- Nobody's Paradise -
-A Roleplaying Guild-


Roleplay - ˈrōl-ˌplā, -ˈplā - Verb - 1: To act out the role of. 2: To represent in Action.

Feeling a bit upset with the large amount of filth and trash that fills Barton Town? Tired of seeing the same annoying types of roleplays that continually pop up? Well, I know I am. I'm the leader of Nobody's Paradise, Hero of Nobody. I'm hoping to Potentially recruit some decent roleplayers into the guild, and we can preserve what I think is the spirit of roleplaying.

People may enjoy writing a sentence or two in a roleplay, but in Nobody's Paradise, that's not how we roll.. Or.. Play.. Sorry about that, had to use that joke.

The following things are required upon submitting an entry.

1. Talk a bit about yourself. I hate roleplayers who simply join, are a silent mask, and play an equally silent character. Doesn't have to be much.

"hi, im Jimmy1020495 and i liek roleplayings!11!!!"

The above will NOT be accepted.

"Hey there, I'm Josh, and I enjoy modern roleplays in a school setting. I don't like roleplays about war."

The above is acceptable. You don't have to put one line, talk about yourself as much as you like.

2. Provide a Roleplaying sample that's at least a Paragraph long (4-6 Sentences). I'm sure I don't need to explain it? Perhaps I do.

"Justin walked into the store. Justin bought milk. He drank it in the store. He was happy."

Um. No. True, it's 4 sentences long, but just no.

"Justine took the long way home from the basketball court, and decided to stop at the local store to buy something to drink. He walked into the store and looked around, trying to find something appealing. His gaze settled on a carton of milk, which he bought and drank directly on the spot. It filled his body with joy as he drank the whole carton and threw it in the trash."

That is a paragraph. The bare minimum to be accepted into the guild.

3. Talk about your favorite types of roleplays? What do you like, what do you dislike. I don't think I should explain this one.

Well, that's it for now. I'll update this page once the guild starts getting members.