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Hello everypony~!

I decided that since I had a guild just laying around wasting space I would do something AWESOME with it, and I have to say it's about 20% Cooler than my original.

I want this to be a place where everypony can relax have fun and nerd out about MLP~! But, we do have to set a few ground rules.


1. Don't do anything to break Gaia's TOS. It could get me in trouble and it will get you in trouble.

2. If anything you have (pic, fic, etc.) is explicit in any way, give a warning of such in your topic title, and in your post give text link for it to somewhere outside of Gaia. We wouldn't want to offend anypony by scaring them for life with their favorite characters.

3. Be nice to each other. Everypony has difference, but we're all here for the same reason, so learn to get along or you can move along.

4. Keep your posts in the sub-forums. I want to keep things neat and clean, and a cluttered main forum makes it hard for people to find what they want.

5. If you have a sub-forum idea that you would like to see, just PM me and I will put one up.

I think that's enough bossy rules~! Now, to apply, it's free, but I still want to make sure everyone here are fans of MLP and not just trolls trying to cause trouble!

SO when you apply, tell me who your favorite of the main 6 ponies is, what element of harmony they represent, and why you like them so much. :3