So, I've always dreamed of writing my own novels. This is how I plan to start my novel. Tell me what you think. Be mean! I don't care. I'm a beginner, so please excuse my poor quality.

Hi. My name is Savannah. I am 14 years old and yes, I'm a girl. A brief description of me: 5"3, slightly pear-shaped, long and straight brown hair, brown eyes and thin lips. I basically look like a regular Hispanic-American. Despite my age, this is actually the first time I've been to a normal school. You see, I'm not what you call a 'normal' kid. Why is that so? You'll find out soon enough...

All my life my mom has kept me in the safety of our home; we rarely ever go out and she homeschooled me herself. But this year, my mom had decided to send me to a progressive school, which is a school for children with abnormalities such as ADHD, dyslexia, autism and many other things. In addition to my 'weird abilities', I also suffer from ADHD, this enables me to wander off in a conversation and be more difficult to focus on a single thing.

'I'll be fine, Mom.' I assured my mom just before I went through the door.

'I know, mi hija. Just...take care.' Mom kissed me on the forehead and pushed back a strand of hair that had dropped in front of my face. She gave me a big smile, but I knew deep down, she was worried.