. h e l l o .
xxand welcome to "i want to be in the band!" i'm very happy that you've chosen to check out my guild, and i want to extend a big hi or hey in your direction! now, let me let you know what's happening in this fine guild.

current status
under construction
accepting members
accepting characters
open for roleplay

            "i want to be in the band." the phrase that everyone present here today has uttered at least once. after all, who wouldn't want to be in the band? wait, before you answer that question, i should probably tell you who the band is. see, the band is none other than Bring Me Down. the world famous, award winning, punk rock band who's fanbase is far larger than that of any current artist. despite their fame and power, however, the band finds themselves falling apart. the fame had just gotten to be far too much, and they're ready to pass the torch down to someone with more energy than they have. how do they plan to do so? a worldwide music competition of course! piece by piece, the quintet plan to replace each of themselves with someone of their choosing. each member is responsible for picking their own replacement, of course. though, it shall be no easy feat to gain the spotlight and become part of the next generation of Bring Me Down. now, who wouldn't want to be in the band?

xxxif that little snippet of plot has managed to catch your interest, please, jump on board! below, you'll find the guidelines for applying to join my cute little guild. i do hope you'll consider joining my small family. the more members, the more drama, the better!

xxwant to join?
xxxxoo1. click that little 'join guild' button up top
xxxxoo2. in the request, link me to some samples of your roleplaying ability
xxxxoo3. or you can come up with something on the spot
xxxxoo4. i'm not a picky person!

. g o o d b y e .