This place tells the story of the eternal struggle of good and evil.
Great battles have taken place through out history, with both sides of the battles thinking they are good and in the right.

This with tell the story of the age of where the strongest forces of both good and evil are scattered to the four winds to never be seen again....?
The new Heros of this age must find their own way or die trying, for the new forces of evil are quickly a massing and growing to turn the new world into what will turn into, will unfold in a great battle to come.

So this is a call to all new Warriors of both sides to take up arms in this eternal fight for the world.

Golden Rule:

The Hero or Villain, must be Original. We will only accept a Character you made yourself. This means no canonical characters from any where, if the character is not originally yours, if their powers are not originally from your ideas, then it WILL be denied.

1. There will be No Fighting with another member. and if you are a problem i will put you on the watch list, and if you continue to be a problem. You will be removed from the guild.

2. No Bullying or you will be banned from the guild.

3. No God-Moding or you will be put on a watch list, and if

4. One place at a time. This means your character can only canonically be in one place at a time.

5. When you enter a new thread please put. "(Name of Character) enters from (Name of the thread you where last in.)"

6. When you exit a thread please Put "(Name of Character) exit to (Name of the thread you are entering)"

7. No 18+ stuff! If you want yours characters to do any of that stuff, please put a time skip in the Thread, and take the Role Play to Private Messages! I will not be happy if I find any 18+ stuff in Heroes ReUnited!

8. No Killing other peoples Characters with out permission.

9. Please try not to high jack a thread from a other people already using it. If there is not a free thread, Make a new one!

10. Please have fun!


1. When you are fighting someone, you can not dodge every attack, it is unnatural. even the best fighters take hits.

2. Please try to give one Action and One Re-action per post in a fight.

3. Please try not to give one liners, It makes it more fun for everyone if you give the other person something to work with.

4. Always act as your character would act when you are In Character. Regardless of how you would have handled that situation in real life you should always act as your character would have acted. If your character would have reacted differently than you would have under similar conditions please act as the character. However, this is a guideline because if you do something extremely out of character, it could be for an in character reason. So long as you explain it if somebody questions you you'll be fine.

5. Please try not to use hard to read colors for text when posting. It makes it hard to read. Remember, Gaia has a White Colour background, if you think it's to light to read, it probably is

6. When role Playing with other people (Which is hard to do without other people) Please give them time to respond to your post. (Like if your Character talks to their Character) Please wait for them to responded. don't just run off!

~~~~!!!!!!! wahmbulance Warning wahmbulance !!!!!!!~~~~

1. People can use Sexual Innuendos. But people do have to knock it off, if someone is or becomes uncomfortable with it, and ask the person using them to stop.
Please note: If someone is being a problem with Sexual Innuendos, and will not stop. Please tell the the Captain or a Vice-Captain of the Guild, and they will deal with it.

2. Swearing is allowed. But people do have to knock it off, but people do have to knock it off, if someone is or becomes uncomfortable with it, and ask them to stop. And please do not go over bored with the swearing
Please note: If someone is being a problem with swearing and will not stop. Please tell the Captain or a Vice-Captain of the Guild, and they will deal with it.

These rules may be changed at anytime by the Captain or a Vice-Captain.