welcome to money loans 4 u my name is Daijon. i am providing a new banking system within gaia to somewhat stabilize gaia's economy more. are you tired of always investing in liabilities and not getting a great yield. the maximum loan amount can be up to 100,000 gaia gold depending on your gaia credit. gaia credit is determined by the 5 questions bellow. To apply for a loan you have to feel out 5 simple questions briefly.

1. How long and how many times to you go on gaia within a year?

2. how much money have you made within the marketplace?

3. what do you do to get your money?

4. how stable is your money method?

5. do you have any items or assets you have as collateral to the loan?

if you ask why am i doing this.. it's because i want to give to the community and in return get soemthing back.

this is a guaranteed money load guild not a fake if this is a fake you will be given 100,000 gaia gold for free