Well, I kind of thought of having an insane psychic up against Ash, and then I thought, why bother with Ash? Also, nothing rude for I do not like it. I am open to suggestions, comments and such, but any rude or insulting things and I will report you as a harasser. Here's a bit of a full fanfic I hope to have up soon.
Krystal landed neatly on her feet, her mechanically enhanced ears searching for the heartbeats of guards. She heard nothing. Satisfied, she motioned for her team to follow. An Espeon led the way, closely followed by a Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Umbreon and Delcatty. All six Pokemon had strange markings on their fur.

"Do you see anything?" Krystal asked, her normally dark eyes glowing softly. The Espeon's eyes turned azure, and she scanned the area. After a moment, the Espeon's eyes turned dark again.

"No," the Espeon replied. "Are you sure you're feeling all right, Krystal?"

"Yeah, why?" the trainer turned down the hall, casually flipping a knife in the air.

"Well, you just seem...different," the Espeon replied. "I know that explosion hit you hard, but you healed quick and were for the better."

"I know who destroyed Serenade Valley and I'm going to kill him for it," Krystal snarled suddenly. Her soultwin stepped back uncertainly as the trainer disappeared around a corner.

"Moody much?" the Jolteon snorted. He followed his trainer. He stopped as quickly as his remark. Krystal was on her knees, clutching her forehead. Blood slowly dribbled from the old wound across her face, and the Espeon leapt forward, summoning her healing Morning Sun.

Don't touch me! Krystal snapped, her voice rising in two tones. One ancient, the other herself.

"Krystal?" the Espeon reached out with her mind, tears slowly flooding her eyes. "No...Krystanian."

Well done, Jewel, the goddess within Krystal smiled. Why do you never tell Krystal about me? You know she never remembers.

"She would never believe me," the Espeon replied softly. "Please, let her go. Now is not your time." A look of sadness crossed the goddess's face, and then she nodded once. Then Krystal was back in control.

"What happened?" she asked, then glanced at her hands. "Who'd I kill?"

"No one," the Flareon said gently. "Your wound opened up again. C'mon, if we want to kill Jared, then we had better hurry."

"Right," Krystal stood up and moved down the halls more quickly. Jewel could feel the goddess's presence, but it wasn't overwhelming like before. Krystanian was simply watching, waiting for her time to emerge.

It wasn't long before they reached the experiment lab. It was empty of both experiments and scientists. As they entered, the door shut silently behind them.

"Welcome Krystal," a deep voice said. She glanced up to find Jared standing on an expensive piece of equipment. A red-headed girl draped unconscious beside him. Krystal's eyes narrowed.

"Who's that?" she asked. Jared smiled at the unconscious girl, fondly stroking her bare skin.

"My girlfriend," he said. "She tried to turn me in for killing all those people and raping her. But you know that I can't allow that." He smiled at the assembled team. "I'm so glad you brought your Espeon. Many of the scientists have wanted to test a few things on her for a long time."

Krystal's power blazed around her. She growled, both a human and inhuman sound. Jewel pressed up against her soultwin.

"Die," Krystal said, her power influencing her voice. A large arm of dark blue energy shot towards Jared. He countered with a blood red arm of his own energy. "So, you have mastered the blood portion of your energy."

"And I'm powered up thanks to Monica here," Jared fondly stroked her skin again, and the girl groaned. "Pain and hatred and fear power me. She has plenty of all to spare." Monica opened her eyes, saw where she was and what was going on.

"That must be Krystal," she thought to herself, staring at the blazing blue figure on the ground.

Krystal's power flared brightly, and then Jared fell off the equipment. He landed with a bone-sickening crunch, but pulled himself to his feet. They never saw Krystal move. She ran forward, pulling out her sword. Before Jared could counter with his own blades, he felt the knightsword bite deep into his flesh. He leapt away, spilling blood as he moved. Krystal summoned a sphere of her power and threw it at him. He dodged it and it blew up against the back wall.

Suddenly, Jewel let out a horrible screech. Krystal turned, her power creating a shield. All of her team had disappeared except for Jewel, who was struggling with a scientist. He fitted a collar onto her, and she screamed in pain. Krystal sped forward, her power creating claws, but Jared blocked her. With a snarl of draconic fury, Krystal swiped at him. More blood, both his and hers, littered the floor. It was obvious that Jared was stronger, but Krystal was much faster. She kept teleporting behind him, swiping with her power at his neck or slashing with her sword. He countered each attack, but could never launch one of his own. The scientist dragged Jewel's unconscious form out of the lab, but not before Krystal got a knife of her power into his flank. She hissed a word and the scientist knew that she had poisoned his bloodstream.

The fight continued until finally, Jared fled. Breathing heavily, Krystal searched the lab for her opponent or Jewel. Finding neither, she sank to the ground with a choked sob. The rest of her team cautiously approached her.

"You tried," she said. "You tried to help me, but Jared created cages of energy for you. That's how Jewel was taken. I was so stupid to not see what he was planning."

"Yes, but you will make up for this mistake," her Vaporeon gently nuzzled her, projecting an aura of calm. "He will regret that he messed with your bond with Jewel. I promise it."

"For now," her Flareon sniffed in disgust, "can we get Jared's 'girlfriend' some clothes? She's grossing me out."

With a final sniff, Krystal gently lowered Monica down with her power. She also created clothes out of thin air, garbing the terrified Monica in them. Monica tried to thank the psychic, but she and her team were gone.