dajert's Prince

Versatile Vampire

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xxxxx ▰▰▰ TOKAKI ▃▃▃▃

LOCATION: Konan COMPANY: Elsje MOOD: Really confused xx

▰▰▰▰▰xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBut things changed... Suddenly
▰▰▰▰▰xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI tab lost tab my tab dreams tab in tab this tab disasterxxxxx

                    Under the shade of the tree was the perfect relaxing place on a hot sunny day much like this one. He wasn't in the most comfortable of conditions, still having his jacket and long boots on. Also still having his rather large metal box-like holsters attached to his sides with multiple blades sitting in it's pockets, and the handles to his two double-edged blades attached to the two closest to his sides for easy access... just in case. The male continued sketching as time passed by; only taking his eyes off the paper to look up and ahead at his clear view of the meadow before him. When the picture seemed done, he kept adding details here and there, he never seemed to be completely satisfied with his drawings, but often found himself having to force a cutoff time. Otherwise he'd ruin the picture with too much detail. As he was adding the final details, he heard the distant sound of footsteps. Ryoku wanted to turn his head and see what it was. Maybe it was an animal sneaking up on him? But the footsteps sounded soft, so he figured a small animal perhaps, and decided to ignore it. Maybe if he ignored it, it'd go away. His small-gray pupils focused back on the drawing, hoping whatever type of animal it was, it didn't find him interesting enough to pursue. After a while the sound stopped and he went back to his drawing.

                    Suddenly, something rather large plopped down right next to him. Was he really that inattentive to not notice another human being sitting right next to him!? Without hesitation in one quick motion, he flipped over the sketchpad with his right hand and reached for his blade on his right side with the left, while turning to face his pursuer who was mere inches away from him. He didn't pull the blade out more than a few inches, but in that quick moment, he could have, and she could have thought he was going to, but he froze. As he stared at the person next to him his mark on his right collar bone started to irritate him and his senses all went to focus on her heart. This was something that happened when his powers activated and he was zeroing in on his opponent's weakness. But it was strange, because she didn't have a heart murmur, or a weak cardiac condition. It was almost like the powers were focusing on her feelings. Strange. Small gray hues moved up to her face again and his shoulders relaxed as his mind began to focus... she had said something... when he thought on it, he was able to put together what she had said in that blur of a moment, even if his mind had cut it out while the action was taking place... she had complimented his drawing. He turned his head to look at the folded up sketchpad in his lap and opened it to the page he was on with the meadow. He stared down at the drawing as the woman made herself comfortable next to him, as if unfazed, or maybe completely unaware of how dangerous the situation almost got. "All that work must make you famished. Why don't you take a break and eat a sandwich?" It was the woman's voice. Ishi-Ryoku looked up at her to find that she had a basket of food and was handing him a bite to eat. By now the male was completely confused and didn't know how to react to anything anymore. She acted even stranger than most people do. So she randomly approaches him and sits next to him, and now is trying to feed him? That growl at the pit of his stomach couldn't lie, he was starving~

                    Hesitantly, the lone drifter reached for the basket and pulled out a small piece of bread, eyeing the girl the entire time, then took a bite from it. Wow. He was starving. Right now, this was perhaps the best piece of bread he's ever had. The ravenette began to relax around her a bit more and took his eyes off her to look out at the small pond on the other side of the meadow while he ate. "My name is Elsje Raske, by the way, pleased to meet you!~" again his attention was brought back to the auburnette as she offered a never ending smile with her introduction. He let the strange female's introduction hang for a while before he responded. "... ... Ryoku." His voice was monotone, but not emotionless. He was a bit curious by this woman, that even he couldn't deny. Plus, she was feeding him, and he hadn't keeled over to any possible poison yet, so...

                    After a few good minutes of the two of them eating in silence, Ryoku Shinrai looked over at the peculiar auburnette who's smile couldn't seem to quit. He wasn't one for conversation, let alone initiating it. But he had too many questions. Besides, she was technically the one who started it by approaching him... But for some reason, he didn't want to talk. Just sitting here and eating in silence seemed peaceful enough. But the drifter's curiosity was getting the better of him. "Why are you feeding me?" There were probably more polite ways to say that, such as "thank you." But Ishi-Ryoku's way of speaking to people wasn't the best, often coming off too blunt. Despite how his words may have seemed careless and cruel, his curious expression was anything but. The male couldn't wrap his head around this woman's behavior, and what's more, her never ending smile. For a moment, he thought of another smile like that. A woman with blond hair and beautiful dark eyes. She was always smiling, and it warmed his soul to see that welcoming smile every morning. But it's been twelve years since he's seen that smile; he had almost forgotten what it looked like. Not liking the similarity anymore, Ryoku turned away so he didn't have to face Elsje Raske anymore. As she explained, or even if she didn't, Ryoku packed up his sketchpad and put it in his travel bag. He then brought one knee up to his chin and leaned his head against it, looking off to the opposite side of the strange Elsje girl. After a few moments, his eyes caught on to something. He started to straighten up. If Elsje Raske was still talking, he no longer heard it. Tired looking eyes narrowed as he squinted to try and get a better look at what looked like a freak storm forming far too quickly. "... What the hell?" For some odd reason, the quiet male was feeling driven to go and check out whatever it was. Not thinking twice, he teleported.

                    However, it would seem he didn't do it alone, apparently Elsje had put her hand on his shoulder, because she was pulled with him. He's teleported many times, but he's never done it with another person, nor had he tried to this time. All the unknown variables in this situation caused the male to loose a bit of control and fall forward once he reached his destination, with Elsje toppling over him as well, still holding on as she was. As the two of them crash landed on the cold hard and wet floor, under the rain clouds that had formed, Ryoku was able to just barely see a carriage speeding off in another direction. He was feeling the urgent need to chase after it... but apparently this female on top of him weighed more than he did... or was at least taller than him, which made it difficult for him to push her off even if he did decide to try to.

And I got no power I'm standing alone, No way
xxxxx⇉⇉ Cɐlling tab out tab your tab nɐmə

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