After wandering aimlessly through the desert for three days without food or water you stumble upon an old, run down ghost town. you try to decide wether it is real or a trick of the light and then you just figure it is worth it. you are going to die anyways. when you step up to the ghost town you realize that it is real. on the main road you see the courthouse at the end of the road. while making your way toward it you notice a bar to the left of you. you decide, well, its worth a try and head towards it. inside the bar you instantly notice two things, there is a table covered with papers and a light hanging from the ceiling iluminating the papers. you edge nervously toward the table, scared that the roof might collapse over you. once you get to the table you begin to look over the papers and one papers sticks out the most. you pick it up and begin to read it.

" The Scorpions Nest

2. no killing guild members
3. no continuous or harsh swearing (ex F**k, not at all in here please)
4. no rascist remarks
5. to kill someone or get into fights with other guilds your request must be approved by either me or the second in comand. (use pm messages to alert.)
6. under no circumstances are you allowed to godmode. not only is it cheating but it is annoying as heck. if i hear of you godmoding you will either be put on suspension or kicked out of the guild.
7. if you do not show up in the guild for more than a week you will be kicked out of the guild the guild unless you have warned me or the second in comand of you reasons for absence.
8. try not to make your siggy or the quoting sections too big.
9. and all other rules stated under the rules Gaia has set forth.

To join

include this information in your

Breif history

he will also, most defientaly, have to critique your info just a bit so they fit si_python and the other guild members standards.

the ghost town contains 30 buildings with 10 rooms each.
each person gets one room to live in. the rooms consist of one bed, a bathroom, and a closet.

the main house is an old court room. that is where everyone meets if there is ever a need for a town meeting.

you can train outside the town boundaries so we can keep our town as a solid. ask the second in comand using pm if you want to go to a forest or somewhere else other than the barren wasteland we are located on to train. "

you finish reading the paper and you hear the door slam shut across the room. you look back in panick and set the paper on the table again. there is a man standing on the other side of the table and in his outstretched hand there is a slip of paper that says "Application" in big bold black letters at the top. so, do you take the paper or not?