Ok you're probs wondering why it costs 10,000gg to join? So when 10 people join thats 100,000gg! and will give that away the next week! So the more people you get to join to more you can WIN!
Make Threads/topics of your OWN and start your own thing if you wanna give away or if wanna get my attention.

I will Be Giving Away free gold from 250,000gg to 1,000,000 at one to time to one person. And Very rare items. and there will be a raffle for 100,000 (depends how many people have joined) once a month at the start of the month. i will be giving away other rare or expensive items!

Join My free gaia gold club called free gold club

i will make posts and give away lots of money and rare items!
but mostly money! and after awhile ill give away my inari bead! (3-6 mil)
that will come later but ill give away stuff thats worth around 100k-250k
but everynow and then alot later i will give1,000,000 GAIA GOLD! but it wont be possible without you guys helping and joining my clan!

:Another thing thing i am doing.

I get 100k for every 10 members and i take that money and make new posts and give it away so when you are joining you are helping yourself and others get to that goal.
(guys i dont have enough gaiagold to give 100k to everyone) ]But just think about it if everyone gives 10k and after 10 new members join thats 100k YOU could WIN!

For more information please ead the bio of the clan! thanks(:

STEP 1 go on my profile and click under guilds "free gold club JOIN NOW"
STEP 2 "+Join Guild"
STEP 3 Go to the forums and click the post that says "#1 100,000gg giveaway NOT CHOSEN!!
STEP 4 enter your name as many times as you can!

Every 10 members i will make a new topic and donate another 100k.