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After his sad, pathetic display of yearning and defense against everything that was going on, he just gave up way too easily. Probably good that she said no, a man with such little confidence would have hardly done more than annoy her to high hell. Bye bye, blondie. She watched him go, not too subtle with her eyes focused on a certain section of his retreating anatomy. "..Damn. Oh well." She sighed, sitting upright and drinking the rest of her blueberry vodka. "..You'd think with the kind of money this guy throws around he could afford an actual whore." She felt a little insulted, but figured she had best go find a place to spend the night where she wouldn't have to deal with some frustrating bullshit. If she had to bleed somebody tonight, it was their own fuel for ******** around with somebody they shouldn't.

Yula slid off the stool and blew a kiss to the bartender with a wave of a hand. "I'll be going then, sweets. See ya'," the woman wouldn't spend her money if she was more or less covered by blondie before he left, so she just walked casually out of the dingy bar and back outside to her bike which because of it's state of dysfunction, she had to walk down the block a ways until she found a motel with some space. Twenty bucks later, she had a place to stay.

Not that she enjoyed sharing her bed with rats... Much less cuddly than an actual body.

The next morning, she awoke to the sounds of whoever was next door screaming at whoever they were with. Apparently some argument about waking up with bruises she guessed, since it sounded like that. She had slept in nothing, as was most comfortable, and took a few minutes to take a shower under the dirty tap in the bathroom. Spray of perfume to get rid of that gutter smell, and she dressed in her clothes from the day before. Outside she grabbed her bike and decided she would go hang out at the bar a while after she dropped by a gas station. The tip took a good hour since she needed to gas up, then get the stuff she needed to get her bike to be happy again. She put it all in a bag, had some no-need-to-cook convenience breakfast and then rolled her bike down the block again to the bloody hooker. The sounds of cars on the overpass above always made her feel comfortable. Something about being one of the types that linger in the shadows, perhaps. The echo in the air was nice all the same...

Her mind blank with little vivid daydreams of that cute bartender and his delicious fresh blueberry drinks making her feel elated for the morning, Yula parked the harkey sportster outside on the curb and walked in through the doors. Not far into the place did the smell of strange food come wafting through with the indoor air and she felt a tinge of curiosity both in her head and her stomach. "Huuu... Something smells good as ********." She said clearly, approaching the bar with a smile and leaning against it. "Yo!~"

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                                          τøđąxxxxxx xxx xx x x x

                                              ►►►IT'S JUST A PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTION
                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxYOU CALL THIS LOVE? IT'S ONLY CHEMISTRY

                                                    Instructions were repeatedly nodded at and observed, and he attempted to store the information for later use. Maybe he'd force whoever was at his apartment to be his experiment subjects later on. "Sounds good. Pretty simple." Leaning back against the counter, he pulled his smokes from his back pocket and lit one. "Is Santos your brother then?" Fingers sifted through hair briefly, bangs brushed from eyes. Needed a trim for those, and soon. "I like superhero and comic book type movies. Not really big on all that mushy stuff and whatnot. I don't get it." That and horror movies scared the s**t out of him and he never understood the comedy ones, but he wasn't going to mention those bits. The fact remained that there wasn't a lot to choose from. Hazels rose to watch the man through a thin haze of smoke. "Why are you doing this? Working here? Is it because you miss a normal life maybe? I mean, you're not really the sorta creature that should need a job like this--" Pause. Head tilted. "Did you hear somethin'?"

                                                  LOCATION: kitchen MOOD: hungry

              [[OOC ]]

Invisible Genius

"Cooking isn't that hard as long as you remember to taste and watch. It is better to go slow than fast. You just have to be careful." He gave a little shrug, shifting the breasts a little with the spatula he had gathered. "Yeah. He is one of those types that will do anything for money. He isn't as nice as I am, but he gets what he wants how he wants it." He gave a little shrug, flipping the chicken in the pan. "Those really do tend to be good. Though I was very disappointed in Hancock." It was really nice to just talk about nothing with someone that seemed to be fairly nice. "Hm? I'm working here because it really does just link me back to those days back in the past. The circus is usually having the shows from dusk and on. But with all the time after that, I still need something to do. So might as well come here and do something that I really do enjoy." His footsteps were quick as he peered out the door to the kitchen. "Oh, hello there Yula. I don't know if it smells good as ********. I've always found that smell a little too musky for my tastes. We're making some food if you would like some." He offered, stepping back over to the stove. "Toda, this is Yula the customer. Yula, this is Toda the... I guess right now he would be the general manager without Red here."
Des was good this time. Before he left the estate, he made certain to follow his sire's orders and take a good, healthy stomachful of blood that would keep him full for a few hours. And he had been given a cellphone - his sire had no real clue how to use one, but Des having one on his person apparently put him at ease. Honestly, if Des was looking for a father in Master Lucretius, he'd say so.

The young fledgling vampire trotted down the streets of the city, humming a tuneless song and wondering if Yoru would be about. Well, if he was, he probably wouldn't treat Des very nicely, not that it would deter the fledgling. Des happened to like just about anyone who acknowledged him, so pushing and name-calling aside, Des thought of Yoru as a very good friend.

Once inside the Hooker, Des scampered over to the bar and plopped himself down on a stool. Des - or, Desiderio - was a notably pale young man with an expression of constant amazement. His eyes were borderline too blue. His hair was cut in the typical adolescent style, layered and cornsilk-yellow against his face. As usual, there was a slight smile on his face that never seemed to fade, save for when he was cautious and/or overwhelmed.

The author is doing a horrible job.

Des swung his legs lightly, holding the rim of the stool between his legs as he cast a curious glance around the main room. Perhaps there would be a familiar face.

Dangerous Businessman


Anxious Ladykiller

Nadine came down the steps of the Hooker with a cigarette hanging off her lip, her curls a bit frizzed from sleeping on a metal bedframe. Not that she'd slept for very long. The same yellow tank dress and tie-dyed thigh-highs as before – but luckily, Nadine didn't sweat much. And today, she had a plan. Come hell or high water – and both seemed equally likely – she was going to the beach. She'd like to go with Smokey, to teach him the basics of party, but she didn't know when he was going to get back from hunting. Was he like a snake? Did he only need to feed properly once a month, and then it would take forever to digest? Dragon physiology was a mystery.

She strolled straight from the stairs into the kitchen with single-minded purpose, finding her prizes in no time: hot dogs, buns, marshmallows, chocolate, crackers... and a six pack of something cheap. Obviously. Wouldn't be a party without booze. All these disappeared into her cavernous messenger bag. She grabbed a second package of hot dogs in case of dragons, without buns. It was too bad that didn't make specialized hot dogs the size of people.

Or maybe they do, and I just don't know where dragons shop.

She was going to have to hope that they'd find people at the beach – which she was confident they would. Nighttime at the beach – at any beach, anywhere – always included at least a few homeless, some teenagers, and some college kids trying to find somewhere safe to smoke weed and drink and makeout. It only took a few college kids for word to spread that party is happening, and then there would be all sorts of unsobering things, a radio, an acoustic guitar for some reason... and then maybe some water nymphs and merpeople would show up. Those ******** loved beach parties.

Yes. Nadine had plans.

She stepped behind the bar and grabbed a dark brown bottle, cracked it open on the edge of the counter, and started to chug. Had to get a headstart on the party mood, if she wanted the night to be a success.

Sparkly Phantom

N o v a

Mood: Song:

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The blonde saw how much lela's expression and mood changed as he was leaving. It confused him, maybe she was ashamed of how he acted...unable to catch what she had said, all he saw was the amazon maiden's lips move. The demon exorcist decided not to stay and figure out what she had said and slept outside under a pair of stairs again. A different pair, not the ones by Lela's motel, that would be certainly awkward if he were to see her again after what just happened

The blonde could have had Yula if he wanted, but he was much more concerned about his jealousy and pride….though he really regretted it after he left. Should of pressed on with the biker girl, she was quite attractive.
Under the stairs ready to sleep he saw the girl walk by, tempted to follow her man decided not to. It would be a bit creepy and the women would definitively say no if he did. Waking up, he put on his wonderful smelling colon and fixed his bed head and entered the bar once again right after Yula..still in urge.

The demon didn’t know why he returned to this wretched place….. probably because he didn’t know where else to go.
“Hello Ms. Yula. It’s so nice to see you again. I’m sorry about leaving so soon yesterday, hopefully today will be different.” Nova said leaning a little bit too close to Yula’s ear, licking the tips of it in a sexual way.

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Surprised that the brunette knew her name, she smiled some to the two and raised a hand to wiggle her fingers with a light-hearted "Hello beautifuls." Yula sat at the bar, relaxing and crossing one leg over the other as she leaned her forearms against the counter. "And hell yes I want some. A girl can't survive too long off top ramen and gas station snacks." She laughed a bit. "..But I guess I've been kind of dead for a while. If that were true, I mean." She admired the way the two of them had such pretty hair, and she with her taste of stupid nicknames would have called this man Toda blondie if she had not just called someone that the day before. "Hello Mister." She said pleasantly instead, deciding she would come up with a nickname for the spectacle wearing man eventually. another male came in from behind and plopped himself up on the bar. With an idle glance she noted how very damn blue his eyes were. Kind of like how a cat's eyes just seemed to be more than a color. Like they were full of... stuff. "We got more people rolling in, sweets~" Yula called aloud to the cook. "You should charge for your tasty ******** smelling food."

She watched with a mild amusement as the two of them started chatting some about past somethings of which she obviously had no knowledge of, and even smiled with some curiosity about the matter when the boy next to her said something raunchy and bold. He likely didn't notice he said it, either because he did not seem ashamed, nor was he giving Sweets that 'i wanna ******** your hair out' kind of look.

...the kind of look she could feel on her skin when another now familliar voice rang close near her ear. She sighed, her smile dropping as she stared at the wall, listening to who she knew must be blondie standing rather close behind her. It took all her experience and patience with pathetic man-whores not to punch the man in the d**k for daring to taste her ear. Her sensitive, tipped, pierced ears. After a quick decision not to beat him senseless, she gestures with her index finger to the stool beside her. "Sit." She commanded calmly and smoothly in a manner a real woman only could. No silly little c**-dumpsters with pink flirty lips and flowers in their hair could quite make a man kneel or crawl such as she...

"Have a drink blondie, let's chat. Maybe it'll loosen you up." She said, implying that he was way too formal for her tastes... Or for being in a bar in this particular part of town, any way. "Still fighting with your girlfriend?" She teased, waving her hand gently to get the bartenders brief attention. "Bluberry, sweets, please?"

Invisible Genius

Damascus stiffened slightly as he heard a new body in the bar and it had caused him to peer over the edge of the door way. He saw the little youngster of a vampire and his eyes narrowed. Yes, he was told to be nice to the little one. And yes, he was told to not be a grumpy pants. And finally yes, he was told that he was completely harmless, but that didn't mean he couldn't make faces. He looked back to what he was making and pulled the chicken off the burner, stepping out of the kitchen.

"Anything I can get you, sir?" He asked, tipping his head to the side as he stepped behind the bar.Yes, he was still dressed in his apron, but he could be the epitome of intimidation right now, right? Maybe. "Sorry I was all shouty when we first met." His arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the blond before him. "I was a little tense that night... As well as seeing as she and I have a feeding deal... I was a little touchy about it." He gave a little shrug. He knew that he should have apologized, it was the right thing to do. And it might put him in better standing s with more people.

His head lifted from the customer to Nadine as she walked past and into the kitchen. He heard a few things move about and then she reappeared, slipping behind the bar. "Well hello there, little miss." He said, tipping his head to the side as he spoke. "What are your plans for the night? Something fun I hope." He said, a smile on his lips as he did this. His hand moved under the bar, looking around for the tequila once more.

"Well, my sweet, you are in luck. I am the chef here at this little humble abode. I do sell sell all of my wares here." He purred, looking her over as he stood at the bar. "Would you like some of that ******** smelling food? Seven dollars for a full plate." He enticed, grinning at her as he pulled out the components for another vodka infused fruit concoction for her.

Anxious Ladykiller

She set the empty bottle down on the counter with a gasp of smoke. Yes, that seemed a good way to start things off. “Hello, No Más,” she grinned, being so considerate as to ash into an ashtray for once. “My plans tonight are to get sand and salt water in uncomfortable places, to do unspeakable things beneath blankets under the stars, and possibly to teach a dragon how to make s'mores. Depending on if the dragon is done devouring things. There might be white boys with acoustic guitars trying to impress me with sad songs, but only if I am very lucky.” She waggled her eyebrows and took a drag of her cigarette. “That's the plan, anyway. I am trying to assume that everything will not be ruined by horrible buzzkills.”

She eyed his cooking with a raised eyebrow. “I see Broomstick didn't burn the bar down! Did he actually help, or did you just let him lick the spoon?” Nadine had no interest in the pad thai; today was a day for burnt hot dogs. “Smells like you couldn't have ******** it up too bad, anyway.” She opened another dark brown bottle and stepped out from behind the bar, not wanting to be confused for someone useful when there were so many new people about.

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Luca "Debito" Kross

It was mid-day and Debito was sluggishly walking through the streets. The sun wasn't kind to him. Not one bit.
The clothes he wore certainly didn't help either. From head to toe he was covered in black. Black shoes, pants, and a long, black coat that came with a hood. The hood was up, and shading his face.
His hands were also covered in black gloves. In one hand he held a shovel that dragged behind him. The metal scraped along the concrete, beckoning bystanders to turn their heads and stare. The grave digger didn't seem to notice, though. Usually, he found himself staring at the human's that surrounded him, but he was far too hot to notice. Right now, he was in his own world.

Shade. Must find shade. Somewhere dark and cool.
His movements were slow and people passed by him, walking at a speed that was three times as fast as his own. The man was too busy staring down at his feet. He just needed to make them move. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot.... Stop. He heaved a sigh. He wasn't going to make it much farther.

Caw, caw, caw!

The man finally lifted his head. There were crows near by and they were started to hop towards him. He wasn't surprised, not disturbed by this. The black birds always seemed to be fond of him, like he was some sort of tomb stone. Actually, he sort of was a tomb stone... figuratively speaking.
One crow perched itself onto the grave digger's shoulder. The others were near his feet. One of them began pecking at his shoe. A sign, perhaps? Debito looked up further. The Bloody Hooker? Interesting... He headed inside, dragging his shovel behind him.

Des had actually been content to just sit at the bar and people-watch until his eyes fell out, but with his aura of blatant ecstasy, he was bound to be quickly noticed. When a lady at the bar examined him and then called out to someone elsewhere nearby (coherent phrase, I know), Des jumped a little in surprise and managed a faint blush with the new blood he'd procured from his sire. How was he supposed to be good and not cause trouble when people kept noticing that he... well, existed?

"N-No, it's alright!" he protested, "Really, I-" But then there was no chance to dismiss attention. The being from nights before - 'shouty man', as Des recalled - made his appearance at the bar, seemingly friendlier and welcoming. Well, all previous frightening first impressions aside, this was a fine spectacle of a man. No, really. Des blinked hard and found himself without a single clever thought in his mind as his eyes went from head to foot of the man in a swift glance. Then, he averted his gaze to the bar to avoid any other, less-than-discreet advances.

"You were alright," Des said quickly, managing his natural not-quite-smile again. "I promise you scared me none. I hardly remembered it." He swung his legs a little more, then moved to kneel on the stool's seat as if he were not the 5'7" young man he was. Resting his elbows on the bar counter and swinging his rear idly from side to side, he continued, "Besides, your mistress was pleasant and I quite enjoy you." It was an odd thing to say, and frankly unexplainable. And Des seemed to show no sign of embarrassment over it, either.

(( Please excuse any typos. xD I'm half-awake. ))

Invisible Genius

"That actually sounds quite nice. I spent the other night down at the river myself. If you bring a dragon with you though, I suggest having it make a hole, filling it with water and having him make you a little jacuzzi. It will make the water much more bearable." Damascus gave her a little wink. "Though it sounds like you won't be having me under a blanket. I'm neither a white boy, or have a guitar. Or know any sad songs to sing for that matter. Though I do wish you the best of luck with it." He laughed softly, pouring a shot of tequila for himself. "He actually made one all on his own, just from watching me. He did very well for his first time."

The vampire lifted his head, looking at the newcomer towing a shovel. His head tipped to the side as he looked him over. "Hello there. Welcome to The Bloody Hooker. Anything I can get for you, sir?" He asked, his smile returning to its default, pleasure to meet you position. All he wanted right now was to be have a comfy cozy cuddle time, but that wasn't about to happen.

His attention turned back to the cutsie little vampire. He was kind of adorable, perched on that stool. "If you are sure. I didn't want to come off too harsh." He said, picking up his shot of tequila and knocking part of it back, only to sputter at his words. "Oh, no no. She isn't my mistress. She is an old friend... A little more than that. But she isn't my sire. Or my mistress." He laughed softly, shaking his head some. "She is Wing... A different kind of thing from us... We suck blood... She sucks energy." Bah, all of his confused feelings about her came back to rear its head once more.

His attention went back to Yula, giving her a comforting smile. "Sure thing, doll. We've got a few other fruits too if you would so like." He added, mixing up the strong liquor with the muddled fruit. "I hope you like these." He said, taking another shot of tequila for himself. That trip to the beach that Dean was talking about was sounding better and better though. Some cool water and the moon high above them.
"Oh, no. Not too harsh at all," Des said promptly. In all reality, Yoru had said and done much worse to Des than just a brief glaring match, so all was forgiven between he and Damascus. In fact, Des was greatly intrigued by this vampiric fellow, having not met another male vampire in quite some time. Des spent most of his time secluded in his sire's estate, pestering him for attention and otherwise playing the part of a willful son, so contact with the outside world was rare - save for now. Now that Des had a better handle on his hunge, he was allowed out more frequently. Anyways, Des hadn't been interested in a stranger for a very, very long time.

As Damascus went on to explain the whatnots of his relationship with the Lady Wing, Des followed along with the proper 'ah's and 'mm-hm's of conversation. And all the while, he kept swinging his backside to and fro. Now, Des shouldn't be mistaken for a child. He was a fledgling, but he was also a young man. A mishap with his Turning had banished most of his important memories, which meant that not only did Des forget what the hell he was doing from time to time, but he also gave in to natural - i.e. childish - impulses. Like pouting. And swinging around his sweet little tush.

"So she is like your mate," Des stated, trying to understand. He smiled as if he really understood. "It must be nice, to have such a powerful lady with you. Shall I call her Life-vampire? Oh, but what a silly name. No, I shall call her Lady Wing, as it seems appropriate." He was muttering to himself now, but recovered. "But... what shall I call you? The Lady calls you Damascus and I am Desiderio. But Master calls me Des."

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Luca "Debito" Kross

Debito entered the room and was hit with a blast of cold air. Air conditioning. It was refreshing.
A single gloved hand lifted and pulled back the hood that hid his face. His hair, like the rest of his clothing, was black. His right eye was a very light grey and his left eye was covered by a black patch.
He continued to drag the shovel behind him, refusing to set it off to the side somewhere. He searched the room for a place to sit, but was caught off guard. He wasn't expecting someone to notice him, but it would have been hard to miss the grave digger. Debito jumped, his head turning quickly to stare at the man who greeted him. Debito bowed his head and lifted a free hand to toy with his black bangs. He was trying to avoid eye contact, not because he was suspicious, but because he was nervous.
"Hello!" He said in a surprised tone. Debito was used to sitting by himself, but it seemed like tonight might be different. "Actually... Do you have any meat? You... You don't have to cook it..." He realized how strange this sounded, but surely there had been far more stranger people than him.

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