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Dedicated Phantom

Elemental Paradisity's post testing thread

Dedicated Phantom

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XThoughts: ---
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XWith: ---
XFeeling: ---
XOut Of Craziness: ---


          tab tab tab Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultrices fringilla turpis vitae dignissim. Duis sollicitudin ligula et enim elementum eget dignissim risus ullamcorper. Mauris lorem velit, convallis accumsan tempor id, pulvinar facilisis est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur condimentum, diam vitae porttitor bibendum, tellus purus pretium erat, vitae elementum odio dolor id felis. Phasellus dignissim risus a arcu condimentum volutpat sed nec tellus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor eleifend tempus. Etiam urna mauris, euismod ultrices accumsan vel, varius et nibh. Donec ac ullamcorper neque. Phasellus nec porttitor nisl.

          Integer sit amet justo risus, ac laoreet justo. Suspendisse potenti. Ut at ante at tortor condimentum consectetur quis dictum purus. Aliquam convallis viverra mauris non malesuada. Cras id purus nulla, non tincidunt felis. Donec accumsan ipsum eget felis blandit eget venenatis augue molestie. Vivamus sed quam fermentum purus varius condimentum quis vitae turpis.

          Pellentesque ullamcorper rutrum urna dignissim tempor. Suspendisse ultrices diam non sapien pretium condimentum. Phasellus a lacinia diam. Suspendisse mattis sollicitudin erat et scelerisque. Quisque ornare feugiat nunc vel consectetur. Morbi ac facilisis leo. Aenean auctor est dignissim eros congue ultricies. Aliquam ultricies ornare nisi nec imperdiet. Mauris at dui ac massa dapibus aliquet in in elit. Donec commodo tincidunt nisi vel eleifend. Pellentesque in elit ipsum.

          Cun sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce mollis, mi nec fermentum viverra, leo lacus commodo dui, in rhoncus libero nisl id lectus. Nulla lectus mi, hendrerit eget consectetur vel, aliquet ullamcorper magna. Cras luctus eros at nisl placerat in ultrices neque interdum. Mauris metus lectus, viverra non ultricies vitae, consectetur ac urna. Etiam sed erat erat, in facilisis quam. Mauris magna nibh, convallis eu ultrices a, mollis sed lacus. Nunc pellentesque pharetra tempus. Phasellus semper, erat sed fringilla varius, sem arcu vulputate turpis, nec aliquet sem lorem in lacus. In consectetur egestas nulla. Donec et diam lacus. Nullam gravida, nibh eu posuere aliquet, neque erat rhoncus metus, non aliquet libero est non sapien. Aliquam auctor, elit vel aliquam venenatis, metus metus dignissim nisl, ultrices sagittis massa justo ac nibh. Sed ultricies enim et dui mollis pellentesque id vitae arcu. Suspendisse eu eros sit amet libero commodo tristique a quis augue.

          Vivamus eu quam in nulla malesuada imperdiet eget sed orci. Nullam pretium congue mollis. Mauris sed orci sed odio consectetur ultricies. Proin bibendum, felis eu placerat luctus, dui nulla luctus est, ac commodo magna ipsum adipiscing nunc. Curabitur tristique sodales felis, in fermentum tellus adipiscing eget. Cras at eros urna, sit amet tincidunt odio. Duis pulvinar metus risus, sit amet venenatis ligula. Cras vulputate mauris laoreet ligula convallis commodo at in purus. Morbi in lectus et eros pretium euismod a a odio. In vehicula ante eu nisl pulvinar gravida rhoncus eros pulvinar. Nunc sit amet risus massa. Nunc a mi et neque venenatis ultricies. Sed neque est, eleifend a pellentesque semper, porttitor hendrerit risus. Maecenas nulla tellus, viverra dictum egestas ultrices, hendrerit quis felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque convallis justo sit amet eros condimentum cursus.


Most people are afraid of things because they don't understand them
For me, that was dragons
Then one day that changed
And my greatest fear became my best friend

Dedicated Phantom

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                                                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultrices fringilla turpis vitae dignissim. Duis sollicitudin ligula et enim elementum eget dignissim risus ullamcorper. Mauris lorem velit, convallis accumsan tempor id, pulvinar facilisis est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur condimentum, diam vitae porttitor bibendum, tellus purus pretium erat, vitae elementum odio dolor id felis. Phasellus dignissim risus a arcu condimentum volutpat sed nec tellus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor eleifend tempus. Etiam urna mauris, euismod ultrices accumsan vel, varius et nibh. Donec ac ullamcorper neque. Phasellus nec porttitor nisl.

                                                    Integer sit amet justo risus, ac laoreet justo. Suspendisse potenti. Ut at ante at tortor condimentum consectetur quis dictum purus. Aliquam convallis viverra mauris non malesuada. Cras id purus nulla, non tincidunt felis. Donec accumsan ipsum eget felis blandit eget venenatis augue molestie. Vivamus sed quam fermentum purus varius condimentum quis vitae turpis.

                                                    Pellentesque ullamcorper rutrum urna dignissim tempor. Suspendisse ultrices diam non sapien pretium condimentum. Phasellus a lacinia diam. Suspendisse mattis sollicitudin erat et scelerisque. Quisque ornare feugiat nunc vel consectetur. Morbi ac facilisis leo. Aenean auctor est dignissim eros congue ultricies. Aliquam ultricies ornare nisi nec imperdiet. Mauris at dui ac massa dapibus aliquet in in elit. Donec commodo tincidunt nisi vel eleifend. Pellentesque in elit ipsum.

                                                    Cun sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce mollis, mi nec fermentum viverra, leo lacus commodo dui, in rhoncus libero nisl id lectus. Nulla lectus mi, hendrerit eget consectetur vel, aliquet ullamcorper magna. Cras luctus eros at nisl placerat in ultrices neque interdum. Mauris metus lectus, viverra non ultricies vitae, consectetur ac urna. Etiam sed erat erat, in facilisis quam. Mauris magna nibh, convallis eu ultrices a, mollis sed lacus. Nunc pellentesque pharetra tempus. Phasellus semper, erat sed fringilla varius, sem arcu vulputate turpis, nec aliquet sem lorem in lacus. In consectetur egestas nulla. Donec et diam lacus. Nullam gravida, nibh eu posuere aliquet, neque erat rhoncus metus, non aliquet libero est non sapien. Aliquam auctor, elit vel aliquam venenatis, metus metus dignissim nisl, ultrices sagittis massa justo ac nibh. Sed ultricies enim et dui mollis pellentesque id vitae arcu. Suspendisse eu eros sit amet libero commodo tristique a quis augue.

                                                    Vivamus eu quam in nulla malesuada imperdiet eget sed orci. Nullam pretium congue mollis. Mauris sed orci sed odio consectetur ultricies. Proin bibendum, felis eu placerat luctus, dui nulla luctus est, ac commodo magna ipsum adipiscing nunc. Curabitur tristique sodales felis, in fermentum tellus adipiscing eget. Cras at eros urna, sit amet tincidunt odio. Duis pulvinar metus risus, sit amet venenatis ligula. Cras vulputate mauris laoreet ligula convallis commodo at in purus. Morbi in lectus et eros pretium euismod a a odio. In vehicula ante eu nisl pulvinar gravida rhoncus eros pulvinar. Nunc sit amet risus massa. Nunc a mi et neque venenatis ultricies. Sed neque est, eleifend a pellentesque semper, porttitor hendrerit risus. Maecenas nulla tellus, viverra dictum egestas ultrices, hendrerit quis felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque convallis justo sit amet eros condimentum cursus.

                                                    Cun sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce mollis, mi nec fermentum viverra, leo lacus commodo dui, in rhoncus libero nisl id lectus. Nulla lectus mi, hendrerit eget consectetur vel, aliquet ullamcorper magna. Cras luctus eros at nisl placerat in ultrices neque interdum. Mauris metus lectus, viverra non ultricies vitae, consectetur ac urna. Etiam sed erat erat, in facilisis quam. Mauris magna nibh, convallis eu ultrices a, mollis sed lacus. Nunc pellentesque pharetra tempus. Phasellus semper, erat sed fringilla varius, sem arcu vulputate turpis, nec aliquet sem lorem in lacus. In consectetur egestas nulla. Donec et diam lacus. Nullam gravida, nibh eu posuere aliquet, neque erat rhoncus metus, non aliquet libero est non sapien. Aliquam auctor, elit vel aliquam venenatis, metus metus dignissim nisl, ultrices sagittis massa justo ac nibh. Sed ultricies enim et dui mollis pellentesque id vitae arcu. Suspendisse eu eros sit amet libero commodo tristique a quis augue.

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Dedicated Phantom

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Invisible to those unfortunate enough to be caught on the ground in such hard weather, Lucian was at least relatively glad that he had grabbed the tarp for Diamond in having thought that they were going to part ways after leaving the Cornucopia. That in itself was an entirely different train of thought, those small bags placed in their shared back pack now upon having been given to the tributes as 'gifts'. They hadn't even taken the time to open them to reveal their contents yet, to see if it was even something worth the time of having gone out of their way to the center of the arena, but in all reality, that didn't bother the dripping lumberjack in the least, not now. What bothered him most wasn't the lightning that streaked through the pitch black artificial sky above him, not the pelting rain or the cold that pierced his skin. No. What bothered him most was the curled bundle of shivering blonde hair and smooth flawless skin that was curled into him, the fallen angel whom he had had the paradoxical misfortune and fortune to cross his path in the arena.

He had to console to himself that he might have gotten like this with anyone, anyone who showed him a similar amount of will to help each other while they spent their time in the arena. He was a naturally protective person, a quality Lucian had always been proud of in his young years with his drive to take care of those who couldn't themselves, but it was that first sight of her, peering down at her from his perch in the tree after she found him that he knew instantly his instinct to protect those who got close was going to ruin him. He knew he should have denied her company in the beginning, it would have been easier for both of them, but while he wanted to believe that she could have made it without him, there was a pang of doubt that gnawed at him, though not near as much as the gaping maw that was chewing into his very core at the question that he had tried so hard to avoid.

Separating at the Cornucopia, while difficult for him, probably would have been the best, he wouldn't have felt entirely responsible for her demise should it have come. And while the odds were still for any of the tributes that remained in the arena thus far, he couldn't help but think long term in everything he did, bringing him to the question of what would happen if they were the two left in the arena? He felt foolish for it really, looking down to the frozen figure beside him. While she had shown not so much compassion as she had general interest, and a will to help them keep together and stay strong in their time in the arena, he still had a remaining sense that she felt nothing. He couldn't imagine that a district one gem would take any such interest in a district seven rock like him, and he could recall in her interview, she even had a boyfriend back in her district, waiting for her to come home. That was it then, really, it had to all be an act, just getting a free ride through the games in order to make her way home.

The sudden realization hurt, more so than he would have liked, but while that wound started to fester, that still didn't take away from what would happen if it were down to just her and him. He could think rationally about it, asking himself if he wanted to go home as much as she did. In all honesty, deep inside of him, his resolve to die before anything truly happened to him still remained. He had wanted very much to end his life come the calling of his name at his district's reaping, and while he held onto what morality he had left after that, he wasn't sure just why he did. For his mother yes, but that wasn't going to do him much good. He knew if he came out of the games, he would never be the same, not even with the 'praise' he might get from the man who used him for mere tesserae. Even then, if he managed to find someone after the games, someone to start the coveted family he always wanted, he knew, though certain the feelings weren't mutual, no one would ever come close to the gem that he held close with a still throbbing arm.

Throbbing muscles, aching and bleeding hands, and still soaked to the bone, Lucian couldn't take his thoughts any more. There was just too much going on in his mind, and he couldn't take it any more. Life after the arena would be worth nothing without her, and he could say that in every honesty he had within himself, no matter how stupid he felt for it. Even if she was just playing him this entire time, why not help her go back to her own life and make sure that he could do one last thing before going to join his mother and two brothers to leave his 'father' alone in this hell of a world.

At the cusp of his demeaning and spiteful thoughts, he felt himself curling in tighter around Diamond, as if he really needed to protect her from the harsh storm that still ravaged around them. He never had been one for fantasy, for believing in something that wasn't true, but maybe, since he knew his end would come eventually, it would be nice to just let everything go and accept that his end to a new beginning was coming, even if by her own hand. He had nothing else to live for really, no matter how much he thought he could think otherwise, but it was with a reeling mind that he slowly felt himself leaving the world around them and slipping into a state of unconsciousness, unable to escape the sleep that was coming to him.

He could feel himself moving, his feet pressing forward in walking, not running like he would have expected. While he could only think that he might still be in the games, walking in nothing but darkness, he couldn't help but notice that he didn't feel anything wrong, his hands didn't hurt, his muscles weren't sore, in fact, he felt better than he had in a long time, better than when Diamond had given him a massage. In a blink of his eyes, everything came to life around him. He could hear the sound of a roaring crowd just beyond a stream of colored curtains that hung in front of him. It almost hurt his ears after having walked through the silence, but not as much as the blinding lights that hung on what looked like a stage just beyond those curtains. Lucian didn't know where he was or what he was doing, but it wasn't moments later that he had considered starting to walk away in a panic that he was approached by an all too familiar face, a one Cypress Lawson.

Confusion still harbored his every initial thought, but what he immediately knew and remembered was that he despised the woman. It's not that she was a bad person by any means, he just was never fond of having to be "trained" for being put into a pit for his death. He never saw a point in it really, and while he never actually held a conversation with the woman, nor the Thomas Arlington he could make out in the background amongst an entire fleet of bustling faces, he knew he didn't like her and was not pleased to have her walking towards him.

What he found exceedingly odd though was how she was dressed up, as if she were getting ready for her own interview. He only ever saw her ready for training, and certainly hadn't really paid much attention at their dinners and what not. She was adorned in fine green silk that was lightly patterned with the leaves of a spruce tree, a high collar on the dress that presented her signature strong shoulders from seven rather nicely. The dress wasn't exactly fitted, but it formed well to her body as her hair came down in long chocolate waves around her polished face. Her face was what really caught him off guard, having never seen the woman smile once since he had been introduced to her, at least not directly at him anyways. She could handle the girl he was a fellow tribute with, but she never graced him with a smile that she was approaching him with now.

"Are you ready," she asked in a surreal, strangely kind voice. He was too transfixed on what was wrong with her to swat away her hands before she reached for his neck, and half expecting to feel himself being strangled, he looked down to find her adjusting a black tie that was around his neck. He looked down further, finding himself in a rich dark emerald green suit, polished black shoes, nothing like he had been wearing the last he remembered. He couldn't even question what he was to be ready for before she turned him towards the stage, hearing his name before a roaring applause, finding himself being pushed out past the curtain and out onto a scene he never thought he'd see again.

"There he is ladies and gentlemen! Your victor for the Fortieth Hunger Games," Ceasar Flickerman greeted, coming to meet Lucian as he stumbled out onto the stage. The shock on his face clearly went ignored as he was gingerly pulled to his seat across from the coveted interviewer's chair, being sat down without so much as a word as to what in the hell was going on. The crowd seemed to take ages to die down upon his introduction, and while he had every intention of storming off the stage in utter frustration by this point, he couldn't bring himself to move, it was all just too much.

"Yes, yes I know, astounding isn't it. Welcome Lucian Hemlock to the stage. What an honor it is really," Ceasar said after a few moments, trying to bring himself over the crowd once more to start the show officially. Everyone focused on Lucian now, and he could feel every pair of eyes stabbing into his frozen being. He still wasn't even sure what he was doing up on that forsaken stage, having never wanted to see it again, even if he'd won.

"Now, I must say, this was certainly one of the most gripping ends we've seen thus far. I couldn't have guessed in a million years that you would have betrayed your entire game's alliance like that," Caesar continued, looking at Lucian in complete and utter fascination. The lumberjack sat up in his chair as if he were trying to lift himself out of it, but he couldn't help but take in the words that were just given to him. What on earth was this man talking about?

"I-I don't... What are you talking about," Lucian stammered finally, finding the sound of his own voice odd again after so much utter confusion and directionless thoughts. The crowd wasted no time in releasing an uproarious laugh as if he were joking, when in actuality he had no idea what the interviewer meant. Even Ceasar himself was laughing at the given response, as if he weren't expecting anything different.

"Why, surely you can't let us believe that that wasn't your plan all along. I think he needs a refresher, don't you folks," Ceasar asked out to the audience before turning himself to face the screen behind them. The crowd fell into a hush as Lucian too turned to see where the focus was going, looking up at the screen in front of him as it lit up to show a scene of the forest he had spent so much time in. He could already tell it was the arena with the miss match of trees and the already familiar terrain, but he was still in a state of unsureness, unable to really understand what was happening.

The arena was growing dark, moving into night time, no storm, no rain, and it didn't look to be too cold as he found himself staring at his self and Diamond walking amongst the trees. He looked back at the audience, trying to find any sign of... of what he wasn't sure, but even forcing himself to look behind him at the back stage area, he could even see Cypress and Thomas staring at the screen intently. He turned himself back to face the screen, not sure as to what was happening, but nothing was being said between them before he saw them routinely turn with one and other for Diamond to get on his back. Still the crowd was in a hush, watching as he expertly climbed the tree like always, Diamond clung to his back with their back pack on her back and her bow and arrows over one shoulder. He continued to climb higher and higher, higher than he normally would have when climbing a tree just to find a place to sleep, especially with Diamond on his back, but that didn't stop him from choosing a branch and settling himself on it to let Diamond off of his back.

Not seconds later did a cannon fire go off, causing Lucian to nearly fly out of his seat as it echoed through the stage area and into the audience.

"That was it folks. That was the third to last cannon fire," Caesar narrated intently, earning quiet murmurs and what not from the crowd as Lucian could only continue to stare at the screen. He himself on the screen must have known what that cannon fire meant, for at that sound, he and Diamond looked at each other, a sort of tension in their gaze. The two of them knew what that meant, the fear he'd had all along, but he couldn't have stopped himself even if he wanted to from standing up and screaming at the screen as he watched himself push Diamond from the branch they were on.

"No! Diamond," he screamed, running from his chair as if he could actually save her. Her own shrill scream greatly over powered his as he watched her fall, hitting branch after branch on the way down. He couldn't hold in the stream of curses he was throwing at himself, wondering why he wasn't trying to save her, or worse, why he would have done that in the first place. He was just in front of the screen, pale hands trying to grip onto anything to save her already broken body as she had stopped screaming, falling limp in a crumpled, bloody heap on the ground. Sticks and leaves stuck out from her emaciated body, her limbs bending in the most unnatural ways from how she had hit the branches on the way down. He wanted so much to look away, but nothing could keep him from staring in horror at the scene in front of him as he didn't even move at the sound of the last cannon fire, watching the screen go blank.

All at once the audience started up again, applauding, cheering, hollering as Caesar situated himself in his chair. As if Lucian hadn't moved he looked out to the crowd, giving out a heavy breath as if he'd been holding it for watching the screen.

"Could you believe that Panem? After all they'd been through, he completely had us fooled, even Miss Diamond Angelle, into thinking that he loved her. We actually believed it, didn't we," he boasted to the audience, earning a round of shouts from the crowd. Still Lucian stood at the screen, pale as a ghost and tears streaming down his face, unable to move himself as the picture of Diamond's dead body remained fixated right in front of him, forever imprinted in his mind despite the screen having gone blank.

"Now tell us Lucian, was it really that easy to let it all go? I mean, we all did believe that you actually loved her, but come on now, we know that wasn't true since you killed her," Caesar asked, turning back to Lucian who only turned with a face so riddled with pain and anguish that he probably looked like he'd already aged ten years.

"I didn't kill her," he shouted, starting to run for Caesar to mutilate the man just as they had mutilated Diamond on that damned screen, but just as soon as he was about to reach for the man's neck below his ever present smile, he found himself plunging into darkness, not hearing his scream on the way down, but Diamond's.

No sooner did Diamond place a hand on his shoulder than did Lucian jolt awake, the falling sensation having shaken him enough to come into reality, hitting a solid brick wall on the way. His grip around her waist hadn't moved over the course of the night and tightened upon waking up, breathing heavily and unable to focus on where he was or what was going on. Being on that stage had already been too real enough, he wasn't sure if where he was was real or not until he looked at Diamond beside him.

"You're alive," he said out of sheer reaction, unable to have kept that comment to himself. He sat up from the tree though after his comment, quickly trying to reign himself back in after the hysteria that ravaged his mind, finding sitting up in itself to be a difficult task. He noticed that light was starting to come in around them, and it was no longer raining, but it was the entire stationary night that they had spent in the tree that caused him to wince in pain at his sore muscles from climbing the wet tree, his arms growing difficult to move at his shoulders. He was stiff, very stiff from remaining still in the cold, but was pleased to find himself not soaked, but a little damp from having remained under the tarp. However, it was the realization that it was no longer raining and pouring and dark that caused him to start to panic already, knowing that they had to get moving again in the arena.

Trying his best to by pass his outburst about her being alive, Lucian moved on the tree, handing the tarp off to Diamond. He wanted nothing more than to forget about that horrible nightmare, even though he couldn't bring himself to really look at her in fear of seeing her broken form again, hearing her heart breaking scream. The more he occupied himself with the better, and the easier it would be on his currently fragile mind.

"We have to get moving, or at least out of the tree. We're too vulnerable here," Lucian said as he moved for Diamond to get on his back, trying to focus on anything else, even the pain that took over his suddenly active body to get rid of the nightmare he'd had.

Dedicated Phantom

【Emiri Virray 】

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                                                    【 ✄ 】 - - - - - н ι ѕ τ ø я y - - - - -

                                                                      xoxoxoxName: Emiri Virray

                                                                      xoxoxoxNickname: Aviatrix

                                                                      xoxoxoxGender: Female

                                                                      xoxoxoxAge: 21

                                                                      xoxoxoxBirthday: 03/19

                                                                      xoxoxoxHometown: Pallet Town, Kanto

                                                                      xoxoxoxRole: Flying type leader


                                                                      Not much can be said for her early years in being born and growing up to where she was starting to walk and talk. Her dad and his brother, after having gone through an internship together under Professor Elm in studying pokemon breeding and eggs. They both settled in the Johto Region, though while his brother had managed to find a house closer to Elm's lab in New Bark, Emiri's father had to go out further to Violet City to stay in the region. Just a few years later, his brother had already married, and Emiri's father was getting ready to marry himself to a traveling intern under Professor Oak. A few more years later, while Emiri's cousin Rhienne had been born, Emiri was born just one year later in Violet City. While the commute was tasking, Emiri's father had gotten a lovely home within walking distance of the gym of Violet, and while he was away on business on and off, and Emiri's mother was on an intermission in her internship, there wasn't much to do around Violet, but she found a quick pass time in taking Emiri, and sometimes a tag along Rhienne, to the gym to watch Falkner and his other pupils train. While she had been too young in the beginning, the more and more they went to the gyms as she got a little older to start understanding things, Emiri immediately, and inexplicably, had a fascination in flying types. If they would have let her, she would have sat there for hours, little brown eyes transfixed on the flying pokemon of the gym atmosphere, but alas, there was a time they needed to go home, but Emiri's fascination started there, and would not end. At about the age of six, Emiri's father had grown interested in Professor Oak's studies of general pokemon behavior and the interaction of pokemon with humans, just like his wife who had to go back to Pallet to continue her own studies. It was then that he decided to move himself and Emiri with her mother to Pallet town in Kanto, leaving his brother and Emiri's cousin Rhienne in Johto, moving them to a small piece of property just outside of the small southern town. Over the years as Emiri's father and her mother grew to realize that their passion was with Oak, their small property started to get bigger as her father opened a ranch outside of Pallet. There he could study pokemon that came and went as they pleased, or pokemon that owners or trainers would leave for travel. It was sort of an extension of Oak's own laboratory, where Oak often visited should something interesting come up, and vice versa.

                                                                      It was there that Emiri grew up, forever surrounded by pokemon, living in a small town atmosphere, free to do what she pleased on their growing property, taking interest in studying pokemon for herself. She often remained out in the field from sunrise to sunset, either doing chores for the ranch itself, or playing with the local pokemon. She started paying attention to her father's studies of pokemon behavior, wanting to learn everything she could of the creatures that she saw and interacted with every day, and all the while, her fascination with flying types grew even more as she got to flying around with some of the flying types that resided on her ranch. While the lifestyle was perfect and ideal for her, Emiri had always been interested in the idea of travel, having often listened to stories of returning trainers, retelling their travels, what they'd seen and what they'd done over Kanto, or in other regions. Coming on the age of thirteen, Emiri decided that traveling was something she wanted to do, and with that intention imprinted in her mind, she'd left for her journey. Going out into the world with her little Charmander and a child hood Bulbasaur, Emiri was immediately taken aback at the difference from small town ranch living to being thrust into the enormity of the outside world. On just her first day of her journey, having just barely left home, Emiri had gotten lost within Viridian City without help or aid, spending more time in the pokemon center than she would have liked in fear of going back out and getting lost again. Eventually she'd managed to find her way out of the huge city, but it was since then that she realized that she had to grow up in the real world. She couldn't be lost, couldn't rely on anyone else for help, especially when she started to run into Team Rocket due to a rumor of a roaming Dialga in the area, she had to fend for herself and make sure she could keep herself and her pokemon safe. While she traveled through North Western Kanto in her earlier journey, Emiri made due in working with the pokemon she had with her, being able to make it through the first two gyms with her partner being an early blooming Charmeleon. Emiri couldn't have explained why her Charmander had evolved so soon, but later found that it was due to a rising tenacity in wanting to be able to do something to help her trainer since she was too small and timid to do anything as a Charmander. Since then her long time partner has had a no tolerance attitude and doesn't take lightly to others, but in her growing age, she has come to soften, if only a little.

                                                                      Through constant run ins with Team Rocket, or other enemy organizations when traveling through other regions, working with the pokemon that she grew to love and adore having with her, discovering a new species known as a Ficub to most, surviving a cave in while traveling through Mt. Coronet in her short time in Sinnoh, and having her beloved Charizard stolen from her, Emiri faced many hardships that had made her into the woman she is known as today. She spent most of her time traveling around Kanto, managing to obtain the region's badges and had come to challenge the Elite Four of the region, becoming the champion but stepping down to explore other endeavors, and despite her most recent endeavor with a raging storm through South Eastern Kanto, a storm that turned tornado and caught her and her pokemon in the midst of it, Emiri has never once backed down from going for something she truly felt she wanted to do. It took a bit of recovery and rehabilitation for her pokemon and herself, for a time having been frightened of flying, but through the experience, she had decided that she wanted the bulk of her recovery to be at home in Pallet Town, coming back to her ranch for a while after her engaging travels. It was a year or two later that she and her Pokemon had settled on leaving once again, this time coming to the Britania Region...


                                                                      Emiri has definitely grown from the young, naive, accident prone, innocent and openly friendly little girl she started out as in her journey. Through her experiences, the hard ships, victories, challenges, and travels, Emiri has grown to be a strong, independent, passionate, and dedicated young woman. While her capacity for friendliness and kindness hasn't changed much, she has come to understand that she can't go out and talk to everyone she finds interesting. She needed to pull back and be more reserved to keep herself and her pokemon safe, and she has learned that it's alright to judge people to a certain poin before approaching them. Through all that she faced in her journey, Emiri has certainly grown past being scarred like she used to be, sometimes to the point of shutting herself down mentally. There are still things that scare her, like tornadoes and caves, but she calmly tries to work through other situations that might have otherwise scared her when she was little. Over all, Emiri is caring and a little more mellow than she used to be as a kid. She still enjoys having fun and playing around with her pokemon on a regular basis, going out for flying days and remaining active on a regular basis, but she's not as hyper active as she used to be.

                                                    【 ✄ 】 - - - - - в ε ℓ ø η g ι η g ѕ - - - - -

                                                                      Full restores || Super Potions || Heal Powders || Energy Roots
                                                                      Various berries
                                                                      A journal she keeps of all her exploits and notes about flying types
                                                                      A deep metalic blue scale
                                                                      An old pokegear filled with pictures, numbers, and conversations of friends long lost
                                                                      A newspaper clipping from her time as the underdog in her flying type racing circuit

                                                                      Kanto: Boulder || Cascade || Thunder || Rainbow || Marsh || Soul || Volcano || Earth
                                                                      Sinnoh: Coal || Forest || Cobble

                                                                      xoxoxoxPokémon Team:
                                                                      POKéMON (6 MAX)


                                                                      xoxoxoxPokémon PC:
                                                                      POKéMON (IN P.C. // STARTS DON'T HAVE ANY YET!)

                                                  【 ✄ 】 - - - - - ѕ ρ ε c ι α ℓ ѕ - - - - -


                                                                    ☑ Flying/racing
                                                                    ☑ Learning/teaching
                                                                    ☑ Fields/open sky
                                                                    ☑ Mountain regions
                                                                    ☑ Her family of pokemon


                                                                    ☒ Night time
                                                                    ☒ Fog
                                                                    ☒ Going underground/ in a cave
                                                                    ☒ Coffee
                                                                    ☒ Being lost


                                                                    ☢ Tornadoes
                                                                    ☢ Another cave in/ being trapped
                                                                    ☢ Loosing one of her family again
                                                                    ☢ Psychic type pokemon


                                                                    xoxoxoxTheme Song:
                                                                    Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men

                                                                    xoxoxoxAdditional Information:
                                                                    Emiri is a champion flying type racer in the racing circuit that she follows
                                                                    She has visited every mountain region in every region
                                                                    Something that has always fascinated Emiri is fossils and the Pokemon that they hold
                                                                    Emiri never leaves or goes anywhere without making sure Beck is with her
                                                                    She hopes to own her own aviary one day like her dad does a ranch
                                                                    Emiri is a vegetarian
                                                                    Emiri designs and makes her own saddles for the flying type pokemon that she has, and for anyone else that wants one
                                                                    One day she wants to make a sport for flying types other than racing, which she has put a lot of thought into already
                                                                    There is a section of Emiri's hair on the back of her head that is a light metallic silver, often kept in a braid
                                                                    Emiri's past is very vast and holds more secrets than she will dare tell anyone. The only ones that know are the pokemon who have experienced it all with her

                                                                    xoxoxoxUser name:
                                                                    Elemental Paradisity

Information: Female Charizard
Nickname: Sapphira
Type: Fire/Flying
Species: Flame Pokemon
Level: 85
➳ Solar Beam
➳ Earthquake
➳ Focus Punch
➳ Fire Blast

Information: Male Aerodactyl
Nickname: Azuran
Type: Rock/Flying
Species: Fossil Pokemon
Level: 72
➳ Earthquake
➳ Flamethrower
➳ Stone Edge
➳ Thunder Fang

Information: Male Nightrial
Nickname: Kovu
Type: Dark/Electric
Species: Midnight Pokemon
Level: 78
➳ Sky Attack
➳ Furno Pulse
➳ Dark Pulse
➳ Fire Blast

Information: Male Salamence
Nickname: Ralyx
Type: Dragon/Flying
Species: Salamence
Level: 78
➳ Hydro Pump
➳ Dragon Rush
➳ Iron Tail
➳ Aerial Ace

Information: Male Honchkrow
Nickname: Terrent
Type: Dark/Flying
Species: Big Boss Pokemon
Level: 71
➳ Shadow Ball
➳ Psychic
➳ Super Power
➳ Mirror Move

Information: Male Pidgeot
Nickname: Lynno
Type: Normal/Flying
Species: Bird Pokemon
Level: 70
➳ Heat Wave
➳ Steel Wing
➳ Hurricane
➳ Brave Bird

Information: Male Blastoise
Type: Water
Species: Shellfish Pokemon
Level: 78
➳ Ice Beam
➳ Earthquake
➳ Focus Punch
➳ Hydro Pump

Information: Male Venusaur
Type: Grass/Poison
Species: Seed Pokemon
Level: 67


Blastoise 78
Venusaur 67
Flareon 54
Rhydon 79
Beck 59
Zaron 60
Porygon 53 Gizmo

Dedicated Phantom

Vaniville Town

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"A town whose flower is about to bloom."

Vaniville Town, Kalos, is a small town in the south south eastern part of the Kalos region. While it is a small community, it is home to many a friendly and warm neighbors who are welcoming to just about anyone who enters their fair community. Laden with cobblestone walkways, wrought iron lanterns that line the streets, and expertly crafted smooth brick walls and gates, Vaniville Town is a sight to behold in itself for it's budding beauty. Flowers are very common in the small town, flower beds and home kept gardens are always in bloom in the town's fair climate, giving the community a welcoming and colorful feel to it.

Vaniville is where many a new young trainer will visit to begin their journies in the Kalos region where Professor Sycamore will meet them to give them one of Kalos' own starter Pokemon to give them a push in the right direction. It's humble beginnings and promising outlook give trainers a sense of hope and confidence that helps them take that first step out into the world.

Heading north through the town's gate, a bright, colorful, and beautiful forest spans out around the town where most of the plants and trees are actually taken care of and groomed by the own town's citizens. Small wild Pokemon can be found in the trees and grasses in the area, and it is a great place for trainers to start making their first bonds with their new starter Pokemon.

In the south western corner of the town, there is a small train station that connects Vaniville Town to the following towns:
Pallet Town, New Bark Town, Littleroot Town, Twinleaf Town, and Nuvema Town

Location of Vaniville Town:
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Connecting Land Routes:
Aquacorde Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 4-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Fletchling
2= Bunelby
3= Scatterbug
4= Bunelby

Pokemon Levels:
1= 2
2= 3
3= 4
4= 5

Aquacorde Town

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"Water and civilization in harmony."

North of Vaniville Town is a much, much larger river side town in south south eastern Kalos called Aquacorde Town. Magnificent views proceed every corner of this town with the beautiful forest that surrounds it in the south, and the crystal clear, sparkling river that flows under the Aquacorde bridge in the north. It too, like Vaniville Town, is lined by a carefully and well crafted smooth brick fence, but the northern edge of town only bears a bridge so it can show off it's beautiful riverside views and allow the towns people access to their favored river.

The town itself is lively and full of hospitality, for there is always an abundance of people enjoying the outdoors with a cup of coffee or spending time with their Pokemon in the town's many outdoor sitting areas. Cobblestone streets and walkways line this town with it's cottage style buildings and white stoned fountain that holds it's place in the center of the town, brimming with the town's very own river water.

When moving out into the town's forest past it's bridge, the wild Pokemon can get a little tougher and more abundant in the area, so Aquacorde Town, being so closely involved with those of Vaniville Town has it's very own resident nurse that takes care of those Pokemon and trainers who might still be trying to work on their strengths together, as well as a small shop for medicine, and another small shop for pokeballs.

Location of Aquacorde Town:
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Connecting Land Routes:
Vaniville Town, Santalune Forest

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 6-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Caterpie
2= Scatterbug
3= Pidgey
4= Weedle
5= Bunleby
6= Zigzagoon

Pokemon Levels:
1= 3
2= 4
3= 5
4= 6

Santalune City

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"A traditional city."

North of Aquacorde Town is another larger community, a city and thriving metropolis compared to Aquacorde Town. Santalune City in south eastern Kalos is the first major city that any beginning trainer will travel to in their first exploits in the Kalos region. It too, like most towns in southern Kalos, is lined with an expertly crafted cobblestone fence that keeps the city clean and organized with its old fashioned style.

While stone walkways and old timey lanterns can be common in some parts of Kalos, Santalune City is always regarded for its traditional style compared to much of Kalos. Wrought iron fences, beautiful rose bushes lining the inside of the wall, terrace style buildings and simple gray marble walls, everything about Santalune City shouts tradition, but also screams for welcoming and hospitality from its residents.

Much like Aquacorde Town, there are a number of outside sitting areas in Santalune City where trainers and Pokemon converse with each other, and even start to take bloom in asking each other for battles to start broadening their horizons as a trainer, likewise many who train water types like to remain around the city's enormous central square fountain to let their water types have a little fun in the sun. All of this activity is promptly due to Santalune City being the first city in Kalos that harbors a gym.

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Viola is the leader of the Santalune City gym, homage to the plentiful bug types that can be found in the Santalune Forest. Viola is a photographer, while her older sister Alexa is a journalist, making the two of them a very excellent team together. Though Viola is the first gym leader in the Kalos region, she is not a force to be taken lightly. Bug types might not be the best at attacking, but their immobilizing moves and ways of lowering stats and affecting status ailments can be very detrimental to ones battle, so be prepared to pose for a loosing shot in Viola's camera.

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Lv. 13
HP 110
Ability: Swift Swim
Bug Bite- 45 || If the target is holding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect
Sweet Scent- Lowers the target's evasion by one stage
Quick Attack- 30 || It is sure to strike first
Bubble- 15 || Lowers target's speed by one stage

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Lv. 17
HP 130
Ability: Shield Dust
Psybeam- 50 || 1/4 chance of confusion
Poisonpowder- Poisons Foe
Powder- 30 || Damages only to pokemon using fire type attacks
Sleep Powder- Puts opponent to sleep

For defeating the gym leader Viola, you will receive the Bug Badge, the TM #119 Infestation, and HM 01 Cut if you started with a Kalos starter.

Location of Santalune City
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Connecting land routes:
Santalune Forest, South Lumiose City, Victory Road

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Bunelby
2= Psyduck
3= Flebebe
4= Dunsparce
5= Bidoof
6= Ralts
7= Riolu
8= Farfetch'd

Pokemon Levels:
1= 4
2= 5
3= 6
4= 7

South Lumiose City

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In the center of the Kalos region is a thriving metropolis, the largest city in the region, and one of the largest cities in the world, Lumiose City. The city is formed and shaped in a circle, all centering around the Prism Tower in the center of the city, which is also the city's gym. The city is split into two main boulevards, the North Boulevard and the South Boulevard which span around the entire perimeter of the city, and this here is the southern boulevard.

The southern half of Lumiose City is just as busy and bustling as the north. Cobblestone walkways and streets, lined with multiple cafes, restaurants, many many many housing buildings and other little shops. Boutiques are numerous, there are stations for Skiddo transportation on most street corners, and you will always find people out and about with their Pokemon on the many side walks and corner side cafe sitting areas. Office buildings are plentiful, and there is a Pokemon Center in the southern half of Lumiose City just like there is in the northern half.

Location of Lumiose City:
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Connecting land routes:
Santalune City, North Lumiose City, Camphrier Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 14-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Ralts
2= Skiddo
3= Skitty
4= Combee
5= Furfrou
6= Swirlix
7= Budew
8= Pancham
9= Flebebe
10= Gulpin
11= Roselia
12= Spritzee
13= Ledyba
14= Smeargle

Pokemon Levels:
1= 5
2= 6
3= 7
4= 8

Camphrier Town

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"A town where you can taste the ages."

Moving to the south eastern part of Kalos, where the hills get a little steeper, Camphrier town is settled just at the cusp of where the region starts to slope into the coasts of Kalos. Camphrier town is a smaller town in Kalos, but is no town to be looked over because of the history that exudes from it. It is laden with old dirt paths and stone walkways that have seen many a trainer, and even many a royal walk through its buildings, which too are old and worn down, but still well taken care of and full and rich with history. The residents of Camphrier town are all very hospitable and generous towards travelers, and will always spare a room in it's known hotel in case one needs to stay the night. However, ask anyone about the crown jewel of this small town, and they will tell you that it is the Shabboneau Castle.

The Shabboneau Castle rests at the very north end of the town, rising over it in the distance with the very grace and presence that those who had lived in it all those years ago displayed. The history of the castle dates back far into the rich history of Kalos, where the family who once lived in the castle were known to be very generous and giving, giving away most of their possessions to the towns people, thus why the castle is so empty. The family had a rivalry with the king of the Parfum Palace, and were often chosen over him by the people of Camphrier Town.

Location of Camphrier Town:
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Connecting land routes:
Lumiose City, Parfum Palace, Connecting Cave

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 12-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Abra
2= Snorlax
3= Swirlix
4= Doduo
5= Smeargle
6= Flebebe
7= Spritzee
8= Roselia
9= Ducklett
10= Croagunk
11= Volbeat
12= Illumise

Pokemon Levels:
1= 6
2= 7
3= 8
4= 9

Cyllage City

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"A city of peaceful strolls."

At one of the most western edges of the Kalos region, Cyllage City remains at the western coast of Kalos, resting right on the sandy beaches and warm open sunshine. It is a very mountainous city with a racing track that moves through the rocks and around the entirety of the large city that is homage to bicyclists everywhere. The bike shop can be found here, and you can always find a multitude of people out on their bikes using the track and exercising, even some with their pokemon who run along side them on the sandy beach.

Cyllage City is a beautiful City nestled in between two of nature's most natural beauties, a vast blue ocean and a set of large cavernous mountains and cliffs, and it is in those cliffs at the edge of the bicycle track that the Cyllage City gym can be found. An opening takes up the side of the cliff where on the inside it has been hallowed out to accommodate for the enormity of it. The field is solid rock, just like the walls and ceiling that surround it, filled in every corner with beautiful natural crystals that glow in the fire light that help one see in the already dim lighting and a large water fall at the head of the cavern. Here Grant trains his rock type Pokemon as the second gym in the Kalos region, so be prepared for a tough battle with Pokemon to match.

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Lv. 25
HP 200
Ability: Refrigerate
Aurora Beam- 40 || Lowers target's attack
Take Down- 80 || 1/4 recoil
Thunder Wave- Paralyzes opponent
Rock Tomb- 45 || Lowers target's speed by one stage

User Image
Lv. 25
HP 200
Ability: Strong Jaw
Rock Tomb- 45 || Lowers target's speed by one stage
Bite- 35 || 2/6 chance of making the target flinch
Stomp- 40 || 2/6 chance of making target flinch
Tail Whip- Lowers target's defense

For defeating Grant, you will receive the Cliff Badge and the TM #39 Rock Tomb.

Location of Cyllage City:
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Connecting land routes:
Connecting Cave, Ambrette Town, Geosenge Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 4-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Dwebble
2= Onix
3= Dwebble
4= Binacle

Pokemon Levels:
1= 13
2= 14
3= 15
4= 16

Ambrette Town

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"Where amber dust dances."

Nestled on a mountain's face on Kalos' most south western shore, Ambrette Town can be found south of Cyllage City. Unlike the bustling, cycling city scape of Cyllage, Ambrette is smaller and less crowded being so far from most other forms of civilization, but that doesn't make it any less of a hot spot for trainers and travelers alike. To the east one can find the Glittering Cave which is what the town is famous for, paired with the town's laboratory that has the technology of reviving the fossils that can be found in the cave. Take any fossil to the professors there and you can have an ancient Pokemon of your own, but they are not easy to find in the cave's many caverns.

Likewise for the town, at it's very northern edge, a large aquarium sits which is also a large attraction for anyone who comes to visit. Over all, Ambrette Town is large for a town that sits on a mountain's face, but has more homes than it does actual buisnesses or other such buildings. With it's hotel, the town can be crowded every now and again with it's two main attracations, likewise for it's beautiful ocean scene that the town looks over with the ocean spreading out around it to the west.

Location of Ambrette Town:
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Connecting land routes:
Cyllage City, Glittering Cave

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Spoink
2= Zangoose
3= Bagon
4= Absol
5= Serviper
6= Inkay
7= Drifloon
8= Mienfoo
9= Taillow
10= Wingull

Pokemon Levels:
1= 12
2= 13
3= 14
4= 15

Geosenge Town

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"Where quiet stones speak volumes."

Surrounded by not a forrest of trees, but a forest of large, almost pillar like rocks that protrude from the ground, Geosenge Town can be found in the middle of the strange stones, which is what the small town is known for. One of the smallest towns in Kalos, Geosenge is a town that seems to come right from the ages in which the rocks could be dated back with it's dirt pathways and buildings made out of wood and stone. While the town is small, and the population as such, that does not mean that the town takes pride in what it is known for, and that is the stones that surround it and the stones that hold their place in the center of the community. The origins of the stones are unknown still to this day, but are said to hold great power, and are even believed to be the tombstones of fallen Pokemon that had been killed in the ancient war that took over the Kalos region.

There is not much else to be said about the small town other than the rolling fields and hilly landscape that surrounds it with wide open skies, a beautiful area to go for some time to relax and maybe find one's own power with the mysterious rocks that rest there.

Location of Geosenge Town:
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Connecting land routes:
Cyllage City, Reflection Cave

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 14-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Snubbull
2= Houndour
3= Hawlucha
4= Eevee
5= Sigilyph
6= Emolga
7= Golett
8= Electrike
9= Nosepass
10= Yanma
11= Nidorina
12= Stunky
13= Nidorino
14= Dedenne

Pokemon Levels:
1= 14
2= 15
3= 16
4= 17

Shalour City

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"A city of awakening."

Moving north west west in the Kalos region, surrounded by a large forest and on the other side of the Reflection Caves, one of Kalos' larger cities remains on the water, but a little more inland than the ocean. Shalour City is a very large city in Kalos, but it may only seem so because it's city limits span around a lot of area. The buildings are spread out and larger than in other cities because of the space, lined now with stone walkways and built with shaped stone and marble, unlike that of Geosenge town on the other side of Reflection Cave. There are many places to visit in Shalour City, but the crown jewel of it all is the Tower of Mastery that sits at the head of the city on what could be considered it's own island. It is a very large, very tall tower that usually keeps the city in it's shadow throughout the course of the day, and is a common place for most trainers to visit. However, there is one who frequents the tower more than anyone, and that is the city's own gym leader Korrina.

Grandaughter of the Mega Evolution Guru Gurkinn, Korrina is often found in the Tower of Mastery with her fighting types and Lucario, always training and sharing her knowledge of mega evolution like her grandfather has done for so many years. She has since become the master of the tower, and likewise helps trainers better themselves at her own gym in the city entirely designed for the fighting types that she trains there as well as her fighting type trainers in training.

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Lv. 30
HP 230
Ability: Guts
Power-Up Punch- 40 || Raises user's attack
Rock Tomb- 45 || Lowers target's speed by one stage
Leer- Lowers target's defense
Low Sweep- 50 || Lowers target's speed by one stage

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Lv. 31
HP 250
Ability: Inner Focus
Power-Up Punch- 40 || Raises user's attack
Fake Out- 30 || Always attacks first, 2/6 chance of flinching
Double Slap- 10 (2-5 hits)
Force Palm- 45 || 1/4 chance of paralysis

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Lv. 34
HP 260
Ability: Unburden
Flying Press- 70 || Deals flying and fighting type damage
Hone Claws- 10 (Attacks gain +20 for the rest of battle)
Power-Up Punch- 40 || Raises user's attack
Aerial Ace- 50 || Always hits

For defeating the gym leader Korrina, you will receive the Rumble Badge, the TM #120 Power-Up Punch, and HM 04 Strength if you started with a Kalos starter.

Location of Shalour City:
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Connecting land routes:
Reflection Cave, Coumarine City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 6-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Slowpoke
2= Mr.Mime
3= Pachirisu
4= Chatot
5= Roggenrola
6= Mime Jr.

Pokemon Levels:
1= 18
2= 19
3= 20
4= 21

Coumarine City

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"The city where bay and butte are bound."

To the north north west of Kalos, the ocean becomes the main scape for the land again as you come across Coumarine City. Coumarine City is a coastal city, as well as a popular port for all of Kalos' boat and sea fairing needs. It is open and not too crowded, but is a city none the less in the more southern part of the city. The city is actually split into two parts, connected by a monorail that goes back and forth because of the ocean that the city is located near. Moving over the ocean is the residential and business acquainted area of Coumarine where there is still a vast ocean that spans out around the city, but on the other side it is surrounded by rolling hill sides and plentiful trees, miles and miles as far as the eye can see.

Coumarine City is more of a resort spot than anything, always attracting vacationers and those looking to just get away from it all with it's plentiful beach space, but it is also home to Kalos' fourth gym so it is a common place for trainers who come through. Ramos is the gym leader for Coumarine City and in contrast to the ocean that the city is known for, Ramos actually trains grass type pokemon in accordance to the rolling green fields and abundant trees that can be found on the other side of the city. The gym is Ramos' own personal green house, centered and built around a giant oak tree that Ramos' family has been taking care of for generations. Since then, he has taken pride in his collection of plants that grown and take root in his gym, as well as the many grass types that live there and make their home, similar to the ones that he has trained for his gym challenge.

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Lv. 38
HP 290
Ability: Chlorophyll
Grass Knot- 40
Acrobatics- 45 (+10 damage if user is not holding any item)
Leech Seed- 5 Restores 5 Hp per turn 2-5 turns
Fairy Wind- 30

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Lv. 40
HP 300
Ability: Chlorophyll
Knock Off- 15 Opponent can't use item || Knocks down the foe's held item to prevent its use
Acid- 30 || Lowers target's special defense
Gastro Acid- The fluid eliminates the effect of the target's Ability
Poison Powder- Poisons Foe

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HP 320
Ability: Chlorophyll
Leaf Tornado- 55 || Lowers target's speed by one stage
Razor Leaf- 30
Sleep Powder- Puts opponent to sleep
Sweet Scent- Lowers the target's evasion by one stage

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Lv. 45
HP 340
Ability: Sap Sipper
Grass Knot- 40
Bulldoze- 50 || Lowers target's speed by one stage
Take Down- 80 1/4 recoil
Aerial Ace- 50 || Always hits

For defeating the gym leader Ramos, you will receive the Plant Badge, the TM #86 Grass Knot, and the HM 03 Surf if you started with a Kalos starter.

Location of Coumarine City:
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Connecting land routes:
Shalour City, Azure Bay (surf only), North Lumiose City, Kalos Power Plant

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 6-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Mareep
2= Slowpoke
3= Exeggute
4= Tauros
5= Pachirisu
6= Miltank

Pokemon Levels:
1= 21
2= 22
3= 23
4= 24

North Lumiose City

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Connected to the Southern Boulevard of Lumiose City, the Northern Boulevard hold just as many boutiques and cafes, and even more sites to see for those visiting the enormous city. The museum is a popular spot for anyone who is anyone in Lumiose City to go and admire the beautiful art and exhibits that it holds, as well as the train station that traverses through the regions, but the jewel of the large city is the Prism Tower that stands as a beacon in the very center, the landmark for the city and a light that can guide anyone.

However, the Prism Tower also doubles as the city's gym, the fifth gym in the Kalos region where one of the youngest gyme leaders, and certainly one of the brightest too, trains his Pokemon. Clemont, with the help of his little sister Bonnie, trains electric types in his gym and as such has a huge knack for anything electrical or technological. He is known amongst many as a genius, and proves it more often than not with his inventions and high tech gym that stands out from the others.

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Lv. 49
HP 380
Ability: Static
Volt Switch- 60 user automatically swaps Pokemon
Quick Attack- 30 || It is sure to strike first
Aerial Ace- 50 || Always hits
Electro Ball- 60

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Lv. 50
HP 380
Ability: Sturdy
Thunderbolt- 85 || 1/3 chance of paralysis
Electric Terrain- Prevents all pokemon from falling asleep for five turns
Mirror Shot- 45 || Lowers target's accuracy by one stage
Tri Attack- 75 || May also burn, freeze, or leave the target with paralysis

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Lv. 52
HP 390
Ability: Sturdy
Reflect- copies target's type
Electric Terrain- Prevents all pokemon from falling asleep for five turns
Thunderbolt- 85 || 1/3 chance of paralysis
Flash Cannon- 70 || Lowers target's special defense

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Lv. 53
HP 410
Ability: Dry Skin
Thunderbolt- 85 || 1/3 chance of paralysis
Quick Attack- 30 || It is sure to strike first
Dark Pulse- 75 || 4/6 chance of making the target flinch
Grass Knot- 40

For defeating gym leader Clemont, you will receive the Voltage Badge, the TM #24 Thunderbolt, and HM 02 Fly if you started with a Kalos starter.

Location of North Lumiose City:
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Connecting land routes:
Coumarine City, Kalos Power Plant, Laverre City, Dendemille Town

Connecting routes by train:
Celedon City, Goldenrod City, Mossdeep City, Veilstone City, Castellia City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 14-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Ralts
2= Skiddo
3= Skitty
4= Combee
5= Furfrou
6= Swirlix
7= Budew
8= Pancham
9= Flebebe
10= Gulpin
11= Roselia
12= Spritzee
13= Ledyba
14= Smeargle

Pokemon Levels:
1= 26
2= 27
3= 28
4= 29

Laverre City

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"A city of otherwordly dreams."

A city forgotten to modern society, or perhaps having come straight out of a fairy tale book, Laverre City is one of the smaller cities in Kalos, almost considered a larger town, located at the very north of the Kalos region. The city was built around a mysterious, ancient tree in it's center, but hasn't grown much since then. Though it is surrounded by swamp grounds and murky water pools, Laverre City is something beautiful for everyone to behold at least once in their life. The enormous tree in the middle of the town often holds most of it in it's shadow, and forever has the town below in a blanket of it's leaves, likewise the smaller trees that grow in the area. Worn dirt paths line the city's walkways instead of even cobblestone or laid stones, and the buildings show the city's age just as much with aged wood and brick.

To the north of the town is the Pokeball factory where the world gets it's supply for pokeballs for trainers everywhere, but that is not the only reason why trainers visit the almost forgotten city. The tree that holds it's place in the center of the city has actually been hallowed out for years, and has since become the city's own pokemon gym, the sixth in the region. Valerie remains here in her doll house of a gym, designed and fashioned for all things beautiful in the world like she so appreciates and aspires for in her life. Much like her appearance would suggest, Valerie trains fairy type Pokemon in her gym and has gained a deep connection with them in wishing to be a pokemon herself.

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Lv. 58
HP 440
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Feint Attack- 50 || Never misses
Iron Defense- Raises user's defense
Crunch- 60 || Lowers target's special defense
Play Rough- 90 || Lowers opponent's attack

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Lv. 60
HP 460
Ability: Soundproof
Light Screen- Reduces all damage by 30 for five consecutive turns
Mimic- Copies last move in battle
Psychic- 100 || Lowers target's special defense
Dazzling Gleam- 80

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Lv. 62
HP 470
Ability: Sweet Veil
Energy Ball- 80 || Lowers target's special defense
Play Rough- 90 || Lowers opponent's attack
Cotton Guard- damage received -20 for remainder of battle
Wish- Heals Hp by one half max HP, but one turn later

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Lv. 62
HP 470
Ability: Healer
Psychic- 100 || Lowers target's special defense
Disarming Voice- 40
Moon Blast- 90 || Lowers opponent's special attack
Misty Terrain- Protects the field from status conditions for five turns

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Lv. 65
HP 500
Ability: Cute Charm
Dazzling Gleam- 80
Quick Attack- 30 || It is sure to strike first
Swift- 35 Never Misses (Hits Pokemon up in the air using Fly as well)
Charm- The target's Attack is lowered

For defeating the gym leader Valerie, you will receive the Fairy Badge and the TM #121 Dazzling Gleam.

Location of Laverre City:
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Connecting land routes:
North Lumiose City, Lost Hotel, Dendemille Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 12-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Weepinbell
2= Haunter
3= Quagsire
4= Skorupi
5= Carnivine
6= Karrablast
7= Goomy
8= Shelmet
9= Stunfisk
10= Ekans
11= Bellsprout
12= Klefki

Pokemon Levels:
1= 26
2= 27
3= 28
4= 29

Dendemille Town

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"A town where fluff dances on the wind."

Moving to the east of the Kalos region, the climate and over all surroundings begin to change almost drastically as the weather changes to accommodate for the latitude, and Dendemille town is only at the cusp of some of the conditions that can come through eastern Kalos. Dendemille Town is one of the larger towns in Kalos, spanning over most of the hillside in eastern Kalos, but that might only be because of the many windmills that help the town's prosperous farming community despite the frigid temperatures. Stone is popular here which is what structures the enormous windmills that span throughout the town, and with it's hill side spot, there are many bridges and stairs that lead to different levels of the town. To the north of the town across the river, the terrain gets even more frigid with snow drifts and icy caves, but that's all that can be said really for the rural town.

Location of Dendemille Town:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Lost Hotel, North Lumiose City, Frost Cavern, Anistar City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Mightyena
2= Klefki
3= Watchog
4= Liepard
5= Foongus
6= Pawniard
7= Skorupi
8= Murkrow

Pokemon Levels:
1= 31
2= 32
3= 33
4= 34

Anistar City

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"The starry city marking the hours."

Continuing east to one of the furthest inland cities in Kalos, Anistar City sits proudly on a lake side in a bit of warmer temperatures compared to Dendemille just northwest, but still the climate can be a bit crisp and cold but that doesn't make the city any less beautiful. Lined with carved stone and marble walkways and gold railings that line the lake's edge, Anistar City is a site in itself with the allure of it's well kept modern houses all supplied with their own solar pannels, but what the city is really known for is the enormous stone that holds it's place at the head of the city.

A large circle walkway takes it's place at the head of the city and surrounds a sundial in the middle where the sun will shine through the enigmatic device to show the time. There are few who know of the stone's true origins and where it came from, but the city takes pride in it's world reknowned landmark and what it stands for. Likewise though, just like any proud city, Anistar is home to Kalos' seventh gym owned by Olympia, a psychic type master. Just like the sundial that graces the city in it's shadow, there are even fewer who know the true mystery of the gym leader that remains in her dwelling for psychic types. It is said that she is more than capable of seeing anyone's future who is brave enough to allow her passage into their minds, and has some sort of power in her gym that creates a zero gravity atmosphere, perfect for her chosen type expertise.

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Lv. 74
HP 570
Ability: Magic Guard
Psychic- 100 || Lowers target's special defense
Air Slash- 55 || 3/6 chance of making target flinch
Light Screen- Reduces all damage by 30 for five consecutive turns
Shadow Ball- 65 || Lowers target's special defense

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Lv. 77
HP 620
Ability: Oblivious
Psychic- 100 || Lowers target's special defense
Calm Mind- +20 to next psychic attack
Power Gem- 60
Yawn- One turn, then foe is put to sleep

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Lv. 78
HP 620
Ability: Infiltrator
Psychic- 100 || Lowers target's special defense
Shadow Ball- 65 || Lowers target's special defense
Psybeam- 50 || 1/4 chance of confusion
Extrasensory- 60 || 4/6 chance of making target flinch

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Lv. 78
HP 620
Ability: Infiltrator
Psychic- 100 || Lowers target's special defense
Calm Mind- +20 to next psychic attack
Fake Out- 30 || Always attacks first, 2/6 chance of flinching
Shadow Ball- 65 || Lowers target's special defense

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Lv. 80
HP 630
Ability: Contrary
Superpower- 100 || Lowers user's attack and defense
Hypnosis- Puts opponent to sleep
Psycho Cut- 60
Reflect- Reduces all damage by 30 for five consecutive turns

For defeating gym leader Olympia, you will receive the Psychic Badge, the TM #04 Calm Mind, and the HM 05 Waterfall if you started with a Kalos starter.

Location of Anistar City:
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Connecting land routes:
Dendemille Town, Terminus Cave, Couriway Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Sneasel
2= Sandshrew
3= Delibird
4= Abamasnow
5= Gurdur
6= Snover
7= Heatmor
8= Durant

Pokemon Levels:
1= 40
2= 41
3= 42
4= 43

Couriway Town

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"A town connecting differences."

Deep in the abundant hillsides that cascade through most of eastern Kalos, Couriway town has been built around the natural waterfalls and springs that flow through the hills, completely in tune with the water. The town is not so much big as it is spread out through the beautiful hillside, lined with simple stone walkways and simple wood and stone buildings, not wanting to take away from the true marvel of the town with the sparkling water that is abundant there. It is common for water type Pokemon to be found here, and some ice types for the climate can still be a bit cold, but as the most inland town in Kalos, it doesn't get too much cold weather despite being at one of the coldest latitudes. Couriway town is humble and modest with a simple layout, no extravagant buildings or tourist spots, only acclaimed for it's beautiful waterfalls which are enough to bring in anyone on the rail that traverses through the regions.

Location of Couriway Town:
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Connecting land routes:
Anistar City, Terminus Cave, Snowbelle City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Torkoal
2= Graveler
3= Heatmor
4= Gurdur
5= Weepingbell
6= Lairon
7= Haunter
8= Sliggoo
9= Quagsire
10= Drapion

Pokemon Levels:
1= 44
2= 45
3= 46
4= 47

Snowbelle City

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"The city of everlasting winter."

Snowbelle City is actually in the midst of an enormous warm temperature forest that houses many exotic and warm climate Pokemon, but it is because of the city's gym that the city remains covered in ice and snow. The residents don't pay much mind to the mismatch in climate and temperature, as well as the sudden contrast between snow and grass, sort of enjoying their winter oasis in what can be very warm temperatures come the summer months being more south in the Kalos region. The city is large and built around the gym in the center, lined with paved stone walkways and wooden bridges, wood buildings and snow covered trees. Moving anywhere out of the city limits, you will find yourself in a very different area where the snow has stopped and the temperatures begin to warm, all thanks to the gym leader Wulfric and his ice types.

Despite his love for ice types, chosen because of his inspiration from Bryce in Johto, Wulfric can often be found in the Pokemon village nestled deep within the trees that surround Snowbelle City, befriending the wild pokemon there and taking care of them. He acts as a guardian of sorts for the village that is unknown to most, and will defend it at all costs. Aside from his chosen guardianship, Wulfric takes pride in the ice types that he trains and the gym that he maintains, having made quite the reputation for himself in his city with the snow and ice that he brought, and as the eighth and final gym leader in the Kalos league, he is no force to be taken lightly.

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Lv. 84
HP 660
Ability: Levitate
Ice Beam- 80 || 1/3 chance of freezing target
Confuse Ray- Confuses target
Flash Cannon- 70 || Lowers target's special defense
Hail- 15 (2-5 turns)

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Lv. 86
HP 680
Ability: Snow Warning
Ice Beam- 80 || 1/3 chance of freezing target
Ice Shard- 20 || This move always goes first
Energy Ball- 80 || Lowers target's special defense
Wood Hammer- 100 || Recoil 1/4

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Lv. 87
HP 690
Ability: Snow Cloak
Superpower- 100 || Lowers user's attack and defense
Brine- 40 (if target is at less than 1/2 hp, double damage)
Blizzard- 100 (1/3 chance of freezing)
Fury Swipes- 15 (2-5 hits)

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Lv. 87
HP 690
Ability: Oblivious
Earthquake- 85 || Lowers target's special defense
Blizzard- 100 (1/3 chance of freezing)
Take Down- 80 1/4 recoil
Mist- Negates any negative stat changes for five turns

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Lv. 89
HP 710
Ability: Refrigerate
Hyper Beam- 120 Strong, but leaves user immobile for next turn
Freeze Dry- 60 || 1/3 chance of freezing target, super effective against water types
Ancient Power- 35
Light Screen- Reduces all damage by 30 for five consecutive turns

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Lv. 91
HP 720
Ability: Ice Body
Iron Defense- Raises user's defense
Skull Bash- 75 1-charge, 2-attack
Blizzard- 100 (1/3 chance of freezing)
Double Edge- 100 (1/4 damage recoil)

For defeating the gym leader Wulfric, you will receive the Iceberg badge, and the TM #13 Ice Beam.

Location of Snowbelle City:
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Connecting land routes:
Couriway Town, Pokemon Village, Victory Road

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 12-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Carnivine
2= Karrablast
3= Shelmet
4= Amoonguss
5= Noctowl
6= Jigglypuff
7= Trevenaut
8= Gothorita
9= Ursaring
10= Spinda
11= Scyther
12= Floatzel

Pokemon Levels:
1= 47
2= 48
3= 49
4= 50

Dedicated Phantom

Santalune Forest

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Across the river of Aquacorde town and before the wall of Santalune City is an enormous stretch of forest that spans for miles and miles between the two spots of civilization known as the Santalune forest. The Santalune forest is famous for it's lush greenery and abundance of Pokemon, shrouded by a thick canopy of branches and leaves that filter in spots of sunlight making for a very beautiful walk through its winding paths. Santalune forest is a hotspot for many a beginning trainer to gather their bearings and start building bonds with the Pokemon that they have chosen to start their journies with, which is an easy task with the many, many Pokemon that call the forest home. It is advised, however, that you follow the paths unless you want to get lost, the forest spans on for miles and some say that there are still corners of it left unexplored by humans.

Location of Santalune Forest:
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Connecting land routes:
Aquacorde Town, Santalune City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Weedle
2= Caterpie
3= Pansear
4= Kakuna
5= Pansage
6= Pikachu
7= Panpour
8= Scatterbug
9= Metapod
10= Fletchling

Pokemon Levels:
1= 3
2= 4
3= 5
4= 6

Parfrum Palace

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To the northwest of Camphrier town, one of the most famous spots in the entire Kalos region can be found open to tourists and anyone who cares to visit, an enormous palace that holds a large piece of the history of the entire Kalos region. 300 years ago the Parfum Palace was ruled by a king so over run with greed and power that he wished to prove his power all over the world and caused a war between the early Kalos region and the other regions of the world. There were many battles fought, won, and lost, and there are many statues that line the palace walls, courtyards, and walkways honoring the humans and Pokemon that died in the war.

The palace itself is massive, taking up acres of the land that it was built upon with more bedrooms than one person could count, hallways that span on for what seems like an eternity, adorned with fine silks and satins, hand made carpets and hand painted art pieces, expertly crafted statues and gold fixtures everywhere. In the back of the palace is what most come to see for themselves, the courtyard where statues of Reshiram and Zekrom can be found, one at the head of the yard and one at the back. It can take hours to walk through the entirety of the courtyard alone, not to mention the parts of the palace that are open to the public, so make sure you have a lot of time to take in all the sites.

Location of Parfum Palace:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Camphrier Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Oddish
2= Espurr
3= Sentret
4= Honedge
5= Nincada
6= Venipede
7= Audino
8= Kecleon

Pokemon Levels:
1= 7
2= 8
3= 9
4= 10

Connecting Cave

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The Connecting Cave is a cave system carved into the mountains that roll through western Kalos that allows easier passage through from the path leading from Camphrier town down into Cyllage City. This is a common path for trainers and travelers alike to move through the central part of the Kalos region and into the coastal area where different kinds of Pokemon can be found, but through the winding paths and rocky walk ways, it is said that Zubat are very very common in this place and can even come in hoards, so be prepared for a bout of bats that might come your way.

Location of Connecting Cave:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Camphrier Town, Cyllage City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 4-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Zubat
2= Axew
3= Meditite
4= Whismur

Pokemon Levels:
1= 10
2= 11
3= 12
4= 13

Glittering Cave

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Known mostly for the chance of finding a fossil deep within it's caverns, the Glittering Cave is often over looked because of the rarity of what can be found in it, but even more rare than that is the sheer beauty that the cave holds in itself. Each tunnel in the cave is illuminated by natural glowing crystals and glowing emerald moss that create a glittering and sparkling atmosphere in the cave. It is very common to find sturdy rock types in this cave, but can be easy to get turned around in and sometimes lost, so make sure that you have a good sense of direction, a map, or a guide to get you through so you don't take a wrong turn somewhere.

Location of Glittering Cave:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Ambrette Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-3 rp posts are required, then roll a 14-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Sandile
2= Onix
3= Rhyhorn
4= Helioptile
5= Cubone
6= Kangaskhan
7= Hippopotos
8= Mawile
9= Machop
10. Woobat
11= Solrock
12= Lunatone
13= Ferroseed
14= Dwebble

Pokemon Levels:
1= 13
2= 14
3= 15
4= 16

Reflection Cave

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Far past Geosenge town and well before you move into Shalour City, the fastest way to travel between the two is through the Reflection Cave. Most commonly known for it's name, the title rings true upon entering the cave, for many of the cavern's walls are made entirely out of naturally smooth and polished rock to the point that they almost look like mirrors, showing you the reflections of yourself and the Pokemon moving through the caverns. It is a very beautiful spot to visit if one has the time, but it can be very easy to get turned around with the reflections of the cave walls, sometimes not knowing which direction is which if there is more than one wall reflecting off of one an other.

Location of Reflection Cave:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Geosenge Town, Shalour City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 12-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Hariyama
2= Mime Jr.
3= Ferroseed
4= Roggenrola
5= Wobbuffet
6= Throh
7= Woobat
8= Mr. Mime
9= Solosis
10= Sableye
11= Carbink
12= Sawk

Pokemon Levels:
1= 15
2= 16
3= 17
4= 18

Azure Bay

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Far north west from Coumarine City is a very popular bay area where water type pokemon and water related activities can be found. The Azure Bay is full of small islands and pieces of land where many swimmers, sailors and their Pokemon stop to take a rest or just simply take in the abundant sun and relax to the sounds of the ocean spanning out around them. It is a very nice spot for some rejuvenation and getting in touch with one's self again being separated from the main lands, so there is always someone out in the bay taking advantage of the area.

Location of Azure Bay:
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Connecting land routes:
Coumarine City (surf only)

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 6-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Slowpoke
2= Chatot
3= Exeggute
4= Inkay
5= Wingull
6= Binacle

Pokemon Levels:
1= 20
2= 21
3= 22
4= 23

Power Plant

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In the middle of what can be considered Kalos' desert in the most central part just to the west of Lumiose City, Kalos' fully functional and revolutionary power plant remains spanning through the flat dirt plains and plateaus. The power plant uses solar power from the abundant sun that it gets to generate all of the electricity for the Kalos region and has since become a revolutionary design for power plants all across the world.

Location of Kalos Power Plant:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Coumarine City, North Lumiose City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 6-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Gible
2= Trapinch
3= Dugtrio
4= Slugma
5= Graveler
6= Dugtrio

Pokemon Levels:
1= 23
2= 24
3= 25
4= 26

Frost Cavern

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North of Dendemille town where the air gets sharper and the temperature begins to drop, ice and snow start to form on the ground and in the trees as you move into the icy mountains of eastern Kalos. The Frost Cavern is a famous spot for many trainers, almost like a challenge to see if they and their pokemon can bear through the icy walkways, frigid caverns, and many twist and turns that the caves can take. It is home to many a strong Pokemon, and likewise a very treacherous terrain for anyone who dares to brave through it, so make sure you have the will and expertise to do so before taking on the challenge that many will warn you against in Dendemille Town.

Location of Frost Cavern:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Dendemille Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Haunter
2= Jynx
3= Beartic
4= Bergmite
5= Cryogonal
6= Piloswine
7= Smoochum
8= Cubchoo
9= Vanilite
10= Bergmite

Pokemon Levels:
1= 36
2= 37
3= 38
4= 39

Terminus Cave

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Far off of the path that connects Anistar City to Couriway Town is an old abandoned coal mine that has since become known as the Terminus Cave, a well known spot for some tough training amongst trainers in the league, and otherwise an interesting spot for anyone who might be interested in exploring. There are many old rail systems that wind through the cave's tunnels, and likewise many old carts that have since rusted into the rocky earth around them, some half buried and some sunken into the ground with time. There are many many tunnels that make up the Terminus Cave, and likewise many bridges that have since been built by the brave people that have taken the time to explore the cave, but there are still many caverns and turns that have yet to be explored to their fullest since the cave is so extensive.

Location of Terminus Cave:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Anistar City, Couriway Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Lairon
2= Torkoal
3= Ariados
4= Pupitar
5= Noibat
6= Durant
7= Graveler
8= Sandslash

Pokemon Levels:
1= 42
2= 43
3= 44
4= 45

Pokemon Village

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Moving into the miles of forest that span to the west of Snowbelle City, it can be near to impossible to find the coveted Pokemon Village that gym leader Wulfric spends his time in. The village is hidden, tucked away in the deepest recesses of the forest to hide and keep safe the Pokemon that live there who have chosen to hide away from humans and the outside world for various reasons. Moving through the forest, there are many different paths to take, all of which lead somewhere different, circling back on each other, or even sometimes seeming like you've ended up right back where you started. The forest is tricky, for it seems like even it too tries to protect the Pokemon that have taken refuge in the village, but if you are worthy enough, you might just find yourself in the midst of the pokemon who have hidden there.

Location of Pokemon Village:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Snowbelle City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 12-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Noctowl
2= Zoroark
3= Trubbish
4= Banette
5= Trevenaut
6= Foongus
7= Jigglypuff
8= Ditto
9= Amoonguss
10= Sudowoodo
11= Garbodor
12= Poliwag

Pokemon Levels:
1= 49
2= 50
3= 51
4= 52

Victory Road

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The road to the Kalos' Elite Four challenge is one of the toughest areas in the world, the wild Pokemon being cataloged as some of the strongest wild Pokemon in the world. The road is treacherous in itself, winding cave tunnels, rocky pathways, old bridges and cliff sides, it is by no means an easy walk to take when moving on to the elite four challenge. This victory road can make even the toughest trainers turn tail and run because of the trainers who train there and the wild pokemon that can be found, and is an entire journey in itself to make sure that you are ready to take on the elite four and the champion of the region. Make sure you are well prepared and your pokemon well trained before even thinking about thinking of moving through here, for it could make you rethink all that you have worked hard on.

Location of Victory Road:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Snowbelle City, Santalune City

Pokemon Appearances:
-3 rp posts are required, then roll a 14-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Altaria
2= Graveler
3= Noibat
4= Haunter
5= Lickitung
6= Ariados
7= Zweilous
8= Fearow
9= Druddigon
10= Gurdur
11= Hydregion
12= Geodude
13= Skarmory
14= Shuckle

Pokemon Levels:
1= 55
2= 56
3= 57
4= 58

Lost Hotel

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Between Laverre City and Dendemille town years before was a grand hotel that was known throughout not only the entirety of the Kalos region, but the world. It was enormous and could cater to hundreds of guests, some of the most esteemed people in the world at the time, but when Kalos started to take on more and more cities and towns, the old hotel was left to ruin, and has since become just that. The only parts of the hotel that can be found moving through the area are a few pieces of the old stone walls that have managed to remain standing, and an old stair case or two, but the most of the hotel that still stands is underground. Cracked tile floors and old brittle walls with tattered carpet still remain underneath the earth as a reminder of what had once been there. No one has ever ventured the entirety of the old hotel below for there are many ghosts that roam through the hallways, and other mysteries left to be solved.

Location of Lost Hotel:
User Image

Connecting land routes:
Laverre City, Dendemille Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 14-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Magneton
2= Litwik
3= Electrode
4= Klefki
5= Trubbish
6= Pumpkaboo
7= Rotom
8= Phantump

Pokemon Levels:
1= 33
2= 34
3= 35
4= 36

Dedicated Phantom

(Fire + Cub)

Pokedex #:

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Reptile Cub Pokemon

Flame Body
Hidden: Flash Fire

4'5" Long
2'3" Tall (Ground to shoulder)

34.4 lbs.

This is a quadrupedal, black-scaled reptilian based pokemon. Even though it is a reptile, most who see this pokemon mistake it for a cat, some even thinking it to be a rare black Persian or something of the sort because of it's feline-esque figure. It has a narrow head shape with a more distinct muzzle compared to its later evolutions, with both green cat-like eyes set forward, minimizing it's line of sight. It's hearing is very developed with ear like appendages at the top of both sides of its head. With it's feline figure, it does not have any spikes ot it's back or fans on its tail, having a smooth silhouette to it's stream-lined body. The only obscurities are the points to it's shoulder blades where wings will soon grow. It's legs are thin and it's feet are more like paws, not having developed claws yet. With it's long, thin tail finishing it's body shape, when it grows older, it can be a very limber pokemon.

Gender Differences:
Compared to male Ficub, females have noticeably shorter tails and smaller ears.

It has been noticed that some Ficubs are a light brown, perfect for hiding against the rock walls of caves.

Special Abilities:
With it's small size and black scales, even though it is hardly a hunter yet, Ficub are good at hiding from their prey and/or predators.

Ficub are much like growing cubs, always practicing with their hunting, or various other skills that are necessary. Still young, and some hatchlings, Ficub are rather clumsy on their feet, tripping over their own tails or putting one foot in front of the other on accident, which doesn't help when something peaks their interest or curiosity.
Because they are still so young, they spend a lot of time out in the sun to keep themselves warm with their black scales, making them mainly day-time pokemon.
And because Ficub spend so much time out in the sun, they developed a source of fire within their own bodies, but can't control it just yet. When the energy of their fire source builds up, they have to exhaust that energy by randomly blowing out smoke, and later, little spurts of fire balls or embers.

Ficub are mainly found in the lower, warmer caverns within the Mt. Silver range. They spend a lot of time on the west side of the range, sun bathing where the sun is abundant, to keep their scales warm.

In a cave found within Mt. Silver, there was an abundant amount of coal. Some villagers found this cave and were shocked at the size of the coal pieces, thinking they would be perfect to heat their homes during the winter with the lack of trees. The villagers harvested these coals, and came that winter, everyone had a warm house with the giant coals fueling their fires. Little did they know, some of the coals were actually eggs that had been too cold to hatch. So in the warmth of the fire, these eggs began to crack and hatch, and a new civilization of Ficub was born.

Pokedex Entry:
Often mistaken for a cat, Ficub are often seen laying out in areas with abundant sun.

At lv. 18, Ficub will evolve into Replisol

Type Effectiveness:
Weak To:
- Water
- Fighting
- Ground
- Rock
Resistant Against:
- Fire - Ghost
- Grass - Dark
- Ice - Steel
Unaffected By:
- Psychic
Affected Normally By:
- Normal - Flying
- Electric - Bug
- Poison - Dragon

Leveling Up:
- Tackle (Basic)
- Will-o-Wisp (Basic)
- Bite (Basic)
- Growl (Basic)
- Scratch Lv. 5
- Hone Claws Lv. 7
- Ember Lv. 10
- Quick Attack Lv. 13
- Embargo Lv. 16
- Swift Lv. 19
- Fire Fang Lv. 21
- Crunch Lv. 25
- Flamethrower Lv. 28
- Dragon Pulse Lv. 31

- #002 Dragon Claw
- #005 Roar
- #010 Hidden Power
- #012 Taunt
- #015 Hyper Beam
- #023 Iron Tail
- #030 Shadow Ball
- #035 Flamethrower
- #038 Fire Blast
- #042 Facade
- #043 Secret Power
- #044 Rest
- #054 False Swipe
- #059 Dragon Pulse
- #061 Will-o-wisp
- #063 Embargo
- #065 Shadow Claw
- #068 Giga Impact
- #079 Dark Pulse
- #093 Hone Claws
- #099 Flame Charge
- #106 Incinerate
- HM 05 Flash

Egg Moves:
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Dragon Pulse
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Rage
- Torment


Pokedex #:

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Big Reptile Pokemon

Flame Body
Hidden: Flash Fire

6'4" Long
4'3" Tall

86.7 lbs.

This is a quadrupedal, black-scaled reptilian based pokemon with the growing capability of flight. In having evolved from a Ficub, Replisol have the same basic physique and stature, still relating to that of a feline, but it still undergoes changes of its own. It's head becomes more round now, beginning to loose the distinction of it's muzzle, and it's eyes are set slightly further apart. It still has the ears, that have now grown a bit longer to open more area for sound, just as it's line of sight has been increased. It still has the same stream-lined body figure, but it now has developing wings that protrude from it's shoulder blades. This wing span can grow to be about ten feet long. It's legs have grown to be more stable now, becoming a bit broader, with three developing claws. Going down it's back, spike-like scales are growing to help with it's aerodynamics, going all the way down to it's tail that has grown significantly longer with a fan growing at the tip to help in it's learning to fly.

Gender Differences:
Compared to male Replisol, females have shorter tails with smaller fans, and shorter ears.

With it's growing ability to fly, they don't spend so much time inside the caves, and some Replisol have been seen to be a light blue color, blending in with the sky.

Special Abilities:
With it's new grown wings, it spends a lot of time running around to strengthen them against the wind, and trying to get running starts in learning how to fly, so it has become exceptionally fast.

It still acts much like it's prior stage, still curious, and still sun bathes to keep it's scales warm, but it is no longer clumsy on it's feet, and has gained control of it's source of fire, and doesn't need to exhaust the build-up any more. Even though it isn't clumsy on the ground any more, Replisol are very clumsy when they start learning how to fly. It takes much practice with running into trees and each other and multiple crash landings, but once their wings fully develop from running against the wind and constantly flapping them, Replisol can be excellent fliers.

Just like their prior stage, Replisol reside in the Mt. Silver range, but aren't found so close to the ground any more.

Because Ficub spent so much time outside to warm their scales, they grew to be very fond of the sun above, some growing a desire to get closer to it, but they couldn't do that from the ground. Soon enough, Ficub began to sprout wings in their want to get closer to the sun and it's warmth, thus becoming Replisol.

Pokedex Entry:
Spending most of their time practicing with their wings, these pokemon can sometimes be seen jumping from high places in an attempt to fly.

At lv. 36, Replisol with evolve into Nightrial

Type Effectiveness:
Weak To:
- Water
- Fighting
- Ground
- Rock
Resistant Against:
- Fire - Ghost
- Grass - Dark
- Ice - Steel
Unaffected By:
- Psychic
Affected Normally By:
- Normal - Flying
- Electric - Bug
- Poison - Dragon

Leveling Up:
- Fire Fang (Basic)
- Ember (Basic)
- Hone Claws (Basic)
- Crunch (Basic)
- Swift (Basic)
- Will-o-Wisp Lv. 7
- Pursuit Lv. 9
- Wing Attack Lv. 11
- Assurance Lv. 14
- Fire Spin Lv. 18
- Air Slash Lv. 23
- Aerial Ace Lv. 28
- Fiery Dance Lv. 32
- Flamethrower Lv. 36
- Dark Pulse Lv. 38
- Fire Blast Lv. 41

- #002 Dragon Claw
- #005 Roar
- #006 Toxic
- #010 Hidden Power
- #012 Taunt
- #015 Hyper Beam
- #023 Iron Tail
- #030 Shadow Ball
- #035 Flamethrower
- #038 Fire Blast
- #040 Aerial Ace
- #042 Facade
- #043 Secret Power
- #044 Rest
- #047 Steel Wing
- #050 Overheat
- #054 False Swipe
- #059 Dragon Pulse
- #061 Will-o-wisp
- #063 Embargo
- #065 Shadow Claw
- #068 Giga Impact
- #079 Dark Pulse
- #093 Hone Claws
- #099 Flame Charge
- #106 Incinerate
- #108 Acrobatics
- HM 01 Cut
- HM 02 Fly
- HM 05 Flash
- HM 10 Defog


Pokedex #:

User Image


Midnight Pokemon

Hidden: Motor Drive

13'2" Long
5' tall

353.2 lbs

This is a quadrupedal Pokemon with the capability of flight. It has a flat head with a rounded muzzle, and a broad forehead with emerald-green cat-like eyes set widely apart to maximize it's range of sight, but leaves room for a blind spot in the middle of it's head. It's physique and stature relates to that of a dragon, but it's movement and persona portrays a feline. It has a long, stream-lined body with wings that protrude from it's shoulder blades. It's wings are almost bat-like and have a total wing span of about twenty feet. It's legs are wide and broad with four thick claws. It's legs are very strong, and with it's cat-like body shape, it is rather fast on land if it's flight is hindered. It's silhouette is complete with a long tail that thins out as it goes to the tip where two folds are located that are fan-like appendages used to direct and aid in it's flying.
It relies heavily on sight and sound, with two appendages on either side of it's head that act as ears. In relying on sight and hearing, it is mainly a nocturnal pokemon, making it a perfect night time hunter with it's coal-black scales that allow it to blend into a night sky.

Gender Differences:
Not a lot changes between male and female Nightrial except for a female's tail is noticeably shorter with smaller fans, and the ear-like appendages are smaller.

Instead of coal-black scales, they would instead be a dark smokey gray, still perfect for hiding in storm clouds.

Special Ability:
With the fans at the end of it's tail, it is able to change the direction of its flying as fast as it needs to, being able to turn corners on a dime. It also contains a source of fire within it's body, but whenever it shoots this from it's mouth, it comes out in orbs, and pulses with a sort of electricity rather than burns with embers.

It descends from the mountains where it lives at night because it is a night-time hunter, being able to mask itself in the darkness of the sky to avoid being seen by it's prey. It will come out during the day if there is a thunderstorm or the clouds are dark, or when it needs to warm its black scales. It's diet consists mainly of fish such as Magikarp, Remoraid, or Luvdisc, with the occasional Carvahna, but it finds Chinchou and Tynamo to be absolute delicacies when they make their way to mountain streams or lakes.

It is said that this pokemon lives in the darkest recesses of mountainous caves in Mt. Silver that are only accessible by flying, where it is homed by the dark clouds that are abundant in the area.

It's prior evolution, Replisol, had always been trying to fly higher and higher, but once there was a monstrous thunder storm, almost believed to have been caused by a traveling Zapdos, that blocked out the sun. Outraged at this, the Replisol in the area flew to rid the skies of the dark clouds, but came into contact with the energy of lightning. No one has gone looking for this pokemon because of the rumors and myths that surround it, like how it is perceived to be the source of pure evil and if one were to look into it's eyes they would see the darkness that it came from. This pokemon has been seen on occasion, sitting on ledges like a shadow as if it were watching what goes on below, but no one knows what it's true personality and demeanor is.

Pokedex Entry:
Known as the most elusive flier in the world, it's shadow can sometimes be seen gliding over towns where fish are abundant.

Type Effectiveness:
Weak To:
- Bug
- Ground
- Fighting
Resistant Against:
- Electric
- Flying
- Ghost
- Dark
- Steel
Unaffected By:
- Psychic
Affected Normally By:
- Normal - Fire
- Water - Grass
- Ice - Poison
- Rock - Dragon

Leveling Up:
- Hone Claws (basic)
- Bite (basic)
- Ember (basic)
- Quick Attack Lv. 7
- Wing Attack Lv. 10
- Charge Lv. 13
- Twister Lv. 18
- Magnet Rise Lv. 20
- Thunder Fang Lv. 25
- Dragon Breath Lv. 30
- Shadow Claw Lv. 32
- Thunderbolt Lv. 35
- Flamethrower Lv. 38
- Zen Headbutt Lv. 40
- Dark Pulse Lv. 42
- Dragon Rush Lv. 47
- Furno Pulse Lv. 50 **
- Sky Attack Lv. 53

- #002 Dragon Claw
- #005 Roar
- #006 Toxic
- #010 Hidden Power
- #011 Sunny Day
- #012 Taunt
- #015 Hyper Beam
- #017 Protect
- #018 Rain Dance
- #022 Solar Beam
- #023 Iron Tail
- #024 Thunderbolt
- #025 Thunder
- #026 Earthquake
- #030 Shadow Ball
- #034 Shock Wave
- #035 Flamethrower
- #036 Sludge Bomb
- #038 Fire Blast
- #040 Aerial Ace
- #042 Facade
- #043 Secret Power
- #044 Rest
- #047 Steel Wing
- #050 Overheat
- #052 Focus Blast
- #054 False Swipe
- #057 Charge Beam
- #059 Dragon Pulse
- #061 Will-o-wisp
- #063 Embargo
- #065 Shadow Claw
- #068 Giga Impact
- #071 Stone Edge
- #073 Thunder Wave
- #079 Dark Pulse
- #093 Hone Claws
- #099 Flame Charge
- #106 Incinerate
- #108 Acrobatics
- HM 01 Cut
- HM 02 Fly
- HM 04 Strength
- HM 05 Flash
- HM 06 Rock Smash
- HM 10 Defog

**Furno Pulse: An electric type attack with a 1/3 chance of paralysis. Often mistaken for a fire type attack because it looks like a ball of fire, but once it strikes, it has a pulse of electricity to it

Dedicated Phantom

Pallet Town
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"A pure white beginning."

Pallet Town is located in western Kanto and serves as the hometown of Professor Oak's Laboratory, where the famous Pokémon Prof. conducts his research. The small town is accessible in two ways: from the north via Route 1 that leads directly to Viridian City, and from the south via Route 21, a water route, that leads to Cinnabar Island. It is spacious in Pallet Town with most houses separated by fields and dirt roadways, or hills that come from the landscape of Mt. Moon to the north. Trees and shrubbery are sparse here, but that doesn't mean that there aren't an abundant amount of Pokemon that roam around the area, as well as an abundant amount of new and old trainers alike that are coming through the train station that resides at the south west end of the town.

Location of Pallet Town:
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Connecting Routes:
Cinnabar Island (Surfing), Viridian City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 4-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Rattata
2= Pidgey
3= Rattata
4= Pidgey

Pokemon Levels:
1= 2
2= 3
3= 4
4= 5

Viridian City
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"The city of evergreen."

To the north of Pallet Town and located just west of Central Kanto, the large sprawling city of Viridian remains in the middle of an even larger forest. Arguably the second or third largest city in Kanto, Viridian City is known for it's size regardless, and it's always thriving populace. The most of the populace though is due to many trainers coming and going in trying to best the gym leader that resides here, the final leader in the Kanto league. Those who defeat him are destined to take the path to the west where they can be on their way to Victory Road to challenge the Elite Four, but most are set for failure due to the difficulty of the challenge of defeating the final Kanto League gym leader, Blue, who inexplicably took the place of gym leader after Giovanni disbanded Team Rocket.

Gym Leader

Location of Viridian City:
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Connecting Routes:
Pallet Town, Victory Road, Viridian Forest

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Mankey
2= Ekans
3= Rattata
4= Sandshrew
5= Spearow
6= Nidoran (male)
7= Pidgey
8= Spearow
9= Pidgey
10= Nidoran (Female)

Pokemon Levels:
1= 9
2= 10
3= 11
4= 12

Viridian Forest
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Viridian Forest is a deep and sprawling woodland expanding across Route 2 reaching to Pewter City in the north and to Viridian City in the south, giving the forest its name. The trees in this area have grown so dense that light has trouble getting through, and because of this the forest seems dark and gloomy. The path across to each terminus winds its way around the dense layers of trees, creating a giant labyrinth many liken to a natural maze, as many people get lost inside. The entrance to the forest seems to be light and airy: the trees are not as thick and sunlight is able to get in fine. The trees stand tall and the grass appears to be long and unmaintained, while trees in the distance appear to be shadowed. Because of its dark and shady environment, Viridian Forest hosts a large array of different Bug-type Pokémon. They are not particularly powerful, but they will cause status ailments such as paralysis and poison.

Location of Viridian Forest:
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Connecting Routes:
Viridian City, Diglett's Cave, Pewter City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Caterpie
2= Metapod
3= Weedle
4= Kakuna
5= Pidgey
6= Pidgey
7= Butterfree
8= Beedrill
9= Pikachu
10= Pidgeotto

Pokemon Levels:
1= 4
2= 5
3= 6
4= 7

Pewter City
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"Between rugged mountains."

Pewter City is a city located in northwest Kanto. The locale lies between Viridian Forest and Mt. Moon. The most notable resident of the city is Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader. A famous museum is located in the northwestern part of Pewter City and is one of the city's main attractions. The main building is open to the public and features several historical artifacts, including Aerodactyl and Kabutops Fossils, and a model of a space shuttle. There are two floors to explore in the Pewter Museum of Science. The first floor holds the front desk and a Fossil exhibit containing the Fossils of Aerodactyl and Kabutops. The second floor hosts a space exhibit featuring a Space Shuttle and a large Moon Stone that fell onto Mt. Moon.

Gym Leader

Location of Pewter City:
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Connecting Routes:
Viridian Forest, Diglett Cave, Mt. Moon

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 12-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Caterpie
2= Pidgey
3= Rattata
4= Weedle
5= Jigglypuff
6= Mankey
7= Nidoran (M)
8= Nidoran (F)
9= Spearow
10= Caterpie
11= Pidgey
12= Rattata

Pokemon Levels:
1= 5
2= 6
3= 7
4= 8

Mt. Moon
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Mt. Moon is a mountain located in northern Kanto, between Pewter City in the west and Cerulean City in the east. Climbing does not seem to be possible; to get past it, travelers always need to travel through the caves. Mt. Moon is known for being one of the few places where wild Clefairy can be found and for its frequent meteor falls. The shards of meteorites that fall here become Moon Stones, which is why its name is Mt. Moon. The mountain is also known for being home to Pokémon Fossils. Brock digs for Fossils here in his spare time.

Mt. Moon is a very expansive cave with many floors and connectors. The interior of the mountain is comprised of caves spanning many separate floors and levels. The base of the mountain where you will either enter coming from Cerluean City or Pewter City is very vast and large with twists and turns in every direction. It is easy to get lost in the mountain, so make sure that you have plenty of supplies in order to get through, as well as some good Pokemon to take on the tough poison and ground types that can be found here.

Location of
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Connecting Routes:
Pewter City, Cerulean City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 12-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Zubat
2= Zubat
3= Paras
4= Clefairy
5= Geodude
6= Zubat
7= Geodude
8= Zubat
9= Ekans
10= Sandshrew
11= Zubat
12= Zubat

Pokemon Levels:
1= 9
2= 10
3= 11
4= 12

Cerulean City
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"The Floral Lagoon City."

Cerulean City is a seaside city located in northern Kanto. It is situated near a sea inlet to the north, with Saffron City to the south, and Mt. Moon to the west. It is home to Misty, the Cerulean City Gym Leader. The city is one of only two cities in Kanto to have four different routes enter the city, the other being Saffron City. On the outskirts of Cerulean City lies Cerulean Cave, also known as the Unknown Dungeon. It is said to be home to "horribly strong Pokémon", and where the gym leader can sometimes be found training with her Pokemon. The Cerulean Gym is the official Gym of Cerulean City, based on Water-type Pokémon. The Gym Leader is Misty.

Gym Leader

Location of Cerulean City:
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Connecting Routes:
Saffron City, Kanto Daycare, Mt. Moon, Cerulean Cave (surf), Power Plant (surf), Rock Tunnel

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Ekans
2= Mankey
3= Rattata
4= Abra
5= Sandshrew
6= Spearow
7= Bellsprout
8= Oddish
9= Pidgey
10= Meowth

Pokemon Levels:
1= 15
2= 16
3= 17
4= 18

Power Plant
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The Power Plant is a facility located on Route 10 in Kanto that was abandoned years before, though some of the machinery still works. It was refurbished at some time to provide power for the Magnet Train before the power plant in Johto was built, so this Power Plant has since been abandoned again. It became a home for Electric-type Pokémon when it was abandoned, and thus it is very dangerous to come through since most of the residents are territorial Voltorb and Electabuzz that don't take kindly to visitors.

Location of Power Plant
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Connecting Routes:
Rock Tunnel, Cerulean City (surf)

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Magnemite
2= Voltorb
3= Magnemite
4= Magneton
5= Voltorb
6= Magnemite
7= Electabuzz
8= Voltorb
9= Electrode
10= Voltorb

Pokemon Levels:
1= 22
2= 23
3= 24
4= 25

1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

Saffron City
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"Shining big city."

Saffron City is a sprawling metropolis in the Kanto region. It lies in between Celadon City, Vermilion City, Lavender Town, and Cerulean City. It is home to Sabrina, the city's Gym Leader. It is the largest and one of the busiest cities in Kanto, being famous even in other regions. It is the tenth most populous city in the world which also houses the large Silph Co. headquarters building that stands firm as the city's centerpiece while two Gyms dominate the north-eastern corner district, Sabrina's own Pokemon League gym, and the Fighting Dojo.
The Silph Co. Headquarters is the largest and tallest building in the city. They are the leading manufacturer of Pokémon technology in the world, and produce a variety of goods for Trainers, such as the Poké Ball and the Silph Scope, and the fighting dojo is a place for trainers to really test their Pokemon's strength and stamina against the many fighting types that can be found there.

Gym Leader

Location of Saffron City:
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Connecting Routes:
Lavender Town, Celadon City, Vermilion City, Cerulean City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Bellsprout
2= Meowth
3= Oddish
4= Vulpix
5= Ekans
6= Growlithe
7= Pidgey
8= Pidgeotto
9= Sandshrew
10= Pidgey

Pokemon Levels:
1= 23
2= 24
3= 25
4= 26

Celedon City
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"City of the Rainbow's Colors."

Celadon City is located in central Kanto. It is the most populous city in Kanto and the eighth most populous in the Pokémon world, surpassing even Saffron City in the east. The city has two entrances, one from the east via Route 7, and one from the west via Route 16. Celadon is the main place to spend money in Kanto, through the Celadon Department Store and the Celadon Game Corner. Celadon City is the home of the Celadon Condominiums where residents of the city live and the Celadon Hotel where visitors can rest. Celadon is also home to Erika, the city's Gym Leader.
The southern part of the city caters to travelers and tourists. In addition to a hotel and a restaurant, the Game Corner is a popular spot. The citizens take pride in the city's beauty and think the casino is bad for their image. The Celadon Game Corner is one of the six Game Corners in the Pokémon world. The only game available is slots, which people say are rigged.

Erika's title is The Nature-Loving Princess. She teaches classes on flower arranging in her gym. She adores plant types, and is quite the skilled gardener. Her gym shows the fruits of her labor, blooming in a beautiful array of rare flowers found all over the world.
Her gym attracts mostly female trainers, as she teaches the traditional arts along with Pokemon training. Although, there seem to be a few peeping toms who enjoy peering through the windows of her greenhouses at all the lovely women...
Erika is a quiet girl, but she's well-known in Celadon City. Erika only collects Pokémon if she considers them attractive, though her definition of attractive seems to include varieties only a botanist could love. She also tends to doze off quite a bit, implying she may be narcoleptic, (or simply being affected by the powders given of by the grass Pokémon), but will become inspired after a good match.

Gym Leader

Location of Celedon City:
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Connecting Land Routes:
Saffron City, Fuschia City

Connecting Routes by Train:
Goldenrod City, Lilycove City, Veilstone City, Castelia City, North Lumiose City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then generate a number between 1-12. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:

Pokemon Levels:
1=Lv. 27
2=Lv. 28
3=Lv. 29
4=Lv. 30

Vermillion City

Lavender Town

Pokemon Tower

Fuchsia City

Rock Tunnel

Diglett Cave
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As a whole, the cave runs from the northwest to the southeast, passing under Celadon City, Route 7, and Route 6 as it progresses toward Vermilion from Pewter. There are no points of interest along the cave; however, the cave is the only location where wild Diglett and the rare Dugtrio are found in Kanto. The usefulness of the cave as a connector route between Routes 2 and 11 has allowed Diglett's Cave to become one of the most important non-numbered routes in the Pokémon world.

Location of Diglett's Cave
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Connecting Land Routes:
Viridian Forest, Pewter City, Vermillion City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Diglett
2= Diglett
3= Diglett
4= Dugtrio
5= Diglett
6= Diglett
7= Diglett
8= Diglett
9= Dugtrio
10= Diglett

Pokemon Levels:
1= 16
2= 17
3= 18
4= 19



Seafoam Islands

Cinnabar Island

Cerulean Cave

Pokemon Mansion

Dedicated Phantom

Pallet Town=
Viridian City=
Viridian Forest-
Pewter City-
Cerulean City
Mt. Moon=
Diglett Cave-
Power Plant
Saffron City
Vermillion City
Celedon City
Fuchsia City
Pokemon Tower
Lavender Town
Seafoam Islands
Cinnibar Island
Rock Tunnel
Pokemon Mansion

New Bark Town
Cherrygrove City
Violet City
Azalea Town
Goldenrod City
Ecruteak City
Olivine City
Cianwood City
Mahgoany Town
Blackthorn City
Ruins of Alph
Sprout Tower
Burned tower
Mt. Mortar
Mt. Silver
Dark Cave
Ice Path
Union Cave
Ilex Forest
Whirl Islands
Lake of Rage
National Park
Dragon's Den
Alto Mare

Littleroot Town
Oldale Town
Petalburg City
Rustboro City
Dewford Town (abandoned ship)
Slateport City
Mauville City
Verdanturf Town
Fallarbor Town
Lavaridge Town
Fortree City
Lilycove City
Mossdeep City
Sootopolis City
Pacifidlog City
Ever Grande City
Petalburg Woods
Rusturf Tunnel
Granite Cave
Fiery Path
Weather Institute
Mt. Chimney
Cave of Origin
Seafloor Cavern
Meteor Falls
Shoal Cave
Mt. Pyre
Sky Pillar
Hoenn Desert (Mirage Tower)
La Rousse

Twinleaf Town
Sandgem Town
Jubilife City
Oreburgh City
Floaroma Town
Eterna City
Hearthome City
Solaceon Town
Veilstone City
Pastoria City
Celestic Town
Canalave City
Snowpoint City
Sunnyshore City
Fight, Survival, Resort Area
Eterna Forest
Stark Mountain
Old Chateau
Great Marsh
Lake Acuity
Lake Verity
Lake Valor
Turnback Cave/Sendoff Spring
Iron Island
Lost Tower
Pokemon Mansion
Mt. Coronet
Wayward Cave
Alamos Town
Michina Town
Crown City

Nuvema Town
Accumula Town
Striaton City
Nacrene City
Castelia City/Castelia Sewers
Nimbasa City
Driftveil City/Cold Storage
Mistralton City
Icirrus City
Moor of Icirrus
Opelucid City
Lacunosa Town
Undella Town
Undella Bay/Abyssal Ruins
Black City
White Forest
Eindoak Town
Roshan City
New Talk City
Aspertia City
Floccesy Town/Floccesy Ranch
Virbank City/Virbank Complex
Lentimas Town
Humilau City
Wellspring Cave
Pinwheel forest
Desert Resort
Relic Castle
Lostlorn Forest
Mistralton Cave
Chargestone Cave
Celestial Tower
Twist Mountain
Dragonspiral Tower
Challenger's Cave
Giant Chasm
Abundant Shrine
Clay Tunnel

Wild Pokemon: Cold Storage
1- Herdier
2- Vanillite
3- Minccino
4- Timburr
5- Cinccino
6- Stoutland

Pokemon Levels:
1- 24
2- 25
3- 26
4- 27

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Gym Leader

Location of
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Connecting Land Routes:

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Bunelby
2= Psyduck
3= Flebebe
4= Dunsparce
5= Bidoof
6= Ralts
7= Riolu
8= Farfetch'd

Pokemon Levels:
1= 4
2= 5
3= 6
4= 7

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For defeating the gym leader _____, you will receive the ______ Badge, the TM #____, and HM 0_____ if you started with a _____ starter.

2- 13 (110), 17 (130)
2- 25, 25 (200)
3- 30 (230), 31 (250), 34 (260)
4- 38 (290), 40 (300), 41 (320), 45 (340)
4- 49 (380), 50 (380), 52 (390), 53 (410)
5- 58 (440), 60 (460), 62 (470), 62 (470), 65 (500)
5- 74 (570), 77 (620), 78 (620),78 (620), 80 (630)
6- 84 (660), 86 (680), 87 (690), 87 (690), 89 (710), 91 (720)

4-8 7
10+ 5
14+ 3

Pallet Town: Cinnabar Island (Surfing), Viridian City; Train: New Bark Town, Littleroot Town, Twinleaf Town, Nuvema Town, Aspertia City, Vaniville Town
Viridian City: Pallet Town, Victory Road, Viridian Forest
Viridian Forest: Viridian City, Diglett's Cave, Pewter City
Pewter City: Viridian Forest, Diglett Cave, Mt. Moon, Rota
Mt. Moon: Pewter City, Cerulean City, Rota
Cerluean City: Saffron City, Kanto Daycare, Mt. Moon, Cerulean Cave (surf), Power Plant (surf), Rock Tunnel
Diglett Cave: Viridian Forest, Pewter City, Vermillion City
Power Plant: Cerulean City (surf)
Saffron City: Cerulean City, Lavender Town, Vermillion City, Celedon City
Celedon City: Saffron City, Fuschia City; Train: Goldenrod City, Lilycove City, Veilstone City, Castelia City, North Lumiose City
Vermillion City: Diglett's Cave, Saffron City, Fuschia City
Lavender Town: Saffron City, Vermillion City, Fuschia City
Pokemon Tower: Lavender Town
Fuschia City: Celedon City, Vermillion City, Lavender Town, Seafoam Islands (surf)
Rock Tunnel: Cerulean City, Lavender Town
Seafoam Islands: Fuschia City (surf), Cinnibar Island (surf)
Cinnibar Island: Fuschia City (surf), Seafoam Islands (surf), Pallet Town (surf)
Cerulean Cave: Cerulean City (surf)
Cerise Island: Fuschia City (surf)

New Bark Town: Cherrygrove City, Dark Cave; Train: Pallet Town, Little Root Town, Twinleaf Town, Nuvema Town, Aspertia City, Vaniville Town
Cherrygrove City: New Bark Town, Dark Cave, Violet City
Violet City: Cherrygrove City, Dark Cave, Sprout Tower, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, National Park, Ecruteak City, Goldenrod City
Sprout Tower: Violet City
Ruins of Alph: Violet City, Union Cave
Union Cave: Violet City, Azalea Town, Ruins of Alph
Azalea Town: Union Cave, Ilex Forest, Alto Mare (surf)
Ilex Forest: Azalea Town, Goldenrod City
Dark Cave: Blackthorn City, New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City
Goldenrod City: Ilex Forest, National Park, Violet City, Ecruteak City
National Park: Goldenrod City, Violet City, Ecruteak City
Ecruteak City: Goldenrod City, National Park, Violet City, Burned Tower, Olivine City, Mt. Mortar
Olivine City: Ecruteak City, Whirl Islands (surf), Cianwood City (surf), Arborville (fly)
Whril Islands: Olivine City (surf), Cianwood City (surf)
Cianwood City: Whirl Islands (surf), Olivine City (surf)
Mt. Mortar: Ecruteak City, Mahogany Town
Mahogany Town: Mt. Mortar, Lake of Rage, Blackthorn City
Blackthorn City: Mahogany Town, Mt. Silver, Dark Cave

Littleroot Town: Oldale Town; Train: Pallet Town, New Bark Town, Twinleaf Town, Nuvema Town, Aspertia City, Vaniville Town
Oldale Town: Littleroot Town, Petalburg City, Slateport City, Mauville City
Petalburg City: Oldale Town, Petalburg Woods
Petalburg Woods: Petalburg City, Rustboro City
Rustboro City: Petalburg Woods, Dewford Town (ferry), Meteor Falls, Rusturf Tunnel
Dewford Town: Granite Cave, Rustboro City (ferry), Slateport City (ferry)
Granite Cave: Dewford Town
Slateport City: Dewford Town (ferry), Oldale Town, Mauville City, Pacifidlog Town (surf)
Mauville City: Mt. Pyre, Verdenturf Town, Slateport City, Fortree City, Hoenn Desert, Oldale Town, Weather Institute
Mt. Pyre: Mauville City, Fortree City, Lilycove City
Rusturf Tunnel: Rustboro City, Verdanturf Town
Hoenn Desert: Fallarbor Town, Fiery Path, Mauville City, Lavaridge Town, Mt. Chimney
Fiery Path: Hoenn Desert, Lavaridge City, Mt. Chimney
Mt. Chimney: Fiery Path, Hoenn Desert, Fallarbor Town, Lavaridge Town, Forina
Lavaridge Town: Fiery Path, Hoenn Desert, Mt. Chimney, Forina
Verdanturf Town: Rusturf Tunnel, Mauville City
Fallarbor Town: Mt. Chimney, Hoenn Desert, Meteor Falls, Ranger School, Forina
Fortree City: Mauville City, Safari Zone, Mt. Pyre, Lilycove City, Weather Institute
Lilycove City: Fortree City, Mt. Pyre, Shoal Cave (surf), LaRousse City, Sootopolis City, Mossdeep City; Train: Celedon City, Goldenrod City, Veilstone City, Castelia City, North Lumiose City
Mossdeep City: Lilycove City (surf), Shoal Cave (surf), Sootopolis City (surf), Evergrande City (surf), Pacifidlog Town (surf)
Sootopolis City: Lilycove City (surf), Mossdeep City (surf), Evergrande City (surf), Pacifidlog Town (surf), Cave of Origin
Cave of Origin: Sootopolis City
Evergrande City: Mossdeep City (surf), Sootopolis City (surf), Pacifidlog Town (surf)
Pacifidlog Town: Mossdeep City (surf), Sootopolis City (surf), Evergrand City (surf), Slateport City (surf)
Weather Institute: Fortree City, Mauville City
Shoal Cave: Lilycove City (surf), Mossdeep City (surf)

Twinleaf Town: Sandgem Town, Lake Verity
Sandgem Town: Twinleaf Town, Lake Verity, Jubilife City
Lake Verity: Twinleaf Town, Sandgem Town
Jubilife City: Sandgem Town, Canalave City, Oreburgh City, Floaroma Town, Alamos Town
Oreburgh City: Jubilife City, Eterna City, Mt. Coronet, Alamos Town, Wayward Cave
Canalave City: Jubilife City, Iron Island (ferry)
Floaroma Town: Jubilife City, Eterna Forest
Eterna Forest: Floaroma Town, Eterna City, Old Chateau
Eterna City: Eterna Forest, Oreburgh City, Mt. Coronet, Crown City, Wayward Cave
Mt. Coronet: Oreburgh City, Eterna City, Snowpoint City, Celestic Town, Hearthome City, Lake Acuity
Celestic Town: Mt. Coronet, Solaceon Town, Michina Town
Hearthome City: Mt. Coronet, Solaceon Town, Pastoria City, Lost Tower, Pokemon Mansion
Solaceon Town: Hearthome City, Celestic Town, Veilstone City, Lost Tower
Pastoria City: Hearthome City, Lake Valor, Veilstone City, Sunnyshore City, Pokemon Mansion, Pastoria Great Marsh, Spring Path
Veilstone City: Lake Valor, Solaceon Town, Celestic Town, Pastoria City, Sunnyshore City, Spring Path; Train: Celedon City, Goldenrod City, Lilycove City, Castelia City, North Lumiose City
Sunnyshore City: Pastoria City, Veilstone City, Lake Valor, Victory Road, Spring Path
Lake Valor: Sunnyshore City, Pastoria City, Veilstone City, Spring Path
Snowpoint City: Mt. Coronet, Lake Acuity, Northeastern Island (ferry)
Victory Road: Sunnyshore City
Iron Island: Canalave City (ferry)
Old Chateau: Eterna Forest
Lost Tower: Hearthome City, Solaceon Town
Pokemon Mansion: Hearthome City, Pastoria City
Wayward Cave: Oreburgh City, Eterna City
Northeastern Island: Snowpoint City (ferry), Stark Mountain
Stark Mountain: Northeastern Island
Pastoria Great Marsh: Pastoria City
Springpath/Turnback Cave: Lake Valor, Pastoria City, Veilstone City, Sunnyshore City

Dedicated Phantom

Alto Mare
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Far out in the southern seas of Johto, where the weather is warm and gentle, but not tropical, a sky line can be found floating above the water, a city on the waves. Alto Mare is a sprawling metropolis that has thrived for decades out on the waves of the open ocean, a city of canals and boats, where streets don't exist, and water flows in their place. Alto Mare is characterized by old fashioned style buildings, most with stories to tell of the years of people and pokemon that move through the soothing city of water, where stone paths and walkways and bridges are the only navigation through the city unless you travel by ferry or gondola, or water Pokemon for that matter. With plentiful sun and calm weather, the city is a beautiful place to spend time out in the city's many common squares, out in the parks where the trees and grass are the perfect shade of green, or spending a day in the center of the city in the Alto Mare museum where the history of the proud city is displayed for all to see.

Connecting Land Routes:
Azalea Town (Surf)

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Pidgeotto
2= Yanma
3= Murkrow
4= Quagsire
5= Masquerain
6= Natu
7= Chinchou
8= Wingull
9= Marill
10= Feebas

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

LaRousse City
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A city characterized by and known for being one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world, LaRousse City is a crown jewel in North Eastern Hoenn. One of the most advanced systems in technology runs the city and keeps it up and running with conveyor belt sidewalks, automated vending machines, a fully operational security system, all powered by the wind turbines at the eastern end of the city.
The city is located at the confluence of two rivers in northern Hoenn. The city mainly lies on an island, including the huge park, the Battle Tower, and most of the business districts. On the shores of the river, presumably mainland Hoenn, lies more areas of the city, though not much. Access to the island is via monorail, which wraps around the island, and a bridge over the northern part of the island.

Connecting Land Routes:
Lilycove City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Plusle
2= Minun
3= Munchlax
4= Metang
5= Murkrow
6= Seel
7= Pelipper
8= Crosola
9= Manectric
10= Pichu

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

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A part of Hoenn little traveled and explored remains in the central part of the region around Mt. Chimney, a place called Forina. This area spans for miles and miles in central Hoenn, bearing some of the most beautiful natural structures in the world. A forest of sorts characterizes the ground, but the trees are over shadowed by the looming rocky pillars that span over the land scape, like a city of sky scrapers made of stone. Many caverns weave beneath the ground of Forina that are home to many Pokemon species, most undisturbed for years with the lack of human interference in the area. There are no human civilizations known in Forina, only the thriving species of Pokemon that have called the unexplained rock formations home for so long.

Connecting Land Routes:
Mt. Chimney, Lavaridge Town, Fallarbor Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Linoone
2= Absol
3= Vibrava
4= Tropius
5= Nuzleaf
6= Breloom
7= Altaria
8= Nincada
9= Aron
10= Spoink

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

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Nestled deep in the forest and mountains that span over northern Johto, only handful of outsiders have made it to such a place as Arborville. For generations the village has thrived in the forests north of Olivine City, but unlike most villages, it is a village of tree houses. The entirety of Arborville is found in the tree tops of the forested mountains, and can only be accessed by flight to get to the top of the enormous water fall that flows over the edge of the cliff face. The people here are hospitable and friendly despite their lack of connection with the outside world, but all are welcome, so long as you do not disturb the forest that they have all called home for so long.

Connecting Land Routes:
Olivine City (Fly)

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Exeggutor
2= Carnivine
3= Jumpluff
4= Roselia
5= Tropius
6= Butterfree
7= Pidgeotto
8= Scyther
9= Noctowl
10= Leidan

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

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Far into northern Kanto, past Pewter City and past the Mt. Moon mountain range is a city lost to time known as Rota, though it is more properly called a kingdom. While keeping up with modern technology, Rota is still to this day heavily characterized by the idea of a kingdom and a hierarchy where at the Cameran Palace the royal family still holds their place, one of the first thriving civilizations to take root in the Kanto region many centuries ago.
The town has a medieval theme, resembling historically preserved medieval cities in Europe, although it may just be this way because of the annual "hero of the year" festival that is held. This festival requires everyone to wear royal clothing and includes a royal ball as well as a competition to see who will be the year's Aura Guardian. Cameran Palace stands at the center of the town, a great medieval-style Castle where Queen Ilene lives, and where Queen Rin, Sir Aaron, and his Lucario lived. The Tree of Beginning can be found a short distance from Rota, along with the site of the biggest battle of the century. Rota and the Tree of Beginning are located in a mountain range north of Pewter City and Mt. Moon.

The Tree of Beginning is a rock formation that appears to be a gigantic tree. The Tree of Beginning is actually a living organism made up of crystal that feeds on sunlight. The crystals of the tree actually seem to extend far beyond the formation itself, emerging from the ground like roots throughout the surrounding areas.

Connecting Land Routes:
Pewter City, Mt. Moon

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Arbok
2= Nidoqueen
3= Nidoking
4= Persian
5= Golduck
6= Rapidash
7= Haunter
8= Hypno
9= Scyther
10= Dodrio

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

Alamos Town
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Alamos Town is located northwest of Oreburgh City and northeast of Jubilife City, near the Ravaged Path. The main part of the city is on top of a large mesa in the middle of a lake. There is a bridge connecting the mesa to the mainland. The area around Alamos Town is heavily wooded with many hills and plateaus.
Though large for a town in the Sinnoh Region, Alamos Town is peaceful and quiet without any large buildings and structures or any mainstream businesses that would otherwise disturb the serene surroundings. The only well known structure in the town, and what most come to see, is the Space-Time Tower, located in the center of the town.
Within the Space Tower are large spheres rotating on orbits. Within the Time Tower are large pendulums. Outside in between the two towers is a long and thin winding staircase, leading up to the top of the tower. On the topmost floor lies a large machine that plays music by inserting special disks into a place-holder and pulling a lever. This is a similar function as a piano, but the strings are aligned in a cylinder. This is what makes the Space-Time Tower famous, for it is known as the largest musical instrument in the world, and what the towns people are very proud of.

Connecting Land Routes:
Oreburgh City, Jubilife City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Purugly
2= Staravia
3= Luxio
4= Bibarel
5= Mothim
6= Floatzel
7= Drifblim
8= Skuntank
9= Croagunk
10= Ambipom

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

Michina Town
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Michina Town is a riverside town surrounded by flourishing nature. The town's centerpiece is the Michina Ruins. The Michina Ruins are old ruins of a temple, located at the peak of a huge, rocky mountain in Michina. Beside the ruins is a beautiful lake.
What used to be a desolate wasteland generations ago, Michina Town was on the cusp of death for it's citizens when they could not farm or produce food for themselves, and it was with the gracious generosities of Arceus itself that the town was able to make fertile soil and provide for themselves so that the town could thrive and grow to the peaceful mountainside civilization that it is today where the ruins are a reminder of Arceus' great kindness to them.

Connecting Land Routes:
Celestic Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Gastrodon
2= Pachirisu
3= Staravia
4= Wormadam
5= Floatzel
6= Kriketune
7= Vespiquen
8= Cherrim
9= Lopunny
10= Chingling

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

Crown City
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Twenty years prior, a disaster caused all plant life in Crown City to die out. That was also the last time before the present that Celebi had appeared in the city. Fortunately, with the help of both humans and Pokémon working together, the city was brought back to its beautiful state. Now that the city understands the importance of nature and humanity working together, the city thrives and co exists with plant life and pokemon life in order to sustain an effective eco system with many parks and areas for nature to take it's course and grow undisturbed.

Connecting Land Routes:
Eterna City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Luxio
2= Staravia
3= Bronzor
4= Glameow
5= Purrloin
6= Pidove
7= Audino
8= Whimsicott
9= Mincinno
10= Duosion

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

Eindoak Town
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Eindoak Town is the relocated home of the "People of the Vale." Long ago, the Kingdom of the Vale engaged in a war which caused a disturbance in the force that kept the land alive and flourishing, the Dragon Force. Left with no other option, the King of the People of the Vale lifted the Sword of the Vale from the ground, and placed it atop a nearby mountain to ease the Dragon Force's fury. The People of the Vale then began anew, and over time erected a village along the mountain ridge where many have come to live. The town now boasts bountiful orchards that supply the town with food.

Connecting Land Routes:
Lacunosa Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Herdier
2= Watchog
3= Liepard
4= Munna
5= Tranquill
6= Swadloon
7= Whirlipede
8= Cottonee
9= Petilil
10= Deerling

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

Roshan City
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Roshan City is a sprawling city accessible by train from Mistralton City. Underneath the city are disused subway tunnels, and one of the old stations has been transformed into a museum for old transportation devices, filled with planes, old train cars, automobiles and boats of many different kinds to show the history of transportation and how the technology has grown.

Connecting Land Routes:
Mistralton City

Pokemon Appearances:
-5 rp posts are required, then roll a 10-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Audino
2= Scraggy
3= Yamask
4= Cincinno
5= Gothorita
6= Solosis
7= Emolga
8= Joltik
9= Klang
10= Elgyem

Pokemon Levels:
1= 32
2= 33
3= 34
4= 35

New Tork City
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Arguably the largest city in the world, New Tork City is a sprawling metropolis located in Northern Unova past Opelucid City on the coast. It's population is unmatched by most large cities, and it's sheer size is enought to give it the title as it takes up most of the northern Unova coast, and then some with some smaller islands that are connected by bridges and various road ways.
In the center of the city is an enormous park that some can admit to getting lost in because of it's enormity, where it houses one of the most interesting structures known to the world. Because of the size of the city, the population, and the hub of activity that comes with all different kinds of Pokemon, New Tork City built Pokemon Hills. Surrounded by a hedge maze that is home to countless different species of plants all over the world, Pokemon Hills is a structure that in itself holds many different environments to house and accommodate to the many different species of Pokemon that have found their way to New Tork City, where many thrive and live, others visit, and most come to play and relax to get away from the daily stresses of big city living.

Connecting Land Routes:
Opelucid City

Pokemon Appearances:
-3 rp posts are required, then generate a number between 1-18. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Furret
2= Growlithe
3= Scrafty
4= Politoad
5= Staraptor
6= Bellossom
7= Muk
8= Dedenne
9= Pupitar
10= Grumpig
11= Sudowoodo
12= Smoochum
13= Mothim
14= Sligoo
15= Mismagius
16= Sableye
17= Klang
18= Klefki

Pokemon Levels:
1= 47
2= 48
3= 49
4= 50

Aspertia City
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"A city that reaches for the sky."

Aspertia City is a small city situated in southwestern Unova and serves as another landing point for new trainers in Unova, or trainers new to Unova. The settlement exists on Unova's western strip of land, and is surrounded by forest. The entrance to the city is through Route 19 to its north. Aspertia City contains some prominent areas of interest such as the Aspertia Gym, a lookout, and a Pokémon Center. It is a newly developed area containing modern buildings and houses. The lookout is a platform built onto a hill at the city's northmost point. There are stairs, which ascend to an observation deck hosting a green lamppost. The lookout overlooks a view of a scenic landscape featuring trees, a lake in the foreground, and a mountain range in the background.

The Aspertia Gym is the official Gym of Aspertia City. It is based on Normal-type Pokémon. The Gym Leader is Cheren. The Gym is situated just west of the Pokémon Center in the backyard of the Trainers' School, where Cheren teaches new and old trainers alike in order to spread his own knowledge about Pokemon and how to train them.

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Lv. 13
HP 110
Ability: Keen Eye
Tackle- 20
Bite- 35 || 2/6 chance of making the target flinch
Work Up- +20 damage to attacks for remainder of battle
Detect- Avoids next attack (9/10 chance)

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Lv. 17
HP 130
Ability: Super Luck
Air Cutter- 30
Quick Attack- 30 || It is sure to strike first
Leer- Lowers target's defense
Growl- Lowers target's attack

For defeating the gym leader Cheren, you will receive the Basic Badge, the TM #083 Work Up, and the HM01 Cut for those who have a Unova starter.

Location of Aspertia City:
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Connecting Land Routes:
Flocessy Town

Connecting Routes by Train:
Pallet Town, New Bark Town, Littleroot Town, Twinleaf Town, Nvuema Town, Vaniville Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll a 4-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Liepard
2= Watchog
3= Liepard
4= Watchog

Pokemon Levels:
1= 27
2= 28
3= 29
4= 30

Floccesy Town
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"Prophecy Flocks Here"

Floccesy Town is situated in the southwestern part of the Unova regionjust to the east of Aspertia City. The town used to be a grassy meadow, and was populated by people in search of Pokémon. The two eventually made homes, and started living together in unison where Pokemon and human work together and coexist with each other. A battered-looking clock tower is right behind the Pokémon Center. It has a light purple roof and a bell. Vines are growing around the base of it. It is either missing the clock itself, or the hands of the clock. According to the map, the tower tells of the town's beginnings.

Location of Floccesy Town:
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Connecting Land Routes:
Aspertia City, Virbank City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Leipard
2= Sunflora
3= Watchog
4= Dunsparce
5= Unfezant
6= Leavanny
7= Whirlipede
8= Audino

Pokemon Levels:
1= 27
2= 28
3= 29
4= 30

Virbank City
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"City of falling fog and rising stars!"

Virbank City is known to be a port city with many hangars, docks and waterways. In the northeastern part of the city, there is graffiti painted on the wall that resembles Koffing's skull and crossbones mark. There are other places of interest such as the harbor where many of the port's ships come and go with their cargo, the Virbank Complex which is an industrial plant outside of the city, and the Virbank City Gym.
The Virbank City gym doubles as a music and dance club where the gym leader Roxie trains with her poison types, and moonlights as the lead bass guitarist in her rock band.

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Lv. 25
HP 200
Ability: Levitate
Sludge- 40 || 1/4 chance of poison
Assurance- 50 || If the target has already taken some damage in the same turn, this attack's power is doubled
Tackle- 20
Poison Gas- Poisons opponent

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Lv. 25
HP 200
Ability: Poison Point
Bug Bite- 45 || If the target is holding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect
Rollout- 10 dmg increases for five turns (10, 20, 40, 60, 100)
Iron Defense- Raises user's defense
Poison Tail- 40

For defeating the gym leader Roxie, you will receive the Toxic Badge, the TM #095 Venoshock, and HM 04 Strength if you started with a Unova starter.

Location of Virbank City:
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Connecting Land Routes:
Flocessy Town, Driftveil City

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Magneton
2= Electabuzz
3= Magmar
4= Watchog
5= Unfezant
6= Audino
7= Growlithe
8= Weezing

Pokemon Levels:
1= 27
2= 28
3= 29
4= 30

Lentimas Town
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"Where Rough Mountain Trails Lead"

Not much can be said for the small town of Lentimas found deep in eastern Unova to the west of Undella Town. Almost unknown to anyone but those who live there, Lentimas is a small and peaceful town that is settled at the base of a dormant volcano. It is mostly known for it's pottery and porcelain made from the clay that can be found around the volcano.

Location of Lentimas Town:
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Connecting Land Routes:
Undella Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Skarmory
2= Numel
3= Camerupt
4= Spoink
5= Grumpig
6= Trapinch
7= Drifblim
8= Scorupi

Pokemon Levels:
1= 31
2= 32
3= 33
4= 34

Humilau City
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"Calm and Sparkling Seas"

In the most north eastern part of Unova, Humilau City rests on the waves of the coast. It is a resort area much like Undella Town, but is more up to date on all the latest resort treatments and activies, such as having your resort house out floating on the crystal blue water to truly be at peace with the ocean waves out on the open sea. There is not much else that goes on besides the lounging and enjoying time and relaxation, but for those who just so happen to catch wind of it, there is a gym that resides in this coastal paradise, a water type gym with it's trainer Marlon who spends more time swimming and training with his Pokemon than relaxing and enjoying the rays of the sun.

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Lv. 84
HP 660
Ability: Cursed Body
Hydro Pump- 100
Shadow Ball- 65 || Lowers target's special defense
Energy Ball- 80 || Lowers target's special defense
PsychicPsychic- 100 || Lowers target's special defense

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Lv. 86
HP 680
Ability: Solid Rock
Rock Slide- 60 || 4/6 chance of flinching
Shell Smash- +20 damage given and received for remainder of battle
Aqua Jet- 30 || Always hits first
Waterfall- 75

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Lv. 87
HP 690
Ability: Natural Cure
Thunderbolt- 85 || 1/3 chance of paralysis
Reflect- Reduces all damage by 30 for five consecutive turns
Scald- 70 (1/3 chance of burn)
Confuse Ray- Confuses opponent

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Lv. 87
HP 690
Ability: Water Absorb
Stone Edge- 85
Earthquake- 85 || Lowers target's special defense
Waterfall- 75
Counter- Counters with 2x the damage received last turn

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Lv. 89
HP 710
Ability: Shell Armor
Ice Shard- 20 || This move always goes first
Icicle Crash- 70 || 4/6 chance of flinching
Shell Smash- +20 damage given and received for remainder of battle
Rock Blast- 15 (2-5 hits)

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Lv. 91
HP 720
Ability: Water Veil
Water Spout- 120 || When user under half hp, attack does half damage
Bounce- 60 1-bounce up, 2-attack || 1/3 chance of paralysis
Blizzard- 100 (1/3 chance of freezing)
Fissure- Instant KO 30% chance

For defeating the gym leader Marlon, you will receive the Wave Badge, the TM #104 Scald, and HM 08 Dive if you started with a Unova starter.

Location of Humilau City:
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Connecting Land Routes:
Undella Town

Pokemon Appearances:
-7 rp posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. In the next post, roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1= Starmie
2= Corsola
3= Shellder
4= Cloyster
5= Golduck
6= Marill
7= Pelipper
8= Audino

Pokemon Levels:
1= 37
2= 38
3= 39
4= 41

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