The Gaia Community Discussion has always been a place meant for discussion and conversation about Gaia. However, sometimes people get lost or do not find the correct subforum. Recently there has been a rise of users posting in these misplaced threads simply to tell them they are in the wrong forum. This is not permitted, and will be treated as spamming.

We are taking this time to remind everyone of the proper way of handling misplaced threads. Posting in spam or misplaced threads while being off topic constitutes spamming, and anyone who does so is subject to receiving action against their account. Flaming users for misplacing a thread is still considered flaming, and anyone who does so is subject to receiving action against your account. If you come across a misplaced or spam thread, you should report it and leave it alone until a moderator can deal with it accordingly.

Please also note that if you see a misplaced thread with users spamming the thread, it is not necessary to report every single post, but to simply note in your report that it is not only misplaced, but users are spamming the thread, saving you time, but also getting the message across.