i rp when inspiration is at an all time low. my rp characters are my chars, which makes everything interesting. try a story about another dimension. no using Vampyrs though, my race!

great stuff, role play. it really, really helps. but, only youre youre rping with people who know how to write. i realize this is mainly an rp site, but i tend to stay away fro all the rp forums because some of the writing scares me. 3nodding

and i really doubt that vampires (I!! Its spelled with an I!! k thanks) are your race, since everyone in the world has written about them, rped them, whatever. xd But I make staments like that all the time, so... whee

-_-;;;; vampires yes they have, Vampyrs, no. some similarities, but on the whole different races. for one Vampyrs dont feed off of what's in your veins, they feed on food drink and emotional energy. usually it leaves you with a happy feeling. unless they're degenerates that feed off of happy emotions....(dont worry those are rare...)but usually they feed off of negative emotions. and an fyi, the y spelling is the old way of doing it, look it up. it's old school.