For the Horde! is a guild where Horde-playing Gaia users can trouce around Alliance-free. The World of Warcraft forums don't allow faction-specific posting, so feel free to speak your mind about those dirty Alliance Gnomes!
(Because everyone hates gnomes, right?)

How to join:
1.) State your Horde character's name, race and class - as well as which server you play on.
2.) Horde only - no Alliance players allowed. (unless you play duel Alliance/Horde)
3.) You need basic typing skills
4.) Eventually you'll need to show us a SS of your character! This isn't required for initially joining, but it will be eventually biggrin
5.) YOU MUST POST IN THE INTRODUCTION THREAD UPON JOINING. You got 10 days, otherwise I'm kickin' you from the guild.

If you don't put those (at least) 3 things in your join request, I will flat-out deny you. I'm glad you want to join, etc, but follow the instructions oi?

Level 1's would not be permitted. New players wanting to roll Horde are an exception.

If you have any specific questions, please direct them to the account For the Horde! who handles all that junk. (Yes, it is a person. Stop PMing me with stuff.)

So come on in, have a blast, and remember: