A few changes...
5 mi. inland from the Normandy beaches

Juliet looked down at her daring Romeo from her balcony perch and said, "How camest thou hither, tell me and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, and the place is death considering who thou art, if any of my kinsmen find thee here."

"C'mon, Private, MOVE!"

Suddenly, Juliet was struck down by a sniper's bullet. Frozen, Romeo stared up to where his love once stood. He soon joined her, as more hot lead came flying in from behind.

"Damnit, Glenn, we'll die here if we don't get out!"

It was a small room of a small house, but all of Hell's fury seemed to fit inside it. The loud cracks and bangs of a full-fledged war were just beyond the windows. Captain Foley turned away from Glenn to faced Lucifer in his earthen form, and filled him with a handful of .45 caliber bullets from his Thompson.
He turned back to Glenn, "C'mon, Private, we have to get moving! We've been ambushed!" But Glenn, freshly awakened, could not move. "Damnit, man, the Krauts'll be filling this place with artillery as soon as they can!"

Foley thrust out his hand to help Glenn up, "WE HAVE TO GO!" Glenn, finally becoming fully aware of his surroundings, reached slowly for the captain's outstretched arm.


A sniper hit his mark, and Foley fell forward into Glenn's lap with red blood filling the hole in his helmet.

"Oh God... OH GOD! Captain! CAPTAIN!" Foley did not stir. "C'mon Captain, we have to get out of here, li-like you said!" Glenn was getting hysterical now, "We're gonna die, sir! We have to go!" As each attempt proved more futile, Glenn slowly began to realize the truth, "C'mon, sir," he said weakly, "we, we... have to g-get ou-out of h-here..."

His speech became incomprehensible, and he bowed his head.


Slowly, the battle ended. The victorious cries of American soldiers only increased as the defeated cries of the Germans began to cease. Pvt. George Allenby was the first to walk into the room. "Glenn? Captain?" He asked as he walked into the room, "You guys in here?" Glenn was still in the corner, mumbling. "Oh, did the captain fall asleep after all the excitement," Allenby asked, jokingly with a smirk on his face. There was no reply, so he tried again, "Hey, Glenn, did the captain fall asleep after all of that excitement?" Again, no answer. Allenby came closer, and he saw the truth, "Oh God... Glenn, are you okay?" Glenn looked up, his gaze distant, he began to mumble,

"With love's light wings I did o'erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me..."