When I first Joined Gaia in '08, I remember the best time I had on here was when I joined a guild called "Through the Rabbit Hole, to Wonderland". It was a guild just like this, with the single purpose of making good friends and helping out fellow guild mates. So, in honor of my favorite Gaian Guild, I present "Down The Rabbit Hole, Welcome to Wonderland". A Gaian community for making friends and having a great time! I will hold weekly giveaways for the 'Guild Member of the Week' which will be further explained in the forums, along with many other contests and opportunities for free things. I promise to try and make this as fun as possible and I hope you have as much fun as I did.

Rules: I won't bore you with a strict and rule based guild, all I have are the following 6 rules.

1- Be kind, and please treat Guild mates with respect.

2- No fighting. If you have any problems, inform me or the other officers.

3- Don't complain about any charity or gift you receive. Be grateful about the kindness someone shows you.

4- Try not to be TOO childish or immature. We aim to have fun and interesting conversation, let's not subtract from that by contributing smut.

5- Please, PLEase, PLEASE don't be racist, sexist, or demeaning in any manor. I want this guild to be fun, and for all of us to be friends. I have just about zero tolerance for these kinds of things. I understand jokes that are in good taste/appropriate, but anything meant to insult or or belittle is NOT OKAY, and will lead to being disband from the guild. We're all equal, let's act like it.

AND 6- I reserve the right to add or subtract rules as I see fit.(I will inform you of any change and promise rules to never be unreasonable.)

Before you start posting, please make sure to introduce yourself in the Welcome thread so that the members know who you are! Read all forums, and feel free to post a thread about whatever you'd like. The more conversations the better!

Please enjoy, and if you need anything.. Feel free to let me know! I am here to serve you guys smile