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- Nova287
Developer: GameArts
Publisher: XSEED JKS, Inc
Genre: Turn-Base RPG
ESRB Rating: T for Teen for Mild Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Partial Nudity, Suggestive Themes, & Use of Alcohol

Remakes like these remind me of the number of stuff I miss out on the good stuff in PS1. Yeah, I never had any console outside of Nintendo up in till mid-2009. Now thanks to PSN, those who had miss out the RPGs from the PS1. The bad is that there is really not the many RPGs on PSN. In the end, what does this paragraph has anything to do with Lunar: Silver Star Harmony. I guess just to make things interesting.

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Get ready to rumble!

The story stars Alex, a boy who dreams to be a Dragon Master (AKA in a nutshell, a person who saves the world) just like Dyne. That adventure starts by one day he, his step sister Luna, & friend Ramus went to a cave to get a diamond. Yeah, a dragon told him getting a ring makes one step of being a Dragon Master. As we all know that Alex happen to be a fanboy to Dyne (Being sarcastic for his love for the guy. So please do not take this seriously).

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Meet my OC Yuri.

The story happens to be pretty cliched for the most part. I will admit it does has its charming moment. Plus this game that originally came out in 1992 on the Sega CD. So I guess that forgives its cliched story a little, maybe a little more if it wasn't for Final Fantasy IV coming out a year before hand. Oh, before I forget this, the main villain of the game tries to cosplay as Megatron (I know this not true, but I had the need to make fun of his costume he has on for most of the game).

It is a turn-base game. But, there is a MOV stat that which controls on how much your character can move. Like if they are to far from an enemy, the attack won’t hit them. Spells are learn in a normal RPG fashion (Like in leveling up) for the most part. Each character has there super move except for the temporary if I recall correctly.

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Walking in a town.

There is no world map in the game (Think Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World), so this may disappoint some. That has this one thing that I always wonder about the areas with enemies in the game. Like was this game was originally plan to be random encounter? Since some area paths do look tight & the enemy on the field looks like they can easily get you, they also move faster then you too. Then again, this could be some kind of flaw area design. Who knows what the real problem is?

I do have one minor grip with the battle system. It can be a bit on the slow side at times. Like every special attack or spell in the game has to a little charge time animation. Not that it is annoying, at least it is better then waiting x rounds/turns for it to charge with a chance of your unit getting his/her butt kick just like in Final Fantasy Tactics. Okay, that was an horrible example because I will admit I have only play that game up to 1-4. So I don't how it really works in that game. Okay, back to Lunar: Silver Star Harmony before I need to explain my horror of what little experience I had of that Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP version that is). *Shakes in Fear* The battle system is fun for the most part. Battles are easy & Dragon Lament makes things even easier for its low MP cost.

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Sorry about that, Yuri can be a bit on the greedy side now & then.

The graphics are gorgeous. Probable one of the 2D Style JRPGs on the PSP. There are anime cut scenes, they happen to be well done. But at the same time, I find most of them pointless. Like most of them happen to be important character introductions. The music is pretty catchy. The lasting appeal depends on if your are willingly to replay the main story in the again or more. There is like very little side quest for you to do. So there is not that much to do in the game.

Lunar: Silver Star Story was a joy for me to play. The graphics were great & there was some pretty good tracks in game. The story & lasting appeal maybe the weakest aspects. It is a great game to at least give a try.

Overall Score: 4/5

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