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"Well hello there, are you lost?" A girl with velvety hair and fair skin walks over to you, her white gown bellowing in the wind. She smiles softly as she notices your confusion, "Ah, this is kingdom Misute Rareta. Only those who have been chosen due to their great skills and talent are able to come here. They are chosen because they seek something that they have not yet obtained." She looks you up and down, "You must be new, I hope you find exactly what you seek here." She hands you a flower before turning and walking away. She quickly turns and says, "Good luck on your quest!" before disappearing down an alleyway.

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Misute Rareta is a guild that welcomes any new member with open arms. It does not matter whether you are an experienced roleplayer or an otaku or even a fashionista you can join our family of friends.
Anyone who is an artist, enjoys art, is a fan of something, wants to make friends, is searching for a roleplay, etc. is welcomed to join us. Even if you don't feel any of these reasons are worth your while please give us a chance. I'm sure we will have something for you to enjoy.

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We do have a few rules that you need to know for sure before joining and we ask that you follow them. First of all cursing is fine at a minimum, meaning if it is being used excessively or to bully or degrade someone then we shall ask you in a Private Message to stop. Spamming the forums or purposely posting in the wrong forums over and over is a definite no. Harassing, bullying, or picking on any other member is also off the list. We want people to be friends here. If you don't like someone simply do not talk to them. More rules will be posted in the main forum, but these are the main ones to follow.
If you feel someone is breaking the rules you can message any of the guild leaders. If we message you and ask you to stop consider that a warning. If it keeps on you will be kicked for a week. After the week you may rejoin. But if it happens again and we message you and you keep on we will have no choice but to ban you. We really do not wish to have to resort to that.

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We do hope that you join us and have a great time.




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