Looking to vent? Need support? Feeling lonely or just want to help others? Look no further!
We Are Here!

We are a guild dedicated to supporting each other, venting, getting advice (or not), cheering each other up, making friends, and chatting. We have forums for every need, as well as a positivity forum (for positive posts, funny pictures, inspiration, etc.) and chat forum. Come hang out, have some fun, lend an ear, and/or find the help/outlet you need to feel better and stay sane. Share us with your friends!

NOTE: We are an all inclusive guild - any gender identity, orientation, lifestyle, religion (or lack thereof), or social status. We promote harmony, unity, acceptance, and understanding.

1. Why you are joining this group. (What attracted you to us? What made you click "join"?)
2. Your age.
3. Is English your first language? If not, what is? (It's not necessary, but it's helpful to speak English properly as most people will. If it is your first language, we expect you to at least try. Punctuation and full words please.)

Read the rules [here], introduce yourself, and start earning brownie points (awarded for activity and good deeds; gives you badges, trophies, and occasionally gold and/or items)!

-Yes the rules are long, but please read them. The rules are in bold and the descriptions are next to them for clarity. They're pretty straight forward and common sense.
-After you are accepted, please post in the rule post as requested at the bottom of the rules.

Thanks, and welcome!