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[Theobaud Graves]

Without much reason to give a rats a**; Theo would spin himself in his stool to prop elbows on the counter behind him. Head dropping backwards so he might exhale a plume of smoke straight up.

"What? No? I just didn't want him around Ran... That worked out. Right?"

Then again sleeping for two days while a 'dangerous rapist' should be taken care of wasn't the best option. Then again it's not everyday one has to survive massive explosions in Chibi-form. Lord knows that cute voodoo witchcraft might have even had something to do with his survival. Who could say?

'And at this point I'd rather let a mortal learn if they won't be saved...'

When and if Karasu managed to kill Ran; there wouldn't be any standing business between Theo and the 'monster' that clearly need be put down.


It was early afternoon, at least, for Louie- in the darkness of his room he could never really tell when the daylight was out. Even though he did enjoy heat and things like that- he really did not like sunlight. It made things hard for him- a cold blooded creature- but over the years he had found other ways to get his body at a comfortable temperature. A nice bath, a cup of hot water, a warm body to wrap around at night.

There were other ways.

The door to room 20 cracked open and the Snakeman slithered out, clean and pleasant smelling, although still as naked as he always had been. It was fortunate to him that his manly bits were kept inside of him and were not flailing out to meet and greet everyone like other naked fellows. He thought it was a blessing, because he hated wearing clothes. Only in those realities and worlds where it was a punishable-by-death crime to not be clothed did he put things on, other than that?


He enjoyed the feeling of the old wooden floor beneath his scales, as he glided down the stairway from the second floor and to the bar level, his huge length of a body following suit. Since it was early afternoon, the Hooker was only slightly filled. For the first time in years he did feel out of place on Earth. The places he had visited were hotspots for people like him- monsters, creatures.. but he found that he was the only person that actually was something out of a book here.

"Hot water, missssssss bartender, yesss. And sssome meat. Any amount- jusssst be sure it isss raw." He said to the rather busty dark-skinned bartender, who squeaked nervously at the sudden appearance of the monster, and shuffled behind the bar and into the kitchen to fetch him his meal.

Louie made himself comfortable at the bar, resting his elbows on it, his body coiling around an up to his waist like an ever-moving kilt, trying to take up the least amount of space he could. As his meal was being prepared he idly thought about leaving the bar- although most times that was foolish; out there were people who were not used to him, and also.. what story could be written about walking through the streets?

No. He needed someone, he needed someone to show him around. A guide, perhaps.

So Louie waited.


Friendly Fatcat

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Priscilla de la Vallière

    I yawned as I stepped in front of the Bloody Hooker, I haven't slept in more than 2 weeks, jolly. I checked my reflection and fixed the loose strands in my hair. Composing my fabulous self, I walked in. It was quiet, but not very quiet. I'd sleep with anyone, but not a filthy drunk who came to the bar because they're losers who have no life and/or recently got dumped. They were scum. I sat at the bar counter, waiting for someone to address me. sigh... I'm really not a morning person.

    [[ Out of Condom ;; If you do decide to talk to me, quote me c: ]]

    Lonely Scamp


    Tenkai simply nodded and smiled at Bishop, pleased to see how much he had developed since he had first met him. Tenkai didn't consider himself to be a teacher in the same fashion as those who taught him, but he was always willing to give guidance to those who needed it. Bishop had already done quite a lot to control the anger inside of him, but it was always good to have someone to keep you on the right track, wasn't it?

    Still, there seemed to be a lot that still managed to trouble Bishop. Tenkai remembered the last time he spoke to him, warning him of where his rage may lead him. It seemed as if Bishop was finally starting to realize the meaning behind what he told him and how possible it really was. As much as that was a good first step, Tenkai did not want him to despair. He took his arm off from Bishop's shoulder and folded his arms once more.

    "In order to make a better future, you must first understand your past," said the monk. "The rage you feel no doubt stems from these very afflictions you speak of. When we are unable to forgive, be it others or ourselves, it's because we're unable to forget. We attach ourselves to those feelings of sadness, anger, hatred, and other emotions. These emotions cause us to suffer, and thus attachment brings about suffering."

    Tenkai turned to face the bar once more. "I have little doubt that your rage and your difficulty in forgiving these afflictions are caused by being unable to let go of your past. That's why I said that you need to understand your past first if you want to make a better future for yourself."

    Tenkai knew couldn't tell Bishop everything, though. The most powerful lessons are the ones we learn ourselves, and the truth behind the monk's words was something he would have to realize on his own. Tenkai could throw philosophy at Bishop all day, but he knew only some of it would actually sink in. Tossing words at people only made it easier for them to throw them away, but knowledge born from within could not be so easily cast aside. Tenkai just needed to point him in the right direction and, if needed, enlighten him when the time was right.

    "Maybe it would help if you told me more about these things that have been so hard to forgive?" the monk asked. Tenkai already knew about what happened with Bishop's unborn child, but it seemed as if Bishop had somehow come to terms with that during his fight. There were obviously other things, but Tenkai didn't mind if he felt the need for further resolution.
    "No wait."


    "Stop! Whoah whoah whoah!"


    "Hold on a min--"


    Garbage cans clattered, knocking over whatever contents it had, the walls of the buildings sandwiching the alley way would cause an echo, enhancing the impact. A garbage can lid was seen, rolling on its rim, exiting the shadows and into the streets where the thing would rattle to a stop. The cause of the sudden commotion was a young female. A whirl of unknown magic had returned her back into reality, the realm of Gaia. The femme fell a few feet from the ground, thus resulting her figure to land and roll off a few objects that came into view. Wing would be on all fours, a light groan would emit from her throat as the metal did not serve any cushion for her bottom. The reaper would lay a hand back to rub her bottom before slowly rising. Standing, the dark haired female began to pat away the debris that stuck to her, they seem to have come from the other end of the portal to which.. was now gone. Grimacing she peeled off a piece of parchment paper and tossed it aside. "No more visits." She said to herself in a low sigh. It seemed like the death angel had a few things wrapped up in her mind.

    Ever since the incident of the entire town becoming chibified, Wing had been away the majority of the time. She returned back home to the Underworld to bargain and make amends to her father, Death. With many days of hard work and hustling and bustling the reaper seemed to have gotten the deal nulled. The last thing she needed was him to return and make everyone wear cosplay costume, such a silly and ridiculous idea. Wing felt her shoulders slump, the air was lighter, something she was always more glad about. The Underworld had a thick miasma, despite her ability to live in it, she preferred not to. Her heels slowly took a turn, exiting the alley way and revisiting her eyes back to the natural light. Shielding her eyes with a gloved hand Wing bit her bottom lip, something was in her other hand, a small trinket. Her fingers would clutch it firmly. Seeing the town back to its normal but crazy routine she felt a bit less guilty about the whole entire 'chibi' incident. Speaking of which, she still had to find out who gnawed her ankles.

    Giving one last glance about the area Wing would begin her walk down the streets. Her thoughts filled with Damascus, wondering if he was alright. It was hard to keep him happy. Was she so unable to? Her actions seemed to speak louder than her words. Another tight grip was felt about the trinket. She hoped that she could and would , amend things with him as well.

    For now, her direction was leering nearer and nearer towards the Bloody Hooker.

    8,650 Points
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    For whatever reason, Debito had calmed down some and though she felt his hands touch her in that delightful manner making a map of her ribs with his fingers as they moved up, causing the woman to smile some from the vague massage before his hands fell away from her. "Maybe," She agreed, wondering if that would even help. She didn't even know what fishing wire was like, if it were metal or plastic or thread or what. She couldn't even sew really, but she didn't usually need to. She had people to do s**t like that for her. But the way the idiot smiled at her the way he did, she felt her resolve to leave him and continue with her buzz which had been ruined when whats his no-face made zombie freak out melt like a plate of butter under a good hard...

    Why would anybody use that to melt butter?...

    Cayula stepped back and rose a brow at the invitation, allowing him to take hold of her hand and start leading her off somewhere. "Huh? Uh, I guess, sure. You wanna take my bike, licky?" She said, pointing to the jet black beat up harley sportster sitting on the curb right there next to them. She looked at the man and a sly smile spread across her lips when a dirty comment couldn't help but spill from her mind through her voice.

    "But when you mount it, make sure you have a good grip. It's a wild ride." She questioned, tilting her face up and looking at him with amusement. Yula liked to have a little fun, and her humor hardly ever escaped her even in intense or soft situations. It would be easier taking the bike anyhow to wherever the other wanted to take her. Surely he could direct her where to go - because Yula sure as hell never let anyone drive Hetler sketler unless she was completely incapable or unconscious. Hetler was the only man in her life who she could actually depend on, Yula could not bear to defile that love by letting someone else fondle his clutch or press his pedals..

    Her's was a questionable relationship.

    Dangerous Survivor

    10,150 Points
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    There's the cold of wet cement, rough and gnarled like brambles. Scratching at his palms. Hunched over, Cloud breathes slowly, awareness settling in like the damp of the air, soaking into his bones. Leaving him chilled.

    Appearing much the same way he had the other day. Shimmer of light. Searing. Afterburn of sparks. He isn't standing this time, though, holding himself up, arms braced, fingers splayed across the jagged pavement of road where he's appeared. Curled on his knees. Stretch of empty street. He gets to his feet slowly, grimacing with the slow ache of weary joints. Muscles protesting. Looks around the expanse of pale grey and mist. Sky a static hue, like the interference on a channel. Sunlight cutting in and out.

    A yawn pries his lips apart, making his mouth gape. A prickle of a shiver traveling up his spine. Raises goosepimples along his arms. Hidden beneath the clothe of his jacket. There is no real rush to get to wherever he is going, he doesn't even know if Wing will be here this time. But she's shown his last two attempts, appearing like a summons.

    Cloud makes his way past glass fronts and empty buildings. Alleys that trail away into darkness. Silence but for the occasional cry of a gull overhead. The birds cart-wheeling over head, sending down splatter of white s**t. A gross sort of rain. Cloud hastens his step, if only to avoid catching the waste, and soon finds the familiar street. The building like some old decayed chest. Worn and lined with edges of grime.

    In past the front door, entering into the warm touch of body temperature and failing air conditioning. Chipped tile floor and peeling walls and ceiling. Cloud studies the sparse amount of furniture, makou-blue eyes gleaming in the shadowy light. Another yawn pushing his mouth apart.

    He is dressed down again. Jeans and a v-neck t-shirt. Dark, navy-blue stripped jacket, the zipper left undone to expose the cotton of his shirt beneath. Pale blue, like moonstone and lavender. Sneakers a simple design, clothe stitched.

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    Luca "Debito" Kross

    Her bike? The man's gaze turned to the side and settled on the motorbike. He swallowed hard. He'd never been on one of those before. Was he afraid? Maybe just a little. Nervous was more like it.
    What if they got into an accident? What if he fell off? He imagined himself lying on the road in pieces. Debito shuddered.
    He preferred to walk, but biking would be much faster. The man also didn't want to aggravate Yula by seeming so pathetic, as usual.
    "Yeah, sure...."
    He gave her a forced smile.
    He approached the bike with a child's curiosity. He got close to it, examined it by both standing and crouching.
    "You sure... this thing is safe?" He slowly mounted the bike, making sure to sit near the back. "Like this?" Idiot. He didn't seem to get Yula's joke. He was more concerned with staying alive.
    ....Did that even make any sense?

    "It's not far. Down the road a few minutes... The closest cemetery in town." Debito felt himself getting excited. He loved the night and he loved graveyards. He felt a sense of belonging.
    Wing found her footsteps leering towards the familiar path, coming right to the Bloody Hooker. She paused and frowned only to feel the insides of her cheeks, pressing against her cheeks softly. Would she find Damascus? It was almost nearing dark, she may as well stay at the bar for now. She hadn't the chance to visit Damascus at the hotel, due the pure fact that her father had kept her down in the Otherworld for quite some time. Hollow thoughts of those past few days became nothing but blanks, gaps of what could have been filled with between Wing and him. Pocketing the trinket the woman swung open the door. Amazed to see how the dwarves had fixed the man hole, Wing found the building hugging with light once more. She flinched, forgetting that she left her jacket back at home. The bare of her arms scratched against the splinters of the door, causing her to emit a slight tingle in pain. The slender body had on a white tank top and a pair of black jean shorts, her heels would grind down into the tiles, already wearing from age and use. Stepping in fully now she felt her eyes plant to the familiar blonde, Cloud.


    Her voice was more of a mere whisper, as if she was still attempting to shove the thought of Damascus off of her mind. Following him the dark haired woman latched her fingers behind her waist and came gliding to his backside, leaving an inch of space. She would veered her head to his side, a soft smile was seen as her eyes darted to his face above. Playful gesture really, she rarely did this but with Cloud, it was an exception. He was like a brother to her. Her long strands of hair would curtain to one shoulder side, she soon felt her feet relocate themselves, resulting the girl to stand beside him. Still, those red orbs laid upon him, glad to see him.

    "Coming for a drink today?"

    The reaper would ask, she planted her bottom against a table, her palms settling on its sides. Her eyes, still locked on him.

    Anxious Ladykiller

    Who The ******** Knows Where

    The trick to sleeping in a church was not to sleep on a pew overnight – not unless one wanted to be pointed to a shelter and possibly preached at. The trick was to go in the middle of the day, and learn to sleep while kneeling. Mastering this technique meant looking excessively devout, and almost always ensured sleeping uninterrupted. The perceived holiness of being able to 'pray' for five hours straight also made it seem less suspicious to loiter at the donation box.

    Nadine used her newly acquired twenty bucks to first buy another pack of cigarettes, because she had her priorities. Second came a trip to a bodega for a cucumber, which she ate in slices cut with her pocketknife. She'd not seen Smokey in about two days now, if she was recalling correctly; hadn't eaten in about that long, either. She was beginning to feel trapped in this dreadful city, like a bizarre nightmare. If she left one side and found herself walking back in the other, she would know for sure that she'd fallen into some kind of coma, and some a*****e hadn't pulled the plug.

    What she needed was to meet some new people around here. People unaffiliated with that bar full of assholes and psychopaths. This was what she got, for not mingling more at the beach party. Leaving with one person before the night was over was but one in a long line of mistakes she'd made since coming here. Aside from the primary mistake, which of course had been coming here.

    Nadine climbed a fire escape to the top of a corner apartment building, one short enough that she could sit on the edge of the roof while she ate her cuke and kicked her legs in the air. Possibly tonight she would find a club where she could grind against strangers and have drinks bought for her. Her remaining $14 would have to be held for when she could make it to a thrift store for more clothes, since Toda was holding the rest of hers hostage.

    She didn't turn on any music, didn't want the sound to drown out any sudden dragon appearances, but she did sing a little between bites of her vegetable.

    All of me... why not take all of me...

    Dangerous Survivor

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    And right on time..

    Wing appears, a presence gladly welcomed by Cloud. Long tresses of brown cascading over a sim shoulder. Brilliant carmine eyes gazing up at him. Immediately his thoughts travel to Tifa, how similiar the two girls are. Both in figure and in action. She's smiling, hands clasped behind her back, peeking. A curious child. Then she's settling onto the top of a table, palms bracing her perch. Fixing him with a question.

    Without realising it at first, Cloud finds himself nodding. Nonchalant. Shoulders twitching up in a reflexive shrug.

    "..Yeah," Mind slowly working on what to say. Words to communicate with. Silence ensues. Briefly. And then, "..I'm parched. And you?"

    Cloud cants his head with the inquiry, studying Wing. Lambent gaze searching. But she seems ok, if not slightly down trodden, but Cloud can't place reasoning behind it. Could be just tired. Disregarding the attempt to figure it out on nothing more than guess work. A hunch.

    Licking dry lips, Cloud stiffles another yawn, turning his gaze towards the bar counter and the array of glass bottles beyond, stacked neatly in the shelves like tightly packed assortments of jewelery. Pieces in a display case. Winking back the tainted bar's light.



    "It's an odd song." A voice would have wrung out, held different by the many of the city by the underlying hissssss at the end of each sentence."What'ssss it called?" The sound of a slippery, scaly body sliding against cheap concrete was next, and if she looked over her shoulder she might see the lengthy form of Louie the Snakeman slithering up to meet her acquaintance, his hips rolling and writhing endlessly to keep his long body moving, almost sensual in it's nature. The city was getting darker now- the last vestiges of the sun peering over the jagged skyline.

    Although, it was beautiful.

    At least, to him.

    His elbows met the ledge she was sitting on, looking out towards the city with a bit of interest- although it was very hard to tell. His face was nearly skull-like, and it would take a lot to wring out any expression from him."Vegetables, sssss. Uselessss foood. Should eat.. more.. meeeeat." He hissed out, looking up at the woman, his forked tongue flicking out as if to punctuate what he was saying. Afterwards he would give her a toothy smile. He had thousands of needle-like teeth shoved up in his maw.. though it was sweet, perhaps, the way he was smiling.

    "Sssssso." Said Louie, his famous beginning."What'sssss your ssssstory?"


    Anxious Ladykiller

    Red Paper Doll
    Who The ******** Knows Where

    aaaaaaah what the ******** is this

    “It's, uh – I'm pretty sure it's called All of Me. I think Sinatra sang it, once? A lot of people probably sang it. It's... an old song.” Calming her racing heart might take a minute, but she was civil enough not to let her company know that they were terrifying.

    Nadine had been looking for a dragon, but apparently she'd managed to find some kind of... snake man, instead. Snake person. She wasn't actually sure how sexual dimorphism worked in snakes. Possibly this was an independent snake woman, who didn't need no snake man. She finished off her cucumber, though she left her knife out and on her lap. Just in case.

    “Meat's expensive,” she explained politely, “so I don't usually bother with it. I'm more partial to fish, personally.” She was pretty sure that he was trying to smile and not bare his teeth at her, but she couldn't say what lead her to this optimism. Perhaps just that he seemed sociable, and had not yet eaten her face.

    don't make a joke about slytherin don't make a joke about slytherin don't make a joke about slytherin

    “My story?” She adjusted her glasses, furrowed her brow thoughtfully. He probably doesn't mean 'the third' “Do you mean why am I on a roof, or overall? For the former, I'm currently attempting to locate a dragon so that we may fly off into the sunset and towards adventure. For the latter... um. Just imagine a really great party for about fifteen years. The other ten don't really count.” She nodded sagely and lit up a cigarette.



    Louie took a look at her, then looked up at her forehead. She couldn't' see it- but he could. A halo of golden little words; the woman's life and times circling her blunt head every now and then, effectively her 'story.' This is how he saw things, apparently. Everything else was dull and of a faded color- but people's stories. Golden, could see them from a mile away.

    "Don't be ssssscared." He said first, as if reading her mind (he almost could). Placing a hand beside him, he raised a dead rat by it's tail and wrapped his mouth around it, sucking it in like a noodle.. a really big, furry noodle. Louie did indeed have the courtesy to turn away as he consumed the flesh of the creature. The sounds he made though.. it was like someone running a band saw through a frozen block of meat.

    "Yesss. Do not be frightened. I brought.. ssssnacks. Will not eat.." He nodded, sagely as she did, pointing at her."You."

    Louie moved up and extended himself over the edge of the building- hanging there above the street impossibly, or at least held in check by the rest of his mass keeping him there. He hissed at her in greeting and scooped beneath her feet, then appeared on the other side of her. She might've not known it, but he was surrounding her in a circle of himself, literally looping her into conversation.

    "Fissssh. Ssssso cold, where they live. The sssea. I hate water. I hate water." Shaking his head, looking out towards the docks. He stuck his forked tongue out in a long, malicious hiss at the body of water, like it could hear him.

    She would notice, at this moment, that the coil he loosely wrapped around themselves was moving, like it was endless. For that second he raised a brow at her, and laughed a little."That'ssss a boring sssstory. Not enough detail, even with the.. mm.. dragon."

    A pause.

    "I've got a penisssssss, you densssse human. Do you ssssssee titssss?"


    (Sorry for the wait.)

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