Currently under construction, but here's the gist of it

A few months after the Animated arised, a magical barrier came crashing down in the form of a thunderstorm. Near the outskirts of Gaia though, a cruise ship got caught in the storm and left outside the barrier. To keep people from entering or leaving, the barrier had taken the memories of Gaia away from the rest of the world and vice versa.

Outside the barrier a world war is on the rise between the Anthros and the Humanoids. So where do the pirates come in? Easy, the RP follows the lives of the Barrel Crew, a pirate ship who are run by Captain Mabe the Cynic and the First Mate Twils and the Thing, a pet OMG. The Barrel Crew are trying to save Gaia by lifting the Barrier and stopping the oncoming world war.

Each member will be able to fully customize their characters as either an Anthro or a Humanoid, and have the chance to join the Barrel Crew, the freedom fighters, or even make their own pirate crew and get a certificate for said character.

It's a free roaming RP so as long as what you do doesn't affect the main story line, it's almost an anything goes type deal. We are semi literate so we ask for dedicated and active roleplayers but you don't have to be crazy good either.