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By entering the Nura Clan you hear by agree to our contract our contract is as follows...By exchanging the cup of loyalty (submitting a request) with me you grant full power to the clan leader/administrator to establish a code of conduct. The code of conduct is as follows...

Rule #1 You may not slander, curse or harass the other clan members for any reason. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the clan.

Rule #2 This clan is to remain as peaceful as possible to maintain the balance of the human world, if you feel the need to argue with someone over a topic please just remember to consult rule #1. If you cannot settle a dispute by following this rule you have one of two choices you can either quit the guild or settle the conflict elsewhere.

Rule #3 (Submitting artwork) please if you wish to submit artwork to the guild don't post something that you don't have the rights to put it simple don't post artwork that doesn't belong to you unless you have the creator's permission.

Rule #4 Just have fun, role plays are welcome as well as parodies. Let's make this the best Yokai Clan around.