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Hilarious Sex Symbol

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From Pyrite Town

The hot desert sand was whirling up in a beautiful, sandy flurry of pain. Luckily, her trusty friend Skarmory was leading her safely through the horrid desert. It's cries echoed a bit as it flew at a good speed, heading in the direction that Justy had instructed it. He told Viola that she had a surprised awaiting her in this new region. What could it be? Well... Who knew? For all Viola knew, it could've been a ticket for the S.S. Anne. Though, that was unlikely... Skarmony let loose a powerful cry, rousing Viola from her little daydream of how her morning went. Rushing because she woke up late... Running to the Pre-Gym half-dressed in pajamas and regular clothes... Being scolded by Justy for being half-dressed.... Though, it all worked out! Skarmory's authoritative cry signaled the approach of their destination: Amentis. A fairly large city that stood out in the new region. Viola had to wonder... What new wonders awaited her? More excited than nervous, and more headstrong than cautious, she leaned forward on the steel bird to hold a closer look. Though, this caused a rift in the balance, and Viola fell straight off the bird. "Wha...? AH!" The girl shrieked, as she plummeted down towards the sandy abyss below. Luckily, Skarmory did quite an impressive aerial loop, catching the girl in it's path. The city wasn't far at all now.

Within minutes of her plummet, Viola was now in the city. Skarmory was instructed to bring Viola straight to the lab, and that was it's intention. However, curiosity struck the pink haired girl once more as she leaned up, gazing in awe at this city, which was so new to her. Though, as you could guess, this caused another rift in the balance, and Viola plummeted again to the ground. As Skarmory struggled to find a maneuver, it was too lat. Viola landed with a hard thud, right on top of another girl! This girl had red hair, and red eyes, it looked like. From the brief moment Viola saw, before landing on top of her. Viola scrambled to stand up, dusting her body off, paying no regard to the fact that she literally just fell off a bird Pokemon. She was probably injured in some way, and was just too focused to notice. The girl looked up and waved goodbye to Justy's Skarmory, as it flew off back to the desert. Viola looked in awe at the city and buildings and people around her... then down at the girl whom cushioned her fall. "Oops. Sorry. Ya make a nice cushion, though! Kyahaha! . . . You... are alive, right?" Viola bent down to examine the hopefully still-living girl.


Location: Amentis (Outside the Lab)
TL;DR: Landed on top of some girl...?
500 P
Music: K.K. Bubblegum
Red-Headed Girl... (Zash.)


Yandere Hi
i5x94g8c:107="Yandere Hideki]

Dangerous Prophet

6,950 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
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Where?:Outside Lab
Thoughts?:Ah! Getting squashed!
Whom?:Pink haired girl
Battle theme: The GOD Fist

The next thing Zash knew, a girl was on top of her. How she got up on her, she didn't know, but she was really cute. She had square pink glasses and cute pink eyes that complimented her pink hair. Zash blushed slightly and looked away. "Yes I'm alive! Now get up!" Zash demanded of the very cute pinkish girl.

After nearly shoving her off and puffing out her cheeks. "I'm Zash, and you're welcome for being your cushion! N-Not that I liked it or anything....Anyway, you're here to see the professor too? Well that means you're going on a journey, and so am I! Since you, ya know, fell on me, I demand you travel with me! No questions asked!" Zash told the girl. Truth be told, although Zash lived alone, she was terrified of traveling all on her own, even if her pokemon were there with her, so it would be comforting to have someone with her on the way.

Zash turned away and kept her cheeks puffed while closing her eyes. "Well. What is your name then?" She looked back, opening one eye to see her new companion.

Liberated SiN

Hilarious Sex Symbol

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From Pyrite Town

Viola let her pink eyes wander all around, almost like a child in an amusement park, as the pretty redhead demanded that Viola be her travel companion. Paying no attention to Zash's demanding tone, Viola quickly spun around on one foot an lunged gleefully at her new friend. "Yay!~ I've got a friend already! This journey is gonna be amaaaaaaziiiing!~" Viola, potentially suffocating her new friend, came to her senses and regained the small bit of normality she never possessed, letting Zash go. "I'm Viola. Viola Ackerman. I'm the town of Pyrite. If the name seems familiar... well... It shouldn't! Pyrite isn't really a booming tourist destination! Though, the Colosseum is there... So I guess that's a reason!" Just then, Viola had a small little daydream about her life in Pyrite. About how all the roughnecks would just beat up each other, and each other's Pokemon. Viola had to toughen up fast living there. Though, you wouldn't guess that by looking at her, huh?

"Zash... Zaaaashhhhh... Zzzzzzaaaaassshhhhh.... GOT IT!~" Viola chanted happily, doing another twirl. It was clear that she was very happy. "So, Ms. Cuddly Cushion Zash, is the Lab not open yet?" Violed stood on her toes and leaned to the side, trying to peek in the large door. Though, failed miserably and ended up twirling, and landing firmly on her butt. Viola sprang up about as fast as she fell and dusted off the seas of her pants. "Kyahahah!" She giggled cutely "I'm falling so much... I'm about as clumsy as a Spinda today! Kyahaha!~" Once she stopped her giggly behavior, she looked to Zash almost longingly, admiring the girl's more... grown-up looking posture. Perhaps it was just what she radiated, but Zash seemed very mature.


Location: Amentis (Outside the Lab)
TL;DR: "It's dangerous to go alone: Take this!" Viola got companion Zash!
500 P
Music: K.K. Bubblegum


Yandere Hi
i5x94g8c:112="Yandere Hideki]
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✖ Mood :Astonished
✖ Location :Amentis City
✖ Pokemon :
✖ Who's with me :

People say the best way to enjoy the water is to sit next it, but how about sitting on a Lapras? What could be better than riding on a Lapras? To Simon this was one of his most exhilarating moments of his life. Thankfully one of his neighbors back in Sootopolis were happy to let him borrow their Pokemon. After a long while of Lapras riding, Simon spotted land jut a head! "Alright Lapras just head over there." Lapras wasn't in the mood to take orders from him ; however, it knew the faster they get to land faster this freak gets off its back. Pulling up to land Simon hopped off the Lapras's, and took a stretch break. "Thank you Lapr-" Simon turned around to say thanks to the water Pokemon to find that it already took off. This didn't really bother Simon all that much, for all he saw before him was his new journey. Only thing stopping him now are the directions to the lab where he picks up his new friend. After walking for a couple of minutes Simon came up on Amentis City. Amentis City was something his eyes have never seen before. He was astonished at how different it was from Sootopolis City. A grin formed behind his mask because arriving at this city meant the beginning of a wonderful story.

Wandering for minutes Simon couldn't pinpoint the lab he need to get to in this massive city. He wasn't Sootopolis City anymore. Simon noticed a normal couple walking down the street, and decided to take the chance to wave them down. "Hey! Hey! Can you point me towards the lab?" However what happened next didn't surprise him a bit...The couple noticed him waving them down, but what stuck out to them was not a teenager waving them down. It was the opposite, a creepy person wearing a mask that said 'You are free' waving them down. The couple instantly turned a complete one-eighty in the opposite direction. "Oh? I guess they forgot something in that direction." Simon was determined to get directions! While walking Simon spotted a peculiar looking bird sitting next to a girl in a black jacket, and a boy with pink hair beside her. "Maybe they can help me." He said starting a slight jog towards the two. "Excuse me! Excuse me! Can you help me find the lab in this city?" Simon isn't a big believer in miracles, but right now he needed one.

Anxious Bookworm

9,150 Points
  • Bookworm 100
  • Timid 100
  • Magical Girl 50
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                                                                                          Mood : A bit excited
                                                                                          Location : Middle of Amentis
                                                                                          Human Company : Jolt, A Masked Weirdo (Can I be surrounded by normal people for once?)
                                                                                          Pokemon : Alfred the Braviary(Temp)

                                                                                          Noah took off her glasses and cleaned them as Alfred rested his beak on her shoulder while they waited for Jolt to find them. As she cleaned her glasses, the dark haired girl pondered over her Pokemon back home. Would they be okay? Would they get enough exercise? Would they be happy helping out at the pokemon school? Her worries fueled her cleaning, since with the way she was cleaning them, she would have rubbed a hole in them. The Braviary nudged her to bring her back down to earth, and Noah placed her glasses back on. She patted the Valiant Pokemon's beak, before both jumped when someone called out to them.

                                                                                          There in the flesh, was Jolt in all his pink glory! It seems that he has been here for a while, if he could comment on her brief kiss with death. Noah scowled at what she assumed to be a tease at her expense, and crossed her arms. She exaggeratedly gave him a judgemental cursory glance, before she snidely stated,"Pink hair, overly friendly, excitable.... you must be Jolt." Noah then uncrossed her arms and nudged Alfred's break off of her shoulder, before she got off of the bench. She gave him a cheeky grin, then made a movement that seems like she was gonna hug him before she pinched his cheeks and pulled. "Moron! Do you find it funny that Alfred shaved a few years off my life!? You're lucky that it was actually me and not some random chick! She probably would have done worse!" Her scolding was punctuated by her pulling his cheeks further and sometimes twisting her pinches before she let go. Noah adjusted her glasses, before she admitted, "But yes, it's nice to finally meet you too dude."

                                                                                          Alfred the Braviary cawed at them both in order to get Noah's attention back on him. The bespectacled girl gave a huff of amusement at that, and motioned the avian Pokemon over. Once the Braviary was next to her, Noah motioned Jolt to stay where he was. "Jolt, this is Alfred, my Braviary. Alfred this is Jolt. We do not bite and or maim him.... just like the munchkins in the school okay?" she introduced them both, only to be met with Alfred's blank stare. The Braviary gave the new human a once over, before puffing up to show off his muscles and scars. She patted the Pokemon's neck, before she suggested, "We should start heading to the lab..."

                                                                                          A person calling them out had Noah shutting down any and all friendly and comfortable demeanor. Even though she didn't need to, she reflexively adjusted her glasses and turned to face the person calling them out. Out of disbelief, the dark haired girl took off her glasses and cleaned them before putting them back on. It changed nothing though, because the strangely masked weirdo was still in front of her. Apparently he wanted directions to the lab. Noah adjusted her glasses and let out a sigh. "Well, I'm not native either. I can't help you." She curtly replied, all while she slowly edged away from him.



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Friendly Friend

9,650 Points
  • Hotblooded Hero 50
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Peoplewatcher 100
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                                                                  ✩Mood: Excited
                                                                  ✩Location: Outside Lab
                                                                  ✩Company: Masked-Dude, Noah
                                                                  ✩Pokemon: None ( YET )

                                                                  Just as he though, this girl was in fact, the Noah he'd been looking for! She stood up after describing him and almost went for a hug, what was this? Some alternate universe? Was she going to hug him!? Was this really happ-- Of course it wasn't. She swiftly reached up and pinched Jolt's cheek, though painful, Jolt couldn't help but smile and laugh back at her. She even seemed to be happy about meeting him. The short kind gesture honestly made Jolt feel pretty damn happy. It wasn't really what he had expected, so it was a nice change from her just being behind a computer screen, plus she honestly didn't look too bad. The change slight kindness after pinching his cheek was honestly a little cute, enough so that he felt the need to comment on it. She introduced her Braviary that seemed to boast about it's scars and such, they were awesome!

                                                                  " Ha, y'know, when you're not behind the computer and you're yourself in person, you can act kinda cute. " Jolt explained, just as they were interrupted by a voice calling out to them. Aww, and he seriously wanted to compliment the Braviary too! Noah soon did a complete 360 and went back to being a little cold. That was fine though, she wasn't very comfortable around people she didn't really know, nobody really was, and once Jolt turned to see the boy, he could DEFINITELY see why. The guy was wearing a slightly eerie mask. Though personally, Jolt believed it to be pretty cool. Made the guy mysterious. " I actually happen to have a map, we were just about to head that way, you may accompany us if you'd like? " Jolt subconsciously turned in the direction of the lab that he had seen earlier, and lead the two in that general direction.

                                                                  " Damn Noah, Alfred sure is awesome! Never seen an actual Braviary before. " He noted, turning to the new guy, attempting to make a conversation. " So tell me, mask-man, what region are you from? I myself am from Johto, Goldenrod to be exact! " Jolt looked back towards the lab, that was no within view, and noticed two feminine figures standing before the doors. One attempted to look into it, and ended up falling on her butt, Jolt couldn't help but laugh at this silly clutz in front of him. He approached the door and turned to the masked dude and Noah again. " So, what are you guys thinking for Pokemon you may use as a starter? I've got mine all figured out! " Jolt shot out, with his natural smile on his face. His excitement had always gotten the best of him, though it really just showed people he was a calm and collective guy. Just as he noted that, the automatic doors slid open, as if welcoming everyone inside.

                                                                  Noir The Confused

Dangerous Prophet

6,950 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
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Where?:Outside Lab
Thoughts?:Ah! Getting squashed!
Whom?:Pink haired girl
Battle theme: The GOD Fist

Zash smiled slightly as Viola introduced herself. She heard about that town before, it made the news a while back, something about shadow pokemon, but all that messed had cleared up a few years ago. Viola already described her as a friend? Zash? She didn't have very many friends and it made her blush slightly. "Y-yeah, I guess I could be your friend!" She smiled slightly and pulled Viola towards the lab. There was another group walking up the steps toward's the entrance, and Zash wanted to beat them there, if only to impress her new friend

"Of course it's open! I used to help a lot of the staff around here with the dragon type pokemon!" She said, trying to sound impressive, rushing past the other group, pulling her friend by the hand into the lab, she stepped into the thresh hold of the lab and grinned at the familiar sight.

People were running about as normal, but with more of an air of excitement, today, a lot of people's journeys would start today, and the pokemon people were to get were being prepared. Zash waved at a few people, and they gave her a warm smile as the rushed by.

Liberated SiN

Dapper Hunter

6,300 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Brandisher 100
  • Conversationalist 100
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Clover x||x Lampwick

To say that Clover was nervous was a bit of an understatement. The trip to Amentis hadn't been so bad--she had taken a ferry part of the way, and then gone the rest of the way on the back of the Pidgeot Heather's father had let her borrow. Once she got to the outskirts of the city, she attached the Pidgeot's pokeball to his collar, and bid the bird farewell.

...That left her wandering aimlessly along the sidewalks, by herself, hands wringing together in front of her. It was only by pure happenstance that she managed to stumble upon the lab, and she only recognized it as such because she heard a pair of rather vibrant looking girls refer to it as such.

Clover trotted over briskly, ducking through the doors to the lab behind the other girls. Maybe if she at least looked like she was part of their small group, she would feel a bit less pitiful, and a bit less like she had no idea what she was doing.

Location: Amentis, at the Lab
Mood: Oh god what am I doing?
With: Technically no one, but she's following two girls
Team: None right now

Yandere Hideki

Liberated SiN

Hilarious Sex Symbol

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From Pyrite Town

Zash agreed to be Viola's friend, which obviously, made the pink-haired girl squeal in excitement, clinging to Zash in a hug once more. "Yaaaaay!~ We're gonna be such good---" Just then, she was cut off when her attention was fished up by the like-haired Male, and the darker, somewhat intimidating female that seemed to approach. There was also a lean-looking man wearing a mask... Viola found him scary... But, she smiled and waved and gave them all her cheerfulness anyways. She would've called out, but they were close enough to talk. Though, she didn't plan on eavesdropping, Viola couldn't help but hear the pink haired man mention something about.... a Pokemon? Were they going to get their very own Pokemon? Was Viola going to get one too? What about Zash? Viola stepped forward a bit, raising her hand to get the man's attention. " 'Scuse me! Are we really getting a pok---" Viola was cut short when Zash had pulled her into the lab. Like a puppy excited to be with it's owned, Viola happily let herself be dragged along, seeing another woman as she was. With Violet hair, and green eyes.

Inside, Viola's smile got even brighter when she saw all the Aides (Trying not to laugh right now) working hard to prepare the Pokemon for everyone. Zash began talking about how she used to help out all the time with Dragon-Type Pokemon. Wow! This girl was so amazing! "Woooooow, Zash! That's so cool!~ I'm not a complete newbie myself, either, you know. I help Justy out a lot at the Pre-Gym, and he's taught me lots.~ So, I guess we'll make a pretty good battling team, huh? Hehe.~" Viola looked behind quickly, to ensure that the other four were following, before turning back to follow Zash. Viola seemed amazed at the lab. She stepped ahead of her red-haired friend a moment to get a better look. "So.... This is where it all begins. For all of us. Our own journeys! I'm... I'm so happy!~" Viola, yes, was speaking to the whole group. But, before any could even answer, she darted ahead, much too excited to meet her new, non-human friend.


Location: Amentis (Outside the Lab)
TL;DR: So excited to finally meet her new Pokemon!
500 P
Music: K.K. Bubblegum
Zash, Jolt, Noah, Simon, Clover


Yandere Hi
i5x94g8c:108="Yandere Hideki]


Noir The Confused


Potentially Problematic
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✖ Mood :Excited!
✖ Location :Lab
✖ Pokemon :
✖ Who's with me :Pink haired boy and Noah?

Happy wouldn't be able to describe Simon at this point, for these people are still sitting in place. It was exhilarating. However he keyed into what the girl in the jacket said. That kind of information kind of relieved him of the thought of being the only non-native. What went from a shot in the dark has turned into results. The pink haired boy had a map, and they were also heading there. Simon turned to the pink haired boy because he offered him the ability to accompany them to the lab. Even though the two people in front of him couldn't see it, but Simon had a smile bigger than a Slowpoke. "If you wouldn't mind." Simon responded back following who he believes is his new friend.

Simon took notice while walking with his new companions that the pink haired boy was actually familiar with this girl. From commenting about her Pokemon to calling her Noah? Was that her name? Simon saw the boy turn to him attempting to converse with him. "Mask-man? Oh that's right I never introduced myself to you guys! Hello, my name is Simon and I'm from Sootopolis City which is located in the Hoenn region." The boy said he was from Johto. Simon was shocked a little that there were people coming from all over to this new region. "So where are you from?" He asked turning to Noah. As he was waiting for a response he couldn't help but see they were getting closer to the lab. What was more interesting were the two girls just standing in front of the entrance. Why haven't they gone in yet was a good question. Turning back to the boy, whom he was walking with, asked if they have picked their starting Pokemon. "It took me a while, but I was able to pick a good one! " Noticing that one of the girls was waving to them Simon turned to her and waved back.

Noir The Confused
Liberated SiN

Anxious Bookworm

9,150 Points
  • Bookworm 100
  • Timid 100
  • Magical Girl 50
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                                                                                          Mood : Excited and Irritated
                                                                                          Location : Outside Lab
                                                                                          Human Company : Jolt and Simon
                                                                                          Pokemon : NONE (Have fun at home, Alfred)

                                                                                          When Jolt began to lead the way with his map, Noah stuffed her hand into her pocket and pulled out a worn luxury ball. She recalled her Braviary, then hastily followed after Jolt with the masked man. She was sure that the creepy mask was going to give her nightmares. However she didn't let that thought show on her face and listened for any conversation to latch onto in order to get rid of her awkwardness.

                                                                                          Of course it would be the nightmare fuel who starts the conversation. He introduced himself as Simon and stated that he was from Sootopolis, Hoenn, before he then honed in on her when Jolt said where he was from. The bespectacled girl adjusted her glasses and mumbled,"Striaton City, Unova" It was obvious now that Noah doesn't do well with new people. Plus the mask wasn't helping her get used to Simon at all.

                                                                                          Once they made it to the lab, Noah took notice of the three girls standing outside of the lab. Two of them seemed a bit troublesome. The pink (she had a feeling that Pink would be a common color by the time this day was over)haired one had attempted to look through the window, only to fall on her butt in an act of clumsiness. The red haired one eagerly ran into the lab and dragged the pink haired one with her, therefore Noah didn't bother to wave at them. The last girl however seemed to duck into the lab behind the two and didn't acknowledge anyone. Noah really wasn't looking forward to sharing space with these people for a while.

                                                                                          All while she took this in, Jolt had turned and questioned she and Simon about what they would choose as their starter. He didn't say what he was starting with, and neither did Mask-boy. Instead the two just implied that they knew what they had an idea of what they were going to choose. Noah frowned at them and walked into the lab ahead of them. "Can't even give straight answers. Why should I even answer them?" she muttered under her breath as she adjusted her glasses.

                                                                                          Inside of the lab, Noah made sure to avoid the other girls and awkwardly walked up to an aid to ask to use the PC. Once she got the okay, the dark haired girl walked over to one and used it to send Alfred back home. She wasn't going to use any of her pokemon from back home, no matter how tempting it was to. Besides they were bred and raised for teaching within a classroom setting. Happy with her actions, Noah moved away from a computer and leaned against an unoccupied wall.



                                                                                          Liberated SiN

                                                                                          Potentially Problematic

                                                                                          Yandere Hideki

                                                                                          Omg so many quotes. SO MANY PEOPLE!

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Velvet Wolff's Other Half

Unforgiving Tactician

10,625 Points
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Advent Attendee 50
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This looks Exciting...


Mood: Feeling Pumped! and a bit in pain...ouch...
Location: Near the lab, yes!
Company: That group of people outside
Pokemon: Big B (Tropius & Temporary for transportation )

The air was nice and the breeze had a cold yet comforting feel to it... except for Eiji. Eiji Caeser, AKA King, was flying through the air by means of Tropius, which he called his friend Big B when he was home in Fortree. He and this Tropius were best friends back then in the native land far from civilization, even the Gym leader, Winona, was surprised at this due to the fact that she traveled by air when she first saw the boy flying on the Tropius. She helped the boy understand how people work along with the big glasses guys that were also involved in the discovery of the boy. He, at first, felt threatened by them but grew to love them after a while. It was when he heard about this adventurous journey along with the fact that he was quite curious about the region, he had to go. The Scientist said that it would help him understand both people and Pokemon. Even though he mostly understood Pokemon growing up with them, he never understood how people were.

Eiji, now traveling by the flying grass type pokemon, looked pale a bit of how high they were flying and the extreme amount of gravity he had. Tropious knew where he was going since the scientist showed him where Hoenn was to the new region, Tohoko. Scientist were befuddled by the new discovery of the region but, it was not minded by the new professor that wanted to see the new trainers. "Oh Arceus, this is realllllllly high..." he thought fearfully when he looked down again. Tropius then descended a bit down from the clouds to oversea the whole region entirety. Eiji looked in awe at the sights, it's magnificent view of the cities, small towns and even the forestry of the region. He got even more excited to do this.

"Big B! Get to the lab now! I'm so pumped to do this!!!!" he shouted excitedly as the fruit Pokemon told him a bit to calm down before he falls. The Fruit Pokemon nodded as it dove down to the town at a high rate in which he almost felt his face fly off. The Tropius then was lowered to the town by it's leaf wings, fluttering a bit in the air so it would be visiable to anyones eyes in the middle of the town. Eiji took out the map in which the scientist gave him along with some instructions. He remembered them a bit. It went like this to him.

"Eiji" one of the scientist spoke to him. "Follow the instruction on the map of the town layout we made for you from one of our friends there. Now whatever you do don't make a scene. Whenever you do there is usually trouble about also don't forget to blahblahblahblah" the scientist spoke strictly, which the "blahs" were there for the rest in which he forgot. Eiji tilted his head a bit in remembering those details, they seemed important but he forgot what they were. He shrugged as he looked at the map he looked towards the Pokemon lab in which some people were crowded around already. Eiji smiled energetically while he stood up on the Tropius. Big B looked at him curiously a bit before it knew what he was about to do. Tropius cawed at him before Eiji jumped down from the flying pokemon. They were fairly high but if he fell on his feet he would break them, in which Eiji did not want to do already in the beginning. Remembering what his life in the jungle, he saw a tree near the Pokemon lab which he was aiming for, he jumped into the bunch of leaves and branches that were at the top so he could get a soft landing. He made it, but not without some repercussions. He had some leaves stuck around his hair along with some twigs and such around him. He shook it off. It was kind of a painful fall. He was used to high jumps around the jungle when he hunted for berries but, these were pretty brittle branches. The one he landed on was just about to break from the force! He jumped down from the tree and looked at the people around him.

He had a cheeky smile and waved at everyone. One of them looked like some of the eye glass people he met during their exploration. Green eyes, a dot (which he called a period due to his language lessons and now confused mostly beauty marks with that) on her face and looked a bit irritated. There was another person with a mask on which looked ominous to him. He grew a bit interested though and wanted to take a peek what's under there. He also saw a pink haired girl with glasses also! There are lot's of eye glass people here. Guess the scientist were not kidding when they said that there is more than them. Lots of smart people! There was many more in which he looked at but he tilted his head at the most weirdly looking person there to him. He walked towards the violet colored girl which she bore a nervous expression to her person. He tilted his head a bit and walked towards her. He poked her on the shoulder to see if she would get a reaction to it. He always wondered if there was more people with the purple hair like Winona. He was very curious as to why she looked so jittery of some sort. It mostly because he doesn't understand how people worked.

So Don't try to stop me now!

Potentially Problematic

Dapper Hunter

6,300 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Brandisher 100
  • Conversationalist 100
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Clover x||x Lampwick

Startled, Clover looked up from her worried contemplation of her hands when someone poked her shoulder. She blinked up at the stranger for a moment, confusion at the sudden incidence of poking leaving her quiet, as she mentally breezed past the easy solution of talking to him to instead puzzle through what he might want.

She was only quiet for a couple seconds though, before she remembered her manners, with a quick shake of her head to snap herself out of her staring. "
Oh! Um, hello," she greeted, turning to face him properly, rather than staring at him over her shoulder like he was some sort of sideshow. "Are, um...are you here to get a Pokemon, too?" she asked, for lack of an idea of what else to say. In hindsight, she supposed it was a bit of a dumb question, though.

Location: Amentis, at the Lab
Mood: That escalated quickly
With: EVERYONE, apparently
Team: None right now

Wind Up Programmer

Velvet Wolff's Other Half

Unforgiving Tactician

10,625 Points
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Advent Attendee 50
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This looks Exciting...


Mood: Curious about Winona girl here.
Location: Outside the lab
Company: Clover
Pokemon: None

Eiji looked at the girl a bit before she greeted the blue haired jungle boy. He blinked a bit in curiosity still at her hair. It looked like Winona's hair. He scratched his head a bit in a questioning way. He did not know how to answer her that well. He then remembered what some of the scientist would say when you greet someone. He heard it once when he was walking around in the tents that they made around his home.

"I think it went like this..." he mumbled to himself on the floor before he looked at her again and opened his mouth. "Heyo!" he exclaimed to her in the face just to copy what he saw whenever someone came into the tent. It was usually some kind of greeting of sorts and hopefully this would help him gain a friend. He smiled at her and gave his response to her.

"You mean get "friend" right?" he asked her curiously. He was not used to the creatures he grew up with being called "Pokemon". For some reason, he still can't get around with just saying that due to circumstances where he lived with them for so long. He looked up at the sky and saw Big B caw a bit at him before he flew away back home where he belonged. He waved at his friend before he plucked out a leaf from his head and dusted himself for a bit.

So Don't try to stop me now!

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                                                                  ✩Mood: Uneasy, yet Excited
                                                                  ✩Location: Lab
                                                                  ✩Company: Noah
                                                                  ✩Pokemon: None, YET

                                                                  The group didn't take long to chat it out, he was hoping he could say his favorite Pokemon after them. . . Seemed like nobody wanted to share up front. That was entirely okay! More excitement for later, a surprise was always nice. . . Unless it was getting you killed, in which case it SUCKED. However, these type of surprises were generally nice. They even had the choice of any Pokemon they wanted within reason. Meaning a basic stage evolution Pokemon. However it couldn't be legendary for obvious reasons. They were just urban legends! Of course they didn't exist, it was like the God Pokemon Arceus that supposedly created the two Pokemon Palkia and Dialga to maintain space and time. There was a third to that myth, though Jolt could never wrap his head around it, all he remembered is that it was exiled in the legends. The group finally made their way inside, Noah instantly jumping up to the PC to obviously store her Braviary. It'd probably be best to let her get in her comfort zone a little more, so Jolt assumed it'd be best to send Simon ahead.

                                                                  " Yo! Simon, you go on ahead, I'm gonna stick around with Noah here, maybe she can teach me a thing or two about these boxes real quick! " Jolt explained as he gently nudged Simon onward with a smile. " Don't worry bro! We'll catch up with ya. " He turned back to Noah and made a glimpse of how the PCs worked again swiftly. Even though he pretty much knew, it was never bad to double check his knowledge, and Noah practically had it down to a math. She quickly finished and placed herself on a wall, which in turn made Jolt himself lean against right beside her. Not too close to make her uncomfortable of course. " So, are you basing your first Pokemon off of a specified Mega? " Jolt turned his head questioning Noah, with a slightly comforting smile. He wanted to at least show her it wasn't too bad to be in this crowd, even if it made Jolt himself a little uneasy. Sure he could easily handle a few people, but a group of people he'd never known before was almost intoxicating.

                                                                  It all goes back to all those years behind a computer screen, while he'd always loved going out and seeing the world, he also loved companionship. None of the people in his home-city interested him though. Even his damned cousin who was a Gym leader, though she was significantly older than him, he had always hated her Miltank. He also hated how she acted when she lost. Arceus damn the amount of times he'd witnessed her crying because she lost a battle. Though she was still his cousin, and a respectable trainer at that. He still remembered the guy who had arrived that day, when he was a child that knocked his cousin out like a badass. That kid was the soul reason he wanted to become a Trainer, NO, a Pokemon Master. His goal was to beat the league, and see at least one of each kind of Pokemon he could once. He'd accomplish the championship with his partner by his side of course. Jolt was especially happy he'd get to go on this journey with one of his closest friends.

                                                                  Noir The Confused

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