They've all taken over and because of that the hunters are being killed off one by one. you can be either one but remember there are consequences to being immortal and there are consequences to biting others... hard.

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Vampire and lycans have been fighting for centuries and some love the rush of it, some just want it to stop, and others might be having a secret relationship you never know but either of the ways it's super hard to deal with.

Don't try to bite each their because making hybrids may be fun but their very dangerous and can kill any lycan or vampire you put them up against and we don't need some big killing spree going on especially with the newbies looking for some trouble to use their new powers on(no offense).

They try to get along but it's getting hard only the strong will survive, the weak get taught to be strong and the insane stay inasane the sane go insane.

The angels can be just as dangerous as hybrids and their emotional status can be even stronger or much weaker. They have powers like no other and can be defeated if using the right tools, or magic. The fallen angels usually have mentally ill problems but others aren't fallen angels intentionally they just ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The last bite may be the last everything....
(i know super cheesy right?!^)

Ok I don't wanna be uptight or any thing but could you pretty pretty please just like answer these questions for join requests.Thanks!

1. How do you feel about literate role play? (aka nice long, good grammer, good spelling role play)

2. Why do you want to be in this guild?

3. Give me an example of your role playing skills.

~ abused_teddybear_