Long ago, magic existed through everything. Humans came to be as technology was discovered and put to use. The more technology began to reign, the thinner the veil between magic and reality became. The first human was born as a fluke, the first being born without any magical essence. That creature mated and produced heirs. Some of his children were as he, without magic and some were. His children procreated and so on until magical creatures and humans lived side by side.

Gradually, those without grew jealous of those who could tame the ether. Small disputes served as a warning for the bigger battle that lay about to burst open. All too soon, war broke out amongst the creatures. Those that could chose to slip the veil, taking shelter in the realm of pure ether they came from and thus, humans took over the world.

jump ahead 2000 years to modern day

Possibly slumbering inside of you, inside of me, inside of every creature in existence lies a thin core of magical energy. You probably aren't aware of this. And if you're Wiccan, don't think you're automatically in touch with this core. And if you're not, don't think you can't find it within you. You see, the veil is weak, almost frayed beyond repair. Magic still exists in the world but at only at a fraction of it's original strength. Sadly, magic no longer resides inside of everyone.

Slowly the tables are turning. Magic is being brought back into the world as part of the same fluke that created humanity. More and more people are awakening to the old ways and desiring their perfect world back. The war will begin and the only question is

What side will you be on?