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Welcome to Roleplay Central

Now, this guild is a remake of the original guild.
My account, Syndikat, was unfairly banned and I lost everything.
I was unable to get my guild back, so I have recreated it.

Here, you can roleplay any way you like as long as you arent breaking any of the rules.
This place is a semi-literate to literate roleplaying guild.
Unlike a lot of guilds, you can actually create your own roleplay here, as long as its within our rules and Gaia's T.O.S.

If you want to join, make sure you include this little form in your request.

Gaia Name:
Real Name: [First name only.]
Age: [Real age.]
Reason for joining:
Roleplay Sample: [Make this a paragraph or longer.]

Gaia Name:
Real Name: [First name only.]
Age: [Real age.]
Reason for joining:
Roleplay Sample: [Make this a paragraph or longer.]