~Black Tear Tavern~
Atashi no Izakaya da.
Bar and Inn
“There is no hope. Hope is washed away at the bottom of a vodka bottle."

Open for options, none yet

*Do Not Be Illiterate! You Must Take the Time to Edit and proof-check your posts! Be Literate please! This includes-
+spelling errors
+grammatical errors
+blatant disregard of the ability to describe things (In other words, don't post ignorantly. It is hard for others to go off of your posts if they are bland. You must actually describe things and form a picture in the readers mind. Don't spam my forum with tons of photobucket pictures, but use your words to paint a picture.)

If you do, i will delete them on sight. Unless I, or Aniki (Jo Jo Rifle) Approve of it, it will not be accepted.

*No Cybering
*No Destruction of my Tavern
*No self justification
*No Prostitution
*Follow Gaia ToS
*No Godmoding
*My Word is Law
*Follow the Rules
*Do Not Be Dumb
*Do not spam
*Do not Advertise
(If you break any rules you will get a warning then if you break one again you will be black listed - - - - - I will have a small list of Tallies that i will keep. Your name will be on it, and if you break a rule, you get one tally. if you get three tallies, i will ban you.)
(If you god-mode, but deny it when accused; I'm afraid it will not matter and I shall ban you either way. Despite the fact that our standards for godmoding may vary; Mine still over rules yours. You have an issue with me; as much as I value your opinion; I DO NOT CARE.)
(You must be active in this Guild. If you are not active, you are subject to being Banned. I will strain the member list from time to time and completely remove all dead-weight members.)

Owner - - Kataomoi Sakura (Sanji - Kataomoi)
Co-owner - - Elfir (Jo Jo Rifle)
Bartender - - Ookami (Absolute_Insanity)
Co-Bartender - - Sune-ku (Emo spazz)
Waitress/waiter - - Winston (Nathhealor)
Waitress/waiter 2 - -
Janitor - - Elfir (Jo Jo Rifle)
Entertainment - -
Entertainment 2 - -
Maid - -
Maid 2 - -
Room Care - - Bubby (saitankiller)
Secondary Room Care - -

~Employment application~
Gaia Name
Character Name
Job Wanted
Short description of self

We have 15 rooms available. However, be aware that this is an Inn, so you need to be either long term, or do not even request stay. But, just for your convenience, we have five one-night rooms. You must request stay in order to be granted it.

~Black list~
(None yet, and hopefully, none to come)