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This clan is for all the Vegeta fans and Dbz roleplayers. Saiyans/saiya-jins or not, come and join. If you just want a place to hang and talk, don't be afraid. I welcome all heart

Alil info about Vegeta for the people that are just starting out with their Veggie love...

Vegeta is short for Vegetables.
He is the Prince of all Saiyans/Saiya-jins.
He's about 5'5".
He's tempter is as short as him, hehe.
Vegeta has died about 3x I think...
His eternal rival and dear friend is Kakarotto/Goku.
He's with Bulma and has two children Trunks and Bra.
[In the manga it doesnt say if they marry or not so I wont say, however in the anime Future Trunks says they do]

more coming soon..

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Little by little the Guild will change in appearance, I do hope you like it heart