Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies, Demons, and Angels walk among our world either in the open or in hiding. A fight for good and evil wage as the supernatural world begin to grow in recent years. In the beginning of time a Demon was born from the pit of hell to walk on the earth and make the world her own. The Demons name was Lilith. Her presence on the earth for one thousand years gave birth to a new world. After her death by the hands of a powerful Witch her remains were made into three talismans for the Witch and non supernatural creatures to use. After the Witch passed away the three talismans were vanished and scattered by the Witches coven and passed along a family line. Now in the present a prophecy was was written that Lilith herself would one day return to this Earth and claim what was once her and bring Hell back into this world and reclaim her demon army.