerfully, which made her skirt flip around and make the boys practically faint as they drank their coffee. And the little neko seemed completely and totally oblivious to all of this going on around her.

All she was focused on was doing her job, and doing it exceptionally well. She wanted to work hard, and save up to make a better life for herself. It was her dream to get married to a man she loved someday, but until then she wanted to be productive.

“My name is Chii, and I’ll be your waitress today. C-Can I start you off with something to drink?” The neko asked, smiling her genuinely sweet smile as she looked down at the girl sitting at the table. She really liked serving people, they were almost always very nice to her. And she really wanted to believe that if she was a nice person, people would be nice to her back. Her home life was a bit rough, and so she liked being here in such a positive environment. It was a little strange to see a girl like this here at the cafe, though, now that she thought about it. The grey haired girl looked up at her curiously and asked for a green tea, which Chii smiled and nodded and went to put the order in. That girl looked awfully young to be sitting alone, and yet somehow even though she looked very young she seemed… older. It was hard to describe. Almost like she was carved out of marble, to look like the most perfect twelve year old in existence. Her body was thin, and lacking curves, but her hair looked so perfect and her skin was like silk made of the highest quality. There wasn’t an imperfection on her. It was a little eery, like looking at a doll come to life. Even her clothes were gothic lolita, only adding to the whole dollfie look.

She looks so perfect and sweet… And yet her eyes look so sad, and dark… I’ve never seen a child that looks like her. I wonder where her parents are?

Nonetheless, Chii came back back to the table to give the girl her tea, her chest bouncing along with her as she skittered across the floor. Men in the room straight stared at her, and unbeknownst to her half the guys in here were probably only here to watch her move around. She kept working until she was on her lunch break, and went outside to sit at a fountain and eat her small packed lunch. Chii sat there quietly munching on a piece of apple, when she happened to notice that girl again, walking along the sidewalk.

Wow, she even looks perfect when she walks… So graceful, and pretty. Wait a second…

The neko blinked, realizing that the ghostly gothic doll girl seemed to be with someone now. And it was a customer from the tavern… A regular Chii often served. He was a bit of a weird guy, he was often drunk when he stopped by before closing, and always hitting on her. He didn’t have any children, she distinctly recalled this particular customer saying he hated kids and that’s why he was single and never married. So why was he with a small little girl… walking into an alley way between some wooden businesses? A chill suddenly went down her spine, and she almost never got such creepy feelings. She was usually oblivious to anything bad, especially of the adult nature. But something seemed very, VERY wrong with this situation. She knew from her home life that it wasn’t appropriate for young girls to be alone with weirdo old men. So her “mother hen” trait got the better of her, and she started to follow after them.

And after catching up with them, lurking deep into the very back of the alleyway, she found something she really wished she could unsee. Instead of the man preying on the little girl, it seemed to have flipped the other way around. The gothic child had pinned the guy on the ground, and had shoved her small bare hand straight through his chest. She ripped his heart right out of his ribcage, holding it and squeezing it slightly as the muscle beats wavered and died off. Without a second thought, as if it was natural, the young pale girl bit down on it as if was as crisp as the apple the neko had been eating earlier. A sickening crunch resounded as the girl stood up with a boot still on top of the deceased man’s torn open chest.

Chii’s eyes were wide with horror at such a sight, letting out a terrified scream, and then everything went black as she fainted and sunk to the cold rocky ground underneath her.


It had been about a month since then. Chii had chalked it up to just one big, awful nightmare. The ghost like little girl, the blood gushing everywhere, all of it. It was impossible for her to have really seen it anyway. No beautiful little girl would be running around ripping out people’s hearts and eating them like common candy. And that was that. So she went back to her usual life. She went to work, went home, put up with abusive parents until morning, and ran back to work to make it through another day. Everything went back to normal.

Normal for her, anyway.

But then all that changed. Her parents had finally gone through with something they had always been dreaming of: selling her. Now while that may seem perverse to a lot of people, her parents had an excuse they were using to justify themselves. Her parents had bad alcohol/drug abuse issues, and bad gambling problems. They had lost everything, and became very poor. And having a daughter didn’t help the situation. They needed to pay off a loan shark, and fast, unless they wanted to eat bullets. So they traded her for their lives. One life in exchange for saving two. Fair, right?

Wrong. The loan shark was a very scary and creepy man, and even though he had wanted to use the curvy girl to satisfy his own ideas, he had had a better plan. Auctioning her off. It was pretty damn obviously with Chii’s shy and clueless behavior that she was a virgin… Crazy she was still one with a body like that, a literal miracle. A body like that could get anything and anywhere in life, and adding purity on top of that was a complete gold mine. And so it was his genius idea to sell her off instead. And it paid off big for him in the end. He could retire happily and never want again in his entire life.

But Chii would always be stuck wanting. Wanting her life back. She knew deep inside she was never going to be allowed back into a normal kind of life. The collar around her neck was proof of that fact. She sat in the dark in a cold cellar with a chain attached from her collar into the stone brick wall. There were several other collars attached around the dirty room in the shadows, but it was obvious that the other bodies in the room were deceased except for the one angry person across from her. She wasn’t alone, but the young chimera kind of wished she was. The other person was most likely female, but it was a bit hard to tell in the dark… The one thing Chii could really make out was the shimmering reddish pink of the other being’s eyes, almost like it was reflecting like cat eyes staring back at her. And it was disturbing…

The young girl sniffled softly in the dark, pressing her back up against the wall to be as far away from that creepy form as possible. Why was she here? She was so confused… She knew her parents had given her to pay their debt, and the loan shark had auctioned her off. It was some kind of underground black market--everyone had their faces covered to hide their identities and bid anonymously. On her life. She had no idea whom had won her. And something told her she really didn’t want to know…

After a while of crying she had gone quiet, dozing off from exhausting herself. Being drugged earlier made her feel really drowsy… She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but the door up the flight of stairs had suddenly come open. It was a thick metal door, and it made a loud noise as it opened and then closed again behind the shadowy form’s entrance. The small figure came clearer into view, and the chimera looked up to see that it was shockingly someone familiar… That gothic lolita doll girl. From her nightmare…

Her pale blue eyes widened slightly in shock, realizing that she couldn’t chaulk it up to a bad dream. She had really seen this girl kill someone… and bite his heart… and lick his blood… Chii shuddered slightly, staying cowering in the corner. What on earth was going on here? She was so scared, she just wanted to wake up in her bed back at home! Being smacked around by her drug addict parents was a lot less terrifying than whatever this thing was!

“Salutations, Miss Chii.” The pale vampiresque girl said softly, her voice naturally light and airy like the wind at night. “Sorry about the dark. I’m here to come get you now, though.”

Chii was even more lost than before. Why was she being… polite? This was a dungeon for christ’s sake… But oddly somehow hearing this girl was… comforting. Maybe this place wasn’t as terrifying as she had originally thought…”Wh.. Who are you…? And why am I here…? Did.. Did you buy me?” She stuttered out anxiously, wanting very badly to understand what was happening here.

“Ah, sorry…” Sorrow looked away almost like a nervous little child, before going soft and monotonic again. “Call me Lilith… Yes, I bought you.”

“Wh-Why..? I.. I thought I was auctioned off as a wife…”

Sorrow blinked, looking a little more serious now. “I know you saw me. You might as well know now… We’re demons. And this is our kingdom. We need blood to survive… And so you’re going to be a supply.”

Chii did a double take. Demons? Blood? Supply?! She was here to be FOOD? That sounded even worse than being some guy’s slave-wife. Was… Was she going to die? The chimera started to feel dizzy, the color draining out of her face. This was hard to absorb…

“You were very expensive.” The homunculus crossed her arms over her chest, as if annoyed by her price tag, but her face stayed flat. “But I know it was worth it… You’re a gift, for our prince. You’re an adult virgin, which is really hard to come by… It’s very rare… And your purity makes your blood and soul a delicacy. I’m sure you’ll make him very happy.” She smiled just a tiny bit, as if pleased with herself. “So let’s go!” Sorrow unlocked her collar from the chains with a key, put a leash on her instead, and then started walking as if she was dragging a poor mutt across the floor.

Chii squeaked, still at a loss for words. She… She was going to be sucked dry by a demon for being pure?! Wh.. Wh…! The church always said if people were good and waited until marriage that they would be blessed and clean from sin… But now she was demon chow?! The poor little neko whimpered helplessly, surprised at the raw strength from the little pale girl, but followed along because trying to run was impossible until she knew where she was.

“Oh… I guess I should clean you up first.” Sorrow said out loud but clearly talking more to herself. She almost seemed… happy, from the look of it. Why was this little girl so pleased when she was giving the “good blood” away to someone else? This whole situation was batshit crazy!

It wasn’t before long until Chii had been allowed to take a shower, had her hair dried, and put into a short and revealing white dress. The collar was taken off as they reached a large door in a far away hallway, and Sorrow pushed her inside.

“Demitrious~!” She seemed really happy to see him, even if her smiles were very reserved. “I finally found you one… Just try not to kill this one right away, okay?” The gothic lolita said to him, leaving Chii’s side and walking over to a male in the room long enough to peck her cold lips softly against his cheek. She then turned around and left the room, locking the door and closing it behind her.

Chii swallowed really hard as she heard the lock click, and a shivery chill crawled down her spine as she looked to the man in the room.

Please, no! She wasn’t ready to die! She didn’t spend her whole life being a really good girl just to get eaten by the devil! Her icey eyes watered slightly in fear, staggering backward until her back was against the wall.

Please let this all be another nightmare… Please just let her wake up already!



Wynter Weiss

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:57 pm
Ketki Sai
Cat Neko
Ketki wasn't actually aware of who her parents were, and never knew them. For the longest time she was labeled as a street rat, and was often known for stealing food from stands in the kingdom.
Her first real memory is playing with the kids in the streets when she was younger. She luckily avoided the eyes of the castle for the longest time, but that's yet to change.
She started becoming a thief at the age of nine, and sometimes used her charm to get away with being caught, even if she doesn't like being a sneaky person.
Ketki is kind at heart, and sweet. Sometimes she acts like she's stronger, or mean, when she really isn't.
Don't get her wrong, she will stand up for herself, but that can only be pushed so far. She is smart, and can worm out of tight situations.
She treats others way kinder then she should, especially considering how people have treated her so far. You just can't break her kindness, no matter what you do.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:49 pm
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I didn't ask for this life, it was just thrown at me.
A young girl thought miserably, sitting on the stone steps of an uninhabited home that had long been empty. Her short purple hair was messy, and stuck out in places. Her clothes were simply old rags she had stitched together to make do with. She was combing the twigs out of her hair, tossing them in a pile near her feet. Her feet were bare, and scraped from running and walking on the rough stone. She wondered what it was like to be clean all the time, and to have a soft bed to sleep in, not having to worry about being taken away. Ketki had always hoped for that life, but fate had decided otherwise. She was often thinking about her life, and how it could be better. Was having a family and a place to sleep too much to ask for? She didn't think so. She sighed softly to herself, and flicked her right ear twice. What she would give for a second chance in life. It's not like she wanted to die, but she didn't have much to live for. Maybe if she found a job of some sort, she could earn some money, and possibly find a place to sleep. The stone was starting to scrape her skin too much, and was very uncomfortable, not to mention freezing at night.
Ketki stood up, and swished her tail around, looking for something to do. She had already eaten today, and just barely slipped away from the stand owner. She pulled her make-shift hood that she made with extra rags over her face. She couldnt walk around just presenting herself to everyone, that would just cause suspicion about a twelve year old girl running around the streets.
Maybe she could find some simple work, or maybe just find some way to entertain herself for the time being. She knew how to clean, and normally that paid enough for a meal a day, possibly two if she spent it wisely. She felt a little more optimistic about things, and skipped slightly as she walked down the crowded streets.
Ketki stared up at the castle with a gleam in her purple eyes. What was it like to be fed, and to live happily and carefree? Her heart ached at the thought of being clean, and being happy. Maybe one day, but for now, she was just a girl in the streets, no family, unknown of. She didnt even know anything about her parents, or what even happened to them. She walked closer to the castle, and hid behind a pillar of stone, studying the gates. She had always been curious about what happens in there. She had always known that girls were taken in that place, and none ever came out. It certainly wasnt a safe place to be, but what about the princesses? Or the royalty? Was it a nice life? She could only ask questions that might never be answered.

" I would give anything.. " Ketki whispered to herself. Just one day would be enough for her.

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Wynter Weiss

Josef Verruckt

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:54 pm
Name: Josef Verruckt

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Race: Human/Vampire

Sexuality: Straight

Photo: xXxClickxXx

Background: Born in poverty, all he knew was death. The stench of death, the stench of blood. The consummation of blood. People dying all around him. The anatomy of a human like being fascinated him. The crimson aroma as blood leaves his victims bodies was tantalizing, made him drunk from ecstasy. With his knowledge of how the body works, how it heals, and most importantly; how it can easily break, he climbed the ranks in the hospital field. His knowledge allowing him to be the field doctor doing army conquests, to help with plagues, to conduct surgery. All that knowledge allowed him to rise straight to the top of society, the King’s personal physician, personal doctor, and most importantly: Doctor to the royal Family. Unbeknownst to the people he has helped, saved, and cured, he has hurt and devoured many, many more victims. To this day in the royal family, it is the prime spot for him to reside in for the type of creature he is: The vampire. He can feast upon slaves, he can help others. He can leave at night and go to the local village in all their impoverished squalor and choose the ripest of morsels.

Personality: Insane, lighthearted, cruel, happy, never angry, two faced, deceitful, whimsical, somewhat of a sociopath. Only feels remorse for when it affects him or the people he cares most for. Cannot tell between right and wrong during his strong blood lust. Only cares for himself and what he desires. Respectful under his guise of being a good doctor, cruel during his blood escapades. If one were to peer in his mind, they would come back as if they had seen into the void and the void had stared back at them. Only knows one thing and has one ultimate objective: To take pleasure in whatever he does.

Other:Other Here  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:11 pm
More. *Splat* More…. *Splat* MORE *Splat* I need….. MORE

Crunch, Hack, Squish, Twist, all of the sounds within the derelict house echo within it’s rooms. The melody of flesh, bone, and sinew being torn asunder is sung to only one person. The actor of the play that is the glory of enjoying a well-earned kill within a hunt. However, … This kill isn’t of game. It was of another person. A person whose life was taken from this world so cruelly by another. This person was Josef Verruckt. Clad in a noble man’s garb covered in a bloody cloak fresh from the life of what used to be another, hacks away while laughing, grinning wildly as the stains of blood pervade his nostrils with the scent of death.

Ohhhh death. The phenomenon as one’s mortal coil ceases to function is so…. Beautiful. Only a handful of people can truly behold the beauty as one expires, and that in of itself is the real tragedy. Not a loved one passing, not the fact that this life can no longer achieve it’s potential… But just…. How no one else can partake in the entertainment, the work of art….

“Ha…. Ha… HA…. HA HA HA HA HA”

Laughter takes over the melody in a crescendo, completing the orchestra of the scene of murder as Josef then ingests the slew of flesh and blood, quenching a vampire’s thirst or hunger ever so slightly. It’s hard to quench the thirst and hunger of a vampire. They only want more and more as the kill count rises higher and higher. The hunger of a vampire is known to be unceasing as there is no truly sating the vampire. Only more bloodshed is required.

Josef drops the axe onto the floor with a clatter, the metal striking the stone floor panging across all surfaces in the room. Taking off his gloves, he runs his hand through his blonde hair, removing the strands from his vision showing his heterochromatic eyes to the world. Right one blue, left silver. He surveys the work of art he has finalized and with a triumphant puff of his chest, he spins and starts singing a psalm to the heavens of his masterpiece.

“More… I need…. More….”

Josef stops and looks upon his hand. He needs more. He is still hungry. The squalor of the village is full of people tonight. He might just land himself another meal before he has to return to the castle to fulfill his duty as the King’s Royal Physician/Surgeon. Just another hour… the night is young after all… there are children that need…. His guidance.

After he cleans himself, and removes the robe shielding his clothes from the blood shed he walks outside and takes in the night air, letting the aroma fill his sinuses.

I smell... a child. I smell an interloper. This child shouldn't be here....

He walks around the house, trying to find the source of the scent. He then notices a small child with short purple hair and cat ears. Huddled against a stone pillar.

Her clothes look to be tattered, she looks like she's alone. She has to be alone if she's out at this time of night. No parent would let their child be on such unsafe streets.....

A grin quickly spreads upon his face as he formulates an idea. He will take her to become a new slave. Normally such instances are rare as he prefers to kill such enticing pray, but an idea forms in his mind. A small, silly experiment. To see if such street runts can become refined slaves.

Yes..... a slave..... That's what you will become. I wonder if you will notice.....

Josef creeps back into the house, lights a candle and walks over to the kitchen where pots and pans are.

A loud enough racket should draw her here.... to investigate.

He piles the pots and pans into a teetering tower. He kicks it over and an explosion of clanging metal quickly spreads into the night. He then runs quickly out of the house without making a sound, hoping that the child doesn't see him. He finds a nice vantage point to observe anybody foolish enough to investigate such a scene.

Josef Verruckt

Wynter Weiss

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:58 pm
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Ketki jolted forward when she heard the loud crashing coming from behind her. She quickly whipped around, to see if she could identify the location of the loud crash. Her ears were perked up, and alert. She could still hear the eerie sound of a pot lid spinning, before it settled with a loud 'clank'. What on earth could that possibly been at this time of night..? She took a few steps forward, to where she was positive the sound had come from. She took each step carefully, as if she might step on a landmine any second now. Ketki looked up, to see where she heard it come from. The house stood before her, as she took a few more steps closer. It didnt appear to have anyone in it, maybe she could take a few things from it for later? She needed new clothes for sure, maybe she could find something valuable to sell? She didnt exactly want to just go up to the door, what if someone saw her?
Ketki looked around, and saw a low window that was opened a crack, she could open it a bit more, and maybe squeeze inside. Ketki moved a crate for her to stand up on, so she could get into the window easier. She pulled the window out a bit more, enough so she could get inside, but not open enough to where it might be suspicious. She squeezed herself in, and fell onto the floor. She winced, and looked down at her knee, which had a large scrape. She sighed, and got up, It was just a scrape, it would be worth it later. She looked around, and flicked her right ear twice.
She clenched her teeth, and started to get irritated from her scrape. It really stung. She swished her tail nervously behind her, before looking around a bit more.This still didnt feel right...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:06 pm
Sunlight spills into the room through the dark red and black curtains. A ray striking the face of the royal prince. Demitrious Vi Reseria. He grumbles as the early morning sun's ray caresses his face with warmth and light.

So annoying. I want more sleep damn it.

With a grumble, he turns away from the sun, bringing the crimson and black colored blankets closer to his face in an attempt to drift back to sleep.

The gloomy, royal room is ever increasing in light as the sun rises higher and higher in the sky, signalling that it is really time to wake up.

Demitrious wants no part of being awake as it means he has to attend his royal duties. He would rather just partake in the luxurious part of being apart of the royal family than actually doing anything like governing or worrying about the filth called citizens ungratefully infesting the village that THE royal family so kindly allows to exist. If Demitrious had his way, he would have it burned to the ground and have the castle expand over the ashes of such vermin.

With a groan he rises from the bed, yawning and stretching. He gets up and rings the bell for one of the royal slaves to come in and dress him. After being dressed, he remembers that his servant is to be expected today with another slave for him to indulge himself upon.

Good, for such people to allow themselves to sink that low of status within society is an insult to most higher class citizens. Slaves should be thanking me and my family for the generous sign of hospitality in return from such meager work they offer.

After Lilith drops Chii off into his room and locks the door, he gazes upon her with judging, silver eyes. His black hair with a small streak of white on the ends of his bangs slightly covering his left eye.

"So you are the new filth to join us to reap the benefits of our hospitality?"

He always starts with that line, to assert his dominance in his frequent master slave relationships. To test their will, to test their character. If they are scared, they are the most delicious of beings to consume. If they are rude and talk back: they are the most fun to break. If they are obedient and answer with no qualms, they are boring.

Let's see how this one is...

A grin creeps upon his face as he awaits her response.

Josef Verruckt

Josef Verruckt

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:13 pm
Josef observes as the child enters the house via the window, taking note of her fall.

Oh... this is all.... Too easy

With a grin, he walks out of the shadows that were blanketing the location by the house itself. He enters the house without making a sound, avoiding the detection of the child with ease. He slowly creeps behind her to see if she notices. When she doesn't, he softly places his hand upon her shoulder with feigned reassurance.

"You shouldn't be here. There was just a murder that took place. Why are you here?"
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:18 pm
The Pure-Hearted
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"So you are the new filth to join us to reap the benefits of our hospitality?"

The young mousy girl stayed with her back pressed up against the wall, trying not to quake with fear. If this place was really just filled with monsters like that Lilith girl, then that probably meant that this guy was a scary monster too...

Chii didn't think of herself as filth per say, even if her parents referred to her as useless garbage on a day-to-day basis until now... but hearing it did hurt a little, even from a stranger. What did he mean by filth? If she was just a pest to him why couldn't she just leave!? She didn't want to be here!!

The chimera looked over towards the door, tail going between her legs nervously. Could she just... leave? The dislike of her being here seemed to be mutual. Maybe that was the easy way out. But... What did he mean by hospitality? She had been locked in a dungeon and dragged up here to his room by a chain!

Chii was almost too scared to reply, not knowing where on earth this was headed. But she only had one response possible: to try and get out of this. It was worth a shot.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry, I-I'll just l-leave then..." The neko squeaked out fearfully, wobbling her way to to the door and trying to open it.

But it was locked.



Josef Verruckt

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:23 pm
The grin that was present on his face quickly faded away as she uttered those meek words.

His eyebrow twitched. A feeling of EXTREME anger flooded his entire being, the vein in his forehead was then present.

This...... This........

With a clench of his fist and the grit of his teeth, he uttered out words FILLED with irritation and malice.

"You think you can just leave? You are MY slave. You think you can just get put into a nice castle, a nice home and just.... ASSUME YOU CAN LEAVE? Oh the AUDACITY you behold yourself with...."

No. This slave must be testing him. This slave must be a master at manipulation. There is no way this slave can be..... SO FREAKING DUMB TO ASSUME SHE CAN LEAVE

"You are in the presence of royalty cur. Kiss my hand and kneel. You are the personal slave of the Crown Prince of Reseria. Show some RESPECT"  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:00 pm
The Pure-Hearted
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Her only course of action had completely back fired. Chii squeaked slightly as his body twitched, causing her to flinch in preparation to get b***h-slapped the way her parents always did. She squeezed her eyes closed, her neko tail crawling between her legs timidly and wishing she really could just leave.


Did he just say slave? Then... Lilith DID buy her to be a slave-wife? Or.... slave-food? This entire situation was entirely too confusing... But one thing was for sure... This Demitrious person viewed her as his property, whether she liked it or not. It wasn't really different than the rest of her life had been, her parents worked her like a free servant and drove her into the ground every single day. Every time she earned money from her job they took it away. They fed her the bare minimum to keep her looking healthy. They forced her to sleep in a small closet. And they damn well expected her to be grateful for it all.

So how was this any different? The only change was she went from the evil of her parents to the evil of these... demons.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry-y I... I-I..."

Even so, the idea of being in the hands of this creepy looking man was still too much. All she could do was sink to the floor and bite back tears, too scared to even attempt wobbling over to him and doing as he told her to. This isn't real... Demons aren't real... I didn't suffer my whole life just to get eaten! Sob.



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