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muirii's Husbando

Devoted Husband

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Roleplay Idea (derp)-

A boyband is in need of a fifth member after one runsaway to live in America, so they use his twin sister as a scapegoat till they find another member! Love triangles blah blah blah.

muirii's Husbando

Devoted Husband

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                  xx.xIF I'M TOLD IT'S WHITE
                  xx. xxxxxxxxx. xxx. xxI'D SAY IT'S BLACK
                  xxx. xxxx▇ ▇ xx▇ ▇xx▇ ▇ xx▇ ▇xx▇ ▇xx▇ ▇
                  xx. xxxx. xxxxxi say one thing but do anotherxxx"xixlxoxvxexyxoxux"
                  xx. xxxx. xxxxxi say one thing but do anotherxxx"xixhxaxtxexyxoxux"
                  xx. xxx. xxx.xx. xxxxxxxxxi'm happy, but what am i saying?
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                    xxxRather than vanilla, ⊹❜ that's just sweetxxxxxx
                    xxx.xxxx.xx.xxxxburning lovexxx burning lovexxxburning love

xxx xxx xii❛ ░█ : !Marie Ai Edwards xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !location/company. xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !thoughts/mood. xxxviii ❛ ░█ : !outfit.

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              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean et leo a metus accumsan egestas. Sed convallis blandit diam, id ultricies nisi viverra ac. Nullam sed metus odio. Vivamus condimentum varius tellus quis venenatis. Maecenas urna nibh, sollicitudin ac tristique sed, ornare vitae diam. Praesent venenatis elementum diam, ut dignissim eros pharetra at. Nulla facilisi. Cras enim neque, rutrum a porttitor sit amet, hendrerit quis tellus.

              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin interdum leo nec justo sollicitudin et ultricies eros feugiat. Nullam eget lacus tellus. Aliquam et metus id urna adipiscing accumsan nec sed lectus. Duis ultrices libero in nisl consequat nec imperdiet lorem suscipit. Nullam at diam vitae tortor laoreet aliquet. In blandit purus id massa lacinia id hendrerit augue sagittis.

              Praesent commodo convallis facilisis. Phasellus eu justo mi. Fusce ornare tincidunt libero a imperdiet. Donec volutpat feugiat purus, aliquet egestas dui aliquet in. Nam diam dolor, viverra non aliquet vel, feugiat in dui. Sed pharetra turpis at mauris ornare porta. Sed eget libero id lectus dictum placerat. Ut mi dui, tempor ut imperdiet non, eleifend quis dolor. Donec dolor sem, mattis ac convallis vitae, tempus et arcu.

              Vivamus a mi sed arcu tincidunt cursus aliquam nec erat. Nam adipiscing erat a odio hendrerit consequat. Fusce lobortis, elit vel pretium dapibus, nunc lorem aliquam quam, at porttitor sem diam at enim. Praesent cursus gravida auctor. Etiam et lectus orci, at consectetur felis. Vestibulum tincidunt sapien non erat imperdiet ac semper urna pretium. Maecenas cursus placerat tempus.

              Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce porta neque ac mi tempor hendrerit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat elit non elit fringilla vehicula. Vestibulum sed iaculis urna. Quisque quam enim, pellentesque nec ullamcorper et, dictum vel leo. Integer eros enim, ornare sed blandit a, aliquam a nisi. Nam lectus orci, feugiat eu semper quis, congue sit amet erat. Mauris tempus consectetur arcu, sed mollis urna dignissim et.

              Etiam tempor, lorem a interdum malesuada, libero nibh sollicitudin augue, quis pellentesque purus turpis ut metus. Ut lacinia est ut metus pellentesque nec congue metus hendrerit. Nam condimentum nisi id nisl congue ultricies. Suspendisse eleifend, purus nec pulvinar posuere, leo nibh hendrerit mi, sed scelerisque metus lorem id ligula. Aliquam sit amet euismod nisi. Integer purus diam, hendrerit vitae fermentum nec, rutrum non quam. Cras at sapien sapien. Vestibulum varius laoreet turpis, eu bibendum enim dignissim et. Nam dapibus sem ac tellus vestibulum quis ullamcorper ante feugiat. Donec vitae leo purus, eu lobortis elit. Donec aliquam pulvinar consequat. Sed vitae dictum ipsum.

              Nulla facilisi. Proin pulvinar ante id justo tempus et consectetur augue faucibus. Phasellus pharetra, tortor vitae dapibus feugiat, velit nunc tempus justo, quis lacinia nunc mi vitae odio. Praesent adipiscing aliquam fermentum. c** sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam molestie justo lorem, a vehicula massa. Morbi a tincidunt turpis. Nam tempor nunc id turpis pellentesque et viverra turpis tincidunt. Suspendisse sagittis egestas ornare. Sed varius auctor mauris, in dictum ipsum sagittis nec. Donec nec velit ut sapien lacinia euismod eu vel ligula. Praesent porta vehicula vehicula. Fusce eget elit ac nibh aliquam bibendum vel vitae odio.

              Pellentesque rutrum dui adipiscing ante lobortis faucibus ornare sed libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus blandit, urna quis.

muirii's Husbando

Devoted Husband

14,965 Points
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xxx. xxxx. xxxx with only ⋮✱ everything in ⊹◥ me
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    xxx. xxxx█████████ THINKING ABOUT YOU
    xxx. xxxxMY HEART WAS LOCKED SHUT ░░░░░░░░░
    xx. xx⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
    xx. xxxxxmy countless feelings are now ( S O A R I N G ) past the sky
    xxx. xxx.x. xxxI FOLLOWED YOUR GAZE
    xx. x▇ ▇ xx▇ ▇xx▇ ▇ xx▇ ▇xx▇ ▇xx▇ ▇
    xx. xxxx. xxxx. xxx━━━右の肩と左の肩 ━━━
    xxx. xxxx status onexxx status twoxxx status three
    xxxx. xxxxx. xxxxx. xxxx. xxxx. xxxx. xxxxxxx. xxxxx離れないように並んでる

              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

              Integer a risus ante, eget porta mi. Curabitur a dapibus turpis. Proin dolor lorem, bibendum sed lobortis vel, ornare in nulla. Duis porttitor scelerisque turpis, eget volutpat velit euismod sed. Cras felis lectus, congue quis accumsan ut, luctus a massa. Pellentesque eu blandit est. In fermentum tristique sem ac lobortis. Aliquam ac diam nibh. Nullam aliquam, odio eu varius pharetra, justo justo malesuada urna, eu scelerisque quam dolor ac nulla. Cras rhoncus erat sit amet turpis semper porta. Duis in ligula leo, eu auctor nisi. Integer tellus est, elementum vitae scelerisque vel, egestas at risus. Curabitur justo orci, fermentum non pretium ac, tincidunt vel sapien. Sed pellentesque tempor ligula vel ullamcorper. Sed mattis lorem nec nulla pellentesque ac facilisis dui ullamcorper. Vestibulum vestibulum, dolor eu sagittis fermentum, ipsum risus varius metus, id tempor tellus sapien eu mi.

              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

              Integer a risus ante, eget porta mi. Curabitur a dapibus turpis. Proin dolor lorem, bibendum sed lobortis vel, ornare in nulla. Duis porttitor scelerisque turpis, eget volutpat velit euismod sed. Cras felis lectus, congue quis accumsan ut, luctus a massa. Pellentesque eu blandit est. In fermentum tristique sem ac lobortis. Aliquam ac diam nibh. Nullam aliquam, odio eu varius pharetra, justo justo malesuada urna, eu scelerisque quam dolor ac nulla. Cras rhoncus erat sit amet turpis semper porta. Duis in ligula leo, eu auctor nisi. Integer tellus est, elementum vitae scelerisque vel, egestas at risus. Curabitur justo orci, fermentum non pretium ac, tincidunt vel sapien. Sed pellentesque tempor ligula vel ullamcorper. Sed mattis lorem nec nulla pellentesque ac facilisis dui ullamcorper. Vestibulum vestibulum, dolor eu sagittis fermentum, ipsum risus varius metus, id tempor tellus sapien eu mi.

              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

muirii's Husbando

Devoted Husband

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                          User ImageAdalina paced the room, scanning her bed which was scattered with different dresses. She had been so caught up in worrying what to wear for dinner that she had heard nothing other than her own thoughts for the past hour. Even the birds chirping beautifully outside the window had not effected her. To say that she was very nervous about this dinner was an understatement! Ada was absolutely terrified to meet the king who had now ruined her life with a forced marriage and the son whom would be carrying it out. She knew she had to act her best though, and put herself together, shaking off all the useless worry in her head.

                          Ada at last settled on keeping on her current dress, finding it bothersome and time-wasting to dress into another one and get prepared. From her possessions, she grabbed a silver engraved brush, though the writing in it was worn and unreadable with overuse. At her nightstand, she brushed her long blonde hair, making sure it was perfectly tidy. The travel to the island had not been the best one, as Ada whom was unused to traveling on ships, let alone traveling at all, had gotten motion sickness several times. She felt ill just reminding herself of it.

                          As she observed herself in the mirror, her expressions became rather depressed. Having been in her home at the castle most of her life and hardly anywhere beyond the reaches of her kingdom, Adalina had known next to nothing about the other princesses, accept for the few that attended a ball or two in her castle. With the exception of a servant girl that she had brought with her from her own castle, Adalina had now realized that she was here completely alone. Well at least the other girl's were caught in the same position as her, which gave her at least some bit of comfort, as harsh as it may have sounded.


muirii's Husbando

Devoted Husband

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                    xxxMANAMI KAZEHAYA !xxxxx


                      xxxxxxxxxx SEVENTEEN
                      xxxxxxxxxx SIXTH
                      xxxxxxxxxx HETEROSEXUAL
                      xxxxxxxxxx PUREBLOOD
                      xxxxxxxxxx DECEMBER FIRST
                      xxxxxxxxxx CAT
                      xxxxxxxxxx BEES
                      xxxxxxxxxx WRITES MANGA, BUT IS RATHER EMBARRASSED OF IT
                      xxxxxxxxxx POTIONS | HERBOLOGY | CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES

                                              THIS IS MY STORY AND I'M STICKING TO IT;

                                                your background story, 1st person or 3rd person

    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

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    H A R U H I A I S O H M A

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                                                        B O A R XXXXXXXXXXX{ } { } { }

                                                        S H I N E═════════════════════════════════════

                                                          Counting stars again: EIGHTEEN
                                                          Are You Interested?: FEMALE
                                                          'Cause I'm Interested: HETEROSEXUAL
                                                          Reach for the Stars: FIVE FEET, FOUR INCHES

                                                        ═════A L I T T L E═══════════════════════════════★

                                                          A Burnt Out Star: Haruhi was born one of a set of fraternal twins to one of the more distant branches of the Sohma family. Their parents Minase and and Daisuke, being very young and still inexperienced with the aspect of having a family, had estranged themselves from the Sohma family after they had found out that they were pregnant. Their parents had been against their being together from the start, but they had not heeded their warnings and they eloped. Being still very young and without much money, Daisuke got a job as a construction worker, the only job he could get despite it's low pay. For a while, they managed to get by and lived happily, anxious for their baby to be born so the could have a real family. When the found they were to have twins instead, they became rather nervous. They could barely get by on their own and with an upcoming baby, so another would be quite expensive. Daisuke began working longer hours, more and more stress beginning to build on him as he struggled to make money to feed his wife, the two children within her, and himself. When the twins were born, two months earlier than expected, and held in each of their arms, it was discovered one was a Zodiac- Haruhi being the Boar. They didn't know how to react. Minase and Daisuke were on the edge of emotional breakdowns, with one of their children being born a zodiacs and hardly any income coming in, they had no choice but to give both of the children up as they couldn't support two children let alone one. It hadn't helped that their mother was absolutely disgusted with the fact that one of her children was born as what she called a "freakish monster".

                                                          The twins were taken to the Sohma Estate and their mother, having broken down from emotional stress, had her memories erased. Daisuke kept his memories, his love, though small, still remaining for his children. The two were raised by their grandparents, on their fathers side. Despite the solemn and cold relationship with their Daisuke, they treated the two like close members of the family and welcomed them with open arms. Their father would often come to visit them, though the visits weren't very long. He would often bring them gifts and clothes in order to express that he still cared. The visits, though, shortened over the years. Their father had gotten a better paying job and their mother had become pregnant with a boy, one who has absolutely no idea about them. Soon their father had stopped visiting, only coming every few months or so to give a check to the Sohma family for taking care of them, or to have a very awkward conversation with the two about how much they'd grown or how they looked so much like their parents.

                                                          The twins soon became withdrawn, they had already lost one parent due to her own disgust of them, and it hurt to lose another. It hadn't helped that Yuichi had started to become a bit rebellious, often getting into fights and playing pranks on others. Haruhi was a sensitive child and was seen as a baby-cry. Due to this, the twins didn't make many friends and if they did, it didn't last very long. Her brother would often tell her "Who cares? We're better off alone." or "It doesn't matter, as long as we're together everything will be alright." Soon enough, the twins began to believe this themselves and shut the rest of the world out. They saw no need to even talk to other children and played by themselves in order to occupy their time. Despite their grandparents tries to be close to the two, all their attempts seemed to fail. Life began to seem better off without other people.

                                                          Other children would think the twins believed they were too good for others, especially since they were members of the Sohma family, one of the biggest families in Sakura, Japan. Haruhi often tripped over her own two feet or cryed whenever her brother wasn't beside her. Because of this, she was constantly bullied by those around her, being teased and made fun of. Kids would shove her in hallways or pull her hair during recess. However, these were only light parts of the situation. The worst came soon after. One day after school, they surrounded her. They forced her onto the ground and took turns cutting off her long brown hair. Afterwards they locked her in the school storage room, where a teacher found her later that night, sobbing her eyes out and having a panic attack. After that, the Sohma family transferred her to a different school, and her grandparents took her to properly get her hair cut, though it gave her a boyish appearance. It was this that caused her brother to be so over-protective of her, and kept others from trying to get close to her. He even pushed away family members, honestly believing that befriending others would only result in her pain. Despite all this though, the memories of that day still remained clear in Haruhi's head and still remain. Yuichi felt like all his efforts had been put to waste.

                                                          But like all things, that soon came to a change. Soon, they were already in High School, and Yuichi no longer found it necessary to stay by her side. He soon became interested in girls and Haruhi suddenly felt unneeded. Sure, despite her boyish looks and rather flat chest, she was a Sohma after all. And like all Zodiacs of the Sohma, Haruhi was born more beautiful than normal people. Because of this, she was often chased by guys despite her constant rejections. Most of the friends she had made in high school were either back-stabbers looking for more popularity or people that just didn't get her. Her brother, along with his interest in girls had also sprouted another interest- knowledge. He had always been a good student and had exceeded in each of his subjects, but he felt in order to be the College Professor that he wanted to be, that he needed to go to better schools and have a better life, so he decided to study abroad at a Private High School, which would be followed by six long years in college in America. Haruhi, whom had grown up relying on him, felt lost without her brother, and suddenly felt discouraged to go on without him there. Despite the two being twins, they hadn't shared the same dreams and had been different in all ways, since the beginning.

                                                          Shortly after her brother left, Haruhi's grandmother died. Though since they hadn't been very close since the beginning, she saw no real point in being saddened by such a thing. We would all die eventually, right? So what was the point in mourning something that was impossible to avoid? Her grandmother's death though, left her a fifteen year old minor and subsequently alone. Since her grandfather had Alzheimer's, he was in no position to properly raise Haruhi and so she was sent off to live with an uncle of hers who is rarely home and often naught overseas. Haruhi has just graduated from High School and has no other choice but to stay at the Sohma Estate with her uncle. Having no real dream for the future and being tied down as a Zodiac has made her believe that a different future other than confinement is impossible.

                                                          Waiting to Shine:: Haruhi is a very outgoing girl who has no problem with being the center of attention. Her ability to stay calm in almost every situation is admirable, as she has learned over the years that talking with others is the best way to get them on their good side. Not a person who likes to be alone more more than an hour, she prefers to be surrounded by close friends. A kind young woman, she is always one to find merits in others. However, she will not tolerate awful attitudes and will not stand for it when people are abusive to others. Haruhi is sensitive, often showing her emotions without restrictions although regretting it slightly later. Strong in attitude, she is one to stand up for other's when people attempt to bring them down. An honest person whom has disliked liars all her life, she can be blunt in what she says and is always clear in how she feels.

                                                          Haruhi, in truth, is kind and loyal to her friends and is often protective of them. She has a liking toward young children and is very affectionate toward them. Haruhi is very honest, though it may be blunt, and always considers others feelings before her own. She has a high temper and does not get angry easily, but when she does she is easy to snap at others and will immediately regret it later. This is due to her impulsive nature, she will take action without thinking.

                                                          Haruhi enjoys sewing and knitting and is very fashionable, dressing well for any occasion. Though she does not like bad fashion, she is not one to judge the style of others if they are comfortable with it. She loves baking and cooking and will generally do it about everyday, being very skilled at it. Haruhi has a strong fear of any form of insects and anything even remotely scary (aka horror movies, spooky stories, ghosts, etc) ; phobias that she has continued to have since childhood. She has claustrophobia and tends to stay far away from tight spaces or else she will have a panic attack. This was caused by a prank a couple of bullies played on her when she was a child. Haruhi likes reading, cooking baking, spicy food, ramen, and the outdoors. She dislikes sports, bullies, liars, cheats, being teased, perverts, and coffee.

                                                        ═════════B R I G H T E R═════════════════════════★

                                                          Listen to Me: [THEME SONG]
                                                          A Little More: She has a cat named Orion, after the constellation.
                                                          The Real Star: ll VINTAGE NERD ll

    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

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                    xx xx 無くしてきた空を ! ! !


                        xxx OPEN YOUR EYES OPEN YOUR EYES
                        xxxxxxxxxxxx こんな痛みも歓迎じゃん

                      Les licornes sont vraiment ces jours-violet, ouais simplement ignorer ce commentaire vraiment
                      inutile faite pour rien. Les licornes sont vraiment ces jours-violet, ouais simplement ignorer ce
                      commentaire vraiment inutile faite pour rien. Les licornes sont vraiment ces jours-violet, ouais
                      simplement ignorer ce commentaire vraiment inutile faite pour rien. Les licornes sont vraiment
                      ces jours-violet, ouais simplement ignorer ce commentaire vraiment inutile faite pour rien. Les
                      licornes sont vraiment ces jours-violet, ouais simplement ignorer ce commentaire vraiment inutile
                      faite pour rien. Les licornes sont vraiment ces jours-violet, ouais simplement ignorer ce
                      commentaire vraiment inutile faite pour rien. Les licornes sont vraiment ces jours-violet, ouais
                      simplement ignorer ce commentaire vraiment inutile faite pour rien.

                                        WITH ; blah xxxxxx MOOD ; blah xxxxxx CALLME; blah
                                        OOC ; blah xxxxxx PICSOURCE ; X and X

    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

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    -` _ Shou Vincent Takumix
    Eighteen xxMalexxServantxxThe Kindhearted ClutzxxRoom # A-2xx5'8" // 148 lbs
    xClumsyxxConsideratexxLoyalxInsightful• xFriendly

    Username: ll Vintage Nerd ll

    muirii's Husbando

    Devoted Husband

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    xxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xxx xxxxx. xxxx. xxxx. xxxx曲がりくねった 細い道 xx人につまずく
    xxx. xx( it's nothing like ◞wanting to go ⋰★ back to "those days" )

    xxx/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
    xxx. xxx. xxx▬▬▬▬▬▬ 無くしてきた空を xx探してる ▬▬▬▬▬▬
    xxx. xxx. don't give me that sad facexxxlike I've become the victimxxxlike you understand
    xxx. xxx. xxx. x▌✧ name here
    xxx. xxx. xxx. x▌✧ status one
    xxx. xxx. xxx. x▌✧ status two

    xxx. xxx. xx═══════════════════════════════════════╝
    xxx. xxx. ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌xx ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌xx ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌xx ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌
    xxx. xxx. xxxx. x出口見えない感情迷路に . . .
    xxxx. xxx. xxx. xxx. xx. xxx. xxx誰を待ってるの?

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                                                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

                                                  Integer a risus ante, eget porta mi. Curabitur a dapibus turpis. Proin dolor lorem, bibendum sed lobortis vel, ornare in nulla. Duis porttitor scelerisque turpis, eget volutpat velit euismod sed. Cras felis lectus, congue quis accumsan ut, luctus a massa. Pellentesque eu blandit est. In fermentum tristique sem ac lobortis. Aliquam ac diam nibh. Nullam aliquam, odio eu varius pharetra, justo justo malesuada urna, eu scelerisque quam dolor ac nulla. Cras rhoncus erat sit amet turpis semper porta. Duis in ligula leo, eu auctor nisi. Integer tellus est, elementum vitae scelerisque vel, egestas at risus. Curabitur justo orci, fermentum non pretium ac, tincidunt vel sapien. Sed pellentesque tempor ligula vel ullamcorper. Sed mattis lorem nec nulla pellentesque ac facilisis dui ullamcorper. Vestibulum vestibulum, dolor eu sagittis fermentum, ipsum risus varius metus, id tempor tellus sapien eu mi.

                                                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

                                                  Integer a risus ante, eget porta mi. Curabitur a dapibus turpis. Proin dolor lorem, bibendum sed lobortis vel, ornare in nulla. Duis porttitor scelerisque turpis, eget volutpat velit euismod sed. Cras felis lectus, congue quis accumsan ut, luctus a massa. Pellentesque eu blandit est. In fermentum tristique sem ac lobortis. Aliquam ac diam nibh. Nullam aliquam, odio eu varius pharetra, justo justo malesuada urna, eu scelerisque quam dolor ac nulla. Cras rhoncus erat sit amet turpis semper porta. Duis in ligula leo, eu auctor nisi. Integer tellus est, elementum vitae scelerisque vel, egestas at risus. Curabitur justo orci, fermentum non pretium ac, tincidunt vel sapien. Sed pellentesque tempor ligula vel ullamcorper. Sed mattis lorem nec nulla pellentesque ac facilisis dui ullamcorper. Vestibulum vestibulum, dolor eu sagittis fermentum, ipsum risus varius metus, id tempor tellus sapien eu mi.

                                                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

    muirii's Husbando

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              xxx. xxxxx. xxx. xx「ALTHOUGH I CANNOT : ✱ MEET ◥YOU RIGHT NOW
              xxx. xxxxx. xxxx. xxxx ▬▬▬▬ ❛I CONCEAL ◞⊹THOSE PAINFUL ⋮→ FEELINGS
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        xxx. xxxx. xx████████ I WANNA MAKE IT MORE CLEAR
        xxx. xxxx. xxxxTHAT I CAN BECOME STRONGER ░░░░░░░░░
        xxx. xxx. xxx. xxxit's okay if I don't stop my xxxx.xx o v e r f l o w i n g t e a r s
        xxx. xxx. xxx. xxxit's okay if I don't stop my xxxx.xx o v e r f l o w i n g t e a r s

        xx. xxxx. xUser Image
        xxx. xx急ぎすぎて 壊してきたもの ▬▬▬▬
        xx. xxxx. xx▌✱name here xxx▌✱status one xxx▌✱status two
        xx. xxxx. xxx. xxx. xxx取り戻すの 私らしく歩くために

                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

                        Integer a risus ante, eget porta mi. Curabitur a dapibus turpis. Proin dolor lorem, bibendum sed lobortis vel, ornare in nulla. Duis porttitor scelerisque turpis, eget volutpat velit euismod sed. Cras felis lectus, congue quis accumsan ut, luctus a massa. Pellentesque eu blandit est. In fermentum tristique sem ac lobortis. Aliquam ac diam nibh. Nullam aliquam, odio eu varius pharetra, justo justo malesuada urna, eu scelerisque quam dolor ac nulla. Cras rhoncus erat sit amet turpis semper porta. Duis in ligula leo, eu auctor nisi. Integer tellus est, elementum vitae scelerisque vel, egestas at risus. Curabitur justo orci, fermentum non pretium ac, tincidunt vel sapien. Sed pellentesque tempor ligula vel ullamcorper. Sed mattis lorem nec nulla pellentesque ac facilisis dui ullamcorper. Vestibulum vestibulum, dolor eu sagittis fermentum, ipsum risus varius metus, id tempor tellus sapien eu mi.

                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

                        Integer a risus ante, eget porta mi. Curabitur a dapibus turpis. Proin dolor lorem, bibendum sed lobortis vel, ornare in nulla. Duis porttitor scelerisque turpis, eget volutpat velit euismod sed. Cras felis lectus, congue quis accumsan ut, luctus a massa. Pellentesque eu blandit est. In fermentum tristique sem ac lobortis. Aliquam ac diam nibh. Nullam aliquam, odio eu varius pharetra, justo justo malesuada urna, eu scelerisque quam dolor ac nulla. Cras rhoncus erat sit amet turpis semper porta. Duis in ligula leo, eu auctor nisi. Integer tellus est, elementum vitae scelerisque vel, egestas at risus. Curabitur justo orci, fermentum non pretium ac, tincidunt vel sapien. Sed pellentesque tempor ligula vel ullamcorper. Sed mattis lorem nec nulla pellentesque ac facilisis dui ullamcorper. Vestibulum vestibulum, dolor eu sagittis fermentum, ipsum risus varius metus, id tempor tellus sapien eu mi.

                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at mi id magna consectetur placerat ac venenatis augue. Nam commodo pellentesque eros. In at orci sed purus venenatis interdum ac at felis. Pellentesque placerat mollis euismod. Nulla facilisi. Praesent dapibus imperdiet faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit feugiat. Praesent pharetra lobortis urna, et sodales tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum in felis nulla. Vestibulum quam magna, ultricies eu bibendum a, porttitor sed nisi. Duis sed egestas felis.

    muirii's Husbando

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                                                          ▬▬ I AM HERE IN THE SPACE
                                                          Post Post Post PostxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBETWEEN THE SKY AND THE STREETS, THE HEAD WIND
                                                          xxxxxxxx And, I face forward, in order to never again
                                                          Post Post Post Postxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( ℱall into sadness )
                                                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI crossed over that wall xxxxx until I came here

                                                              Beep, beep, beep! Her alarm's sudden noise awoke Makoto from her deep slumber. Almost immediately, Makoto slammed her hand upon the alarm clock, silencing it. She groggily pulled herself out of bed, reluctant to start the day. She had never been quite good at mornings. With a weary face, she got up and got dressed for her first day of school in an outfit she had bought the week before. Softly, she brushed her short brown hair. It had only been two years since the incident, but she still was not quite used to having it this short. Although, she has to admit she didn't miss her long hair. Having it short made it much easier to handle than before and easier to brush as well. As she studied herself in the mirror, she seemed satisfied with the outcome and gave herself a charming smile before heading down from her apartment complex into her family's bakery.

                                                              As she entered the bakery, Makoto heard a squeal and turned to find her mother at the counter. Coming out from behind the counter, Mayame gave her daughter a tight squeeze. "Uwa~. It's Mako-chan's first day today!" Makoto let out a sigh as her mother squeezed the life out of her. Mayame then let go of her daughter to get a second look on her. Her mother frowned and gave Makoto a slight pout. "Geez Mako-chan~! I wish you'd dress more like a girl!" Makoto ignored tthis statement and grabbed a Kobe Cream Puff, one of her mother's tastiest goods at the bakery. "Whatever," she muttered as she took a bite of the pastry, still feeling quite tired since awakening. "Ah. Mako-chan~, you should look more cute for mama! You know, there's a lot of good-looking guys at Our-" Before Mayame could finish her sentence, Makoto was already out the door, uninterested in the topic and headed off to school.

                                                              Arriving at the front entrance of the school, Makoto saw no real point in coming today since there were no classes or events today. All she wanted to do was take a good look inside the High School and the library especially, since she would be spending most of her life at Ouran there. If she would have stayed at home however, she would have to work in the bakery and listen to her mother's ranting all day long about how cute she was and how she was the best daughter in the world. Whether it was to complete strangers or Makoto herself. Giving an annoyed sigh, she walked inside the school, heading towards the library, despite being unsure of where it may be within this very large school.

    muirii's Husbando

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    User ImageUser ImagePost Post Post PostxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXxx
    Post Post Post PostxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGOT NO FAMILY I CAN BLAME
    xxxxxxxx Just don't let me disappear
    Post Post Post Postxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( I'ma tell you everything )
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSo tell me what you want to hear xxxxx Something that will light those ears
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSick of all the insincere xxxxxxxxxxxx So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

    Words, words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.

    Words, words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.

    Words, words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.

    muirii's Husbando

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    User ImageUser ImagexxI'll go on alone with the pain
    xxxxxxxxxxx'cause i'll have the dream you gave me* to keep me strong just how i should be

    Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words


    muirii's Husbando

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                                                                        ooc: tada c:

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