I don't expect perfect Spelling or grammar but respect others; don't play character's that are not your own or try to kill them off without permission.

Don't F this and F that ever other sentence

If you go for Romance or anything that involves nudity please be discreet!

You can do personal Rp between you and that person/people but be sure to let me know if a part is being skipped

Be sure when you dip out to do your own thing leave the thread able to be continued don't make people wait!!!

Also no God Mode; not happening so don't try it.

Final Rules of the day! Post regularly or be booted; you have one week to respond and you better notify me of your excuse by that point. If it takes you longer then that and you are booted before you can give me a legit reason like problems at home I will resubmit you; your work will be held up for a months' timing before completely deleted.

Undecided topics are ones I have not found a subject for you may submit to me ideas

Ps. Fill out any character information and wait approval before using. If you see a rule being broken send me a pm don't start a war in the thread or if you stupid enough outside of it. That wastes time and you could get yourself banned from gaia. In the guild we respect each other as fellow writers.

Finally if you want to chat or need advice outside the guild I do not oppose such things and will be there to listen if needed