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Wayward Vagabond 0.27083333333333 27.1% [ 13 ]
Peregrine Mendicant 0.083333333333333 8.3% [ 4 ]
Aimless Renegade 0.10416666666667 10.4% [ 5 ]
Windswept Questant 0.0625 6.2% [ 3 ]
Writ Keeper 0.020833333333333 2.1% [ 1 ]
Spades Slick 0.22916666666667 22.9% [ 11 ]
Diamonds Droog 0.041666666666667 4.2% [ 2 ]
Hearts Boxcars 0.020833333333333 2.1% [ 1 ]
Clubs Deuce 0.020833333333333 2.1% [ 1 ]
Snowman 0.14583333333333 14.6% [ 7 ]
Total Votes:[ 48 ]
< 1 2 3 4 5 ... 14 15 16 >

In a relationship with Lukan Wolf

Generous Bookworm

8,825 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Bookworm 100
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Yes, I am a ninja
You know what I mean

Pumpkin Farmer
Ninja Philosopher
Aspiring Assassinobi

Hanzou Solona

Show Pesterlog
-- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

FA: H=llo Hanzou.
FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
FA: Hanzou...
FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a

Yeah, that about summed up how he felt. And as a guy who had trouble dealing with his feelings, this was... quite a shock to his system. He was close to doing some sort of acrobatic ******** pirouette off the handle. Like... s**t wants nothing to do with that handle. s**t's filing for divorce from that handle and seeking custody of the s**t and the handle's two kids.

Okay, calm down, calm down... Put the s**t and the handle through marriage counseling, bro. Get the s**t and the handle to reconcile.


Show Pesterlog
-- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

FA: H=llo Hanzou.
FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
FA: Hanzou...
FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
ES: uh...
ES: y
ES: ye@h
ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
ES: n
ES: nevermind
ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
ES: w@it
ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
ES: errr... well...
ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
ES: I'm...
ES: pining red
ES: uh... for a hum@n...
ES: >.<

D@mn- I mean, damn, that was hard to say, even to his new moirail... Having a moirail would certainly help him with his insecurities and problems expressing his feelings, but this was only the first baby step, so... Wow, that took a lot of his energy to admit, even to Straki.

He wasn't even sure if he had the strength to admit to Straki who the human was...


Summoning the scroll and painbrush of his Indexed Scroll Fetch Modus, Hanzou released the Hostess Mini Muffins from his Sylladex, figuring maybe some indulgence would do him good right now...

He opened the box and pulled out a small packaged muffin. It seemed to be a variety back, so this was... banana nut? Giving it a small sniff, Hanzou took a bite, feeling a rush of flavor and sugar go through him.

Wow... That certainly was a pick-me-up. Now he could see why Straki drank all that wicked elixir. It was like he had enough pep to keep him going without sleep throughout the sunlight hours now.

Location: Ontario - Canada - Hanzou's Hive - Hanzou's Respiteblock
Company: No one
Mood: Vulnerable
Thinking: "I can't believe I have a moirail now..."
Wearing: Black hoodie, black sweatpants, sandals

All dressed up in black
So that I can't be seen


#1: [Metal Wire (several miles)] #2: [Hand Mirror] #3: [Metal File] #4: [Rebreather] #5: [Range Finder] #6: [Two-Way Radios (2)] #7: [Bowl of Ricegruel] #8: [Jar of Grubsauce] #9: [Bottle of Water] #10: [MRE] #11: [Pumpkin] #12: [Sburb Beta] #13: [ ] #14: [ ] #15: [ ]


Anxious Protagonist

8,525 Points
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Timid 100
User Image


                                xxxxShe couldn't stifle the laugh that the keyboard jarble that was elicited from Hanzou. She knew he was less forthcoming with his emotions, even to those he was close to. So, she should have expected a reaction like this. Nonetheless, she was amused. She felt herself relax as she read his response, the jade blush fading from her cheeks. Oh, how proud her lusus would be when she told her. She could feel a smile growing, flourishing into something genuinely elated. It was the best she'd felt in a long time and it was a much needed boost after the previous night's events. Straki wiped the translucent traces of green from her face as she watched his response. It would do them both a world of good to have a moirail.

                                Show Pesterlog
                                -- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
                                ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
                                ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
                                ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
                                ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
                                ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
                                ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
                                ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

                                FA: H=llo Hanzou.
                                FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
                                FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
                                FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
                                FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
                                FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
                                FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
                                FA: Hanzou...
                                FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
                                FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
                                FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
                                FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

                                ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
                                ES: uh...
                                ES: y
                                ES: ye@h
                                ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
                                ES: n
                                ES: nevermind
                                ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
                                ES: w@it
                                ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
                                ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
                                ES: errr... well...
                                ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
                                ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
                                ES: I'm...
                                ES: pining red
                                ES: uh... for a hum@n...
                                ES: >.<

                                FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
                                FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
                                FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
                                FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
                                FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
                                FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
                                FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.

                                She paused, hoping she wasn't stepping out of bounds. She knew she tended to be overprotective of her friends at the lower end of the hemospectrum. Straki knew she was better off because of her blood color and she wanted to use that to help them. And she knew she was not exaggerating. If whoever Hanzou was waxing red for were to abuse him, she would unsheath her ring and cut out their eyes. She had no fear of humans, especially not individuals. Trolls were much stronger that humans, built to survive. She would do anything to protect her moirail. Even before he was her moirail, she felt this strongly.

                                Show Pesterlog
                                -- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
                                ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
                                ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
                                ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
                                ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
                                ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
                                ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
                                ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

                                FA: H=llo Hanzou.
                                FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
                                FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
                                FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
                                FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
                                FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
                                FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
                                FA: Hanzou...
                                FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
                                FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
                                FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
                                FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

                                ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
                                ES: uh...
                                ES: y
                                ES: ye@h
                                ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
                                ES: n
                                ES: nevermind
                                ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
                                ES: w@it
                                ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
                                ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
                                ES: errr... well...
                                ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
                                ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
                                ES: I'm...
                                ES: pining red
                                ES: uh... for a hum@n...
                                ES: >.<

                                FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
                                FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
                                FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
                                FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
                                FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
                                FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
                                FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.
                                FA: I know I am unfairly hard on humans, but I know th=r= ar= som= good on=s out th=r=.
                                FA: But, it s==ms to m= that you ar= not th= only on= with your lookstubs on th= oth=r sp=ci=s. I g=t th= f==ling that PA has a flush=d crush on MI.

                                She had no real evidence to back up her hunch. It was simply that: a feeling. It was something about the way the human girl acted whenever she talked to the Fuchsia blood. Just thinking about PA irritated Straki. Something about that particular human irritated her. She figured while they were on the topic, perhaps she could talk to Hanzou about it. She wondered what his response might be, considering she was not known for having any sort of interest in humans platonic or otherwise.

                                Show Pesterlog
                                -- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
                                ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
                                ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
                                ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
                                ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
                                ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
                                ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
                                ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

                                FA: H=llo Hanzou.
                                FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
                                FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
                                FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
                                FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
                                FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
                                FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
                                FA: Hanzou...
                                FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
                                FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
                                FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
                                FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

                                ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
                                ES: uh...
                                ES: y
                                ES: ye@h
                                ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
                                ES: n
                                ES: nevermind
                                ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
                                ES: w@it
                                ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
                                ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
                                ES: errr... well...
                                ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
                                ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
                                ES: I'm...
                                ES: pining red
                                ES: uh... for a hum@n...
                                ES: >.<

                                FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
                                FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
                                FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
                                FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
                                FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
                                FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
                                FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.

                                She paused, hoping she wasn't stepping out of bounds. She knew she tended to be overprotective of her friends at the lower end of the hemospectrum. Straki knew she was better off because of her blood color and she wanted to use that to help them. And she knew she was not exaggerating. If whoever Hanzou was waxing red for were to abuse him, she would unsheath her ring and cut out their eyes. She had no fear of humans, especially not individuals. Trolls were much stronger that humans, built to survive. She would do anything to protect her moirail. Even before he was her moirail, she felt this strongly.

                                Show Pesterlog
                                -- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
                                ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
                                ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
                                ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
                                ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
                                ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
                                ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
                                ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

                                FA: H=llo Hanzou.
                                FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
                                FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
                                FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
                                FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
                                FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
                                FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
                                FA: Hanzou...
                                FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
                                FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
                                FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
                                FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

                                ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
                                ES: uh...
                                ES: y
                                ES: ye@h
                                ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
                                ES: n
                                ES: nevermind
                                ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
                                ES: w@it
                                ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
                                ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
                                ES: errr... well...
                                ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
                                ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
                                ES: I'm...
                                ES: pining red
                                ES: uh... for a hum@n...
                                ES: >.<

                                FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
                                FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
                                FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
                                FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
                                FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
                                FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
                                FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.
                                FA: I know I am unfairly hard on humans, but I know th=r= ar= som= good on=s out th=r=.
                                FA: But, it s==ms to m= that you ar= not th= only on= with your lookstubs on th= oth=r sp=ci=s. I g=t th= f==ling that PA has a flush=d crush on MI.
                                FA: Whil= w= ar= on th= topic of quadrants, I hav= som= conc=rns as w=ll.
                                FA: I cannot figur= out if I am waxing black for PA or if it is just platonic hat=.
                                FA: Som=thing about that girl irritat=s m= to no =nd. But I hav= no clu= wh=th=r I am black for h=r or if I simply hat= h=r.


Location: France - Aveyron - Straki's Hive - Straki's Respiteblock
Company: None
Mood: Excited
Thinking: "Is it platonic hate or calignous hate?"


Tree #1
[Grape Faygo Sixpack]
[Grub Jerky]xx[Grubloaf]
xxxxxxxxxxx[Hostess Suzy Qs] [Human Slim Jims]xxxx[Redpop Faygo Sixpack] [Sburb Beta - Client Disk]

Tree #2
[Sburb Beta - Server Disk]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

In a relationship with Lukan Wolf

Generous Bookworm

8,825 Points
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Yes, I am a ninja
You know what I mean

Pumpkin Farmer
Ninja Philosopher
Aspiring Assassinobi

Hanzou Solona

Hmmmm... Yes, that is quite a conundrum. Caliginous hate and platonic hate can be hard to distinguish at times. And to be honest, being kind of stunted when it comes to relationship growth, Hanzou wasn't the best person to judge that, himself. He reached up and rubbed his chin in thought, gritting his long, sharp teeth together at the frustration of such a problem. He began typing his response.

Show Pesterlog
-- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

FA: H=llo Hanzou.
FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
FA: Hanzou...
FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
ES: uh...
ES: y
ES: ye@h
ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
ES: n
ES: nevermind
ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
ES: w@it
ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
ES: errr... well...
ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
ES: I'm...
ES: pining red
ES: uh... for a hum@n...
ES: >.<

FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.
FA: I know I am unfairly hard on humans, but I know th=r= ar= som= good on=s out th=r=.
FA: But, it s==ms to m= that you ar= not th= only on= with your lookstubs on th= oth=r sp=ci=s. I g=t th= f==ling that PA has a flush=d crush on MI.
FA: Whil= w= ar= on th= topic of quadrants, I hav= som= conc=rns as w=ll.
FA: I cannot figur= out if I am waxing black for PA or if it is just platonic hat=.
FA: Som=thing about that girl irritat=s m= to no =nd. But I hav= no clu= wh=th=r I am black for h=r or if I simply hat= h=r.

ES: well, to be honest, I'm not the best person to @sk such @ question, @s I myself @m h@ving a simil@r conundrum with possible bl@ck feelings, only with the opposite p@rty you spoke of.
ES: MI @nnoys me gre@tly. she is the roy@l heir to the throne, yet she is so we@k and feeble, she does not @ct the p@rt she w@s hatched for @t @ll
ES: Yes, I know you h@te it when I cite @ belief in our twisted c@ste system, but @s the lowest in the c@ste, it's quite ingr@ined into me. hopefully my new moir@il can help with th@t ;P
ES: But the thing is, I @m h@ving trouble telling whether this @nnoyance with MI's person@lity is purely @ product of my ingr@ined belief in the c@ste system, or the blossomings of full bl@ck feelings for her
ES: I @dmit, she is not the only one I've felt a bit of @nnoy@nce tow@rd. LG and FM I also r@ther dislike for their person@lities @nd m@nnerism, more so th@n MI, though @s they @re both hum@ns, I doubt they would reciproc@te such @ foreign concept to them @as bl@ck rom@nce. But if they @re open-minded enough hum@ns to consider it, I m@y need an @spistice to intervene, perhaps SF. she seems r@ther built for @uspisticism
ES: Which is @ctu@lly @ relev@nt point in your issue @s well, Str@ki.
ES: P@ is a hum@n, so even if she returned your feelings, she likely would not @ssoci@te them with bl@ck rom@nce. or rom@nce of @ny sort, not unless she w@s a very cultur@lly open-minded hum@n
ES: LG totes to be quite the rel@tionship expert, but I doubt he is f@mili@r with troll qu@dr@nts. perh@ps there is @nother troll in our clique who is well-versed in emotions and qu@dr@nts?
ES: @h, but I @m @fr@id I neglected to @nswer my moir@ils origin@l question
ES: The hum@n I @m h@ving cle@r red feelings for...
ES: Luk@n Owens
ES: Though you likely know her @s @L, @rtisticLoon
ES: We sh@re quite a few simil@r interests, @nd something @bout her just seems
ES: Well, n@tur@lly inviting to me
ES: We h@ve even done @ video c@ll or two together, @nd while I c@n't @dmit to h@ving @ thing for hum@ns, even I c@nnot deny to myself th@t she is
ES: Well, @ very unique-looking hum@n, is @ll I feel comfort@ble s@ying
ES: *sigh*
ES: It's h@rd being a young, pubescent troll in the throes of blossoming rom@ntic m@turity
ES: It's h@rd and no one underst@nds
ES: Well, except for moir@ils I suppose
ES: ;P

Hopefully Hanzou's words helped put his moirail's conflicted pump biscuit at ease. It was true, human culture had no concept of black romance. To them, all hate was platonic, so it was extremely difficult to engage one as a kismesis unless they were either a very well-informed or just culturally-aware human. It was why he hesitated to engage FM or LG with black solicitations, aside from having trouble expressing his true feelings.

Troll x Human relations sure are difficult...

Location: Ontario - Canada - Hanzou's Hive - Hanzou's Respiteblock
Company: No one
Mood: Introspective
Thinking: "Quite concerning, indeed..."
Wearing: Black hoodie, black sweatpants, sandals

All dressed up in black
So that I can't be seen


#1: [Metal Wire (several miles)] #2: [Hand Mirror] #3: [Metal File] #4: [Rebreather] #5: [Range Finder] #6: [Two-Way Radios (2)] #7: [Bowl of Ricegruel] #8: [Jar of Grubsauce] #9: [Bottle of Water] #10: [MRE] #11: [Pumpkin] #12: [Sburb Beta] #13: [ ] #14: [ ] #15: [ ]


In a relationship with Cyberweasel89

Sweet Mage

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Atikus Buroun

Sage of Heart

Location: n9ne 9f y9ur damn business (his home) - my dad, K and my "friends" :Company

                              Atikus opened the package of zingers as he watched chunks of comments fill the chat room. He took one of the yellow creamed filled icing topped cakes and started to munch on it as he took a moment to contemplate his “friends.” He obviously didn’t like LG or CG. He was indifferent about ES because the low blood seemed like he tended to distance himself from others, and MI because she was a high blood, a fuchsia one at that. He tended to have a general distaste for high bloods, but MI was pretty nice. Yet she was also very timid and seemed to lack an exoskeleton. He had a feeling that she might end up being a poor leader if she didn’t become more confidant.

                              His pump biscuit went out to FA. He knew how difficult it was fighting for equal rights. He had the scars to prove it. Though at also made him see her as a brother’s in arms, a comrade. Another person who he saw as a comrade was BT because of his lime blood. Both of them were outcasts because of their blood color. And then there was PA, a spunky human with attitude. He could see similarities between her and him. He had a very good feeling that her harsh habits was a way to protect herself, but that is how he protected himself. But she wasn’t as bad as him, and he kind of hoped it stay as such, or that she got “better.”

                              She could really use a moirail or matesprite. If he to choose someone for either quadrants, MI seemed like a good choice. The sea troll could help her mellow out, while she could teach the high blood to be more bold and how to stand up for herself. Hell, he was pretty damn sure that the both of them were waxing red for each other. And if not red, then definitely pale.

                              He didn’t know what to think of FM. That dude was one very strange human. A real enigma was what he was. Well at least the guy seemed friendly enough. Then there was AL and SF. Both were very nice, with different but great qualities. AL was good to her friends yet neutral, not siding with anyone and seeing and understanding both sides. She would make a great moirail or auspistice. He would even admit that he teased with the idea of her as a pale or ashen crush, but such thoughts were quickly destroyed as soon as they popped up.

                              SF was bright and happy, always doing her best to help and cheer up anyone and everyone. She would make one hell of a moirail. Her kind of pep tended to be quite infectious. He would have to admit that it effected him from time to time. Though she would also make a good matesprite too. She was a beautiful person. He was sure that she just as pretty on the outside as she was on the inside...He mentally shook himself. He would not go down that trail of thought. He had given up on his quadrants long ago. There was no need to think of them now, or ever.

                              He pulled himself from his thoughts and looked at chat room. big wall of text had formed while he was musing. He read through it all till he got to SF’s words. He had to reread it a few times. She wanted him to be her server player. He felt like he should decline, but at same time, he wanted to. He didn’t want to feed any thoughts of quadrants, but he didn’t what to let her down and disappoint her, making her sad. s**t, what to do? He turned around and looked at the urn that contained his moirail’s ashes. What would Muirne say? She would say what she usually said when things really bother him, or anyone else, “Just cross that crossing trestle when you get to it, and forget about everything else till then.”

                              Show Pesterlog
                              forgottenMelodies [FM] began pestering group Chums4Life [C4L]
                              [FM]: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
                              [FM]: User Image
                              [FM]: It's gone, gone, baby, it's all gone
                              There is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
                              It was cool cool, it was just all cool
                              Now it's over for me and it's over for you
                              Well it's gone, gone, baby, it's all gone
                              There is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
                              Well it was cool cool, it was just all cool
                              Now it's over for me and it's over for you~
                              [FM]: I believe the world is burning to the ground
                              Oh well I guess we're gonna find out
                              Let's see how far we've come
                              Let's see how far we've come
                              Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end
                              Oh well, I guess, we're gonna pretend,
                              Let's see how far we've come~

                              ConfidenceoftheGuard [CG] began Trolling Chums4Life [C4L]
                              CG: WelL IT SeemS ThE SongS MaN IS BacK.
                              CG: SO SunshinE, CarE TO SharE AbouT ThesE DisK?
                              CG: AlsO, FA AnD AL. WhilE I FinD ThaT SpeecH LovlY, I ThinK ThaT WoulD HavE LookeD NiceR IN A PrivatE ChaT. JusT TO StatE ThE ObviouS.
                              CG: FM I HopE YoU ArE NoT MakeinG AnotheR SonG ReferencE.

                              FA: Don't worry SF.
                              FA: I am quit= sob=r now, court=sy of my lusus.
                              FA: It s==ms that most of us hav= r=c=ived our copi=s.
                              FA: I b=li=v= w= should b=gin sorting out whom will b= whom's s=rv=r play=r.
                              FA: In my unprof=ssional opinion.

                              suffererDisciple [SD] began trolling Chums4Life [C4F] Group
                              [SD]: i 6id y9u all g99d m9rning, 9r g99d evening, depending 9n where y9u live.
                              [SD]: i see that m9st 9f y9u have received the game.
                              [SD]: have server and client players 6een assigned yet?
                              [SD]: i’m guessing that the answer is n9, c9rrect?
                              [SD]: i’m free f9r either 9ne. any takers?
                              [SD]: and FA, y9u are pr9ud tr9ll. partaking in ine6riating su6stances is un6ec9ming 9f y9u. when things like that happen, y9u sh9uld keep y9ur head held high, n9t hurt y9urself in such a way. when y9u c9me d9wn 9n y9urself, the 9ppress9r wins.
                              [SD]: als9, LG, st9p teasing MI and PA.
                              [SD]: tr9ll r9mance is a difficult thing, and sh9uld n9t ever 6e c9nsidered as a j9ke.
                              [SD]: n9w leave them al9ne OR GOG HELP ME, I WILL ******** TRACK YOU AND TEAR YOUR DAMN ARMS OFF AND ******** BEAT YOU WITH THEM. DO I ******** MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ********?
                              [SD]: 9h, and 6ef9re i f9rget, CG, lighten the ever l9ving ******** up. n9 9ne likes a d9wner.

                              SF: FM! SD! hi!!!
                              SF: well CG; it looks like well need to partner off into servers and clients in a chain between all of us
                              SF: SD!!! you wanna be my server player to start us off??? Pwetty pwease??? emotion_kirakira

                              AL: Do any of your know anything about this server and client player stuff?
                              AL: I can’t quite remember if that was a part of the game sweatdrop
                              AL: So could someone please fill me in?

                              ES: The unoriginal song lyrics and disruptive imagery of FM, as well as the lewd inspirations of LG, aside, I shall disclose further wisdom to you in solitude, AL, about the electronic entertainment we shall imbibe into our souls.
                              [SD]: greetings SF.
                              [SD]: i see that y9u are as 6right and chipper as always
                              [SD]: as f9r the matter 9f 6eing y9ur server player, i accept.
                              [SD]: yet y9u will have t9 wait till the first disk has finished l9ading, al9ng f9r the sec9nd 9ne t9 l9ad t99.
                              [SD]: i w9uld like t9 have the game fully l9aded 6ef9re starting anything.
                              [SD]: n9w that my client play has 6een decided, wh9 shall 6e my server player?


In a relationship with Cyberweasel89

Sweet Mage

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Lukan T. Owens
Sylph of Blood

                                    Location: My own home - My friends :Company

                                    Lukan took a moment to check on the progress of the first disk. Oh good it was almost done. Soon she would be able to put the second disk in. Though she needed to learn about this client and server player business, so she turned her attention back to pesterchum. It looked like Hanzou was willing to fill her in. Oh great. She even got a ping from him, signaling that he wanted a private chat.

                                    There there was another ping. Oh that’s right, she was having a conversation with Straki. I would be better to reply to her first. She was the first one to contact her. It was the polite thing to do.

                                    Show Pesterlog
                                    furtiveAdvocate [FA] began trolling artisticLoon [AL]

                                    FA: I apologiz= if I am both=ring you.
                                    FA: I would just lik= to say thank you.
                                    FA: Typically th= humans, as w=ll as th= highbloods, t=nd to ignor= th= things I say that ar= not of th=ir imm=diat= int=r=st.
                                    FA: That b=ing troll civil rights.
                                    FA: So, thank you.
                                    FA: I apologiz= for what=v=r cru=lty or coldn=ss I hav= shown you in th= past.

                                    [AL]: There’s no need to apologize.
                                    [AL]: You’re my friend, you can talk to me whenever you want to.
                                    [AL]: Well you’re welcomed dear 3nodding
                                    [AL]: Well they’re teenagers, and most teenagers don’t find politics interesting, nor do they pay attention to them. Even I must admit that find politics very boring sweatdrop Yet I do try to stay informed.
                                    [AL]: It’s only one more year till I can vote, so I better know what I’m voting for.
                                    [AL]: Then you’re welcomed again sweatdrop
                                    [AL]: Don’t worry, you don’t have to apologize.
                                    [AL]: Humans have been real mean to you, so of course you would be wary of other humans. It’s completely understandable.
                                    [AL]: Just be glad that you’re becoming more openminded, that you understand that not all humans are bad.
                                    [AL]: It means that you’re becoming wiser and stronger.
                                    FA: B=caus= of my jad= blood, I am tr=at=d b=tt=r than most trolls.
                                    FA: I appr=ciat= your kind words.
                                    FA: I do not blam= my human fri=nds for not b=ing int=r=st=d in politics, but it do=s not stop m= from unfairly r=s=nting them.
                                    FA: It is th= humans lik= you, with a s=ns= of =mpathy, that giv= m= hop=.

                                    [AL]: I see.
                                    [AL]: But doesn’t really seem far, that some trolls are treated better just because of their blood color.
                                    [AL]: It’s just as stupid as humans treating other humans differently because of their skin color.
                                    [AL]: It doesn’t matter what a person’s blood or skin color is, we’re no different from each other.
                                    [AL]: When we’re stripped down to the bare basics, we all are the same.
                                    [AL]: Well there will be people who don’t like what you like, or aren’t interested in the thinks you’re interested in. Sometimes you need to accepted that move on.
                                    [AL]: Everyone has problems, whether they be great or small. Yet no matter the size, a person’s own problems will seem the biggest to them. Everyone has their own voice, but sometimes other people’s voices can get over powered by theirs. So there will aways be people who struggle to be heard over the din of everyone else.
                                    [AL]: But a voice is just like a ripple, no matter how big or small, it spreads out to others. Like some say, it only takes one voice to start a revolution.
                                    [AL]: Well thank you very much.
                                    [AL]: And I too get filled with hope by the good people do, no matter how big or small the deed.
                                    [AL]: Though would you like to talk about it? The rally I mean?
                                    [AL]: But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

                                    Now onto Hanzou.

                                    Show Pesterlog
                                    enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA]
                                    ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
                                    ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
                                    ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
                                    ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
                                    ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
                                    ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
                                    ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

                                    [AL]: Hello to you too Hanzou~
                                    [AL]: Yes I did, and man, it sure was crazy.
                                    [AL]: The turtles were finally able to rescue Karai, which wasn’t easy, and brought her to the lair where she and Splinter had a really touching father daughter moment.
                                    [AL]: Then the two, Karai and Splinter, had a heart to heart. But when everyone went to sleep, Karai tried to sneak out to get revenge on Shredder. Leo tried to stop her, but she tricked him and knocked him out with sleeping gas.
                                    [AL]: When she got to Shredder’s lair, he was waiting for her. They fought, but he easily beat her. He then brought her to this abandoned warehouse where he put her in a cage that suspended over a gain vast of mutagen the Stockman modified to turn all that fell int it would get turned into a snake like mutant creature thing.
                                    [AL]: I thought that he was going to mutate her, but it was all a ploy to lure Splinter and turtles and turn the turtles into snake like creatures that would kill and eat Splinter.
                                    [AL]: As soon as Splinter and the turtles get there to save Karai, a major fight broke out.
                                    [AL]: During the skirmish, Leo climbed up to the cage Karai was in to free her, but as he tried to pick the lock, Shredder lunged at him. The jerk tried to slash Leo, but hit the chain holding the cage Karai was in. So Karai fell into the snake mutagen while Leo and Shredder tumbled to the sides, falling on the floor.
                                    [AL]: A moment later, Karai was able to climb out, but was this white snake naga creature. Though as soon as she was out, Splinter rushed toward her to help her, but when she focused, she attacked him (because of instincts and all that). He was able to snap her out of it, but she freaked out and accidentally started a fire.
                                    [AL]: Soon after she ran off, both Splinter and Shredder tried to run after her, but they were pulled away (Splinter by the turtles and Shredder by his henchmen) because the warehouse had became unstable from the fire. And as Shredder was pulled away, he blamed Splinter for what happened to Karai (which really pissed me off because the whole thing was all his fault).
                                    [AL]: So the Splinter and turtles make it back to the lair all sad and chest fallen, but just as the episode was about to end, a small clip of Karai was shown. She was on top of roof and changed back into a human, but she had the eyes of a snake and bared snake like fangs while a forked serpentine tongue withered about.
                                    [AL]: It was one hell of a cliffhanger.
                                    [AL]: Anyway... redface sweatdrop
                                    [AL]: If you want to see that episode right away, I know of this site that posts new episodes the day after the original airs on TV. I could give it to you if you want?
                                    [AL]: You know, so you don’t have to wait.
                                    [AL]: Well since I already babbled about TMNT sweatdrop , I guess the game explanation then.



Anxious Protagonist

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                                xxxxShe could feel herself involuntarily twitch as she read Hanzou's text. He was right, Straki hated the caste system and did not enjoy it when it was mention that their bloods predestined them for something. Though she supposed if she had to hear about any of the roles of blood colors, she found the destiny of a Fuchsia being destined to become empress least offensive. Well, destined to inherit the throne or be assassinated by the current empress. She wasn't sure whether or not MI had it in her to kill the current empress. As she continued reading she found herself feeling just as unresolved as when the conversation began. But, she supposed she felt better having gotten it out there. She would have to spend some time thinking about exactly what she hated about PA and why she hated it. She wondered if a human would even make a good kissmesis. Not to mention she would have to be rather careful, assuming PA could even get her brain around the concept, to make sure she didn't accidentally kill the human by doing something any normal blackrom trolls would do. Humans were so fragile and confusing.

                                Show Pesterlog
                                -- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
                                ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
                                ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
                                ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
                                ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
                                ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
                                ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
                                ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

                                FA: H=llo Hanzou.
                                FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
                                FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
                                FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
                                FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
                                FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
                                FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
                                FA: Hanzou...
                                FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
                                FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
                                FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
                                FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

                                ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
                                ES: uh...
                                ES: y
                                ES: ye@h
                                ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
                                ES: n
                                ES: nevermind
                                ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
                                ES: w@it
                                ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
                                ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
                                ES: errr... well...
                                ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
                                ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
                                ES: I'm...
                                ES: pining red
                                ES: uh... for a hum@n...
                                ES: >.<

                                FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
                                FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
                                FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
                                FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
                                FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
                                FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
                                FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.
                                FA: I know I am unfairly hard on humans, but I know th=r= ar= som= good on=s out th=r=.
                                FA: But, it s==ms to m= that you ar= not th= only on= with your lookstubs on th= oth=r sp=ci=s. I g=t th= f==ling that PA has a flush=d crush on MI.
                                FA: Whil= w= ar= on th= topic of quadrants, I hav= som= conc=rns as w=ll.
                                FA: I cannot figur= out if I am waxing black for PA or if it is just platonic hat=.
                                FA: Som=thing about that girl irritat=s m= to no =nd. But I hav= no clu= wh=th=r I am black for h=r or if I simply hat= h=r.

                                ES: well, to be honest, I'm not the best person to @sk such @ question, @s I myself @m h@ving a simil@r conundrum with possible bl@ck feelings, only with the opposite p@rty you spoke of.
                                ES: MI @nnoys me gre@tly. she is the roy@l heir to the throne, yet she is so we@k and feeble, she does not @ct the p@rt she w@s hatched for @t @ll
                                ES: Yes, I know you h@te it when I cite @ belief in our twisted c@ste system, but @s the lowest in the c@ste, it's quite ingr@ined into me. hopefully my new moir@il can help with th@t ;P
                                ES: But the thing is, I @m h@ving trouble telling whether this @nnoyance with MI's person@lity is purely @ product of my ingr@ined belief in the c@ste system, or the blossomings of full bl@ck feelings for her
                                ES: I @dmit, she is not the only one I've felt a bit of @nnoy@nce tow@rd. LG and FM I also r@ther dislike for their person@lities @nd m@nnerism, more so th@n MI, though @s they @re both hum@ns, I doubt they would reciproc@te such @ foreign concept to them @as bl@ck rom@nce. But if they @re open-minded enough hum@ns to consider it, I m@y need an @spistice to intervene, perhaps SF. she seems r@ther built for @uspisticism
                                ES: Which is @ctu@lly @ relev@nt point in your issue @s well, Str@ki.
                                ES: P@ is a hum@n, so even if she returned your feelings, she likely would not @ssoci@te them with bl@ck rom@nce. or rom@nce of @ny sort, not unless she w@s a very cultur@lly open-minded hum@n
                                ES: LG totes to be quite the rel@tionship expert, but I doubt he is f@mili@r with troll qu@dr@nts. perh@ps there is @nother troll in our clique who is well-versed in emotions and qu@dr@nts?
                                ES: @h, but I @m @fr@id I neglected to @nswer my moir@ils origin@l question
                                ES: The hum@n I @m h@ving cle@r red feelings for...
                                ES: Luk@n Owens
                                ES: Though you likely know her @s @L, @rtisticLoon
                                ES: We sh@re quite a few simil@r interests, @nd something @bout her just seems
                                ES: Well, n@tur@lly inviting to me
                                ES: We h@ve even done @ video c@ll or two together, @nd while I c@n't @dmit to h@ving @ thing for hum@ns, even I c@nnot deny to myself th@t she is
                                ES: Well, @ very unique-looking hum@n, is @ll I feel comfort@ble s@ying
                                ES: *sigh*
                                ES: It's h@rd being a young, pubescent troll in the throes of blossoming rom@ntic m@turity
                                ES: It's h@rd and no one underst@nds
                                ES: Well, except for moir@ils I suppose
                                ES: ;P

                                FA: I hop= I will b= a suitabl= =xampl= of r=b=llion against th= cast= syst=m.
                                FA: My blood dictat=s that I should go into th= brooding cav=rns and t=nd th= Moth=r Grub. I hav= no such plans and would rath=r b= cull=d.
                                FA: So, AL? As far as th= humans go, I find h=r th= most b=arabl=.
                                FA: Sh= seems to b= th= most compassionat= towards trolls and our plight.
                                FA: Unfortunat=ly I hav= many shortcomings as a moirail.
                                FA: I hav= n=v=r =xp=ri=nc=d flush=d f==lings, so I cannot advis= you as to th= b=st cours= of action.
                                FA: H=r= is what I sugg=st. Off=r to b= h=r s=rv=r play=r. Or vic= v=rsa.
                                FA: And th=n I can conn=ct with you so that w= might b= abl= to =asily communicat= during th= gam=.
                                FA: This way you will b= abl= to find a good tim= to t=ll h=r how you f==l and I will b= abl= to h=lp you, as any good moirail should.

                                As far as who connected to her, Straki had no preference. As long as she connected, either as the server or player, with Hanzou she would be content. She was indifferent to the possibility of being paired with a human... as long as it was not PA. She was not in the mood to try and sort out her black feelings while she was playing a game with all her friends. She was barely ready to confront her feelings at all. But least of all while they were all trying to play a game. Straki's attention was drawn back to her computer by AL's window flashing, alerting her to messages. She'd never had any real conversation with any of the humans, usually finding their indifference or polite attention irritating. Yet here was AL--Lukan Hanzou had called her--actively talking with her and providing some form of comfort. It was borderline pale. How scandalous and unwanted.

                                Show Pesterlog
                                -- furtiveAdvocate [FA] began trolling artisticLoon [AL] at 09:20 --

                                FA: I apologiz= if I am both=ring you.
                                FA: I would just lik= to say thank you.
                                FA: Typically th= humans, as w=ll as th= highbloods, t=nd to ignor= th= things I say that ar= not of th=ir imm=diat= int=r=st.
                                FA: That b=ing troll civil rights.
                                FA: So, thank you.
                                FA: I apologiz= for what=v=r cru=lty or coldn=ss I hav= shown you in th= past.

                                [AL]: There’s no need to apologize.
                                [AL]: You’re my friend, you can talk to me whenever you want to.
                                [AL]: Well you’re welcomed dear 3nodding
                                [AL]: Well they’re teenagers, and most teenagers don’t find politics interesting, nor do they pay attention to them. Even I must admit that find politics very boring sweatdrop Yet I do try to stay informed.
                                [AL]: It’s only one more year till I can vote, so I better know what I’m voting for.
                                [AL]: Then you’re welcomed again sweatdrop
                                [AL]: Don’t worry, you don’t have to apologize.
                                [AL]: Humans have been real mean to you, so of course you would be wary of other humans. It’s completely understandable.
                                [AL]: Just be glad that you’re becoming more openminded, that you understand that not all humans are bad.
                                [AL]: It means that you’re becoming wiser and stronger.
                                FA: B=caus= of my jad= blood, I am tr=at=d b=tt=r than most trolls.
                                FA: I appr=ciat= your kind words.
                                FA: I do not blam= my human fri=nds for not b=ing int=r=st=d in politics, but it do=s not stop m= from unfairly r=s=nting them.
                                FA: It is th= humans lik= you, with a s=ns= of =mpathy, that giv= m= hop=.

                                [AL]: I see.
                                [AL]: But doesn’t really seem far, that some trolls are treated better just because of their blood color.
                                [AL]: It’s just as stupid as humans treating other humans differently because of their skin color.
                                [AL]: It doesn’t matter what a person’s blood or skin color is, we’re no different from each other.
                                [AL]: When we’re stripped down to the bare basics, we all are the same.
                                [AL]: Well there will be people who don’t like what you like, or aren’t interested in the thinks you’re interested in. Sometimes you need to accepted that move on.
                                [AL]: Everyone has problems, whether they be great or small. Yet no matter the size, a person’s own problems will seem the biggest to them. Everyone has their own voice, but sometimes other people’s voices can get over powered by theirs. So there will aways be people who struggle to be heard over the din of everyone else.
                                [AL]: But a voice is just like a ripple, no matter how big or small, it spreads out to others. Like some say, it only takes one voice to start a revolution.
                                [AL]: Well thank you very much.
                                [AL]: And I too get filled with hope by the good people do, no matter how big or small the deed.
                                [AL]: Though would you like to talk about it? The rally I mean?
                                [AL]: But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

                                FA: In dang=r of sounding lik= an advocat= of th= cast= syst=m, it is not corr=ct to compar= th= h=mosp=ctrum to th= diff=r=nt human skin colors.
                                FA: Th= low=r on th= h=mosp=ctrum a troll is, th= short=r th=ir lif= will b=. MI will liv= probably for s=v=ral hundr=d sw==ps, wh=r= as I will probably only liv= for forty to fifty sw==ps.
                                FA: Of cours=, th=r= ar= un=xp=ct=d variabl=s. For =xampl=, though MI could naturally liv= for six hundr=d sw==ps or mor=, sh= could also b= assassinat=d by th= =mpr=ss tomorrow.
                                FA: Thos= low=r on th= h=mosp=ctrum ar= also mor= lik=ly to hav= psychic abiliti=s.
                                FA: But I agr== that th= cast= syst=m is d=spicabl= and should b= =radicat=d.
                                FA: As for th= rally... w=ll, it isn't what I would classify as polit= conv=rsation.
                                FA: I suppos= I could giv= you th= short v=rsion.
                                FA: =arly on th= polic= arriv=d and d=mand=d that w= disp=rs=. Wh=n th= prot=st=rs did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th= polic= r=sort=d to forc=.
                                FA: Th=y thr=w t=ar gas canist=rs and b=at many prot=st=rs with backjacks.
                                FA: A T=al blood tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit and was shot for it. At l=ast thr== lusii w=r= kill=d as w=ll.
                                FA: Th=r= w=r= probably mor= fataliti=s, but I hav= not tri=d to k==p up with th= n=ws of th= rally.

                                She was growing jaded--heh--of recounting her experience at the rally. Between her lusus and her moirail, she was feeling emotionally drained and raw. She was not particularly worried about being questioned over what had happened by any of her other friends. Barring, perhaps, Atikus.


Location: France - Aveyron - Straki's Hive - Straki's Respiteblock
Company: None
Mood: Emotionally drained
Thinking: "..."


Tree #1
[Grape Faygo Sixpack]
[Grub Jerky]xx[Grubloaf]
xxxxxxxxxxx[Hostess Suzy Qs] [Human Slim Jims]xxxx[Redpop Faygo Sixpack] [Sburb Beta - Client Disk]

Tree #2
[Sburb Beta - Server Disk]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

In a relationship with Lukan Wolf

Generous Bookworm

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Yes, I am a ninja
You know what I mean

Pumpkin Farmer
Ninja Philosopher
Aspiring Assassinobi

Hanzou Solona

Hanzou, painting the letter on the scroll of his Fetch Modus, summoned his Sburb Beta discs, loading one into his husktop to load. He might as well get started...

He heard a ping from Trollian next, indicating a response. It was from AL! Yay!

Show Pesterlog
-- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling artisticLoon [AL] at 9:30 --
ES: hey there Lucky!
ES: did you c@tch the l@st episode of TMNT?
ES: you're so lucky (lol) to h@ve TV...
ES: I h@ve to w@it @ few d@ys for someone to post the newest episode online...
ES: but enough @bout th@t! which first?
ES: or g@me expl@n@tion?
ES: ;P
[AL]: Hello to you too Hanzou~
[AL]: Yes I did, and man, it sure was crazy.
[AL]: The turtles were finally able to rescue Karai, which wasn’t easy, and brought her to the lair where she and Splinter had a really touching father daughter moment.
[AL]: Then the two, Karai and Splinter, had a heart to heart. But when everyone went to sleep, Karai tried to sneak out to get revenge on Shredder. Leo tried to stop her, but she tricked him and knocked him out with sleeping gas.
[AL]: When she got to Shredder’s lair, he was waiting for her. They fought, but he easily beat her. He then brought her to this abandoned warehouse where he put her in a cage that suspended over a gain vast of mutagen the Stockman modified to turn all that fell int it would get turned into a snake like mutant creature thing.
[AL]: I thought that he was going to mutate her, but it was all a ploy to lure Splinter and turtles and turn the turtles into snake like creatures that would kill and eat Splinter.
[AL]: As soon as Splinter and the turtles get there to save Karai, a major fight broke out.
[AL]: During the skirmish, Leo climbed up to the cage Karai was in to free her, but as he tried to pick the lock, Shredder lunged at him. The jerk tried to slash Leo, but hit the chain holding the cage Karai was in. So Karai fell into the snake mutagen while Leo and Shredder tumbled to the sides, falling on the floor.
[AL]: A moment later, Karai was able to climb out, but was this white snake naga creature. Though as soon as she was out, Splinter rushed toward her to help her, but when she focused, she attacked him (because of instincts and all that). He was able to snap her out of it, but she freaked out and accidentally started a fire.
[AL]: Soon after she ran off, both Splinter and Shredder tried to run after her, but they were pulled away (Splinter by the turtles and Shredder by his henchmen) because the warehouse had became unstable from the fire. And as Shredder was pulled away, he blamed Splinter for what happened to Karai (which really pissed me off because the whole thing was all his fault).
[AL]: So the Splinter and turtles make it back to the lair all sad and chest fallen, but just as the episode was about to end, a small clip of Karai was shown. She was on top of roof and changed back into a human, but she had the eyes of a snake and bared snake like fangs while a forked serpentine tongue withered about.
[AL]: It was one hell of a cliffhanger.
[AL]: Anyway... redface sweatdrop
[AL]: If you want to see that episode right away, I know of this site that posts new episodes the day after the original airs on TV. I could give it to you if you want?
[AL]: You know, so you don’t have to wait.
[AL]: Well since I already babbled about TMNT sweatdrop , I guess the game explanation then.

ES: I would love to h@ve th@t link, Lucky! I h@te h@ving to w@it a few d@ys...
ES: @s for the g@me, well, from wh@t I c@n tell from the G@meF@Qs guides, we'll be connecting to e@ch other @s server and client pl@yers
ES: server pl@yers will be @ble to directly m@nipul@te the client pl@yers environment, @s well @s see them. It is up to the server @nd client pl@yers to work together to deploy v@rious m@chines and oper@te them for... some end, it seems. most of the guides don't s@y wh@t ex@ctly the purpose of wh@t we're doing, they only s@y wh@t to do.

Another Trollian alert sounded, this time from his moirail. Hanzou pulled up the window for FA.

Show Pesterlog
-- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

FA: H=llo Hanzou.
FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
FA: Hanzou...
FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
ES: uh...
ES: y
ES: ye@h
ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
ES: n
ES: nevermind
ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
ES: w@it
ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
ES: errr... well...
ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
ES: I'm...
ES: pining red
ES: uh... for a hum@n...
ES: >.<

FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.
FA: I know I am unfairly hard on humans, but I know th=r= ar= som= good on=s out th=r=.
FA: But, it s==ms to m= that you ar= not th= only on= with your lookstubs on th= oth=r sp=ci=s. I g=t th= f==ling that PA has a flush=d crush on MI.
FA: Whil= w= ar= on th= topic of quadrants, I hav= som= conc=rns as w=ll.
FA: I cannot figur= out if I am waxing black for PA or if it is just platonic hat=.
FA: Som=thing about that girl irritat=s m= to no =nd. But I hav= no clu= wh=th=r I am black for h=r or if I simply hat= h=r.

ES: well, to be honest, I'm not the best person to @sk such @ question, @s I myself @m h@ving a simil@r conundrum with possible bl@ck feelings, only with the opposite p@rty you spoke of.
ES: MI @nnoys me gre@tly. she is the roy@l heir to the throne, yet she is so we@k and feeble, she does not @ct the p@rt she w@s hatched for @t @ll
ES: Yes, I know you h@te it when I cite @ belief in our twisted c@ste system, but @s the lowest in the c@ste, it's quite ingr@ined into me. hopefully my new moir@il can help with th@t ;P
ES: But the thing is, I @m h@ving trouble telling whether this @nnoyance with MI's person@lity is purely @ product of my ingr@ined belief in the c@ste system, or the blossomings of full bl@ck feelings for her
ES: I @dmit, she is not the only one I've felt a bit of @nnoy@nce tow@rd. LG and FM I also r@ther dislike for their person@lities @nd m@nnerism, more so th@n MI, though @s they @re both hum@ns, I doubt they would reciproc@te such @ foreign concept to them @as bl@ck rom@nce. But if they @re open-minded enough hum@ns to consider it, I m@y need an @spistice to intervene, perhaps SF. she seems r@ther built for @uspisticism
ES: Which is @ctu@lly @ relev@nt point in your issue @s well, Str@ki.
ES: P@ is a hum@n, so even if she returned your feelings, she likely would not @ssoci@te them with bl@ck rom@nce. or rom@nce of @ny sort, not unless she w@s a very cultur@lly open-minded hum@n
ES: LG totes to be quite the rel@tionship expert, but I doubt he is f@mili@r with troll qu@dr@nts. perh@ps there is @nother troll in our clique who is well-versed in emotions and qu@dr@nts?
ES: @h, but I @m @fr@id I neglected to @nswer my moir@ils origin@l question
ES: The hum@n I @m h@ving cle@r red feelings for...
ES: Luk@n Owens
ES: Though you likely know her @s @L, @rtisticLoon
ES: We sh@re quite a few simil@r interests, @nd something @bout her just seems
ES: Well, n@tur@lly inviting to me
ES: We h@ve even done @ video c@ll or two together, @nd while I c@n't @dmit to h@ving @ thing for hum@ns, even I c@nnot deny to myself th@t she is
ES: Well, @ very unique-looking hum@n, is @ll I feel comfort@ble s@ying
ES: *sigh*
ES: It's h@rd being a young, pubescent troll in the throes of blossoming rom@ntic m@turity
ES: It's h@rd and no one underst@nds
ES: Well, except for moir@ils I suppose
ES: ;P

FA: I hop= I will b= a suitabl= =xampl= of r=b=llion against th= cast= syst=m.
FA: My blood dictat=s that I should go into th= brooding cav=rns and t=nd th= Moth=r Grub. I hav= no such plans and would rath=r b= cull=d.
FA: So, AL? As far as th= humans go, I find h=r th= most b=arabl=.
FA: Sh= seems to b= th= most compassionat= towards trolls and our plight.
FA: Unfortunat=ly I hav= many shortcomings as a moirail.
FA: I hav= n=v=r =xp=ri=nc=d flush=d f==lings, so I cannot advis= you as to th= b=st cours= of action.
FA: H=r= is what I sugg=st. Off=r to b= h=r s=rv=r play=r. Or vic= v=rsa.
FA: And th=n I can conn=ct with you so that w= might b= abl= to =asily communicat= during th= gam=.
FA: This way you will b= abl= to find a good tim= to t=ll h=r how you f==l and I will b= abl= to h=lp you, as any good moirail should.

ES: yes, th@t is a good ide@, Str@ki. I will @sk her to be my server or client pl@yer. th@nk you very much for t@lking me through this. you @re @ good friend, @nd @ good moir@il.

Turning back to his chat with Lukan, Hanzou hesitated significantly before beginning to type his question.

Show Pesterlog
-- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling artisticLoon [AL] at 9:30 --
ES: hey there Lucky!
ES: did you c@tch the l@st episode of TMNT?
ES: you're so lucky (lol) to h@ve TV...
ES: I h@ve to w@it @ few d@ys for someone to post the newest episode online...
ES: but enough @bout th@t! which first?
ES: or g@me expl@n@tion?
ES: ;P
[AL]: Hello to you too Hanzou~
[AL]: Yes I did, and man, it sure was crazy.
[AL]: The turtles were finally able to rescue Karai, which wasn’t easy, and brought her to the lair where she and Splinter had a really touching father daughter moment.
[AL]: Then the two, Karai and Splinter, had a heart to heart. But when everyone went to sleep, Karai tried to sneak out to get revenge on Shredder. Leo tried to stop her, but she tricked him and knocked him out with sleeping gas.
[AL]: When she got to Shredder’s lair, he was waiting for her. They fought, but he easily beat her. He then brought her to this abandoned warehouse where he put her in a cage that suspended over a gain vast of mutagen the Stockman modified to turn all that fell int it would get turned into a snake like mutant creature thing.
[AL]: I thought that he was going to mutate her, but it was all a ploy to lure Splinter and turtles and turn the turtles into snake like creatures that would kill and eat Splinter.
[AL]: As soon as Splinter and the turtles get there to save Karai, a major fight broke out.
[AL]: During the skirmish, Leo climbed up to the cage Karai was in to free her, but as he tried to pick the lock, Shredder lunged at him. The jerk tried to slash Leo, but hit the chain holding the cage Karai was in. So Karai fell into the snake mutagen while Leo and Shredder tumbled to the sides, falling on the floor.
[AL]: A moment later, Karai was able to climb out, but was this white snake naga creature. Though as soon as she was out, Splinter rushed toward her to help her, but when she focused, she attacked him (because of instincts and all that). He was able to snap her out of it, but she freaked out and accidentally started a fire.
[AL]: Soon after she ran off, both Splinter and Shredder tried to run after her, but they were pulled away (Splinter by the turtles and Shredder by his henchmen) because the warehouse had became unstable from the fire. And as Shredder was pulled away, he blamed Splinter for what happened to Karai (which really pissed me off because the whole thing was all his fault).
[AL]: So the Splinter and turtles make it back to the lair all sad and chest fallen, but just as the episode was about to end, a small clip of Karai was shown. She was on top of roof and changed back into a human, but she had the eyes of a snake and bared snake like fangs while a forked serpentine tongue withered about.
[AL]: It was one hell of a cliffhanger.
[AL]: Anyway... redface sweatdrop
[AL]: If you want to see that episode right away, I know of this site that posts new episodes the day after the original airs on TV. I could give it to you if you want?
[AL]: You know, so you don’t have to wait.
[AL]: Well since I already babbled about TMNT sweatdrop , I guess the game explanation then.

ES: I would love to h@ve th@t link, Lucky! I h@te h@ving to w@it a few d@ys...
ES: @s for the g@me, well, from wh@t I c@n tell from the G@meF@Qs guides, we'll be connecting to e@ch other @s server and client pl@yers
ES: server pl@yers will be @ble to directly m@nipul@te the client pl@yers environment, @s well @s see them. It is up to the server @nd client pl@yers to work together to deploy v@rious m@chines and oper@te them for... some end, it seems. most of the guides don't s@y wh@t ex@ctly the purpose of wh@t we're doing, they only s@y wh@t to do.
ES: uh
ES: if you'd like, I would be h@ppy to be your server pl@yer. I trust you, @nd you @re in good prongs with me.
ES: er, h@nds. sorry. troll terminology.

Hanzou wiped some semi-transparent burgundy sweat from his bangs-covered brow, though his eyes remained closed during the reveal. That was hard to ask... And even harder to remember that most troll terms humans just didn't get. He returned back to Straki to report his progress to his moirail.

Show Pesterlog
-- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

FA: H=llo Hanzou.
FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
FA: Hanzou...
FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
ES: uh...
ES: y
ES: ye@h
ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
ES: n
ES: nevermind
ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
ES: w@it
ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
ES: errr... well...
ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
ES: I'm...
ES: pining red
ES: uh... for a hum@n...
ES: >.<

FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.
FA: I know I am unfairly hard on humans, but I know th=r= ar= som= good on=s out th=r=.
FA: But, it s==ms to m= that you ar= not th= only on= with your lookstubs on th= oth=r sp=ci=s. I g=t th= f==ling that PA has a flush=d crush on MI.
FA: Whil= w= ar= on th= topic of quadrants, I hav= som= conc=rns as w=ll.
FA: I cannot figur= out if I am waxing black for PA or if it is just platonic hat=.
FA: Som=thing about that girl irritat=s m= to no =nd. But I hav= no clu= wh=th=r I am black for h=r or if I simply hat= h=r.

ES: well, to be honest, I'm not the best person to @sk such @ question, @s I myself @m h@ving a simil@r conundrum with possible bl@ck feelings, only with the opposite p@rty you spoke of.
ES: MI @nnoys me gre@tly. she is the roy@l heir to the throne, yet she is so we@k and feeble, she does not @ct the p@rt she w@s hatched for @t @ll
ES: Yes, I know you h@te it when I cite @ belief in our twisted c@ste system, but @s the lowest in the c@ste, it's quite ingr@ined into me. hopefully my new moir@il can help with th@t ;P
ES: But the thing is, I @m h@ving trouble telling whether this @nnoyance with MI's person@lity is purely @ product of my ingr@ined belief in the c@ste system, or the blossomings of full bl@ck feelings for her
ES: I @dmit, she is not the only one I've felt a bit of @nnoy@nce tow@rd. LG and FM I also r@ther dislike for their person@lities @nd m@nnerism, more so th@n MI, though @s they @re both hum@ns, I doubt they would reciproc@te such @ foreign concept to them @as bl@ck rom@nce. But if they @re open-minded enough hum@ns to consider it, I m@y need an @spistice to intervene, perhaps SF. she seems r@ther built for @uspisticism
ES: Which is @ctu@lly @ relev@nt point in your issue @s well, Str@ki.
ES: P@ is a hum@n, so even if she returned your feelings, she likely would not @ssoci@te them with bl@ck rom@nce. or rom@nce of @ny sort, not unless she w@s a very cultur@lly open-minded hum@n
ES: LG totes to be quite the rel@tionship expert, but I doubt he is f@mili@r with troll qu@dr@nts. perh@ps there is @nother troll in our clique who is well-versed in emotions and qu@dr@nts?
ES: @h, but I @m @fr@id I neglected to @nswer my moir@ils origin@l question
ES: The hum@n I @m h@ving cle@r red feelings for...
ES: Luk@n Owens
ES: Though you likely know her @s @L, @rtisticLoon
ES: We sh@re quite a few simil@r interests, @nd something @bout her just seems
ES: Well, n@tur@lly inviting to me
ES: We h@ve even done @ video c@ll or two together, @nd while I c@n't @dmit to h@ving @ thing for hum@ns, even I c@nnot deny to myself th@t she is
ES: Well, @ very unique-looking hum@n, is @ll I feel comfort@ble s@ying
ES: *sigh*
ES: It's h@rd being a young, pubescent troll in the throes of blossoming rom@ntic m@turity
ES: It's h@rd and no one underst@nds
ES: Well, except for moir@ils I suppose
ES: ;P

FA: I hop= I will b= a suitabl= =xampl= of r=b=llion against th= cast= syst=m.
FA: My blood dictat=s that I should go into th= brooding cav=rns and t=nd th= Moth=r Grub. I hav= no such plans and would rath=r b= cull=d.
FA: So, AL? As far as th= humans go, I find h=r th= most b=arabl=.
FA: Sh= seems to b= th= most compassionat= towards trolls and our plight.
FA: Unfortunat=ly I hav= many shortcomings as a moirail.
FA: I hav= n=v=r =xp=ri=nc=d flush=d f==lings, so I cannot advis= you as to th= b=st cours= of action.
FA: H=r= is what I sugg=st. Off=r to b= h=r s=rv=r play=r. Or vic= v=rsa.
FA: And th=n I can conn=ct with you so that w= might b= abl= to =asily communicat= during th= gam=.
FA: This way you will b= abl= to find a good tim= to t=ll h=r how you f==l and I will b= abl= to h=lp you, as any good moirail should.

ES: yes, th@t is a good ide@, Str@ki. I will @sk her to be my server or client pl@yer. th@nk you very much for t@lking me through this. you @re @ good friend, @nd @ good moir@il.
ES: I h@ve @sked her. the next minutes while I w@it for her response will be nerve-wr@cking
ES: it w@s h@rd to do, @nd I likely could not h@ve done it without your encour@gement, Str@ki.
ES: I @sked to be her server player, so m@y I ple@se be your client pl@yer, Str@ki?

Why did he get the strangest feeling that asking Straki this question would lead to his load gaper being displaced?

Location: Ontario - Canada - Hanzou's Hive - Hanzou's Respiteblock
Company: No one
Mood: Introspective
Thinking: "I better use the load gaper while I still have a chance..."
Wearing: Black hoodie, black sweatpants, sandals

All dressed up in black
So that I can't be seen


#1: [Metal Wire (several miles)] #2: [Hand Mirror] #3: [Metal File] #4: [Rebreather] #5: [Range Finder] #6: [Two-Way Radios (2)] #7: [Bowl of Ricegruel] #8: [Jar of Grubsauce] #9: [Bottle of Water] #10: [MRE] #11: [Pumpkin] #12: [ ] #13: [ ] #14: [ ] #15: [ ]

Lukan Wolf

In a relationship with Lukan Wolf

Generous Bookworm

8,825 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Bookworm 100
User Image
And if I can't make just one life better...
Bring a smile to your face when you're under the weather...

Stuttering Sunny

Sunny Smiles

Yay! Grumpy-pants replied! Sunny typed a quick, excited message into the Chums4Life Group chat.

Show Pesterlog
forgottenMelodies [FM] began pestering group Chums4Life [C4L]
[FM]: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
[FM]: User Image
[FM]: It's gone, gone, baby, it's all gone
There is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
It was cool cool, it was just all cool
Now it's over for me and it's over for you
Well it's gone, gone, baby, it's all gone
There is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
Well it was cool cool, it was just all cool
Now it's over for me and it's over for you~
[FM]: I believe the world is burning to the ground
Oh well I guess we're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end
Oh well, I guess, we're gonna pretend,
Let's see how far we've come~

ConfidenceoftheGuard [CG] began Trolling Chums4Life [C4L]
CG: WelL IT SeemS ThE SongS MaN IS BacK.
CG: SO SunshinE, CarE TO SharE AbouT ThesE DisK?
CG: AlsO, FA AnD AL. WhilE I FinD ThaT SpeecH LovlY, I ThinK ThaT WoulD HavE LookeD NiceR IN A PrivatE ChaT. JusT TO StatE ThE ObviouS.
CG: FM I HopE YoU ArE NoT MakeinG AnotheR SonG ReferencE.

FA: Don't worry SF.
FA: I am quit= sob=r now, court=sy of my lusus.
FA: It s==ms that most of us hav= r=c=ived our copi=s.
FA: I b=li=v= w= should b=gin sorting out whom will b= whom's s=rv=r play=r.
FA: In my unprof=ssional opinion.

suffererDisciple [SD] began trolling Chums4Life [C4F] Group
[SD]: i 6id y9u all g99d m9rning, 9r g99d evening, depending 9n where y9u live.
[SD]: i see that m9st 9f y9u have received the game.
[SD]: have server and client players 6een assigned yet?
[SD]: i’m guessing that the answer is n9, c9rrect?
[SD]: i’m free f9r either 9ne. any takers?
[SD]: and FA, y9u are pr9ud tr9ll. partaking in ine6riating su6stances is un6ec9ming 9f y9u. when things like that happen, y9u sh9uld keep y9ur head held high, n9t hurt y9urself in such a way. when y9u c9me d9wn 9n y9urself, the 9ppress9r wins.
[SD]: als9, LG, st9p teasing MI and PA.
[SD]: tr9ll r9mance is a difficult thing, and sh9uld n9t ever 6e c9nsidered as a j9ke.
[SD]: n9w leave them al9ne OR GOG HELP ME, I WILL ******** TRACK YOU AND TEAR YOUR DAMN ARMS OFF AND ******** BEAT YOU WITH THEM. DO I ******** MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ********?
[SD]: 9h, and 6ef9re i f9rget, CG, lighten the ever l9ving ******** up. n9 9ne likes a d9wner.

SF: FM! SD! hi!!!
SF: well CG; it looks like well need to partner off into servers and clients in a chain between all of us
SF: SD!!! you wanna be my server player to start us off??? Pwetty pwease??? emotion_kirakira

AL: Do any of your know anything about this server and client player stuff?
AL: I can’t quite remember if that was a part of the game sweatdrop
AL: So could someone please fill me in?

ES: The unoriginal song lyrics and disruptive imagery of FM, as well as the lewd inspirations of LG, aside, I shall disclose further wisdom to you in solitude, AL, about the electronic entertainment we shall imbibe into our souls.
[SD]: greetings SF.
[SD]: i see that y9u are as 6right and chipper as always
[SD]: as f9r the matter 9f 6eing y9ur server player, i accept.
[SD]: yet y9u will have t9 wait till the first disk has finished l9ading, al9ng f9r the sec9nd 9ne t9 l9ad t99.
[SD]: i w9uld like t9 have the game fully l9aded 6ef9re starting anything.
[SD]: n9w that my client play has 6een decided, wh9 shall 6e my server player?

SF: yay!!! SD!!! sure, thatll give me time to load my own discs! Ill send you a PM when it’s done <3

Sunny heard a ping from her computer, looking to see that it had, indeed, finished loading, but couldn’t do anything without a server player to connect to. Shrugging, Sunny figured she might as well load her own server disc. The girl slipped it out of its envelope, swapping it for the client disc and watching another loading screen come up. She went to send a private message to Atikus.

Show Pesterlog
--sunshineFarmer [SF] began pestering suffererDisciple [SD] at 9:40 –

SF: okey-dokey! Im all set up to connect to you as my server player, SD!!! you should see the controls pop up once you load your server disc and connect to me! at least thats what the guides on gamefaqs say...

That done, Sunny turned to the plate on her desk, grabbing a piece of bacon and taking a bite out of it. Mmmm... Papa was such a great cook!

Location: United States - Kansas - Smiles Farm - Sunny's Room
Company: Scotty
Mood: Happy
Thinking: "Almost ready! Almost ready!"
Wearing: Blue denim Overalls, and nothing else

Then I'm gonna flyyyyyyy!
Hiiiigher than I ever flew befooooore!


[Tactical Sammich] [Astronaut Ice Cream (Neapolitan)] [Candwich] [Gamer Grub (pizza)] [Calorie Mate (fruit)] [Gamer Bar] [Tic Tacs (orange)] [Lip Balm] [Hand Sanitizer] [Tin of Gumballs] [Kleenex] [First Aid Kit] [GameGrl] [Hostess Cupcakes] [Granola Bars] [Beef Jerky] [Butterscotch] [Kickstart (orange)] [Strawberry Nesquik] [Muscle Milk (Vanilla)] [Apple Juice] [Orange Faygo] [Inkspell] [Smartphone] [ ]

Lukan Wolf

In a relationship with Lukan Wolf

Generous Bookworm

8,825 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Bookworm 100
User Image
Blessed are those who cry...
For they shall be comforted.

Troll Princess
Shy Exhibitionist

Lilika Aquary

Lilika bit her lower lip in thought, idly chewing on the plump, black part of her mouth. Did LG know? There was no way anyone could know... She hid it so well, usually by revealing other, different secrets every time she was pressed to reveal one. It was some time that she knew these people before they knew she was a troll, longer still until they learned she was a sea-dweller, and even longer still until they all learned she was a fuchsia-blood (as she had typed in gray until that point), royal heir to the throne and one of only two such trolls on Earth. Really, her flushed feelings for Raisa and her passion for exhibitionism were among her few remaining secrets she still kept from her group of Internet friends. She... she really needed to smooth things over with Raisa. Lilika was right about to open up a private chat with her when her custom-built husktop pinged so loudly, she jumped. It seemed LG was PMing her... Uh oh... She had a bad feeling about this...

Show Pesterlog
– lethargicGenius [LG] began pestering meekInheritor [MI] at 9:40 –
LG: oi
MI: Uh... H-Hello...
LG: i know
MI: !!!

LG: ha ha ha ha
LG: whoa settle down there sheila
LG: caps lock and all that
LG: s**t mi you were easier than pa
LG: you two are made for each other

MI: Um... H-Huh...?
LG: to answer your question
LG: i didnt know anything about your crush on PA

MI: Uh... Wh-Whew...
LG: but i do now
MI: *gulp*
LG: but dont worry
LG: i wont tell

MI: Er... Wh-Whew...
LG: yet
MI: *gulp*
LG: if you ask me mate
LG: you two are perfect for each other
LG: about as perfect as two same sex opposite species shielas can be
LG: and ya know what
LG: i think she just might feel the same way
LG: just a feeling i get

MI: Um... R-Really?
LG: yeah
LG: so if you dont tell her mate
LG: i will
LG: and it wont be pretty

MI: Uh... Y-You wouldn’t…
LG: maybe i would maybe i wouldnt
LG: i just know i cant stand to see two sheilas who clearly like each other be in a standstill because theyre both afraid to make the first move
LG: so for now
LG: pa is distraught over your glazing over of my comment in the group chat
LG: so best pm her to let her know your not indifferent to the idea of you and her
LG: thatll keep me off your back for at least a while
LG: deal?

MI: Er... D-Deal...
LG: theres a good sheila
LG: ill be off now
LG: i have a few irons in the fire and all that
LG: ya also might wanna check the group chat one more time
LG: someone there in desperate need of a server player
LG: hoo roo

MI: Um... Wh-What...?
LG: aussie goodbye mate
LG: hoo roo

MI: Uh... Oh...
MI: Er... Hoo roo...

--lethargicGenius [LG] ceased pestering meekInheritor [MI]

Wow... That was nerve wracking. She better do what LG wanted, or her flushed feelings would be out of the bag in the worst way. But just because she wanted to put off talking to PA for just a little bit longer, she checked the group chat.

Huh... Seemed like SD needed a server player... Well, she was open. Lilika typed a quick reply.

Show Pesterlog
forgottenMelodies [FM] began pestering group Chums4Life [C4L]
[FM]: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
[FM]: User Image
[FM]: It's gone, gone, baby, it's all gone
There is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
It was cool cool, it was just all cool
Now it's over for me and it's over for you
Well it's gone, gone, baby, it's all gone
There is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
Well it was cool cool, it was just all cool
Now it's over for me and it's over for you~
[FM]: I believe the world is burning to the ground
Oh well I guess we're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end
Oh well, I guess, we're gonna pretend,
Let's see how far we've come~

ConfidenceoftheGuard [CG] began Trolling Chums4Life [C4L]
CG: WelL IT SeemS ThE SongS MaN IS BacK.
CG: SO SunshinE, CarE TO SharE AbouT ThesE DisK?
CG: AlsO, FA AnD AL. WhilE I FinD ThaT SpeecH LovlY, I ThinK ThaT WoulD HavE LookeD NiceR IN A PrivatE ChaT. JusT TO StatE ThE ObviouS.
CG: FM I HopE YoU ArE NoT MakeinG AnotheR SonG ReferencE.

FA: Don't worry SF.
FA: I am quit= sob=r now, court=sy of my lusus.
FA: It s==ms that most of us hav= r=c=ived our copi=s.
FA: I b=li=v= w= should b=gin sorting out whom will b= whom's s=rv=r play=r.
FA: In my unprof=ssional opinion.

suffererDisciple [SD] began trolling Chums4Life [C4F] Group
[SD]: i 6id y9u all g99d m9rning, 9r g99d evening, depending 9n where y9u live.
[SD]: i see that m9st 9f y9u have received the game.
[SD]: have server and client players 6een assigned yet?
[SD]: i’m guessing that the answer is n9, c9rrect?
[SD]: i’m free f9r either 9ne. any takers?
[SD]: and FA, y9u are pr9ud tr9ll. partaking in ine6riating su6stances is un6ec9ming 9f y9u. when things like that happen, y9u sh9uld keep y9ur head held high, n9t hurt y9urself in such a way. when y9u c9me d9wn 9n y9urself, the 9ppress9r wins.
[SD]: als9, LG, st9p teasing MI and PA.
[SD]: tr9ll r9mance is a difficult thing, and sh9uld n9t ever 6e c9nsidered as a j9ke.
[SD]: n9w leave them al9ne OR GOG HELP ME, I WILL ******** TRACK YOU AND TEAR YOUR DAMN ARMS OFF AND ******** BEAT YOU WITH THEM. DO I ******** MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ********?
[SD]: 9h, and 6ef9re i f9rget, CG, lighten the ever l9ving ******** up. n9 9ne likes a d9wner.

SF: FM! SD! hi!!!
SF: well CG; it looks like well need to partner off into servers and clients in a chain between all of us
SF: SD!!! you wanna be my server player to start us off??? Pwetty pwease??? emotion_kirakira

AL: Do any of your know anything about this server and client player stuff?
AL: I can’t quite remember if that was a part of the game sweatdrop
AL: So could someone please fill me in?

ES: The unoriginal song lyrics and disruptive imagery of FM, as well as the lewd inspirations of LG, aside, I shall disclose further wisdom to you in solitude, AL, about the electronic entertainment we shall imbibe into our souls.
[SD]: greetings SF.
[SD]: i see that y9u are as 6right and chipper as always
[SD]: as f9r the matter 9f 6eing y9ur server player, i accept.
[SD]: yet y9u will have t9 wait till the first disk has finished l9ading, al9ng f9r the sec9nd 9ne t9 l9ad t99.
[SD]: i w9uld like t9 have the game fully l9aded 6ef9re starting anything.
[SD]: n9w that my client play has 6een decided, wh9 shall 6e my server player?

SF: yay!!! SD!!! sure, thatll give me time to load my own discs! Ill send you a PM when it’s done <3
MI: Um... I-I’d be glad to be your server player, SD...
MI: Uh... Th-That is... Er... I-If you didn’t mind...

Okay, that was out of the way. Now the most difficult task... Talking to PA. With extreme hesitation, she pulled up a private chat window for PA, swallowing hard.

Show Pesterlog
– meekInheritor [MI] began trolling pastimeAggrievances [PA] at 9:45 –
MI: Um... H-Hi, PA...
MI: Uh... I-I promised you a translation of our alphabet, right...?
MI: Er... H-Here you go...
MI: http://tinyurl.com/l6w2dgo
MI: Um... I-It should be noted that our text is read from right-to-left and bottom-to-top...
MI: Uh... A-Aside from that, it’s very similar to your Roman alphabet...
MI: Er...
MI: ...
MI: Um... I-I’m Lilika, by the way. Uh... L-Lilika Aquary.
MI: Er... I... haven’t actually told anyone of our other friends my real name yet...
MI: Um... I was afraid it would lead the empress’s enemies to me...
MI: Uh... K-Kinda silly, now that I think about it...
MI: Er, I...
MI: ...
MI: Um, heh... Uh, LG is pretty crazy, huh...?
MI: Er... u-us... crazy about each other...
MI: Um... Y-You know he’s actually imagined us snogging...?
MI: Uh... Heh... Y-Yeah, he’s a total male...
MI: Er... Th-Though I can’t say the thought is entirely outrageous...
MI: redface

What in blazes were you doing, Lilika? Could this get any more awkward? The troll princess proceeded to pull off the legendary, fabled head-desk beat-back-of-head x2 combo. It would go down in the history of Paradox Space as the greatest of self-deprecating maneuvers ever.

Location: United States - Hawaii - Lilika's Hive - Lilika's Respiteblock
Company: No one
Mood: Embarrassed beyond belief... again
Thinking: *dirty thoughts... again*
Wearing: Nothing redface

Blessed are the meek...
For they shall inherit the Earth.


Page One: [~ATH Manual] [Data Structures for Assholes] [Fifty Shades of Gray] [Hentai Manga] [ ] [ ]
Page Two: [Faygo (cola)] [Muscle Milk (chocolate)] [Aquafina] [Kickstart (cherry)] [ ] [ ]
Page Three: [Trail mix] [Chewy Bars] [Beef Jerky] [Hostess Twinkies] [ ] [ ]
Page Four: [Sburb Beta - Server Disk] [Sburb Beta - Client Disk] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Page Five: [Empty Box] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

”Lukan Wolf”

In a relationship with Lukan Wolf

Generous Bookworm

8,825 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Bookworm 100
User Image
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends

Lazy Bones
Lecherous Pervert
Curry Addict

Casper Shelby

Well, call it his inner matchmaker, or possibly just his desire to see some sloppy lesbian troll-human makes-outs, but Casper Shelby was about to throw some irons into the fire.

First, he pulled up a private chat with MI.

Show Pesterlog
– lethargicGenius [LG] began pestering meekInheritor [MI] at 9:40 –
LG: oi
MI: Uh... H-Hello...
LG: i know
MI: !!!

LG: ha ha ha ha
LG: whoa settle down there sheila
LG: caps lock and all that
LG: s**t mi you were easier than pa
LG: you two are made for each other

MI: Um... H-Huh...?
LG: to answer your question
LG: i didnt know anything about your crush on PA

MI: Uh... Wh-Whew...
LG: but i do now
MI: *gulp*
LG: but dont worry
LG: i wont tell

MI: Er... Wh-Whew...
LG: yet
MI: *gulp*
LG: if you ask me mate
LG: you two are perfect for each other
LG: about as perfect as two same sex opposite species shielas can be
LG: and ya know what
LG: i think she just might feel the same way
LG: just a feeling i get

MI: Um... R-Really?
LG: yeah
LG: so if you dont tell her mate
LG: i will
LG: and it wont be pretty

MI: Uh... Y-You wouldn’t…
LG: maybe i would maybe i wouldnt
LG: i just know i cant stand to see two sheilas who clearly like each other be in a standstill because theyre both afraid to make the first move
LG: so for now
LG: pa is distraught over your glazing over of my comment in the group chat
LG: so best pm her to let her know your not indifferent to the idea of you and her
LG: thatll keep me off your back for at least a while
LG: deal?

MI: Er... D-Deal...
LG: theres a good sheila
LG: ill be off now
LG: i have a few irons in the fire and all that
LG: ya also might wanna check the group chat one more time
LG: someone there in desperate need of a server player
LG: hoo roo

MI: Um... Wh-What...?
LG: aussie goodbye mate
LG: hoo roo

MI: Uh... Oh...
MI: Er... Hoo roo...

--lethargicGenius [LG] ceased pestering meekInheritor [MI] --

Okay, that was done. It would probably take a few minutes for MI to work up the courage to talk to PA, so that gave him some time to set the stage, but he had to hurry.

Show Pesterlog
-- pastimeAggrievances [PA] began pestering lethargicGenius [LG] at 09:08 --

PA: how much do you know?
PA: wait. that implied there's something to know.
PA: ******** hell.
PA: great. first sentence and i already ballsed it up.
PA: might as well drop a goddamn meteor on me.
PA: gonna have to give the president a call or something.
PA: "mr. president there's a meteor coming sir."
PA: "oh yeah, how big is it?"
PA: "it's the size of Texas, sir."
PA: "oh s**t!"
PA: or, "how big is it?"
PA: "its the size of New York City, sir."
PA: "oh s**t!"
PA: "sir, i'm afraid the comet is the size of your mom's d**k."
PA: "oh snap!"
PA: "sir, are you familiar with Jupiter?"
PA: "you mean like the planet?"
PA: "yeah."
PA: "well it's that big sir."
PA: "hmm, that sounds pretty big. i have a question: is it Jupiter?"
PA: "yes sir, Earth is literally under seige by planet ******** Jupiter."
PA: "oh s**t!"

LG: lol
LG: okay first off mate
LG: you know these are chat logs right
LG: emphasis on logs
LG: im smart enough to know you were hoping i didnt catch that
LG: as amusing as your analogy was mate
LG: i can always scroll back up
LG: but to answer your question
LG: i didnt know anything mate
LG: until now
LG: so little pa is pining or waxing or whatever red for mi eh
LG: you do realize shes the heir to troll royalty right mate
LG: do you actually plan to be her knight
LG: dont get me wrong stranger things have happened
LG: but do you honestly think you have a shot with a modern day princess
LG: seriously i was just ******** with the both of you
LG: though i have to admit id imagined you both making out more than once
LG: i take it you really do swing that way eh pa
LG: to be honest i swing both ways myself
LG: equal reader of hunk rump and busts r us mate
LG: though to be honest hunk rump and black inches are much better reads than busts r us and cats paw
LG: kinda like how gamegrl and gamegrub are better than gamebro
LG: anyway dont worry your secrets safe with me mate
LG: blimey i could even be someone to talk to about your feelings mate

PA: it was less an analogy and more of a desperate monologue.
PA: and you think i don't ******** know that?
PA: that my chances are about as low as they can possibly get?
PA: i mean, she just completely glazed over what you said. like it didn't even ********' happen.
PA: not sure what sort of feelings there could be to talk about.
PA: wait. wait a minute.
PA: are you trying to do one of the quadrant things?
PA: what the ******** was it called?
PA: morayeel or some s**t like that.
PA: the pale one.
PA: well... at least your goals are realistic.

LG: ********
LG: sheila you are one flighty broad
LG: but lucky for you im an insufferable p***k
LG: so wed be perfect more eels or whatever
LG: but thats not my goal here mate
LG: consider me your personal cupid
LG: i think you and mi have what it takes to hit it off into some sloppy troll-human lesbian snogging sessions
LG: i just dont think itll happen without a little push from a certain aussie
LG: now I wont do anything distasteful like flat out telling her your feelings or anything
LG: then itd be forced and wouldnt happen naturally mate
LG: but tell ya what
LG: i know youre skeptical about getting relationship advice from a perverted aussie like me
LG: so if mi pms you in a minute or two to talk about my comment in the group chat
LG: you have to be my client player
LG: deal?

Well, that took care of that. Now to secure his own server player. Casper pulled up a private chat with AL.

Show Pesterlog
-- lethargicGenius [LG] began pestering artisticLoon [AL] at 9:45 --

LG: oi
LG: ill make this short and sweet mate
LG: im an aussie in need of a server player and youre a sheila in need of a client player
LG: i promise i wont perv you up or hit on you
LG: heck we can even talk about sketching if you want mate
LG: deal?

And now the irons were in the fire. All the irons. All of them.

Location: Australia - Sydney - Casper's Apartment - Capser's Room
Company: Tundra on the bed
Mood: Relaxed (though sore)
Thinking: “Mmmm... Sloppy troll-human lesbian snogging...”
Wearing: Boxers, sleep shirt, bandages

Like my father's come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends


Key Items: [Smartphone] [Wallet] [Key Ring] [Wrist Charger Connectors] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Consumables: [Curry Rice] [Curry Bread] [Can of Lemonade] [Bottle of Strawberry Faygo] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Supplies: [Sketchbook] [Pencils] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Apparel: [Phone Alert Watch] [Calculator Watch] [Wrist Compass] [Universal Gadget Wrist Charger] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Other: [Hunk Rump] [Black Inches] [Busts 'R' Us] [Cat's Paw] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Lukan Wolf

Anxious Protagonist

8,525 Points
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Timid 100
User Image


                                xxxxIt was somewhat therapeutic to be able to help Hanzou and she wondered how humans could manage without moirails. Straki found human social structures so odd. They had friends, but they only had the red quadrant. They did not have moirails or auspistices or kissmestitudes. What she found the most confusing was the term "homosexual" and all its variants. She found it odd that they had a term for what was inherently natural in all trolls. She had never met a troll who would choose their partner based on gender, like humans do. It seemed so inefficient, saying you could only be attracted to a different gender or the same gender. Granted, all her crushes prior to fulfilling her pale quadrant with Hanzou, had been on females. Though that was more a case of coincidence than any real preference. Her first hate crush had been on a Cerulean blooded troll; the Cerulean had only hated her platonically, apparently. Her moiraillegience with Hanzou was her first filled quadrant and she was still a bit overexcited about it. While she waited for her moirail to ask his flush crush about being her server player, Straki removed the beta disks from her sylladex. Fortunately the disks had been captchalogued on a leaf and the base of her modus' trees so none of her items were ejected. She would be the first to admit that her fetch modus was impractical, but she found it elegant.

                                She removed the server disk and took a moment how to recall how to insert the disk before it was safely placed into her husktop. She supposed she should give Hanzou a disclaimer, seeing as how she was a bit... technologically challenged. It wasn't obvious when she was doing something familiar, like chatting on Trollian. But with a brand new game like this, she had a feeling it would be tiring for the Burgundy blood.

                                Show Pesterlog
                                -- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling furtiveAdvocate [FA] at 9:25 --
                                ES: hi there, F@! I he@rd @bout your r@lly. I'm sorry to he@r that... you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t moir@il to me, so I h@te to see you in p@in...
                                ES: I me@n friend! you've @lw@ys been such a gre@t friend! sorry!
                                ES: sigh... Sometimes it gets tiring t@lking @ll philosophic@lly like th@t... I'm just so low on the Hemospectrum, I know I won't live long p@st m@turity, and I h@ve little ch@nce of esc@ping a life of servitude unless I join the @ss@ssinobi...
                                ES: if only I could become @ gre@t philosopher or schol@r... but I guess trolls don't h@ve much ch@nce for such rolls in a hum@n-run society... th@t's why I re@lly support wh@t you do. I'd love to go to r@llies too, but I just live w@y too f@r away from those kinds of things...
                                ES: h@ng in there, Str@k. Your good moir
                                ES: good buddy H@nzou has your b@ck.
                                ES: You m@ybe w@nn@ t@lk @bout ex@ctly wh@t h@ppened @t th@t r@lly? det@ils @nd @ll. might m@ke you feel better

                                FA: H=llo Hanzou.
                                FA: I appr=ciat= your condol=nc=s.
                                FA: You could go to ralli=s too, I'm sur=. Th=r= ar= probably pl=nty happ=ning in Canada.
                                FA: Though I can't say I particularly r=comm=nd it. Mor= oft=n than not th=y =nd with injuri=s.
                                FA: Th= rally was in Paris. Th=r= had to be thr== thousand trolls th=r=. Th=r= w=r= =v=n som= humans. It start=d at dusk so that mor= trolls would b= willing to att=nd.
                                FA: Th= polic= always show up, it's n=v=r anything n=w wh=n th= polic= show up.
                                FA: But this tim= th=y w=r= so much mor= volatil=. Th=y d=mand=d w= disp=rs= imm=diat=ly. Th=r= w=r= no mor= warnings aft=r that. Wh=n w= did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th=y chos= to br=ak up th= rally by forc=. Th=y thr=w canist=rs of t=ar gas, th=y b=at som= of th= prot=st=rs with blackjacks.
                                FA: Hanzou...
                                FA: Th=y shot a T=al blood wh=n sh= tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit. Th=y kill=d h=r right th=r=, without =v=n thinking twic=. Sh= wasn't =v=n thr=at=ning th=m. Sh= just want=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit.
                                FA: At l=ast thr== lusii ar= d=ad aft=r th=y tri=d to d=f=nd th=ir charg=s.
                                FA: I hop= I'm not b=ing too forward, but...
                                FA: Hanzou, would you b= int=r=st=d in forming a moirailli=gianc=?

                                ES: akl;nadal;ndpwenx.x'a
                                ES: uh...
                                ES: y
                                ES: ye@h
                                ES: I me@n, I kind@ thought I @lre@dy was your
                                ES: n
                                ES: nevermind
                                ES: ye@h, I'd s@y your cool enough to be my moir@il
                                ES: w@it
                                ES: no, we're moir@ils now. I c@n cut the @ttitude @ct.
                                ES: nothing would m@ke me h@ppier, Str@ki.
                                ES: errr... well...
                                ES: there is... 1 thing th@t would m@ke me just @s h@ppy @s I @m right now...
                                ES: @nd @s my new moir@il, you deserve to be the first to know...
                                ES: I'm...
                                ES: pining red
                                ES: uh... for a hum@n...
                                ES: >.<

                                FA: I agr== that w= hav= b==n moirails in =v=rything but th= word.
                                FA: I know you hav= c=rtainly act=d as a moirail for m=, particularly wh=n I am indulging in th= wick=d =lix=r.
                                FA: Waxing r=d for a human?
                                FA: That is int=r=sting. Which human, if you don't mind my asking.
                                FA: I am sur= you ar= awar= I car= about you a gr=at d=al, Hanzou. =v=n b=for= this official pal= confession.
                                FA: I r=aliz= I am hypocritically critical of humans, but I would like to b= c=rtain that this human is worthy of you.
                                FA: I am sur= you know that I would p=rsonally d=stroy th= p=rson that tak=s you for grant=d.
                                FA: I know I am unfairly hard on humans, but I know th=r= ar= som= good on=s out th=r=.
                                FA: But, it s==ms to m= that you ar= not th= only on= with your lookstubs on th= oth=r sp=ci=s. I g=t th= f==ling that PA has a flush=d crush on MI.
                                FA: Whil= w= ar= on th= topic of quadrants, I hav= som= conc=rns as w=ll.
                                FA: I cannot figur= out if I am waxing black for PA or if it is just platonic hat=.
                                FA: Som=thing about that girl irritat=s m= to no =nd. But I hav= no clu= wh=th=r I am black for h=r or if I simply hat= h=r.

                                ES: well, to be honest, I'm not the best person to @sk such @ question, @s I myself @m h@ving a simil@r conundrum with possible bl@ck feelings, only with the opposite p@rty you spoke of.
                                ES: MI @nnoys me gre@tly. she is the roy@l heir to the throne, yet she is so we@k and feeble, she does not @ct the p@rt she w@s hatched for @t @ll
                                ES: Yes, I know you h@te it when I cite @ belief in our twisted c@ste system, but @s the lowest in the c@ste, it's quite ingr@ined into me. hopefully my new moir@il can help with th@t ;P
                                ES: But the thing is, I @m h@ving trouble telling whether this @nnoyance with MI's person@lity is purely @ product of my ingr@ined belief in the c@ste system, or the blossomings of full bl@ck feelings for her
                                ES: I @dmit, she is not the only one I've felt a bit of @nnoy@nce tow@rd. LG and FM I also r@ther dislike for their person@lities @nd m@nnerism, more so th@n MI, though @s they @re both hum@ns, I doubt they would reciproc@te such @ foreign concept to them @as bl@ck rom@nce. But if they @re open-minded enough hum@ns to consider it, I m@y need an @spistice to intervene, perhaps SF. she seems r@ther built for @uspisticism
                                ES: Which is @ctu@lly @ relev@nt point in your issue @s well, Str@ki.
                                ES: P@ is a hum@n, so even if she returned your feelings, she likely would not @ssoci@te them with bl@ck rom@nce. or rom@nce of @ny sort, not unless she w@s a very cultur@lly open-minded hum@n
                                ES: LG totes to be quite the rel@tionship expert, but I doubt he is f@mili@r with troll qu@dr@nts. perh@ps there is @nother troll in our clique who is well-versed in emotions and qu@dr@nts?
                                ES: @h, but I @m @fr@id I neglected to @nswer my moir@ils origin@l question
                                ES: The hum@n I @m h@ving cle@r red feelings for...
                                ES: Luk@n Owens
                                ES: Though you likely know her @s @L, @rtisticLoon
                                ES: We sh@re quite a few simil@r interests, @nd something @bout her just seems
                                ES: Well, n@tur@lly inviting to me
                                ES: We h@ve even done @ video c@ll or two together, @nd while I c@n't @dmit to h@ving @ thing for hum@ns, even I c@nnot deny to myself th@t she is
                                ES: Well, @ very unique-looking hum@n, is @ll I feel comfort@ble s@ying
                                ES: *sigh*
                                ES: It's h@rd being a young, pubescent troll in the throes of blossoming rom@ntic m@turity
                                ES: It's h@rd and no one underst@nds
                                ES: Well, except for moir@ils I suppose
                                ES: ;P

                                FA: I hop= I will b= a suitabl= =xampl= of r=b=llion against th= cast= syst=m.
                                FA: My blood dictat=s that I should go into th= brooding cav=rns and t=nd th= Moth=r Grub. I hav= no such plans and would rath=r b= cull=d.
                                FA: So, AL? As far as th= humans go, I find h=r th= most b=arabl=.
                                FA: Sh= seems to b= th= most compassionat= towards trolls and our plight.
                                FA: Unfortunat=ly I hav= many shortcomings as a moirail.
                                FA: I hav= n=v=r =xp=ri=nc=d flush=d f==lings, so I cannot advis= you as to th= b=st cours= of action.
                                FA: H=r= is what I sugg=st. Off=r to b= h=r s=rv=r play=r. Or vic= v=rsa.
                                FA: And th=n I can conn=ct with you so that w= might b= abl= to =asily communicat= during th= gam=.
                                FA: This way you will b= abl= to find a good tim= to t=ll h=r how you f==l and I will b= abl= to h=lp you, as any good moirail should.

                                ES: yes, th@t is a good ide@, Str@ki. I will @sk her to be my server or client pl@yer. th@nk you very much for t@lking me through this. you @re @ good friend, @nd @ good moir@il.
                                ES: I h@ve @sked her. the next minutes while I w@it for her response will be nerve-wr@cking
                                ES: it w@s h@rd to do, @nd I likely could not h@ve done it without your encour@gement, Str@ki.
                                ES: I @sked to be her server player, so m@y I ple@se be your client pl@yer, Str@ki?

                                FA: I would lov= for you to b= my cli=nt play=r, Hanzou. Though, I f==l I should r=mind you of my... t=chnological shortcomings.
                                FA: Ar= you absolut=ly sur= you want m= as your s=rv=r play=r?

                                She worried at her jade painted lip with her sharp canine teeth, much sharper and longer than the rest of her already quite sharp fangs. Being technologically stunted, Straki had not garnered much information about the game and the roles of server and client players except what she gleaned from the conversations among her friends.


Location: France - Aveyron - Straki's Hive - Straki's Respiteblock
Company: None
Mood: Concerned
Thinking: "I would imagine myself to be anyone's last pick for a server player."


Tree #1
[Grape Faygo Sixpack]
[Grub Jerky]xx[Grubloaf]
[Hostess Suzy Qs] [Human Slim Jims]xxxx[Redpop Faygo Sixpack]xxxxxxxxx

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Anxious Protagonist

8,525 Points
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Timid 100
User Image

                                xxxxxTwo keys that had not been there a moment ago appeared on her desk. Raisa picked up the keys and used them to free her Sburb disks from her sylladex. Apparently it was time for her to use them, but she would still wait to join the game until everyone was set up. She inserted the server disk and let it begin loading. In the mean time, she got up and began corralling her rabbits back into their pen. She did not want to have to babysit them while she was playing Sburb with her friends. From what she could tell she would have control over MI's environment and the last thing she needed was to ******** everything up because she had to stop one of the rabbits from tearing up the carpet as a ploy to get attention. It took a few minutes, neither of them ready to go back in, but they settled once inside their enclosure. She made sure they had plenty of food and water before settling back down in front of her computer. Pesterchum was flashing with more messages from LG.

                                Show Pesterlog
                                -- pastimeAggrievances [PA] began pestering lethargicGenius [LG] at 09:08 --

                                PA: how much do you know?
                                PA: wait. that implied there's something to know.
                                PA: ******** hell.
                                PA: great. first sentence and i already ballsed it up.
                                PA: might as well drop a goddamn meteor on me.
                                PA: gonna have to give the president a call or something.
                                PA: "mr. president there's a meteor coming sir."
                                PA: "oh yeah, how big is it?"
                                PA: "it's the size of Texas, sir."
                                PA: "oh s**t!"
                                PA: or, "how big is it?"
                                PA: "its the size of New York City, sir."
                                PA: "oh s**t!"
                                PA: "sir, i'm afraid the comet is the size of your mom's d**k."
                                PA: "oh snap!"
                                PA: "sir, are you familiar with Jupiter?"
                                PA: "you mean like the planet?"
                                PA: "yeah."
                                PA: "well it's that big sir."
                                PA: "hmm, that sounds pretty big. i have a question: is it Jupiter?"
                                PA: "yes sir, Earth is literally under seige by planet ******** Jupiter."
                                PA: "oh s**t!"

                                LG: lol
                                LG: okay first off mate
                                LG: you know these are chat logs right
                                LG: emphasis on logs
                                LG: im smart enough to know you were hoping i didnt catch that
                                LG: as amusing as your analogy was mate
                                LG: i can always scroll back up
                                LG: but to answer your question
                                LG: i didnt know anything mate
                                LG: until now
                                LG: so little pa is pining or waxing or whatever red for mi eh
                                LG: you do realize shes the heir to troll royalty right mate
                                LG: do you actually plan to be her knight
                                LG: dont get me wrong stranger things have happened
                                LG: but do you honestly think you have a shot with a modern day princess
                                LG: seriously i was just ******** with the both of you
                                LG: though i have to admit id imagined you both making out more than once
                                LG: i take it you really do swing that way eh pa
                                LG: to be honest i swing both ways myself
                                LG: equal reader of hunk rump and busts r us mate
                                LG: though to be honest hunk rump and black inches are much better reads than busts r us and cats paw
                                LG: kinda like how gamegrl and gamegrub are better than gamebro
                                LG: anyway dont worry your secrets safe with me mate
                                LG: blimey i could even be someone to talk to about your feelings mate

                                PA: it was less an analogy and more of a desperate monologue.
                                PA: and you think i don't ******** know that?
                                PA: that my chances are about as low as they can possibly get?
                                PA: i mean, she just completely glazed over what you said. like it didn't even ********' happen.
                                PA: not sure what sort of feelings there could be to talk about.
                                PA: wait. wait a minute.
                                PA: are you trying to do one of the quadrant things?
                                PA: what the ******** was it called?
                                PA: morayeel or some s**t like that.
                                PA: the pale one.
                                PA: well... at least your goals are realistic.

                                LG: ********
                                LG: sheila you are one flighty broad
                                LG: but lucky for you im an insufferable p***k
                                LG: so wed be perfect more eels or whatever
                                LG: but thats not my goal here mate
                                LG: consider me your personal cupid
                                LG: i think you and mi have what it takes to hit it off into some sloppy troll-human lesbian snogging sessions
                                LG: i just dont think itll happen without a little push from a certain aussie
                                LG: now I wont do anything distasteful like flat out telling her your feelings or anything
                                LG: then itd be forced and wouldnt happen naturally mate
                                LG: but tell ya what
                                LG: i know youre skeptical about getting relationship advice from a perverted aussie like me
                                LG: so if mi pms you in a minute or two to talk about my comment in the group chat
                                LG: you have to be my client player
                                LG: deal?

                                PA: я, возможно, не гений, но это не займет один, чтобы понять, вы, очевидно, играет с загруженных кости.
                                PA: fine. you've got a deal.
                                PA: though i can't help thinking you want me to be your server player so that you can watch two girls get their mack on without having to pay for it.

                                Raisa took a moment to think further on the subject and just how much she disliked the possibility of having LG watch her while she was potentially courting MI was... disgusting. She could appreciate that the Aussie was in touch with his... lewdness. But that did not mean she condoned being a device for his pleasure. But, at the same time, he was at the very least moving things along with them. Which was good, because she was sure she could be trapped on a meteor hurtling through a vast void full of monsters at the speed of light for three years and never work up the courage to try to move things along with her crush. So, she supposed she could take whatever help she could get. After just a few more moments, as LG had told her, MI sent her a private message. She could feel her heart racing as her eyes got a little too wide watching the fuchsia text fill the window. She was talking to her. She was talking to her. She was talking to her. Okay. Just...

                                Just play it cool.

                                ==> Knight, Play It Cool

                                Show Pesterlog
                                – meekInheritor [MI] began trolling pastimeAggrievances [PA] at 9:45 –
                                MI: Um... H-Hi, PA...
                                MI: Uh... I-I promised you a translation of our alphabet, right...?
                                MI: Er... H-Here you go...
                                MI: http://tinyurl.com/l6w2dgo
                                MI: Um... I-It should be noted that our text is read from right-to-left and bottom-to-top...
                                MI: Uh... A-Aside from that, it’s very similar to your Roman alphabet...
                                MI: Er...
                                MI: ...
                                MI: Um... I-I’m Lilika, by the way. Uh... L-Lilika Aquary.
                                MI: Er... I... haven’t actually told anyone of our other friends my real name yet...
                                MI: Um... I was afraid it would lead the empress’s enemies to me...
                                MI: Uh... K-Kinda silly, now that I think about it...
                                MI: Er, I...
                                MI: ...
                                MI: Um, heh... Uh, LG is pretty crazy, huh...?
                                MI: Er... u-us... crazy about each other...
                                MI: Um... Y-You know he’s actually imagined us snogging...?
                                MI: Uh... Heh... Y-Yeah, he’s a total male...
                                MI: Er... Th-Though I can’t say the thought is entirely outrageous...
                                MI: redface

                                PA: гадят христос. она говорит со мной. она на самом деле разговаривает со мной. ждать. Что она предполагает? это она подразумевает, что она хочет сделать из. о, Боже. ждать. Я должен играть ему остыть. ебать.
                                PA: i... i mean, sorry. it's still really early here. i'm not much of a morning person so i tend to forget what language i'm speaking sometimes.
                                PA: thanks for the... uh... the alphabet.
                                PA: oh, um. my name is Raisa. Bolanov.
                                PA: Raisa Bolanov.
                                PA: i don't think it's silly. i mean, that's an actual possibility for you.
                                PA: now, i mean... if, like, i said that. then yeah, it'd be pretty silly.
                                PA: and... um...
                                PA: вы намекаете, что я думаю, что вы намека--
                                PA: i mean... are you... uh...
                                PA: are you implying that...
                                PA: that is... that you're not
                                PA: opposed to the, uh...
                                PA: prospect?

                                ==> Nailed it.

                                Her face was so red. She could feel the heat flush over the whole of her face and her ears. Raisa's hands shook over the keyboard, staring at the familiar fuchsia text.


Location: United States - Alaska - Bolanov Residence - Raisa's Room
Company: Maya and Krolik
Mood: Embarrassed
Thinking: "Святое дерьмо."



[The Child Garden] [Flamas Doritos] [Bottled Water] [Hostess Ding Dongs] [Kvass] [Partially Eaten Hostess Sno Balls] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

In a relationship with Lukan Wolf

Generous Bookworm

8,825 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Bookworm 100
User Image
Blessed are those who cry...
For they shall be comforted.

Troll Princess
Shy Exhibitionist

Lilika Aquary

Wow, Lilika’s face was bright fuchsia right now. If she were out in public, anyone familiar with the Hemospectrum would be able to tell her royal lineage. She couldn’t think straight! s**t, was she speaking Russian? Why was she speaking Russian? Who did that?

Much like a Seer about to consult a Magic Cue Ball, an Heir decided to consult a Seer.

Show Pesterlog
-- meekInheritor [MI] began trolling lethargicGenius [LG] at 9:48 --


LG: thats good
LG: im happy for you
LG: what is she saying

MI: гадят христос. она говорит со мной. она на самом деле разговаривает со мной. ждать. Что она предполагает? это она подразумевает, что она хочет сделать из. о, Боже. ждать. Я должен играть ему остыть. ебать.

LG: ...

LG: im not telling
LG: its hilarious though
LG: what exactly did you say to her
LG: without caps lock


-- meekInheritor [MI] ceased trolling lethargicGenius [LG] --

Okay, back to Raisa. It seemed while Lilika had been talking to LG, her flushed crush had been typing away. She gave it a quick read...

And her head promptly exploded in a burst of steam from her ears. By then, her prongs were moving on their own.

Show Pesterlog
– meekInheritor [MI] began trolling pastimeAggrievances [PA] at 9:45 –
MI: Um... H-Hi, PA...
MI: Uh... I-I promised you a translation of our alphabet, right...?
MI: Er... H-Here you go...
MI: http://tinyurl.com/l6w2dgo
MI: Um... I-It should be noted that our text is read from right-to-left and bottom-to-top...
MI: Uh... A-Aside from that, it’s very similar to your Roman alphabet...
MI: Er...
MI: ...
MI: Um... I-I’m Lilika, by the way. Uh... L-Lilika Aquary.
MI: Er... I... haven’t actually told anyone of our other friends my real name yet...
MI: Um... I was afraid it would lead the empress’s enemies to me...
MI: Uh... K-Kinda silly, now that I think about it...
MI: Er, I...
MI: ...
MI: Um, heh... Uh, LG is pretty crazy, huh...?
MI: Er... u-us... crazy about each other...
MI: Um... Y-You know he’s actually imagined us snogging...?
MI: Uh... Heh... Y-Yeah, he’s a total male...
MI: Er... Th-Though I can’t say the thought is entirely outrageous...
MI: redface

PA: гадят христос. она говорит со мной. она на самом деле разговаривает со мной. ждать. Что она предполагает? это она подразумевает, что она хочет сделать из. о, Боже. ждать. Я должен играть ему остыть. ебать.
PA: i... i mean, sorry. it's still really early here. i'm not much of a morning person so i tend to forget what language i'm speaking sometimes.
PA: thanks for the... uh... the alphabet.
PA: oh, um. my name is Raisa. Bolanov.
PA: Raisa Bolanov.
PA: i don't think it's silly. i mean, that's an actual possibility for you.
PA: now, i mean... if, like, i said that. then yeah, it'd be pretty silly.
PA: and... um...
PA: вы намекаете, что я думаю, что вы намека--
PA: i mean... are you... uh...
PA: are you implying that...
PA: that is... that you're not
PA: opposed to the, uh...
PA: prospect?

MI: *ahem*
MI: Um... I-I mean... uh... I-I admit, I can’t say I haven’t, er... e-entertained the idea of... THAT...

[********, what were you saying, Lilika? WHAT WERE YOU SAYING?!

You might as well have just hopped into her lap and starting eating her mouth, or at least you might as well have told her that’s what you wanted to do!

Her strong, toned, peach-colored lap... and soft, plump, pink, Russian lips...

Lilika slapped herself as hard as she could. Gog dammit! You were blowing this in your own head!

==> Seer Heir: Consult Magic Cue Ball Seer

Show Pesterlog
-- meekInheritor [MI] began trolling lethargicGenius [LG] at 9:51 --


LG: from what i know of troll terminology
LG: rumble spheres are tits
LG: and as tempting as that is since youve got a nice full set of dds
LG: im gonna have to pass on that offer
LG: regardless how much ill hate myself for passing it up

LG: Um... H-How do you know my cup size?

LG: do you really wanna know
MI: Uh... N-No, I guess I don’t…
MI: Er... B-But why won’t you talk me through this?

LG: think about it mi
LG: if i told you exactly what to say and when
LG: itd be me courting pa and not you
LG: and shed be falling for me
LG: not you
LG: if she really does like you
LG: then you need to be yourself mate
LG: not read a script from some perverted aussie

MI: Um... I... I guess I never thought of it that way...
LG: im smarter than I let on mate
MI: Uh... Y-Yes, I’m... beginning to realize this...
LG: bout bloody time ya wanker
LG: now get in there and be yourself
LG: go after that d
LG: or v rather

MI: Er... H-Huh?
LG: nevermind
LG: human terminology
LG: just be yourself
LG: if shes really into you
LG: shell find any nervous slip ups you make either comforting or endearing

MI: Um... R-Really?
LG: you bet mate
MI: Uh... H-How do you know such much about red romance?
LG: lets just say its a human thing and leave it at that
LG: or aussie thing
LG: or guy thing
LG: or you know what
LG: ******** it
LG: call it a casper shelby thing

MI: Er... wh-who?
LG: thats my name mate
LG: now get in there and be yourself
LG: or ill block you until i think your courting is done

==> Heir: Be yourself

Show Pesterlog
– meekInheritor [MI] began trolling pastimeAggrievances [PA] at 9:45 –
MI: Um... H-Hi, PA...
MI: Uh... I-I promised you a translation of our alphabet, right...?
MI: Er... H-Here you go...
MI: http://tinyurl.com/l6w2dgo
MI: Um... I-It should be noted that our text is read from right-to-left and bottom-to-top...
MI: Uh... A-Aside from that, it’s very similar to your Roman alphabet...
MI: Er...
MI: ...
MI: Um... I-I’m Lilika, by the way. Uh... L-Lilika Aquary.
MI: Er... I... haven’t actually told anyone of our other friends my real name yet...
MI: Um... I was afraid it would lead the empress’s enemies to me...
MI: Uh... K-Kinda silly, now that I think about it...
MI: Er, I...
MI: ...
MI: Um, heh... Uh, LG is pretty crazy, huh...?
MI: Er... u-us... crazy about each other...
MI: Um... Y-You know he’s actually imagined us snogging...?
MI: Uh... Heh... Y-Yeah, he’s a total male...
MI: Er... Th-Though I can’t say the thought is entirely outrageous...
MI: redface

PA: гадят христос. она говорит со мной. она на самом деле разговаривает со мной. ждать. Что она предполагает? это она подразумевает, что она хочет сделать из. о, Боже. ждать. Я должен играть ему остыть. ебать.
PA: i... i mean, sorry. it's still really early here. i'm not much of a morning person so i tend to forget what language i'm speaking sometimes.
PA: thanks for the... uh... the alphabet.
PA: oh, um. my name is Raisa. Bolanov.
PA: Raisa Bolanov.
PA: i don't think it's silly. i mean, that's an actual possibility for you.
PA: now, i mean... if, like, i said that. then yeah, it'd be pretty silly.
PA: and... um...
PA: вы намекаете, что я думаю, что вы намека--
PA: i mean... are you... uh...
PA: are you implying that...
PA: that is... that you're not
PA: opposed to the, uh...
PA: prospect?

MI: *ahem*
MI: Um... I-I mean... uh... I-I admit, I can’t say I haven’t, er... e-entertained the idea of... THAT...
MI: Um... N-No... I’m not opposed to the uh... p-prospect of... er...
MI: S-Snogging…
MI: With you…

==> Nailed it

Location: United States - Hawaii - Lilika's Hive - Lilika's Respiteblock
Company: No one
Mood: Embarrassed beyond belief... yet again
Thinking: *dirty thoughts... yet again*
Wearing: Nothing redface

Blessed are the meek...
For they shall inherit the Earth.


Page One: [~ATH Manual] [Data Structures for Assholes] [Fifty Shades of Gray] [Hentai Manga] [ ] [ ]
Page Two: [Faygo (cola)] [Muscle Milk (chocolate)] [Aquafina] [Kickstart (cherry)] [ ] [ ]
Page Three: [Trail mix] [Chewy Bars] [Beef Jerky] [Hostess Twinkies] [ ] [ ]
Page Four: [Sburb Beta - Server Disk] [Sburb Beta - Client Disk] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Page Five: [Empty Box] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Chatty Gatekeeper

13,865 Points
  • Advent Attendee 50
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Noble Shade 100
Taidox Yakigm

User Image
Sighing at the logs the quiet troll wanted to beat the others heads in. It annoyed him greatly the way MI always typed with such low confidence. He swears that if the troll was right next to him he could feel the lack in waves. Not only that these ... acquaintances are... in... great... need of... tea? That train of thought... .

Moving the husktop away from him he slams his head down on the counter. Hard.


---- Draconian Dignitary [DD] Starting trolling ConfidenceoftheGuard [CG] ----

DD: Hello there.
DD: I see you didn't heed my warning.
CG: YeS. YoU CaN SaY ThaT.
CG: PleasE TelL ME.
CG: WhY ArE YoU SO AgainsT ThiS... ?

DD: Well it's because you are going to end the world as we and you know it.
CG: IS TherE A ReasoN WhY YoU CoulD NoT HavE TolD US/ME ThiS EarileR?
DD: You cannot honestly expect me to do that now can you?
DD: Besides it needed to happen.
DD: Now, go get your shitty tea ready and open the ******** game.
CG: Aho.
CG: FinE.

He hated talking to this character. Every time he showed up it gave the tea maker a headache. Sipping yet another bitter brew he contemplates. 'It seems the current quadrents that were gossiped about where mostly red.' MI and the PA being the popular ones. SF for now doesn't seems to be in anyone's zone. LG would have garnered some black attention from the females, yet again nothing to base it on. It should be noted though SD seems to kind of wax black for LG. He could see them now, if the human could actually handle the crab that was. Rolling his eyes at the stupid shipping chart he constructed in his head, the troll sighs once again.

Closing his eyes he let the darkness behind then consume him. A small smirk crosses his lips suddenly. Outside of the subtle hiss of venom corroding his hive things were quiet. Blindly gabbing the fish that he had gutted from where they lay. Logging them he makes sure to add flints and a few other items to his sylladex. Knowing what DD said he didn't really feel like having such issues of not finding these later.

===>Try not to piss anyone off again
'Acorrding to the others, I'll be needing a server and client player. I wonder who I haven't pissed off too much yet. There is always BT... he seemed nice enough. Also he was pretty sure he had yet to totally piss him off.'

Pulling up a private chat he messages the other.
----ConfidenceoftheGuard [CG] has started trolling beastlyTracker [BT]
CG: HellO TherE. HoW ArE YoU ThiS EveninG? OR RatheR, Ni hao ma?
CG: SO I AssumE ThaT YoU ArE CatchinG UP ON WhaT IS HappeninG?
CG: I WaS WonderinG, SincE WE NeeD A ClienT AnD ServeR PlayeR, WoulD YoU LikE TO BE EitheR OF MinE?
CG: AlsO DO YoU EveN UnderstanD Ping-yinG? OR MandariN? ThaT WaS RudE OF ME TO AssumE. xin lỗi.
CG: 你好嗎?

Grimacing a bit at the wording he hopes the other will understand. It isn't hard to offend people now a days. SD was the best, Taidox could not remember what it was but he had accidentally brought up a sensitive subject around the crab.

forgottenMelodies [FM] began pestering group Chums4Life [C4L]
[FM]: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
[FM]: User Image
[FM]: It's gone, gone, baby, it's all gone
There is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
It was cool cool, it was just all cool
Now it's over for me and it's over for you
Well it's gone, gone, baby, it's all gone
There is no one on the corner and there's no one at home
Well it was cool cool, it was just all cool
Now it's over for me and it's over for you~
[FM]: I believe the world is burning to the ground
Oh well I guess we're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
Well I, believe, it all, is coming to an end
Oh well, I guess, we're gonna pretend,
Let's see how far we've come~

ConfidenceoftheGuard [CG] began Trolling Chums4Life [C4L]
CG: WelL IT SeemS ThE SongS MaN IS BacK.
CG: SO SunshinE, CarE TO SharE AbouT ThesE DisK?
CG: AlsO, FA AnD AL. WhilE I FinD ThaT SpeecH LovlY, I ThinK ThaT WoulD HavE LookeD NiceR IN A PrivatE ChaT. JusT TO StatE ThE ObviouS.
CG: FM I HopE YoU ArE NoT MakeinG AnotheR SonG ReferencE.

FA: Don't worry SF.
FA: I am quit= sob=r now, court=sy of my lusus.
FA: It s==ms that most of us hav= r=c=ived our copi=s.
FA: I b=li=v= w= should b=gin sorting out whom will b= whom's s=rv=r play=r.
FA: In my unprof=ssional opinion.

suffererDisciple [SD] began trolling Chums4Life [C4F] Group
[SD]: i 6id y9u all g99d m9rning, 9r g99d evening, depending 9n where y9u live.
[SD]: i see that m9st 9f y9u have received the game.
[SD]: have server and client players 6een assigned yet?
[SD]: i’m guessing that the answer is n9, c9rrect?
[SD]: i’m free f9r either 9ne. any takers?
[SD]: and FA, y9u are pr9ud tr9ll. partaking in ine6riating su6stances is un6ec9ming 9f y9u. when things like that happen, y9u sh9uld keep y9ur head held high, n9t hurt y9urself in such a way. when y9u c9me d9wn 9n y9urself, the 9ppress9r wins.
[SD]: als9, LG, st9p teasing MI and PA.
[SD]: tr9ll r9mance is a difficult thing, and sh9uld n9t ever 6e c9nsidered as a j9ke.
[SD]: n9w leave them al9ne OR GOG HELP ME, I WILL ******** TRACK YOU AND TEAR YOUR DAMN ARMS OFF AND ******** BEAT YOU WITH THEM. DO I ******** MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ********?
[SD]: 9h, and 6ef9re i f9rget, CG, lighten the ever l9ving ******** up. n9 9ne likes a d9wner.

SF: FM! SD! hi!!!
SF: well CG; it looks like well need to partner off into servers and clients in a chain between all of us
SF: SD!!! you wanna be my server player to start us off??? Pwetty pwease??? emotion_kirakira

AL: Do any of your know anything about this server and client player stuff?
AL: I can’t quite remember if that was a part of the game sweatdrop
AL: So could someone please fill me in?

ES: The unoriginal song lyrics and disruptive imagery of FM, as well as the lewd inspirations of LG, aside, I shall disclose further wisdom to you in solitude, AL, about the electronic entertainment we shall imbibe into our souls.
[SD]: greetings SF.
[SD]: i see that y9u are as 6right and chipper as always
[SD]: as f9r the matter 9f 6eing y9ur server player, i accept.
[SD]: yet y9u will have t9 wait till the first disk has finished l9ading, al9ng f9r the sec9nd 9ne t9 l9ad t99.
[SD]: i w9uld like t9 have the game fully l9aded 6ef9re starting anything.
[SD]: n9w that my client play has 6een decided, wh9 shall 6e my server player?

SF: yay!!! SD!!! sure, thatll give me time to load my own discs! Ill send you a PM when it’s done <3

---- ConfidenceoftheGuard [CG] started trolling Chums4Life [C4L]
CG: HellO AgaiN YoU AlL.
CG: I HopE YoU ArE WelL.
CG: SD-san, I ShalL TrY. AlsO CongradulationS, YoU anD SF WorK WelL TogetheR.
CG: FM, WherE DO YoU KeeP GettinG ThesE PictureS FroM? AlsO DO YoU HavE AnymorE FlutE MusiC?

===>You are an Aho...
You agree with the earlier statement.

*[Teapot] *[Ashes] *[Matches] *[Tea box x3] *[Flute] *[Knife] *[Gutted Fresh Fish] *[Flint Stones] *[Bandage] *[Troll!One Peice Manga Set] *[Ho-Ohs] *
* * * * * * * * * * * *

Location: My Tho, Vietnam
Company: Chimera-mom
Wearing: Red collar, slacks, monocle,
Mood: Contemplative

Lukan Wolf

In a relationship with Cyberweasel89

Sweet Mage

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Lukan T. Owens
Sylph of Blood

                                    Location: My own home - My friends :Company

                                    Lukan switched to Straki’s widow when it popped up. Though as she read the jade blood’s reply, color left her as her heart filled with dread. Lilika’s life was in danger. One of her friends’ life was in danger. She had to back from the computer to for a moment to absorb all that. Because...s**t. There had to be something she could do. The current ruler of the trolls couldn’t just assassinate someone of equal standing. Hell, she couldn’t just assassinate anyone! This wasn’t the dark ages, there were laws against that. Weren’t there?

                                    She needed to take a step back or she would become hysteric. She opened iTunes before. took the headphones that lay next to the computer and plugged them in. She put them on and clicked on her ‘Melodies’ play list, which had nothing but soft soothing music. She let the gently music wash over her, letting her mind go blank as her worry and fear was washed away. Once she was calm enough, she went back to Straki’s window.

                                    Show Pesterlog
                                    furtiveAdvocate [FA] began trolling artisticLoon [AL]

                                    FA: I apologiz= if I am both=ring you.
                                    FA: I would just lik= to say thank you.
                                    FA: Typically th= humans, as w=ll as th= highbloods, t=nd to ignor= th= things I say that ar= not of th=ir imm=diat= int=r=st.
                                    FA: That b=ing troll civil rights.
                                    FA: So, thank you.
                                    FA: I apologiz= for what=v=r cru=lty or coldn=ss I hav= shown you in th= past.

                                    [AL]: There’s no need to apologize.
                                    [AL]: You’re my friend, you can talk to me whenever you want to.
                                    [AL]: Well you’re welcomed dear 3nodding
                                    [AL]: Well they’re teenagers, and most teenagers don’t find politics interesting, nor do they pay attention to them. Even I must admit that find politics very boring sweatdrop Yet I do try to stay informed.
                                    [AL]: It’s only one more year till I can vote, so I better know what I’m voting for.
                                    [AL]: Then you’re welcomed again sweatdrop
                                    [AL]: Don’t worry, you don’t have to apologize.
                                    [AL]: Humans have been real mean to you, so of course you would be wary of other humans. It’s completely understandable.
                                    [AL]: Just be glad that you’re becoming more openminded, that you understand that not all humans are bad.
                                    [AL]: It means that you’re becoming wiser and stronger.
                                    FA: B=caus= of my jad= blood, I am tr=at=d b=tt=r than most trolls.
                                    FA: I appr=ciat= your kind words.
                                    FA: I do not blam= my human fri=nds for not b=ing int=r=st=d in politics, but it do=s not stop m= from unfairly r=s=nting them.
                                    FA: It is th= humans lik= you, with a s=ns= of =mpathy, that giv= m= hop=.

                                    [AL]: I see.
                                    [AL]: But doesn’t really seem far, that some trolls are treated better just because of their blood color.
                                    [AL]: It’s just as stupid as humans treating other humans differently because of their skin color.
                                    [AL]: It doesn’t matter what a person’s blood or skin color is, we’re no different from each other.
                                    [AL]: When we’re stripped down to the bare basics, we all are the same.
                                    [AL]: Well there will be people who don’t like what you like, or aren’t interested in the thinks you’re interested in. Sometimes you need to accepted that move on.
                                    [AL]: Everyone has problems, whether they be great or small. Yet no matter the size, a person’s own problems will seem the biggest to them. Everyone has their own voice, but sometimes other people’s voices can get over powered by theirs. So there will aways be people who struggle to be heard over the din of everyone else.
                                    [AL]: But a voice is just like a ripple, no matter how big or small, it spreads out to others. Like some say, it only takes one voice to start a revolution.
                                    [AL]: Well thank you very much.
                                    [AL]: And I too get filled with hope by the good people do, no matter how big or small the deed.
                                    [AL]: Though would you like to talk about it? The rally I mean?
                                    [AL]: But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

                                    FA: In dang=r of sounding lik= an advocat= of th= cast= syst=m, it is not corr=ct to compar= th= h=mosp=ctrum to th= diff=r=nt human skin colors.
                                    FA: Th= low=r on th= h=mosp=ctrum a troll is, th= short=r th=ir lif= will b=. MI will liv= probably for s=v=ral hundr=d sw==ps, wh=r= as I will probably only liv= for forty to fifty sw==ps.
                                    FA: Of cours=, th=r= ar= un=xp=ct=d variabl=s. For =xampl=, though MI could naturally liv= for six hundr=d sw==ps or mor=, sh= could also b= assassinat=d by th= =mpr=ss tomorrow.
                                    FA: Thos= low=r on th= h=mosp=ctrum ar= also mor= lik=ly to hav= psychic abiliti=s.
                                    FA: But I agr== that th= cast= syst=m is d=spicabl= and should b= =radicat=d.
                                    FA: As for th= rally... w=ll, it isn't what I would classify as polit= conv=rsation.
                                    FA: I suppos= I could giv= you th= short v=rsion.
                                    FA: =arly on th= polic= arriv=d and d=mand=d that w= disp=rs=. Wh=n th= prot=st=rs did not imm=diat=ly ob=y, th= polic= r=sort=d to forc=.
                                    FA: Th=y thr=w t=ar gas canist=rs and b=at many prot=st=rs with backjacks.
                                    FA: A T=al blood tri=d to prot=ct h=r mat=sprit and was shot for it. At l=ast thr== lusii w=r= kill=d as w=ll.
                                    FA: Th=r= w=r= probably mor= fataliti=s, but I hav= not tri=d to k==p up with th= n=ws of th= rally.

                                    [AL]: Sorry for the late reply sweatdrop
                                    [AL]: Hearing about MI’s life being in danger was kind of devastating to hear sad I needed a moment to take it in.
                                    [AL]: I really hope that she’s very well protected and hidden *is very worried for her*
                                    [AL]: Though I guess that it would be best to go back on topic?
                                    [AL]: Anyway, a person’s skin color can kind of somewhat be like troll blood color.
                                    [AL]: Depending on a person’s nationality, they can excel in certain areas. Like how Asians are really smart, or black people are the best at athletics. (Which sounds like BS to me. Not to mention, that’s stereotyping.)
                                    [AL]: Yet that is a very minor thing when it comes to troll blood colors.
                                    [AL]: (Though I didn’t know that some trolls lived longer or shorter than others because of their blood colors, but I did know about the powers.)
                                    [AL]: But if you were take away blood colors and qualities of them, everyone would be same. Hell, everyone is the same. I mean, when it comes down to it, we are no different from each other.
                                    [AL]: (I must sound like a broken record ^^; )
                                    [AL]: Oh dear lord eek
                                    [AL]: They really did that?
                                    [AL]: I can’t believe that they did that!
                                    [AL]: That is just horrible. They shouldn’t be allowed to commit such heinous acts.
                                    [AL]: There are laws against that.
                                    [AL]: There should be laws against that.
                                    [AL]: I feel so disappointed in my species mad

                                    She took another moment to calm herself, letting the music wash away her negative emotions. She knew that human troll relations were bad, she just didn’t know that they were that bad. It all just made her so made. They were in the 21st century. This kind of s**t should be happening. It was times like this that she felt some of her faith in humanity slip away. Man, some people...

                                    When was finally relaxed again, she moved to Honzou’s window.

                                    Show Pesterlog
                                    -- enlightenedShaodw [ES] began trolling artisticLoon [AL] at 9:30 --
                                    ES: hey there Lucky!
                                    ES: did you c@tch the l@st episode of TMNT?
                                    ES: you're so lucky (lol) to h@ve TV...
                                    ES: I h@ve to w@it @ few d@ys for someone to post the newest episode online...
                                    ES: but enough @bout th@t! which first?
                                    ES: TMNT
                                    ES: or g@me expl@n@tion?
                                    ES: ;P
                                    [AL]: Hello to you too Hanzou~
                                    [AL]: Yes I did, and man, it sure was crazy.
                                    [AL]: The turtles were finally able to rescue Karai, which wasn’t easy, and brought her to the lair where she and Splinter had a really touching father daughter moment.
                                    [AL]: Then the two, Karai and Splinter, had a heart to heart. But when everyone went to sleep, Karai tried to sneak out to get revenge on Shredder. Leo tried to stop her, but she tricked him and knocked him out with sleeping gas.
                                    [AL]: When she got to Shredder’s lair, he was waiting for her. They fought, but he easily beat her. He then brought her to this abandoned warehouse where he put her in a cage that suspended over a gain vast of mutagen the Stockman modified to turn all that fell int it would get turned into a snake like mutant creature thing.
                                    [AL]: I thought that he was going to mutate her, but it was all a ploy to lure Splinter and turtles and turn the turtles into snake like creatures that would kill and eat Splinter.
                                    [AL]: As soon as Splinter and the turtles get there to save Karai, a major fight broke out.
                                    [AL]: During the skirmish, Leo climbed up to the cage Karai was in to free her, but as he tried to pick the lock, Shredder lunged at him. The jerk tried to slash Leo, but hit the chain holding the cage Karai was in. So Karai fell into the snake mutagen while Leo and Shredder tumbled to the sides, falling on the floor.
                                    [AL]: A moment later, Karai was able to climb out, but was this white snake naga creature. Though as soon as she was out, Splinter rushed toward her to help her, but when she focused, she attacked him (because of instincts and all that). He was able to snap her out of it, but she freaked out and accidentally started a fire.
                                    [AL]: Soon after she ran off, both Splinter and Shredder tried to run after her, but they were pulled away (Splinter by the turtles and Shredder by his henchmen) because the warehouse had became unstable from the fire. And as Shredder was pulled away, he blamed Splinter for what happened to Karai (which really pissed me off because the whole thing was all his fault).
                                    [AL]: So the Splinter and turtles make it back to the lair all sad and chest fallen, but just as the episode was about to end, a small clip of Karai was shown. She was on top of roof and changed back into a human, but she had the eyes of a snake and bared snake like fangs while a forked serpentine tongue withered about.
                                    [AL]: It was one hell of a cliffhanger.
                                    [AL]: Anyway... redface sweatdrop
                                    [AL]: If you want to see that episode right away, I know of this site that posts new episodes the day after the original airs on TV. I could give it to you if you want?
                                    [AL]: You know, so you don’t have to wait.
                                    [AL]: Well since I already babbled about TMNT sweatdrop , I guess the game explanation then.

                                    ES: I would love to h@ve th@t link, Lucky! I h@te h@ving to w@it a few d@ys...
                                    ES: @s for the g@me, well, from wh@t I c@n tell from the G@meF@Qs guides, we'll be connecting to e@ch other @s server and client pl@yers
                                    ES: server pl@yers will be @ble to directly m@nipul@te the client pl@yers environment, @s well @s see them. It is up to the server @nd client pl@yers to work together to deploy v@rious m@chines and oper@te them for... some end, it seems. most of the guides don't s@y wh@t ex@ctly the purpose of wh@t we're doing, they only s@y wh@t to do.
                                    ES: uh
                                    ES: if you'd like, I would be h@ppy to be your server pl@yer. I trust you, @nd you @re in good prongs with me.
                                    ES: er, h@nds. sorry. troll terminology.

                                    [AL]: Sure thing, no problem.
                                    [AL]: You can find the site here
                                    [AL]: That site also has lots of other cartoons, along with a lot of animes, manga and animated movies.
                                    [AL]: I see.
                                    [AL]: So we have to tag team then? Though instead of just two people in a pair, it’s like chain.
                                    [AL]: Never heard of or seen of a game do that.
                                    [AL]: Though it’s too bad that the game guides don’t go any further.
                                    [AL]: Hmm...perhaps we should ask FM?
                                    [AL]: I mean, he’s given hints that he knows a lot about the game how to play it. So he might know.
                                    [AL]: Or at least I think he does ^^; He just so vague. I sometimes have a little trouble understanding him.
                                    [AL]: My server play?
                                    [AL]: Well sure thing.
                                    [AL]: I trust you.
                                    [AL]: Though...umm...please be careful with my art and be watchful with my cat. That little bugger has a knack for getting to trouble and finding all kind of places to hide.
                                    [AL]: Oh don’t worry, I got the gist of it.
                                    [AL]: And I do some troll terminology, but most of that is swear words. SD can be quite colorful when he get’s into one of his rage rants.

                                    Well that was a pleasant surprise. Now the issue of having a server player was taken care of, all she needed was a client player. But who to ask? Maybe Raisa, Atikus, Straki or Taotie? Or maybe not? Yet before she made up her mind, she should probably go check on the game. She was sure that the disk was done by now. Oh what do you know, it is. She ejected it and put the second disk in. Though as she waited for that disk to load, someone else sent her a PM.

                                    She brought the window and saw that it was Casper. What could he want? Not that she didn’t dislike him. He was pretty okay guy, even he was perverted. She just wanted to know what he wanted, so she read his reply. A server player? Might as well.

                                    Show Pesterlog
                                    lethargicGenius [LG] began pestering artisticLoon [AL]

                                    LG: oi
                                    LG: ill make this short and sweet mate
                                    LG: im an aussie in need of a server player and youre a sheila in need of a client player
                                    LG: i promise i wont perv you up or hit on you
                                    LG: heck we can even talk about sketching if you want mate
                                    LG: deal?

                                    [AL]: Sure, I don’t see why not.
                                    [AL]: Though if you persistently hit on me again, I’ll just do what I did last time.
                                    [AL]: I’ll either (re)introduce you to the wonderful world of yaoi, or just sic SD on you.
                                    [AL]: Actually, I think that I might just sic SD on you twisted
                                    [AL]: Might as well help him with his quadrants.
                                    [AL]: Since it does seems like he might be a little mean on you, if you get my drift xd

                                    Lukan knew about troll romance. She wasn’t an expert on it, but she knew enough. So she did know about black romance, even it she thought that it was weird. She got red, pale and ashen, but black seemed odd. Yet as to whether or not Atikus did have a black crush on Casper, she had no idea. It seemed like it. What with Casper tended to be the cause, or at least one the causes, for the troll’s “rage rants.” Though regardless of whether or not Atikus was black crushing on Casper, it would be awkward for the human boy, and she was very okay with that. Besides, it was about time Casper got a taste of his own medicine.



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