Welcome to Gaia! ::

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|| Guild Home || Owner's List || Certing Thread || Cert Dropoffs ||


xxx•••xxx 1 xxx ••• Intro/Navigation
xxx•••xxx 2 xxx ••• Updates & Announcements
xxx•••xxx 3 xxx ••• Rules
xxx•••xxx 4 xxx ••• The Pets
xxx•••xxx 5 xxx ••• Breeding
xxx•••xxx 6 xxx ••• Customs
xxx•••xxx 7 xxx ••• The City
xxx•••xxx 8 xxx ••• Current Events
xxx•••xxx 9 xxx ••• Feline Owner's
xxx•••xxx 10xxx••• Canine Owner's
xxx•••xxx 11xxx•••
xxx•••xxx 12xxx•••
xxx•••xxx 13xxx••• "The Lists"
xxx•••xxx 14xxx••• The Staff
xxx•••xxx 15xxx••• Sister Shops

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xxxxxxxxxx Updates

xxxxxxxxxx Announcements
01. 21. 15-[ Main Thread Creation ]-

We've begun to create the new main thread. We'll also be creating a brand new guild as well.
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General Rules ►
xxEveryone deserves to be treated with respect.
Even if you don't like someone, even if you disagree with their opinions, or even if you have some history that you all need to sort out- be civil. Don't make someone feel uncomfortable, harass them, insult them, or otherwise treat them badly. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated here.

xxOur staff members are able to act on their own convictions.
This means that the colorists reserve the right to refuse any project that they feel personally convicted against. Some of the staff will be more open to some things than others, please don't take personal offense. We will not force someone to use their artistic abilities to do something that makes them uncomfortable. This is supposed to be a happy place for all!

xxDo not alter, trace, edit onto, or 'heavily reference' from the artwork.
If we find any offenders of this rule they will be both blacklisted from the shop itself and reported to the gaia mods as art thieves. This is a serious offense against the original artist, the owners, and the shop itself and it will not be handled lightly.

xxKeep it clean.
Please keep swearing to a minimum. Please do not discuss the details of your bedroom activities. Please keep your political and hot-button opinions to yourself. We want everyone to be comfortable here!

xxDo not beg for a pet.
This means guilt-trips, subtle or none too subtle hints, and outright bellyaching is not allowed.

Role Playing Rules ►

xxDo not godmode.
This means your character should not be reading minds. You should not be imposing actions on someone else without their permission.

xxCharacter death happens- on the terms of the owner.
If you wish to kill off a character, that is your choice. However, you cannot impose death on another person's character for any reason.

xxIn-Character actions have consequences.
While we are allowing characters to be protected against forced mortality, for now, don't push your luck. If your character pushes another too far, breaks the rules of their culture, etc. they can be punished. If there is a line that needs to be drawn, feel free to ask a staff member.

xxStay within the confines of the setting.
There is crude technology but no one will be whipping out a cell phone.

F.A. Q►

General FAQ
xxxQ || Are cosplays allowed?
xxxA || Yes... to an extent. Edits are going to be more toned down than before. We're going to keep it to what the animals can make themselves. Cosplays also cannot retain the abilities, powers, and history of their base. And as a side note- cosplays have to be commercial characters like Superman or Batman, or original characters that -you- created. If we find that you have taken the original character of someone else, including individuals with webcomics, you could get into hot water.

xxxQ || What kind of edits are allowed?
xxxA || We'll have more details down near the customs, but the long and short of it is this: think the dark ages. We will allow things like scarves, shawls, cloaks, and pelts. There will be crude armor, baskets, satchels, etc. Things like cell phones, technological enhancements, and light sabers aren't in the scope of possibility. We're also going to have a loose standard for genetics. We don't want Pets running around with their guts hanging out, trees growing out of their faces, wings or multiple limbs.

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Growth time between each stage is 1 month!

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◘ Breedings are restricted to one adult ♀ and one adult ♂ only.

◘ Breeding between blood relations is restricted.

◘ A couple must wait for all offspring to reach adulthood before they can breed again.

◘ Litter sizes and genders are determined by a dice roll. Litter sizes are between 2-4 default.

◘ Colorists may choose to open custom-in offspring but they will cost as much as a standard custom and the offspring must resemble their parents or direct relations.

◘ Pets are unlimited in how many breedings they my take.

◘ Each owner can keep one default baby per litter. The rest must be given away. How this is done is up to the owners but the offspring cannot be sold or traded. If you have no idea how to give the remaining babies away, contact the shop and we can arrange for a shop-run event.

◘ Breedings cost 50k total. You can have one person pay it all or split the payment. So long as we get the full 50k, we don't care.

Important Breeding Links

Breeding Subforum | Breedings will open here!
Breeding forms are here!
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For any questions/concerns regarding cosplay customs, please refer to the Guide: Cosplays and you!!

- - - - - -

Costs || 200k for adult, 400k for pup/kitten

Reminders ||

xx• If you are wanting a custom of a cosplay, be sure to use the cosplay custom form!
xx• You will be PMed with your custom, rather than quoted. Keep an eye out!
xx• Customs (not custom-ins) will always be considered Gen 1.
xx• Put everything in one post, please! Organization, people!
xx• A visual reference is highly preferred, but not necessary.
xx• Please read below the cans and cannots for customs:

xxxxYou can...
xxxxx• Get a pet designed how you want within the constraints of the setting.
xxxxx• Get a cosplay.
xxxxx• Order a cosplay for a friend or yourself.
xxxxx• Get items that would be around within the time periods of the stone age to the dark ages.
xxxxx• Order as many as you can afford or however many it takes to fill up slots.
xxxxx• Get edits that elude to injuries or crippling states on your Pet.
xxxxx• Get a completely CC'd custom. (WIPs are not allowed for these, however!)

xxxxYou cannot...
xxxxx• Get markings that are phallic in nature.
xxxxx• Get letters or numbers on your Pets as markings. (Roman numerals and runes are fine. We don't want "Coke" on anything.)
xxxxx• Get out of setting items or edits.
xxxxx• Get edits that are not physically possible for the Pet to maintain. (On fire, trees growing out of them, guts hanging out, etc.)
xxxxx• Take the design of another.
xxxxx• Get mechanical components.
xxxxx• Re-sell your Pet.

Standard Custom Form ||
[align=center][color=steelblue][b][size=14]Standard Custom![/size][/b][/color][/align]

► [b]Basics •••[/b][size=9]
◘ [b]Gender:[/b] ♀ or ♂
◘ [b]Stage:[/b] (pup/kitten or adult)
◘ [b]Owner:[/b] (Your name!)
◘ [b]Pet Breed:[/b]
◘ [b]Starting Stage:[/b] (pup/kitten, teen or adult)


► [b]Specifics •••[/b][size=9]
◘ [b]Pelt color(s):[/b] (Please provide references if possible)
◘ [b]Pelt Marking(s):[/b] (Please provide references if possible)
◘ [b]Eye Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Nose Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Inner Ear Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Pawpad Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Claw Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Tongue Color(s):[/b]

◘ [b]Edits:[/b] (If applicable! Be sure to remember that each edit will bring its own expense!) ((**Please provide references**))
◘ [b]WIP desired?:[/b] (Do you want us to send a WIP first?)
◘ [b]Refs:[/b] [/size]

Cosplay Custom Form ||
[align=center][color=forestgreen][b][size=14]Cosplay Custom![/size][/b][/color][/align]

► [b]Basics •••[/b][size=9]

◘ [b]Gender:[/b] ♀ or ♂
◘ [b]Stage:[/b] (Cub or adult)
◘ [b]Owner:[/b] (Your name!)
◘ [b]Pet Breed:[/b]
◘ [b]Starting Stage:[/b] (pup/kitten, teen or adult)[/size]

► [b]Specifics •••[/b][size=9]
◘ [b]Cosplay Character:[/b] (Who is this a cosplay of?)
◘ [b]Does this cosplay exist?[/b] (Is this a duplicate?)
◘ [b]Images of Cosplay Base:[/b] (Images of who you're cosplaying)
◘ [b]Type of Cosplay:[/b] (Clothing as markings? Inspired by? Colorist Choice?)
◘ [b]How should we execute this cosplay?[/b] (Tell us how you want this cosplay to look.)
◘ [b]Pelt Color(s):[/b] (Please provide references if possible)
◘ [b]Pelt Marking(s):[/b] (Please provide references if possible)
◘ [b]Eye Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Nose Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Inner Ear Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Pawpad Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Claw Color(s):[/b]
◘ [b]Tongue Color(s):[/b]

◘ [b]Edits:[/b] (If applicable! Be sure to remember that each edit will bring its own expense!) ((**Please provide references**))
◘ [b]WIP desired?:[/b] (Do you want us to send a wip first?)
◘ [b]Refs:[/b] [/size]

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The Gidget Gazette was once Sawney City’s most prominent newspaper. Even during the unspoken, factory workers would pause to wipe a greasy glove against their foreheads and reach for the glossy print. It was one of the few distractions these laborers had from the turmoil of a hard life designing planes, bombs, whatever each individual’s craft may have been. Even while seemingly living a dull, colorless life and working for a faceless authority, they found pleasure at the end of the day finally returning home to a sloppy, drooling smile and a wag of the tail, or a soft purr and a friendly meow. And despite it all, they were happy.

But then the war ended. Sawney City, a town of deadly craftsmanship and forbidden goods fell into a depression. Inhabitants were forced onto the streets, beggars begging beggars. Slowly, ever so slowly, the Gidget Gazette ceased to arrive half-ripped and lightly dampened into the hands of the grateful owner. The poor packed up their bags, traveled by foot in the mud, dirty. The presses stopped. They never said goodbye.

Destruction hit after the humans left. The earth shook. Fires ravaged the city. The less hardy of the buildings came crumbling down. Finally, after fifteen years of abandonment, the ashes have cleared. Nature has taken its toll on the old houses and mines, vines wrapping around old bedposts. A historic landmark, Sawney City would be an attraction for history-buffs, if not for the generations of canines and felines left behind, littering the bustling junkyard city that had once belonged to civilization.

Dogs, cats, and critters of all kinds wander to this place, to this grungy oasis from the evils of mankind. But some wonder: what if men had only had the chance to say goodbye? Are they really so awful, these two-legged beings? And moreover, do these newcomer, looky-loo animals belong with the old and wise, who have for generations known only smoky skies and the sound of grating metal?

It is an average day. Noon. And then, the cackle of the man in the forbidden building breaks the giddy melody of the day. Some call him a scientist, others just call him mad. None would call this an extraordinary occurrence, but for one thing. An old type-writer chirps to life beneath shaky fingers.

The next day we would all peer curiously before copies of the Gidget Gazette, placed before each dilapidated house in the dead of night.

It would read: "I’m back."

But today, the birds chirp.

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Name | Gender | Owner | Species | Stage

Generation One


Lysander | DarkHeartedSorrows | Male | Adult
Joselyn | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Ermina | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Split-Take | Kiwi Squirt Bottle | Female | Adult
Ives | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Evalina | Midnightangel2473 | Female | Adult
Liliwin | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Aureus | Yami no Sakura | Male | Adult
Telhamat | Graceangel | Female | Adult
Meerca | Sailormoon | Male | Adult
Max | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Neuro | Lady Kitania | Male | Adult
Carmine | Lady Kitania | Female | Adult
Sitara | henry_kunz | Female | Adult
Daalny | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Moonpie v2 | Ktns | Female | Adult
Tutilo | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Lillia | milly17 | Female | Adult
Wark | Twitchapher the 3rd | Male | Adult
Azizi | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Phantasm | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Phantom | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult


Cortana | DarkHeartedSorrows | Female | Adult
Sage | Spottedleef | Male | Adult
Richildis | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Moto'Ubele | fuKurohane | Female | Adult
Takeo | Seffia the Zombie | Male | Adult
Chlie | Saint Sergio | Female | Adult
Ran | Graceangel | Female | Adult
Strudel | tweentigercub | Male | Adult
Beaumont | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Cadbury | Freaksrus | Male | Adult
Xurox | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Golden Finch | Twitchaper the 3rd | Female | Adult
Teirtu | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Tokaka | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult


Duchess | Marquise A | Female | Adult
Ailoth | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Billie | Graceangel | Female | Adult
Uaothne | LadyFireFox89 | Female | Adult
Inen | Caustic 0_0 | Male | Adult
Squeak | Mia Lovasz | Male | Adult
Cesar | mill17 | Male | Adult
Rain Call | Twitchaper the 3rd | Female | Adult
Peach | Lillypuff | Male | Adult
Morris | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Flash | kotaline | Male | Adult


Momorio | Dbz20120 | Male | Adult
Sulien | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Sacha Belle | Froggie Doll | Female | Adult
Max | Alice Mckenzie | Male | Adult
Cassale | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Rani | Renshu Li | Female | Adult
Duchess | Lady Kitania | Female | Adult
Moonpie | Lillypuff | Female | Adult
Anushka | CitrusCupcake | Female | Adult
Jeffery | tweentigercub | Male | Adult
Candra | Mia Lovasz | Female | Adult
Arc | Twitchaper the 3rd | Female | Adult
Mocha | Twitchapher the 3rd | Female | Adult
Peggie | milly17 | Female | Adult
Chandra | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Soyala | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult

Generation Two

Melangell | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Lola | Ovarian Paint | Female | Adult
Jolie | Conrad the Mighty | Female | Adult
Mikael | Freaksrus | Male | Adult
Zaffre | noxilicious | Female | Adult
Couronne | Lady Kitania | Female | Adult
Riven | Xe-mu-na-su | Male | Adult
Nissan | milly17 | Male | Adult


Geza | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Zara | Rhyleigh | Male | Teen
Tauros | Rhyleigh | Male | Teen
Bella | Twitchapher the 3rd | Female | Teen


Anouk | Conrad the Mighty | Female | Teen
Rosebelle | henry_kunz | Female | Teen
Blueberry Pie | Lillypuff | Female | Teen


Eclipse | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Amitola | Rhyleigh | Female | Teen

Generation Three


Azirys | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Merin | Freaksrus | Male | Adult


Jem | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult



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Name | Owner | Gender| Species | Stage

Generation One

Australian Shepard's

Notch | Kamileunaire | Male | Aussie | Adult
Milla | CirtusCupcake | Female | Aussie | Adult
Acheron | Manifest Doom | Male | Aussie | Adult
Addonexus | Little Yellow Jacket | Male | Aussie | Teen
Thomas | Regord | Male | Aussie | Adult
Regalis | Eloquent Noir | Female | Aussie | Adult
Yetil | Cheyriddle4 | Female | Aussie | Adult
Oreos | Oreo Dreamer | Male | Adult
Maximus | Little Yellow Jacket | Male | Adult
Aussie | milly17 | Male | Adult
Fluffy | Revel1984 | Male | Adult
Kaakje | Kaitaia | Male | Adult
Ferris | Saint Sergio | Male | Adult
Snowfoot | Owlsomniac | Male | Teen
Fergus | Archaeological | Male | Adult

Jack Russel's

Heru | DarkHeartedSorrows | Male | Adult
Cork | Riffler | Male | Adult
Stewart | Magical Cyanide | Male | Adult
Braith | Zasshurou | Female | Adult
Rueben | Giggling Tomatoes | Male | Adult
Lykken | Cashmeresky | Male | Adult
Nimbus | Conrad the Mighty | Male | Adult
Bernie | milly17 | Male | Teen
Dillynn | Conrad the Mighty | Female | Adult
AppleJack | Kaitaia | Female | Adult
Venelope | Ovarian Paint | Female | Adult
Suki | Ovarian Paint | Female | Adult
Feather | Noxilicious | Female | Adult
Napa | Gunsniper | Male | Adult
Autumnal | ~Twilight...Angel~ | Male | Adult
Cubone | ShadowsCursed | Female | Adult
Gus | Hot Jackalope | Male | Adult
Thunder | Brosephiine | Male | Adult
Benji | Brosphiine | Male | Adult
Valerian | Conrad the Mighty | Female | Adult
Kaine | Mia Lovesz | Male | Adult


Athina | Yin-Bug | Female | Adult
Carmella | Graceangel | Female | Adult
Avice | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Bloo | Giggling Tomatoes | Male | Adult
Camden | Graceangel | Male | Adult
Coco | Light Atago | Female | Adult
Faryc | Shyanimegrl | Male | Adult
Musique | Lady Kitania | Female | Adult
Jazivera | Mia Lovasz | Female | Adult
Kanto | noxilicious | Male | Adult
Magnes | shyanimegirl | Female | Adult
Zia | Mia Lovasz | Female | Adult
Growlithe | Light Atago | Female | Adult


Selly | Dbz2010 | Female | Adult
Travis | xKOVAKtheWOLFx | Male | Adult
Jackston | Spottedleef | Male | Adult
Eleuthir | Zasshurou | Male | Adult
Andromeda | Quicktalon92 | Female | Adult
Duke | Lady Kitania | Male | Adult


Avenue | Alex Mckenzie | Male | Adult
Gunner | DarkHeartedSorrows | Male | Adult
Sancia | .angelic.demonic. | Female | Adult
Canyon Calorodo | Duke Edward Drake | Male | Adult
Buffalo | Manifest Doom | Male | Adult
Ayita | Cheyridddle4 | Female | Adult
Stellafey | Lillypuff | Female | Adult
Mixa | Freaksrus | Male | Adult
Atum | Twitchapher the 3rd | Male | Adult
Taran | Kaitaia | Male | Adult
Ra | Conrad the Mighty | Male | Adult
Malakai | Conrad the Mighty | Male | Adult
Barry | GoGoats | Male | Adult


Volo | Kamileunaire | Male | Adult
Eluid | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult

Cocker Spaniel's

Armada | DarkHeartedSorrows | Male | Adult
Tier | Ekkie | Female | Adult
Feifer | Kamileunaire | Male | Adult
Desi | Riffler | Male | Adult
Badger | Riffler | Female | Adult
Falicia | Lady Kitania | Female | Adult
Kimora | jackie153 | Female | Adult
Chaz | Mia Lovasz | Male | Adult
Watermelon | tweentigercub | Female | Adult
Rosalba | Trigunkittie | Female | Teen
Lady | henry_kunz | Female | Adult
Vesper | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Baozhai | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Midge | GoGoats | Female | Adult
Adelmo | Milly17 | Male | Adult
Poke | Magical Cyanide | Male | Adult


Santos | DarkHeartedSorrows | Male | Adult
Deacon | Kamileunaire | Male | Adult
Niketas | Zasshorou | Female | Adult
Alba | Yin-Bug | Female | Adult
Jonah | Kaitaia | Male | Adult
Toria | Noxilicious | Female | Adult
Apollo | AnhikaJeanine | Male | Adult
Alley | milly17 | Male | Adult
Nyx | noxilicious | Female | Adult
Midnight | Twitchapher the 3rd | Female | Adult
Zinerva | Twitchapher the 3rd | Female | Adult
Lazlo | noxilicious | Male | Adult
Danai | noxilicious | Female | Adult
Jack | Lightning Shadow X | Male | Adult
Rue | Kitomyx | Female | Adult
Lola | Saint Sergio | Female | Adult


Janin | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Allegro | Light Atago | Female | Adult
A.J | Manifest Doom | Male | Adult
Eclipse | Light Atago | Female | Adult
Basil | [Eskimo] | Male | Teen
Aquila | Light Atago | Female | Adult
Louie | Milly17 | Male | Adult
Will | Oreo Dreamer | Male | Adult
Hiamovi | Henry_kunz | Male | Adult
Ze'ev | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Zeke | Light Atago | Male | Adult

Generation Two

Australian Shepard's

Paprika | Mia Lovasz | Female | Adult
Lily Belle | Little Yellow Jacket | Female | Adult
Buddy | henry_kunz | Male | Adult
Hailen | Conrad the Mighty | Male | Adult
Piper | Thalion | Female | Adult
Driftwood | Little Yellow Jacket | Male | Aussie | Adult
Traenen | Lady Kitania | Male | Adult
Mousse | Depawsit | Male | Adult
Domino | Conrad the Mighty | Female | Adult
Dunedain | Tani duh! | Male | Adult

Jack Russel's

Avery | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Midnight | Rosencranz | Female | Adult
Jarl | Db2010 | Male | Adult
Truffles | Djiin | Female | Adult
Nerva | [x~Ripple~x] | Female | Adult
Lorcan | GoGoats | Male | Adult


Fawn | Magical Cyanide | Female | Adult
Rolo | Khit Khat | Male | Adult
Sunny | Midnightglow18 | Male | Adult


Twixel | Conrad the Mighty | Female | Adult


Cocker Spaniel's

Marielle | Lillypuff | Female | Adult
Riko | Revel1984 | Male | Adult
Kessiel | Mia Lovasz | Male | Adult
Cynric | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Brutus | Andranis | Male | Adult
Cavalloni | Ovarian Paint | Male | Adult
| Mia Lovasz | Male | Adult
Ciel | Rhyleigh | Female | Adult
Pisces | Conrad the Mighty | Male | Adult
Bahia | Noxilicious | Male | Adult


Jaegar | Khit khat | Male | Adult
Milan | Gene Wilder | Female | Adult
Tango | noxilicious | Female | Adult
Smudge | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult
Bane | Ovarian Paint | Male | Adult
Cain | Conrad the Mighty | Male | Adult
Azel | Lillypuff | Male | Adult
Coburn | Gene Wilder | Male | Adult


Jehan | Rhyleigh | Male | Adult

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The following pets were colored by Lillypuff:
Brutus, Driftwood, Cavalloni, Traenan, Piper, Thunder, Anouk, Melangell, Lola, Elin and Ihtel.
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Owner Little Yellow Jacket
Co-owner Lady Kitania

Certist Hot Jackalope
Event Manager Rhyleigh
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