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Welcome to The Age of Adz guild!

Here you can RP, put up character approvals, and participate in all sorts of shenanigans.

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1: Be courteous to other thread goers and staff. Furthermore no arguing with each other in thread.

2: Do not beg or whine for Pets.

4: Follow Gaia rules, that means don’t go above PG-13 in RP or discussion!

5: RP isn't required to keep your pets, but it is required grow and breed your pets.

7: Staff always has the final word. IE: If a staff member tells you to stop, then you should stop.

8: Do not steal anything from the shop.

10: You may not sell your pets.

11: Blacklisting means that you are banned from the shop.

14: No whiteknighting. There's a difference between defending your friends and whiteknighting.

15: DO NOT, under any circumstances, harass the regulars or staff members about the sexual orientation/race/creed/whatever of them or their characters. It's their choice, not yours.

16: We can be like sailors in here. We don't mind cursing, but there is a difference between doing it playfully and harassment. <3 Don't go too far!