Amongst villages, cities, nations, and peoples...
For centuries-- for millennia...
...stories have been told about them as if they really exist.
People fear them, yearn for them, yet cannot catch or escape them.
Thus have they gone on imagining this other side of the world...
...And it now lies before their eyes...

This is the beginning, the Interstice...
Where the real world and astral world merge...
An evil smile spreads across your lips.
The Godhand had found you at your darkest hour and promised to make everything better...
And power as one of their apostles, for a price, a sacrifice.

The sacrifice... Someone irreplaceable.
It had to be someone that in effect, their death was like killing yourself...
But that was the past. Time for a new beginning...
With the dark powers of the Godhand coursing through your new body, you step through to a new beginning.

Some Referances taken from the manga Berserk.