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Hello, this Guild is for the people that feel they can't be who they are around others. So, I and the rest of us here are reaching out to you and saying: "You CAN be yourself and you CAN be yourself around everyone!"

Now, if anyone is even a tad rude to you, tell ME. I will deal with it and remind the person that this is a person-friendly enviorment, not a rude one. So please, whatever you do, dont be rude.

Ok, now there are a FEW little catches you have to do if you WANT to be in the Guild. 1st you HAVE to post. At least ONCE! Just post and be apart of our Guild and our contests ans stuff! Thanks! <333

Extras: Contests will be made at any moment. Just notice me that you are going to make one, okay? Im only available Friday~Sunday, but if yhu PM me Monday~Thursday go ahead and make it!

Well, I guess I should rap this up! Well yes, be yourself!
