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Welcome mighty Irken Race to RWYC - an Invader Zim Guild! Now wiggle your antenna in salute for your all might, all powerful, the Almighty Tallests!!!
"Hello everyone, I'm Keri (brb_suicide) and I'm your Tallest Miyuki! Loopylemur is Purple, Doma Yuset is Spork, and F!sh Crackers is Red. We just have a few things to go over:

Opening Info
We support all Invader Zim couples, that includes ZADR (Zim and Dib romance). We also support purists (people who don't support IZ couples). We ask that you don’t fight with one another and everyone be tolerant of others. Just because you like or dislike something, doesn’t mean that everyone has to agree with you.

Rules For Requesting

1.) Please stop including quotes (especially Gir) w/ your reason for wanting to join!
2.) No net speak or '1337' speak
3.) Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. At least try the best you can. We understand that not all people speak perfect English, so say in your request that you’re from another country and we’ll let you slide. NOTE: If we feel people are abusing this, we’ll stop allowing you to join.
4.) Do not use all caps unless you’re in an RP or are posting. Do not use it extensively or you’ll be banned.
If you were declined to join, brb_suicide will contact you and tell you to try again. If she doesn’t, that means one of the other Tallests found your request, and well, that’s it for you. You can try again, but they probably will remember you and not let you in again. IF you’re declined twice, PM brb_suicide with your reason to join and she’ll invite you. BUT if you don’t say ‘I was declined three times and would really love to join.’ She’ll just ignore you.

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5,ooo posts on November 24, 2006 blaugh
1o,ooo posts on Febuary 2, 2007 mrgreen

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