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SecretSinner91's Husbando

Vicious Titan

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§hðrï †êñþï Mårêê¢hï
†hê Whï†ê £låmê 𣠆hê £ïrê ñå†ïðñ
Location: Ding Dang Dim Sum outsideWith: Sol and KaitoMovement: Thinking, StandingFeeling: Antsy Song in Head: Imagine Dragons - WARRIORS

Shori's eyebrows twitched as Azar referred to him as 'Mr Spooky'. He despised the namely greatly, but when it came from Azar, he couldn't help but only shake his head and let it go. She, despite being through a little hell herself, was a fairly sheltered princess. Spunky one, but still a princess.

"The fire lord's orders override your fathers, sadly. I had to be an 'elite escort' for one of the senators. Clearly the agents weren't cutting it. Your father has no call on what I say or do while I'm here, thankfully. The fire lord didn't give me a set date to be back, either." Shori shrugged as Azar gave her order to the waitress.

"Trio of runaways... Sounds like a magnet for trouble... I'm in." Shori said with a clicking of his tongue as he turned towards the waitress. "Uhm, would you mind tripling the order of largest meat slab, miss? I'll pay separately, but my friend outside is a... little bigger than Sol..." He didn't glance at Azar, who was probably rolling her eyes at his reference to Kaito, who was very large for a dragon partnered to any fire bender.

"You can't miss him, he's big and black... And has wings." Finally glancing back to Azar, Laure and Aeva, bowing slightly as he straightened his sword which had shifted from his movements. "I take my leave, ladies." He completely ignored the referencing to Probending, having seen a few matches himself and becoming disgusted with the Fire Benders that he had seen. None of them were 'true to the fire', in Shori's eyes. To him, they were weak and should be taught a lesson in real Fire Bending, but sadly he or anyone else, hell, even Azar, would probably end up killing the poor blokes. Before leaving, Shori's eyes trailed Laure up and down, the perverse gears in his head taking notes before turning completely away and heading out the door, scowling up at Kaito as he and Sol still seemed to be conversing in their own tongue. Blinking, Kaito hurried back into the store, handing a hefty sum to the owner, who had come to see why two dragons were sitting outside his store front. It was only to cover Kaito's meal, but Shori didn't care that he had overpaid. Stepping back outside, Shori looked up towards the sky, his eyes narrowing. Something in his heart was telling him to get out of the city and go home, but the other half was egging him on, egging him to stay for whatever the future held. He hoped he wouldn't regret staying... Or pay with his life.

Phantom Pimpernel
0_o the irate pirate o_0
If you were to look at me now,what would you think
about me, living without you?
▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐Everybody finds love; In the end
N ox m a t t e r x f r i g h t e n i n g x i t x i s x I x w o n ' t x l o o k x a w a y
▐▐▐▐▐▐ ) If there's love at the end of everything

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                ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ S h i r o r y u u xx

                Republic City had been overgrown with foliage for many years. Greenery was ever expanding to encroach upon the tall buildings that made up the town's skyline. A rather large forest had sprung up and encompassed a massive part of the once industrial part of town. It now was home for various spirits and had lush springs of clear water running through them and tall trees scraping against the sky and matching some buildings in height. It was impressive to look at when coming into the city. Industry and mechanics coinciding with nature and greenery in harmony. Well, harmony was not the word to describe the happenings in the fame Republic City. Spirits and humans would clash against one another in a battle for land. The spirits wanted to reclaim what had once been theirs while the humans didn't want the forest to spread any further. Even the last Avatar, Korra, had been unable to stop the feud between the two sides.

                Many years had passed and a new Avatar had been introduced to the world and its problems. The forest was ever pushing against the boundaries of the mechanized society and today was no different. A large team of people were on their way with various machines to remove a section of the forest that had grown too close to a major industrial building. Another team was to cut down a part of the forest for a new section of a factory. The machines were revved up and were heading toward the tree line when the ground exploded next to one of the larger vehicles. A greenish-colored dragon lined with spikes flew high into the air. Three more of the same kind flew up from the ground, each bashing into one of the machines and tipping it over. The final dragon that flew up from the ground was far larger than the other four and completely white. It possessed red eyes as it roared loudly into the air before all five dragons went back underground and were now making tunnels to bury the machines into the earth.

                From out of the forest came a group of dragons. At the front of the pack was a four-winged dragon. On its back was a woman with a dragon mask and a staff. She raised it into the air and then pointed it down at the other group trying to invade the forest with their machines. A good portion of the group flew in the direction in which the woman pointed, determined to take out the human's machines. The rest of the group stayed with the four winged dragon and the person on its back. Air ships were soon spotted and the woman pointed the staff at the ships making the few dragons that were about half the size of an airship to attack the flying things.

                The girl lifted her staff again before pointing down near a large field of machines and metal. The dragons flew down toward the area before letting streams of fire escape from their jaws and melting much of the machines. The girl jumped off the four-winged dragon as a group of workers approached. She stood among the workers until one launched a large hunk of earth at her. Dodging it easily, the girl rushed the worker, punching him in various points of his body and immobilizing him and cutting off his bending. The others went down similarly to the first before she called back the four-winged dragon and got onto its back flying high into the air to overlook the city.

                - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                Location - Republic City
                With - Cloudjumper and the rest of her dragons
                Mood - Calm
                Music - Battle Theme
                OOC - woo! finally got Shiro's first post up - v - and yes I am using various dragons from HTTYD because they look awesome

Familiar Phantom

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((PRE-TIME SKIP since slightly loose end))

Aeva beamed at Laure's reply. "Of course! I would love that! If it wouldn't be too much trouble, that is." she said eagerly. One of the perks of being an artist was being able to make her own schedule.

To be fair, Aeva had not run away in the formal sense of the term. She didn't mind being lumped in with the "runaways" in the group, though. Her leave was approved of, but desperately needed. Where she had really run away was culturally. While today, she wore water nation garb to represent her loose allegiance at the tournament, she would normally incorporate more neutral clothing in her wardrobe, and even some cross culture items. For example, she had been surprised to find how much the reds of the fire nation had suited her, along with more earthy tones.

She could only watch in amusement and intrigue as Azar and Shori bantered. Clearly Azar came from important stock. It made her fascination with her painting all the more flattering. What had grabbed her attention the most was just how eccentric Shori looked up close. From afar, she had taken his hair to be a pale shade of blond, like hers. However, now she could see that it was full on white, as Azar had joked about.

After he left, though, her thoughts turned to meeting with Minaki. She eagerly anticipated what today might bring. Maybe she should get out of her work more often, if this kind of scene was truly what Republic City had to offer.

((On with the show!!))

.••´´¯``•• .¸¸.•´´¯``•.¸¸.••´´¯``•• .¸¸.•´´¯``•.¸¸.••´´¯``•• .¸
Location: Ding Dang Dim Sum With: Laure, Jian, Azar, and Shori Action: Eavesdropping on the fire nation people Feeling: Excited

0_o the irate pirate o_0

Dapper Raider

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                                                The hours had passed, and Minaki still hadn't gotten around to getting the Yuans for the bounty hunter. Not like she really wanted to anyway; it was just a way to get the bounty hunter off their backs. They had however managed to clear the White Lotus guard's name by establishing the corruption of the Dai Li and the reasons he had fled. They were on their way to the bank, rather slowly because Mina was stalling, when roars and explosions errupted a few miles off. Mina immediately opted for her metal cables, attaching herself to a banner pole several stories up. "Sorry Kye, but your payment's gonna have to wait. Duty calls!!!" She said, then launched herself into the air to land atop a building, leaving the rest to either follow or disperse. She saw a skirmish near the forests, however the creatures she saw fighting against the machines were ones she had never recognized as regular residents of Republic City's spirit forests. A quick evaluation of their fire breathing habits had it pointed out that she would be dealing with dragons; a concept she wasn't too fond of considering their enormous size and numbers.

                                                The Avatar reached into one of the large pockets of her cargo pants to pull out a folded glider staff. With a flick of her wrist, the staff opened and she was off like a shot toward the battle. As she neared the skirmish, she spied a figure, definitely not a dragon, that felled several of the humans nearby just by touching them. A chi-blocker... well this ought to be fun.... She thought to herself. Mina reached the scene and landed several yards away from the mysterious figure. "What's going on here?!" She said with a raised voice. Though her question was directed at the figure, her guard never dropped while she took great care to stay away from the person, as well as the beasts nearby. She knew better than to get close, considering the affects of blocking one's chi would have. She'd have to fight this person from a distance, if there was any fighting to be done.

                                                And at the rate of the wreckage caused by the creatures this figure had at their command, she was sure there would be plenty.

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                                                I know this city backwards and forwards. Underground Ring 】
                                                Thinking about how to maintain balance. Aw great... dragon attack by crazy dragon leader person... 】
                                                Calm is key, or else I could lose control Focused 】
                                                Who's with team Avatar? Syn, Kye, Akhilesh, Kyojin, and mysterious leader of dragons】
                                                Easy to move in so I can bend the elements properly! Warm and Comfy~

                                                ((OOC: Bleh... mondays + no coffee = crap post... sorry))

                                                Sola est rex


                                                Toxic Interior

                                                Awkward hug

Ruthless Demigod

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Ursa of the Black Flames

The sun was casting down the shadow of a dragon upon the citizens of Republic City, as well as one of its enemies. Ursa sat on a city bench, a cigarette in her mouth as she peeked from under the straw hat atop her head. There we multiple dragons in the air, a woman riding one and what seemed to be the Avatar. More targets for her to take out, which brought a smile upon her face.

She stood from her seat, standing between crowds of people running away in fear. Her hat began to burn away in a black flame, and pointing her finger at a dragon attacking machinery, a combustion shot firing towards it in an attempt to kill it swiftly. If Ursa knew anything about killing dragons, which she did, making them suffer was much harder than making humans suffer.

Greedy Codger

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『Dhara Desai』

Company? Shiroryuu, Minaki, Ursa
Location? Republic City - Spirit Wilds
Health? 85%

The sounds of fighting coming from the direction of the Spirit Wilds alerted Dhara to the attack currently taking place there. Though she wasn't exactly the type to jump into other's business, she had been left disappointed by today's competition at the Underground Ring. After Syn, she had only engaged in one more fight, a firebender who had believed himself strong enough to melt her sand into glass. While he had been able to crystallize a few of her smaller attacks, he was defenseless against her more powerful techniques, finding himself unable to do more than heat the waves of sand before they battered his body.

With high hopes, she turned in the direction the sounds were coming from, her hyena badger, Nzenza, trotting alongside her on his leash. She had been taking him on a walk, as he had spent the morning cooped up in her apartment, which tended to lead to destroyed furniture if she didn't cure his stir-craziness. It seemed as though the battle had attracted Nzenza's attention as well, and within a few strides, he was outpacing his owner, pulling on his leash, urging Dhara to move faster.

She obliged with her pet's wishes, and broke out into a full run, cutting her arrival time to half of what it would have been. She was glad she had been prompted to move faster, as the scene she arrived in was one she wanted to join in. There were dozens of dragons hovering above the Spirit Wilds, attacking some heavy machinery that Dhara recognized to be the machines used to clear away vines when they spread to far. Not bothering to wonder where the dragons had come from, she immediately launched into the offensive, knowing that her only real hope of being able to defeat a dragon was to catch it by surprise and then press the advantage.

She kicked off her shoes, to better allow her bending, and with a quick ankle twist, pulverized a large area of the street she was standing on. With two quick jabs, she sent two spears of the sand arcing directly for her chosen target's eyes, hoping to blind it. While her attack did not work as intended, the dragon's reaction produced interesting results. It let loose a belch of fire at the projectiles, melting them to molten glass. Unfortunately for it, this did not stop their approach, and in fact, the molten glass cooled into spears of glass, still headed for it's face. Unfortunately, Dhara's aim was slightly off, and instead of blinding the beast, it was pierced directly below it's eyes. "That has got to hurt...."

The dragon reared back and roared in pain, sending a plume of flames up into the sky. Dhara used the dragon's flinching against it, sending a third, larger spear of sand directly towards it's exposed stomach, while it was unable to see anything below itself. The third attack collided as well, splashing against the beast's armored underside, as it did not have the same penetrating power as the it's glass counterparts. Dhara briefly considered the benefits of teaming up with a powerful firebender for future dragon-hunting endeavors, but quickly discarded the idea, as there were very few who could match the intensity of a dragon's flames. Despite the less-than-lethal nature of the attack, the blunt force was more than enough to push the dragon several feet upwards in the air.

Nzenza made a series of growls and laughs, letting the world know that he was less than pleased with this turn of events, especially the part where the enemies were flying, and he was unable to eat them.

Sola est rex

0_o the irate pirate o_0

Awkward Hug

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